Category Archives: Uncategorized

Cow Tax Blowin’ in the Wind

Thune, Schumer Introduce “Cow Tax” Prevention Bill

Interesting situation.

First, it’s totally stupid that this even needs to be dealt with, but it shows that some of the ‘crats of EPA need to find a real job. Proposing taxes (oh, yeah – “fees”…right) on livestock produced gas? What would be next, regulating Jay Bush’s product line (of canned beans) to reduce potential “pollution”? But I digress.

Hopefully this will go through without much problem…it’s starting off with that rarest of birds…real bipartisan sponsorship, with Sen. Thune and Sen. Schumer (Donk – NY) getting the ball rolling. The Chief can’t imagine much Donk support for this coming out of states like Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, North Dakota, or even Minnesota (well, then again, if Franken takes the seat…).

U.S. Senators John Thune and Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) today introduced a bill (S.527) that will once and for all prevent the government from imposing an onerous “cow tax” on farmers across the country. Late last year, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) discussed regulating greenhouse gases in its Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking under the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Act, which could include requiring farmers to purchase expensive permits. Although the EPA did not propose moving forward with the permits, Thune and Schumer are taking preventive action to protect America’s farmers. The “tax” would cost South Dakota farmers an estimated $367 million — or $175 per dairy cow, $87.50 per beef cow, and $20 per hog — fees that could put already struggling family farms on the brink of closure.

It’s highly unusual for the Chief to agree, and to grant some kudos to Sen. Schumer…IMHO he’s such a moonbat on so many issues…but in this case he is on the side of reason:

“Times are hard for families across New York State, and they are particularly hard for our farmers. The idea of a imposing a cow tax on our farmers and adding one more crushing burden is absurd,” Schumer said. “This bill will put an end to this inane `cow tax’ once and for all.”

“Inane”…yeah, that’s about right…

Below is the text of a letter from the American Farm Bureau Federation to Senator Thune and Senator Schumer supporting this legislation:
Continue reading

Human Rights? What’s That?

Activists ‘shocked’ at Clinton stance on China rights

Amnesty International and a pro-Tibet group voiced shock Friday after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton vowed not to let human rights concerns hinder cooperation with China.

Paying her first visit to Asia as the top US diplomat, Clinton said the United States would continue to press China on long-standing US concerns over human rights such as its rule over Tibet.

“But our pressing on those issues can’t interfere on the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis and the security crisis,” Clinton told reporters in Seoul just before leaving for Beijing.

An old American tradition: money trumps blood.

For a notable previous example of this kind of economic realpolitik, Google “Loral” and “Clinton Administration”.

Salary Salvage in the Dump, etc.

A few observations on the proceedings of our legislature:

Some Lawmakers Want ‘Salary Salvage’ Scrapped

Salary salvage: don’t fill job positions so the money can be spent elsewhere.

Sort of a way of doing an end run around what the legislature has actually voted to spend money on.

Not a good practice. This deserves to be dumped.

Senate approves change in school aid

Under this scheme, when state revenues are down, school aid will be down. When revenues are up, the aid will likewise go up. A big problem is that when state revenues are down, school expenses stay the same, regardless, something’s got to go.

As happened recently with Gettysburg, Rutland, and elsewhere, sometimes it’s teachers…who leave behind the same number of students to be taught, with a smaller faculty to carry on and do the job as best they can.

Another very real possibility is that later on, legislators may change the formula again if someone starts squawking that schools will get too much of an increase when the economy DOES finally start improving again.

No solution is perfect…maybe this one will ultimately help. Time will tell.

Misc. Ed. Bill Hearings Postponed

Hearings were scheduled for Wednesday on HB1234, the latest iteration of a Small Schools Kill Bill, HB1293 requiring school administrative consolidation (a defacto educational bureaucracy implementation act, and HB1198 allowing schools to charge activity fees for extracurriculars.

The Chief knows of a number of groups of concerned South Dakotans who had arranged their lives to be able to attend and offer comments to their Solons at work, but it seems said Solons decided not to cover those issues at that time…so those concerned could either rearrange their situation to go to Pierre on Friday, or forget the whole idea.

Perhaps I’m too cynical any more, but it does seem like a handy way to dodge slings, arrows, and mudballs from pesky constituents concerning these issues.

HB1254 and HB1293 both force centralization, and move things farther away from direct local control. HB1198? A mixed bag at best, which given the direction of things at Pierre, would eventually be used as a bludgeon to push for school aid cuts to districts who were unwilling to charge fees…thereby using other funds to support what the local communities felt was a positive (even if extracurricular) part of their school program.

Committee Sends Smoking Ban To SD House Floor

As a matter of principle relating to property rights, the Chief opposes this sort of thing in general.

If someone wants to have a smoking environment on their property, so be it. If you don’t like the smoke, take your custom elsewhere. This is NOT hard to figure out.

By the way, I do not smoke or use any tobacco products, and I do not especially like 2nd hand smoke, but property rights SHOULD BE property rights, irrespective of the irresistable urge of legislators to play nanny.

Glowbull Warming News

James Hansen’s Former NASA Supervisor Declares Himself a Skeptic

AlGor’s climate guru takes a swat.

(Meanwhile, AlGor has made one of his famous climate change lectures in the middle of a major snow storm. This has happened before, repeatedly!)

NASA warming scientist James Hansen, one of former Vice President Al Gore’s closest allies in the promotion of man-made global warming fears, is being publicly rebuked by his former supervisor at NASA.

Retired senior NASA atmospheric scientist Dr. John S. Theon, the former supervisor of James Hansen, NASA’s vocal man-made global warming fears soothsayer, has now publicly declared himself a skeptic and declared that Hansen “embarrassed NASA” with his alarming climate claims and said Hansen was “was never muzzled.” Theon joins the rapidly growing ranks of international scientists abandoning the promotion of anthropogenic global warming fears.

Reid to Repeat Daschle Example?

Sen. Reid Hits the Ground Running in Uphill Re-Election Bid

We in South Dakota demonstrated what can happen when a LibDonk Senate Majority Leader gets so involved in national politicizing that he loses touch with what the home state voters think is really relevant to them; which in OUR case resulted in the end of the Senatorial career of ex-Senator/now B.O. cabinet designee Tom Daschle.

Now may be Nevada’s chance to repeat the process:

Sen. Harry Reid will command the biggest party majority of any Senate leader in a quarter century when the new Congress convenes in January. But the Nevada Democrat is already worried about his own re-election fight in 2010.

Sen. Reid, perhaps the most-vulnerable Democrat who will face re-election in a midterm race that is likely to favor his party once again, began interviewing campaign managers last week. The Senate majority leader also recently stepped up fund-raising.

Will Nevada repeat the phenomenon of a sitting Majority Leader being voted out? One can only hope!

Animalistic Wierdities

For some reason, these wierd animal items all all popped up at ppretty much the same time.
At least this gives a lot of grist for the mill of the “Crypto-news” department of the late-night talk show COAST-TO-COAST AM.

Yeti ‘photo-fit’ shows ‘potentially explosive’ evidence of elusive mountain beast

Yeti ‘photo-fit’ shows ‘potentially explosive’ evidence of elusive mountain beast

Wildlife painter Polyanna Pickering was shown what is believed to be a 100-year-old yeti scalp at a remote monastery in the Himalayas. At least one expert believe it could be the most important proof yet that the giant apelike beast is more than mere folklore.


Ms Pickering was gathering material for a new exhibition in the remote Bhutan region of the Himalayas when she made her chance discovery

Next, from the Jersey shore:

Montauk Monster: Mystery animal corpse becomes web sensation

A fearsome sea monster that has trawled the depths of the oceans without discovery for millennia, or just a dead dog?


Not much comment. Read the story…the Chief inclines towards a decaying dog hypothesis.

Ever wonder who collects the “data” for those studies on bovine digestive gas emissions cow farts that the envirowackos are talking about taxing?
This picture from the London Telegraph is worth 1000 words…or something else, like a scientific grant renewal.


There are possible early reports of gay activists and P.E.T.A. issuing conflicting opinions as to whether  or not this constitutes animal cruelty, or an acceptable lifestyle choice.  Any further word on this will be watched for.

The Chief is sure you will agree that this story has a somewhat different shading:

Purple squirrel baffles experts

A purple squirrel which appeared at a school has baffled experts who are unable to explain its colour.
Teachers and pupils at Meoncross School in Stubbington, Hants, were amazed when they saw the creature through the window during a lesson.

Since the squirrel, now nicknamed Pete, was first seen, it has become a regular fixture at the school but no one has been able to say whether the animal has fallen into purple paint, had a run-in with some purple dye, or whether there is another explanation.


No, really! ThisIS  a real news story!

B.O.’s Changes Listed…Keep Score?!

A Checklist Of Obama’s Many Promises

Few presidential candidates have made more specific promises to American voters than Barack Obama. They came so fast and furious in the latter part of the campaign, you’d be excused for not keeping up. So as a public service, we’ve put together a handy checklist of some of the biggest Obama promises — culled from his “Blueprint for Change,” his campaign speeches and advertisements. Clip it. Save it. And see how he did in four years.

LIST FOLLOWS: Continue reading

B.O.’s Trick or Treat…or else.

A vote against B.O.

What to say?

Either B.O. is
(a) A totally phoney Chicago machine creature who will do the bidding of his libDonk party masters & their special interest allies, or
(b) A virtual neo-Bolshevik, using democratic means to reach the reins of power to implement “change” in an unashamedly socialist direction.

It could be debated which is worse. Wait…it COULD be even worse yet: he could be both (a) and (b) at the same time! The political perfect storm of the worst of all worlds!

Now there’s a scary thought!

Gorby Outs Himself as Believer

Mikhail Gorbachev admits he is a Christian

Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Communist leader of the Soviet Union, has acknowledged his Christian faith for the first time, paying a surprise visit to pray at the tomb of St Francis of Assisi. Accompanied by his daughter Irina, Mr Gorbachev spent half an hour on his knees in silent prayer at the tomb.

This is definitely grist for the historical/biographical mill.

Mr Gorbachev’s surprise visit confirmed decades of rumours that, although he was forced to publicly pronounce himself an atheist, he was in fact a Christian, and casts a meeting with Pope John Paul II in 1989 in a new light.

Mr Gorbachev, 77, was baptised into the Russian Orthodox Church and his parents were Christians. In addition, the parents of his wife Raisa were deeply religious and were killed during the Second World War for having religious icons in their home.

Ronald Reagan, the former United States president, allegedly told his close aides on a number of occasions that he felt his opponent during the Cold War was a “closet believer”.



Access account with Wildblue has been hung up for a week or so…may be for another week yet.

Blogging has been in hiatus, and may continue to be sporadic at best until everything gets sorted out.

Thanks for your patience, please check back.

Chief’s Hypothesis: Possible Alien Connection?

‘Frog from Hell’ that ate baby dinosaurs

A squat beachball sized toad dubbed ‘the frog from Hell’ has been found in Madagascar, where it it once may have snacked on baby dinosaurs and other small animals. The 70 million year-old fossil frog is likened by researchers to a “slightly squashed beach-ball” and has been nicknamed Beelzebufo.

OK you might say…just another weird fossil critter. One can only be glad that these guys aren’t still running (hopping?) around.

But then the artist’s rendition of the appearance started a whole new line of thought:


Anyone else notice the clear familial resemblance to Jabba the Hutt?

Clean up our act, or more inflation? Inflation wins!

Bank of England and Fed act to ease crisis

The Bank of England this afternoon announced it is clubbing together with its fellow central banks to conduct a major rescue operation for the world’s stricken money markets. In an unprecedented move, the Bank said it and the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Canada, the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank were taking measures to “address elevated pressures in short-term funding markets.”

It comes amid growing concern for the fate of the money markets and stock markets in London and New York, after interest rate cuts by the Fed and the Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee failed to improve the increasingly negative mood

Heaven fordid that BANKERS should have to lose any money!


Romney for President

After getting the nod from the American Conservative Union’s David Keene last week, National Review signs onto the Romney candidacy, signaling his acceptance by what is arguably the heart of the conservative establishment.


Many conservatives are finding it difficult to pick a presidential candidate. Each of the men running for the Republican nomination has strengths, and none has everything — all the traits, all the positions — we are looking for. Equally conservative analysts can reach, and have reached, different judgments in this matter. There are fine conservatives supporting each of these Republicans.

Our guiding principle has always been to select the most conservative viable candidate. In our judgment, that candidate is Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts

The endorsement goes on with NR’s literate style to go into more detail – stuff not really new to the Chief – but IMHO welcome to see, especially considering the quality of the source.

They conclude:

More than the other primary candidates, Romney has President Bush’s virtues and avoids his flaws. His moral positions, and his instincts on taxes and foreign policy, are the same. But he is less inclined to federal activism, less tolerant of overspending, better able to defend conservative positions in debate, and more likely to demand performance from his subordinates. A winning combination, by our lights. In this most fluid and unpredictable Republican field, we vote for Mitt Romney.

The Chief concurs.

Naval difficulties, if not worse:

The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced

When the U.S. Navy deploys a battle fleet on exercises, it takes the security of its aircraft carriers very seriously indeed. At least a dozen warships provide a physical guard while the technical wizardry of the world’s only military superpower offers an invisible shield to detect and deter any intruders. That is the theory. Or, rather, was the theory.

Uninvited guest: A Chinese Song Class submarine, like the one that surfaced by the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk

American military chiefs have been left dumbstruck by an undetected Chinese submarine popping up at the heart of a recent Pacific exercise and close to the vast U.S.S. Kitty Hawk – a 1,000ft supercarrier with 4,500 personnel on board. By the time it surfaced the 160ft Song Class diesel-electric attack submarine is understood to have sailed within viable range for launching torpedoes or missiles at the carrier.

Several thoughts occur to the Chief, as an old Destroyer sailor:

Firstly, the Chief can full well imagine the “Holy sh_t” reaction of the carrier group at the appearance of the Chicom’s “People’s Liberation Army Navy” under the reported circumstances.

It is admittedly not a trivial task to detect a quiet submarine. Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), certainly uses a lot of science in its efforts, but given the variables of sea conditions, temperature layers, currents, etc., success at times is as much a matter of successful art as it is of successful science.

Having said that, the Chief hopes that the Admirals allegedly leading the fleet these days get ulcers to help them realize the fecklessness of their policies that draw down the fleet while the Chicoms build up towards their planned Reaganesque 600 ship Navy. (How’s THAT: the Communists copy the Gipper’s policy, while we move ever more firmly into the realm of Chamberlain’s appeasement.)

The Chief fears that the position of the Carrier these days is starting to look like that of the Battleships in 1914. Nothing more powerful afloat, but such a major investment, that fear of losses dominated their use, or non-use.

The result of the first Naval arms race with the Brits and Kaiser Bill’s Kriegsmarine was the interesting but less than decisive Battle of Jutland. The ChiComs are making the point to us, that if we bring in the flat-tops to…let us imagine…defend Taiwan against forcible reunification with the mainland…that these marvels of naval technology, each with 4500-5500 US sailors aboard could be subject to destruction by a modern version of WW-II German technology in the form of the diesel-electric U-boat.  (And wouldn’t THAT be grist for the political mills inside the beltway, to say nothing of the popular reaction.)

What makes things even worse, and the fecklessness of the Admirals even more evident (as if it were possible) is their penchant for inviting their ChiCom counterparts to come visit and learn how we operate, and see our strategy, tactics, and weapons at work (in exercise mode), all of which would certainly be of help to them in a possible (or probable?) future war.

The whole mess just leaves the Chief with a sick sensation in the pit of the stomach. God help the USA – ’cause our so-called leaders are badly botching their responsabilities.

Once a KGB…Always a KGB?

New death plot chills relations with Putin

Reported from the Times of London:

The murder of a second Russian dissident on British soil was averted last month when police and intelligence agencies intercepted a suspected killer in London, it was confirmed last night.

In a move likely to damage already strained relations between Britain and Russia, Scotland Yard said that officers arrested a man on suspicion of conspiracy to murder on June 21 and held him for two days. He was later handed over to the immigration service and deported back to Russia.

Stuff like this always makes the Chief recall that Putin was the last head of the old Soviet KGB. Just as a refresher – the KGB was the Soviet analog of the Nazi Gestapo. Imagine a Martin Bormann or a Heinrich Himmler as head of government of a major power.

Let yourself just imagine the type of “apprenticeship” experiences and the types of “ticket punching” required for someone to (virtually) claw their way through the apparatchik nomenklatura of the USSR to become head of the KGB.

Trust me on this…it doesn’t make a pretty picture. If you DON’T trust me on this, fine – go read Solzhenitsyn’s GULAG Archipelago. for some of the (literally) gory details.

Keeping this in mind, who then could be surprised by by this case, or the earlier case of Litvenenko (killed by radioactive poisoning), or the reporters regularly assassinated in Russia.

Biblical Archeology Finds Specific O.T. Character

Tiny tablet provides proof for Old Testament

What’s really proven here? Very specific but relatively trivial Old Testament detail has archeological proof.

The sound of unbridled joy seldom breaks the quiet of the British Museum’s great Arched Room, which holds its collection of 130,000 Assyrian cuneiform tablets, dating back 5,000 years.

A fragment of cuneiform – Tiny tablet provides proof for Old Testament
This fragment is a receipt for payment made by a figure in the Old Testament

But Michael Jursa, a visiting professor from Vienna, let out such a cry last Thursday. He had made what has been called the most important find in Biblical archaeology for 100 years, a discovery that supports the view that the historical books of the Old Testament are based on fact.

Searching for Babylonian financial accounts among the tablets, Prof Jursa suddenly came across a name he half remembered – Nabu-sharrussu-ukin, described there in a hand 2,500 years old, as “the chief eunuch” of Nebuchadnezzar II, king of Babylon.

Prof Jursa, an Assyriologist, checked the Old Testament and there in chapter 39 of the Book of Jeremiah, he found, spelled differently, the same name – Nebo-Sarsekim. Nebo-Sarsekim, according to Jeremiah, was Nebuchadnezzar II’s “chief officer” and was with him at the siege of Jerusalem in 587 BC, when the Babylonians overran the city.

ChiComs’ Sure Cure for Official Corruption

China executes former food, drug chief

Now THIS is one idea that we might profitably adopt from the ChiComs.

China executed the former head of its food and drug watchdog today for approving untested medicine in exchange for cash, the strongest signal yet from Beijing that it is serious about tackling its product safety crisis.

They know that they have had problems with this issue, and this is application of “The buck stops here.” literally with a vengeance.

Not so bon appetít

China shuts 180 food factories for using illegal chemicals

Yummie? NOT!

China has closed 180 food factories after inspectors found industrial chemicals being used in products from candy to seafood, state media said Wednesday. The closures came amid a nationwide crackdown on shoddy and dangerous products launched in December that also uncovered use of recycled or expired food, the China Daily said.

Formaldehyde, illegal dyes, and industrial wax were found being used to make candy, pickles, crackers and seafood, it said, citing Han Yi, an official with the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, which is responsible for food safety. “These are not isolated cases,” Han, director of the administration’s quality control and inspection department, was quoted as saying.

As if we needed any more reasons to READ THE LABELS, and avoid supporting the ChiCom anti-US militarization by improving their trade balance at out expense.

North American Union on the Road Again

NAFTA super-highway:
Governments never lie, they just don’t tell the truth

“There is absolutely no U.S. government plan for a NAFTA Superhighway of any sort,” says David Bohigian, an assistant secretary of commerce, in reply to a reporter’s question. The article also quotes Senator Kit Bonds as saying that the notion of a NAFTA super-highway is based on “unfounded theories,” with “no credence.”

Sounds solid, right? Guess again!

If these two gentlemen are correct, it will come as a great surprise to the North America’s SuperCorridor Coalition; the Texas Department of Transportation; the City of Fort Worth, and nearly two-dozen other major sponsors of a national conference: “Moving North America Forward,” on “SuperCorridors” they promote. The conference, May 30 – June 1, is designed to move the SuperCorridors projects forward.

Of course, these two gentlemen are not correct. NASCO boasts that it received millions in grants from the federal government. And TexDOT has been notified that its federal highway funding is in jeopardy if the state legislature’s two-year moratorium on toll-road construction is not overturned. The federal government is definitely involved in the creation of NAFTA SuperCorridors, but at an arms-length, sufficient to have “plausible deniability.”

The NAFTA SuperCorridors are but a part of the much broader agenda which seeks to create a North American Community. This goal is also denied by government officials – even while government employees from Mexico, Canada, and the U.S., meet daily in working groups to “harmonize” rules and regulations that will “integrate” the three nations.

Like we really want to have Mexican-style corruption, and Canuckian socialism imported here?

Keep your powder dry!

Power and Cruelty

…an interesting take on the Don Imus affair

Commentary on a David Brooks spiel from Meet the Press reported on Samizdata:

…shock-jock popularity is not about racism. It is about cruelty. Institutionalized culturally based cruelty. Indiscriminate cruelty for its own sake.

Brooks also points out that Imus was very heavily watched and listened to by the power elite. After an appearance on Imus’ show he, Brooks, received a remarkable amount of feedback from the power elite that make made up a disproportionate part of Imus’ audience. So now I ask, what does this say about the souls of those who demand the power and authority to be our masters? What does it mean that the powerful should be so enamoured of deliberate and systematic cruelty that they listen to it for entertainment?
(Emphasis added by the Chief)

What does it say indeed? Nothing very positive!

Something to think about as we move into the election season.

Hokies to MSM: “Get Out of Town & Go Home”

Student Government Asks Reporters to Leave by Monday

Virginia Tech students are showing more good judgment and sense than much of the media coverage of last week’s shooting, and have asked the MSM to pack up and get out of Dodge…well, Blacksburg.

You’ve seen the news coverage from Blacksburg, complete with prominent network anchors reporting from the scene. And now, the student government at Virginia Tech is asking for all of that to end. It’s calling on hundreds of reporters to leave campus by Monday morning, when students are supposed to return to classes. A spokeswoman for the student government says the campus appreciates the reporting on the story, but that students are ready to move forward.

Good for them!

Global Warming Still Not so Hot

There’s No Such Thing as a Perfect Temperature

Amazing for Newsweak Newsweek to have this…Richard Lindzen from M.I.T. ripping the Glowbull Warming claque again…based on (dare one sayit?) SCIENTIFIC REASONING! What a concept!

Looking back on the earth’s climate history, it’s apparent that there’s no such thing as an optimal temperature-a climate at which everything is just right. The current alarm rests on the false assumption not only that we live in a perfect world, temperaturewise, but also that our warming forecasts for the year 2040 are somehow more reliable than the weatherman’s forecast for next week.

Check it out.

The Constancy of Verbal Diarrhea

Rosie Rants On

Rosie O’Donnell is just about uninteresting any more, but sometimes is just so far out in left field that the Chief can’t resist an easy shot.

In this case, whe’s accused the US and UKof fomenting the Persian Gulf hostage taking to gain a casus belli with Iran. Uh, Rosie, we already HAVE that (if only we would use it!) in the Iranian manufacture of explosive devices & weapons exported to undermine Iraq, and the capture of Iranian officers and officials inside Irag training and aiding Islamoterrs inside Iraq.

Just to keep it up, and move into the realm of aluminum foil beanie-wearing, she alos recently jumped on the 9-11 conspiracy bandwagon, based on the usual assortment of lies, half-truths, and just dumb old ignorance of engineering. Watch her comments in the above link, and then check out this and this from Popular Mechanics, that thoroughly and clearly refutes the moonbat theorists. Sorry folks, reality’s capable of out-bitching Rosie, et al anytime.

Martian Global Warming

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says

Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet’s recent climate changes have a natural-and not a human- induced-cause, according to one scientist’s controversial theory.

This can only be controversial if your research grant “rice bowl” is being threatened by naturally induced climate change.

But wait! Couldn’t it be human caused on Mars also? What about all those Edgar Rice Burroughs’ books about John Carter of Mars? (Just wait until Algor gets reminded about that!)

Traitor at Kent State

Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard

This piece from Townhall describes what is described as openly traitorous writings by a Kent State Islamofascist professor. Having gone and personally examined his website of dubious ancestry, the Chief’s personal evaluation is that, yes, indeed, this qualifies as sedition and direct treason at the cost of Ohio’s taxe$ that pay this scumbag’s salary.

It’s really sort of breathtaking to see this sort of stuff…worth taking a look in the interest of knowing the enemy.

Rope. Professor. Tree. Some assembly required.