Here they go again: Donks & Argus’ schadenfreude turned lose!
BRAC List With Underlying Political Considerations?
The Argus-Loser is having fun tsk-tsking about the problems that the possible loss of EAFB will possibly cause Sen. John Thune.
“Being a loyal Republican apparently didn’t help Sen. John Thune of South Dakota as much as he’d hoped it would.”
It goes on in this coverage with this little bit:
During the campaign, Thune maintained that Daschle’s role as leader of President Bush’s opposition would be a liability in the base closure process. Daschle also used the issue in the heated campaign, claiming to have kept Ellsworth off the list during the last round of closures when Bill Clinton was president. “This is something I have tried to avoid for many years and something I was involved in stopping 10 years ago,” Daschle said in a telephone interview Friday.
Of the election that ended his 18-year Senate career, Daschle said, “South Dakota made its decision and I am at peace with it, but we now have to deal with the circumstances before us.”
The clear inference here is that if Daschle had been left in the Senate the BRAC hit on EAFB wouldn’t have happened this way. This interpretation, as pleasing as it is to Todd Epp and others of his ilk among the moonbat Donks, doesn’t hold much water given some often unstated (in the MSM: Argus et. al) facts in this whole process.
Firstly, Daschle, Johnson, and other Donks were enthusiastic cheerleaders and movers behing the initiation of the current round of BRAC. Daschle REPEATEDLY pushed for and voted for getting this process going. Once it was moving along smartly, the election started looming on the horizon, and he finally woke up and smelled the political coffee. He THEN made a couple of votes to try to stop the already moving BRAC juggernaut. Too little, too late, for anything except for providing some political cover.
The BRAC list was drafted and in the chute by last December. As in December 2004. Hmmmm. The Chief seems to recall something about John Thune becoming a Senator in January 2005 – a bit too late to try to head ’em off at the pass on listing EAFB.
The other 500 lb. gorilla in the parlor that is assiduously ignored by the Argus-Loser and the Donks, is the clear case that all of Sen. Tom’s much touted “clout” wouldn’t be worth a bucket of cold spit in getting the administration to reconsider anything concerning Ellsworth. I mean, really! Give me a break! Daschle schoozing Bush, Cheney, or Rumsfeld, and getting a favorable hearing? The thought staggers the imagination!
While the future of EAFB is certainly not anything to feel great optimism about at this point, if there is any chance to influence the administration attitude towards Ellsworth, it is by Sen. Thune more than anyone else.
Whether this will be enough to matter, time will tell. SD has some heavy negative inertia in this case. Politically, the current BRAC has 69% of the personnel losses impacting four under-populated states: South Dakota, Maine, Alaska, and North Dakota. Reason? Officially, military efficiency. Politically? Dare one be cynical enough to suggest that there are fewer votes there to worry about? The Chief would HOPE not, but he wouldn’t make any bets against it either.
Even more cynically, one COULD even note that the B-1 force moved out of Ellsworth would find its new digs at Dyess AFB – in Texas – the home turf of the Pres. himself. NAH – say it ain’t so! That would be a move worthy of Robert KKK Byrd, or that other old Texas pol, LBJ hisself – but surely NOT Dubya!? Why is it so hard for the Chief to stop thinking about this possibility?
A good digest of BRAC coverage here.