Category Archives: Uncategorized

Politicians: “I tax, therefore I am.”

eBay Nation and the Golden Goose

Let’s all have a rousing rendition of the old Beatles song TAXMAN!

Okay, not long ago I wrote a column noting that eBay was catching up to WalMart as America’s largest employer. I guess that was the kiss of death. At least, now I learn that North Dakota may require people who sell on eBay or other online “auction” sites to get an auctioneer’s license.

What a piece of crapola! Read the whole article. Even if it’s from the Alliance designated enemy Glenn, it’s well worth checking out, since experience teaches that any method one politician figurees out toe increase the take, will rapidly act like a virulent virus and spread to lots of others always on the lookout for an excuse to take a more of our money.

If North Dakota swallows this, it’s sure evidence that the weather up there has caused massive brain freeze in the state governmen up there.

Condi Fishing in Troubled Waters

‘The Great Game’ Returns

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice completed her visit to Central Asia and Afghanistan last week. This is a tough neighborhood, which plays a key role in the forthcoming global game between the West and the rest.

The U.S. has growing geopolitical competition in the region from Russia, China and the global Islamist movement. Ms. Rice is now playing the 21st Century version of the “Great Game” in which, 100 years ago, the British Empire and Czarist Russia competed over the heartland of Eurasia.

What a phrase can evoke – “The Great Game” – recalling the not always glorious days of Kipling and Victoria:

When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An’ go to your Gawd like a soldier.
Go, go, go like a soldier…So-oldier of the Queen!

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Cardinals Continue Playoff Series

Pujols’ monster shot forces another game

The Chief admits to being a long-time and unashamed Cardinals fan – listening to the Redbird games on KMOX at night when I was supposed to be sleeping, after getting a radio for my 8th birthday, A few years later it was walking a few blocks from home, hopping the Grand Avenue streetcar ($.25) to the OLD Busch Stadium (bleachers $2.75). Given that, how could I go for anyone else, eh?

St. L. Cards

Monday tonight’s game, with Albert Pujols stealing the win from the Astros with his3-run homer, with 2 outs + two strikes in the bottom of the 9th inning has to be one of the classic moments of the game. As a long time Cards fan, what a moment! I guess it ws a moment for the Astros of course, too, but with a somewhat different quality.

Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win, but the Houston tesm dancing in their dugout during the 9th inning re-learned a fundamental lesson – the game ain’t over until there’s 27 outs!

It’s not time to start tearing down Busch Stadium yet!

Iraq Progress

A couple of related items contribute to optimism:

Constitution headed for win in Iraq

Another factual refutation of the anti-war moonbat assertion that the efforts in Iraq are failing.

Never mind, they haven’t let details like facts trouble their minds before, so this probably won’t matter to them either.

13 VS.347

Here’s a good blog post from GOP Vixen noting 13 terr attacks during the Iraq constitution vote, combpared to 347 attacks during the first election over there. So what’s not progress about THIS?

A Voice of Sanity Out of Islam

Saudi Columnist: Jihadist Salafist Ideology is Like Nazism

The Chief has been harsh in the past in condemnation of various manifistations of Islamofascism, but it’s time to give some credit where credit is due.

MEMRI has a translation of Saudi columnist Muhammad bin ‘Abd Al-Latif Aal Al-Sheikh published in two articles in the Saudi daily Al-Jazirah. There’s nothing to disagree with from THIS Muhammed:

“In my opinion, the ideology of Al-Salafiyya Al-Jihadiyya is very similar to Nazism in terms of its causes and reasons. If the economic depression and the state of frustration that befell the world in 1930 were a cause for the spread of murderous Nazism, it may be said that the economic and cultural setback that has befallen the Arab and Muslim countries and the frustration suffered by Muslims today are also the primary cause for this murderous ideology [i.e., that of Al-Salafiyya Al-Jihadiyya].These [circumstances] allow it to surface and to find followers and supporters among the Muslims. In addition, both ideologies share hatred of the other and [the goal of] eliminating through his physical extermination – and they have many other common denominators as well.”

In a footnote it is noted that the designation Al-Salafiyya Al-Jihadiyya is a term used by Islamist terror groups to describe themselves as continuing in the footsteps of the early believers of the Prophet Muhammad’s generation, and as believing in the duty to wage a modern Jihad war against infidels.

So now you know who we’re dealing with.

al-Sheikh concludes:

“Therefore, I still believe that one of the primary missions of the international community today is to repeat its experience with Nazism and to deal with this dangerous barbarian culture exactly as it dealt with the Nazi culture. If this does not happen, the near future is liable to bring many [events], the consequences of which will be far more severe for all of humanity than [the consequences] of World War II.”


There is more historical analysis and comparison between the Nazi and Islamofascist movement also. Take a look – coming out of Saudi Arabia no less!

Recipe for Victory in Iraq (or anywhere else for that matter)

How to Win a War in Two Easy Steps

Emperor Misha has outdone himself here, with a semi-long, well-reasoned, and practically realistic commentary on resolving the Iraq front of the Jihadistani Islamofascist Terror War.

By way of background on what my perspective is coming from, the Chief teaches H.S. sciences, but is ALSO certified for Government, and History, and is a serious history buff – with a strong interest in (and some academic study of) military history.

Coming from that knowledge base, I have to say that Misha’s analysis and the historical perspectives cited are right on the mark. This post has a ****½ rating from the Chief out of *****, at least.

Take a look – it’s well worth the read!

From the Iranian Front of the Jihadistan Wars

Iranian militants in power stir fears

The rise of militants to power positions in Iran is raising new worries about Iranian military forces’ deploying new weapons that threaten oil supplies or future long-range nuclear or chemical missile strikes.

Military specialists say the Islamist regime in Tehran has not invested heavily in the past decade in new tanks, armored vehicles or warplanes, but instead focused defense spending on “asymmetric” warfare capabilities. These include Iran’s covert nuclear program and new Shahab-3 and older Scud missiles that could deliver nuclear, chemical and biological weapons hundreds of miles away.

So why would anyone be surprised by this? Islamofascist jihadi states will act like…Islamofascist jihadi states. That’s what they do.

Just like the Nazi plan was written in Mein Kampf, the ideological framework of the Islamofascist jihad is written in THEIR book – The Koran.

Tax Non-Reform Plan

Conservatives pan ideas of Bush tax-reform panel

The Bush-appointed tax reform bi-partisan commission is about to make it’s recommendations – and from all indications they are a giant step backwards.

Instead of moving towards a true reorganizational reform and simplificatin of the revenue system such as the “flat tax” or “fair taz”, the recommendations tinker around the edges of the system, and end up with de-facto tax cuts that would favor affluent blue-state professional and executive types, but hit the middle class literally where it lives by removing home deductions. There’s more to it than this, but nothing any better.

This also continues the enlightenment process to the truth that Dubya is far from being a conservative.

“If George Bush thinks he has problems with [Supreme Court nominee] Harriet Miers, wait until it dawns on people that his tax-reform panel is recommending a huge tax cut for rich people in blue states and a huge tax increase for middle-class folks in the red states,” said Larry Hunter, chief economist for the Free Enterprise Fund.

Sen. Jim DeMint, South Carolina Republican, called the proposals “a few Band-Aids on the current code. True tax reform requires the complete replacement of the IRS code with a new system that is simple, fair, and that promotes savings and investment.”

Hopefully this fiscal abortion will be dead on arrival.

GOP Leader Waking Up?

Frist to take on border bill first

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said yesterday that the Senate will tackle border security and interior immigration enforcement before turning to the broader question of immigration reforms and a guest-worker program. “It is a separate issue, but it’s one that people understand,” the Tennessee Republican said of border security. “It’s an immediate issue, it needs to be addressed more aggressively, we need to do that.”

This is only encouraging. While Frist doesn’t sound nearly as clear on the border issue as Cong. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) does, he’s apparently moving in a better direction – which is NOT what the administration really wants to see.

Netherlands Acts Against Incipient Dhimmitude

Dutch unveil the toughest face in Europe with a ban on the burka

The Netherlands is likely to become the first country in Europe to ban the burka, under government proposals that would bring in some of the toughest curbs on Muslim clothing in the world. The country’s hardline Integration Minister, Rita Verdonk, known as the Iron Lady for her series of tough anti-immigration measures, told Parliament that she was going to investigate where and when the burka should be banned.

Amazing! For years the Netherlands had one of the most warm fuzzy moonbat attitudes towards this stuff that could be found in Western Europe. A number of events involving Islamofascist terrorism has finally started to wake them up.

The US should be so lucky that the administration would get so concerned about our border and immigration problems!

Will Gaza Join Egypt?

Egypt taking charge of Palestinian Authority

According to this report, Egypt is calling the tune that the Palestinians are dancing to these days. Particularly interesting is the fact that Paleswinian Authority officials themselves are describing the virtual change of management.

One is tempted to think that this might be an improvement – it’s hard to imagine things getting worse – BUT, there are some negatives.

Egypt has had a strong element supporting and encouraging Islamofascist Jihadistan which is evident from the Egyptian government dominated press, radical academics and scowlers from al-Azhar University, to say nothing of being the birthplace and a stronghold of the militantly Islamofascist Muslim Brotherhood.

If the Chief was Israeli, he would DEFINITELY continue to keep the powder dry, and be sure to have plenty of it.

Send a Message on Miers Appointment

Petition for the Withdrawal of the Nomination of Harriet Miers to the U.S. Supreme Court

David Frum at National Review Online has a petition up calling for the withdrawel of Harriet Miers’ nomination for SCOTUS:

WE ARE REPUBLICANS AND CONSERVATIVES who supported the election of George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004. Today, we respectfully urge that the nomination of Harriet Miers to the United States Supreme Court be withdrawn.

The next justice of the Supreme Court should be a person of clear, consistent, and unashamed conservative judicial philosophy.

The next justice should be a person of unquestioned personal and political independence.

The next justice should be someone who has demonstrated a deep engagement in the constitutional issues that regularly come before the Supreme Court — and an appreciation of the originalist perspective on those issues.

The next justice should be a person of the highest standard of intellectual and legal excellence.

For all Harriet Miers’ many fine qualities and genuine achievements, we the undersigned believe that she is not that person. An attempt to push her nomination through the Senate will only split the Republican party, damage the Bush presidency, and cast doubts upon the Court itself.

Sometimes Americans elect Republican presidents, sometimes we elect Democratic presidents. Whatever the differences between the parties, surely we can at least agree on this: Each party owes America its best. There is a wide range of truly outstanding legal talents who share the president’s judicial philosophy. We believe that on second thought President Bush can do better — for conservatism, for the Supreme Court, for America.

If you are also underwhelmed by this appointment, go take a look at it and sign in to make your feelings known. It couldn’t hurt to at least reinforce the message to the Pres. and his staffers.

More Miers Information: Withdraw the Nomination!

More information on Miers – and it’s not anything that is reassuring at all.

There’s a lot of information on the SCOTUS confirmation on this site – it’s definitely worth checking out.

H/T for this one to Laura Ingraham’s site – which also has even more on the nomination.

Meanwhile, Ann Coulter also continues to be unimpressed with the Miers appointment in this post, and others.

There’s a lot of other stuff out there on the problems with the nomination, ranging from Rush, to National Review Online, to Savage.

Enough already! The Chief has learned enough – what’s needed at this point is a better appointment to the court. The short and long of it is that while Ms. Miers is an exemplary person in many ways – NOT for the SCOTUS. Best would be a new nomination, before Ms Miers and the President further embarrass themselves any further by pursuing this one.

Syria Moves to Avoid Possible Embarassment by UN Probe

Mystery as Syria’s hard man minister kills himself

The official inference here is that the Syrian Interior Minister, Ghazi Kanaan killed himself before he was tagged by a soon to be released UN report on the assassination of Lebanese former P.M. Rafik Hariri.

Syria’s government also now has “plausible deniability” – if something pointed to Syrian involvement in said assassination, it can all be pinned on the late Mr. Kanaan – who’s no longer in a positin to defend himself.

How convenient.

If you believe this was really a suicide, the Chief wants to talk to you about some prime beachfront property in Moody County, South Dakota. There’s a great opportunity for you to get in on the ground floor of this exciting new investment opportunity.

More Grist for the Trial Lawyers’ Mill

Slippery Teflon Charges Won’t Stick

Well, here’s yet another moonbat activist ambulance chasing lawyer outfit out for raiding deep pockets with no scientific basis for their claims of “damages”.

The radical Environmental Working Group has charged that the billions of meals worldwide prepared every day on Teflon cookware are being contaminated with “Teflon toxins,” and two Florida-based law firms have filed a $5 billion class-action suit in eight states against the manufacturer, DuPont, for “failing” to warn consumers about the product’s alleged dangers.

One can only hope that somehow reason prevails here for a change.

Second Brit Tornado

Birmingham Hit by 2nd Twister in Year!

This is very unusual. First of all – about 80% of the tornadoes in the world occur in North America (mostly in the US and Canada). MOST of the rest of them are in China. Euro-twisters are quite rare, and it’s even wierder for the same location to have two within a short period.

Here on the Northern Plains they are not that unusual, although of course they are not exactly welcomed, although they can give a good adrenaline rush when they do show up.

Circling the Wagons for the MSM?

Shield Law Sponsor: Bloggers ‘Probably Not’ Considered Journos

It looks like the establishment is doing what it does best, stick up for itself, and to hell with anyone or anything that rocks the boat.

The comment was made by Sen. Richard Lugar (RINO-IN):

Bloggers would “probably not” be considered journalists under the proposed federal shield law, the bill’s co-sponsor, U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar (R.-Ind.), told the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) Monday afternoon.

Lugar emphasized, however, that debate is not yet closed on how to define a journalist under the proposed law. “As to who is a reporter, this will be a subject of debate as this bill goes farther along,” he said in response to a question from Washington Post Deputy Managing Editor Milton Coleman. “Are bloggers journalists or some of the commercial businesses that you here would probably not consider real journalists? Probably not, but how do you determine who will be included in this bill?”

Sen. Loogie has shown that he should be in line for an unsparing application of a cluebat upside the head.

The story does go on to note the following:

A key reason some journalists oppose the popular federal shield proposal is fear that giving Congress the power to define who is and isn’t a journalist could lead effectively to the licensing of journalists.

THIS is the crux of the whole matter, right out on the table finally.
Can’t anybody remember that little detail about the First Amendment? Apparently not, judging from further remarks from Sen. Loogie:

Lugar acknowledged that the legislation could amount to a “privilege” for reporters over other Americans. “I think, very frankly, you can make a case that this is a special boon for reporters, and certainly for their role in freedom of the press,” he said. “At the end of the day what we will come out with says there is something privileged about being a reporter, and being able to report on something without being thrown into jail.”

YIKES! It is absolutely in-f’ing-credible that anyone in government, sworn to “uphold and defend” the Constitution of the United States could say something like this! Don’t look now folks, but we’re being set up for a legal/media aristocracy, protected in their position and place by force of self-imposed law.

Sen. Loogie went on to demonstrate that he has fully mastered the art of Orwellian “newspeak” with this mountain of hypocrisy:

The bill is necessary to help the United States regain its status as an “exemplar” of press freedom, Lugar told the IAPA. “Even as we are advocating for free press (abroad)… we’d better clean up our own act,” Lugar said.

It leaves me breathless with amazement! Protect presss freedom by preventing unauthorized/unofficial people from having the same freedom that the Recognized Established Reporters have???!!!! Come again?

Commentator Claire Wolfe stated that “America is at that awkward stage. It’s too late to work within the system, but too early to start shooting the bastards.” The Chief begins to wonder if in fact, the latter part of that statement is still operative.


Air Force Seeking Advanced Strike System

Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle:
Force Application and Launch from CONUS(FALCON)

The technology being assembled for this is somewhat mind-boggling: a hypersonic, autonomous (i.e. self-piloting), 9000 mi. strike range (in 2 hours!).


The demonstration common aero vehicle system will be able to fly 3,000 nautical miles in approximately 800 seconds and deliver a 1,000-pound penetrator munition. An enhanced version of this demonstration system will be able to fly 9,000 nautical miles in approximately 3,000 seconds. The common aero vehicle and its enhanced version will also be able to “turn” to hit targets up to 800 and 3,000 nautical miles, respectively, off a straight trajectory. For the most part, common aero vehicles require the same technologies as hypersonic cruise vehicles, but also need a more rigorous thermal protection system to prevent their payloads from melting at re-entry speeds as high as Mach 25. By comparison, the hypersonic cruise vehicle will return to its base at speeds of approximately Mach 3-4.

Kind of heartwarming to know that Yankee ingenuity is still at work!

Lion Season Ruling Stops Move Toward Californication of SD

GF&P rebuts lion season foe

The SD Dept. of Game, Fish, & Parks recently ruled against appeals from several envirowacko groups to stop the planned mountain lion hunting season. The Chief always wonders why groups like the CALIFORNIA Mountain Lion Foundation get exercised about South Dakota’s hunting season, and apparently so do some members of the GF&P Commission.

The loudest voice crying out against the state mountain lion season represents a hatred for hunting that is more suited to California than South Dakota, a state Game, Fish & Parks Department spokesman said Tuesday. George Vandel, assistant Wildlife Division director for GF&P in Pierre, said the California-based Mountain Lion Foundation, which sued unsuccessfully to stop the lion season, has attacked the season simply because the group opposes hunting. Vandel said the foundation failed in court and in its public statements to substantiate claims that the season was a threat to the overall lion population.

It’s always nice to see someone call a spade a spade.

USS Cole Attack Anniversary


USS Cole hole.jpg
pic from USN

Being a beached sailorman, the Chief was particularly struck by the attack on the USS Cole (DDG-67). Having served on an earlier version of that ship type (USS Sellers, DDG-11) I found it all too easy to relate to what happened to that ship and her sailors. The pusillanimous response of the Bubba administration to the Cole attack, as well as the incompetence of their “responses” to earlier Islamofascist attacks deserves to be remembered as one of the more shameful series of events in American history.

Michelle Malkin has a very good note of remembrance via the above link – check it out and remember a bit of why we are fighting a war against Islamofascism.

Also, and H/T to her for also linking to this remembrance on the Stars and Stripes nilitary newspaper web site. The Chief HIGHLY recommends this one on this day – read it and remember.

MSM Negligent Reporting on Terror Linked Incidents

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Michelle Malkin notes a number of cases of the fecklessness of the MSM in under-reporting or ignoring prima facie terror-war links to a number of attacks in various places over a long period of time.

Her column has some more alarming information on the OU football bomber case:

The university’s president, David Boren, is pooh-poohing local media and Internet blog reports of possible jihadist influences on Hinrichs. The dead bomber was, we are being told, simply a depressed and troubled young man with “no known ties” to terrorism.

Never mind the concerns of Oklahoma University student journalist Rachael Kahne, who told me this week in a call for the media’s help:
“I’ve been working on this story since the night it happened, and have been stonewalled at every turn. . . . Minutes after the explosion, police busted into a student’s apartment and arrested four Muslim students who were there for a small gathering (the president of the Muslim Student Association assures me this was in no way a “party”). Among those arrested [and later released] was Fazal Cheema, Joel Henry Hinrichs’ Pakistani roommate. I was baffled when I heard this. I didn’t know how police would be able to identify who Hinrichs was, where he lived, who his roommate was, and then find where his roommate was in a matter of minutes. Something isn’t adding up, and I’ve been wracking my brain for the past week trying to figure out what happened here. OU isn’t saying anything more than the typical PR spin, and the FBI won’t talk.”

Nothing to see here. Move along. Islam is a peaceful religion. Stop asking so many damned questions. Such is the attitude of the national media, which seems to believe that ’tis better to live in ignorance and indulge in hindsight later than to offend the gods of political correctness.

Hear! Hear!

A Lesson Unlearned

H/T to JWR on this bit of information:

On this day in 1915, former President Theodore Roosevelt criticized the concept of “hyphenated Americanism,” referring to U.S. citizens who identified themselves by dual nationalities.

Bully for T.R. We STILL haven’t figured this out very well.

SCOTUS Appointment Controversy Continues

Miers to face hostile queries from both sides of aisle

Bush stands by nominee’s credentials

THe discussions about the appointment of Harriet Miers to the SCOTUS has turned into a sort of situation where you can’t tell who the players are without frequent reference to the scorecard.

There’s lots of commentary that is skeptical from both sides of the political landscape, and support (or at least some receptiveness) from both sides also.

The hearings will be interesting. After considering the situation to date, the Chief is still in a position of cautious optimism – hopeful that if approved that Ms. Miers is a judicial originalist. If she’s not, then our system will be dead meat ultimately.

The only problem is, there’s not much to go on to either oppose or support her, at least not yet.

Pattern of University Terrorism?

Once is an incidence. Twice can be coincidence. Three times within a few days? Oh-kaaaay – now what?

Is Lack Of Big Media Coverage Of Oklahoma Explosion OK?
CBS News blogsite notes lack of MSM coverage of Oklahoma “suicide” bomber. They’re a bit behind a lot of the non-MSM bloggers, but bette late than never. Will they EVER cover the story itself? Stay tuned, but don’t hold your breath waiting. (Anoxia is an unpleasant way to go!)

meanwhile, at Georgia Tech:
Explosives Found Near Tech Dorms

Three explosive devices found in a courtyard between two Georgia Tech dormitories on the East Campus Monday morning were part of a “terrorist act,” an Atlanta police official said. One of the devices exploded, injuring the custodian who found them inside a plastic bag. Two others were detonated by a bomb squad.

and at UCLA:
Explosive found at Midvale

F.Y.I. – Reported by the UCLA campus paper:

A calm and quiet Westwood was briefly disrupted Friday afternoon when the Los Angeles Police Department bomb squad inspected and detonated an explosive device found within the Midvale Plaza apartment complex on the 500 block of Midvale Avenue.

Very curious, if not alarming.

Earthquake Disaster Reflections

Desperate Pakistanis Await Earthquake Aid

The death toll of this earthquake is still rising as officials keep digging out collapsed buildings, and still haven’t surveyed countryside areas that were also hit hard.

Desperate Pakistanis huddled against the cold and some looted food stores Monday because aid still had not reached remote areas of Kashmir, where a devastating earthquake flattened villages, cut off power and water, and killed tens of thousands. Officials predict the death toll, now estimated at between 20,000 and 30,000, will climb because of exposure and disease. With winter just six weeks away, the United Nations has said 2.5 million people near the Pakistan-India border need shelter.

Anyone notice how the Islamofascists that were quick to label the gulf coast hurricanes as a sign of Allah’s negative judgement are now in a state of deafening silence? (One can only hope that Pat Robertson doesn’t embarrass himelf again.)

Another reminder that the world is NOT a place where one’s security can be assumed. Anyplace, anytime, the whole show can come crashing down – the only question is how prepared (materially, physically, and spiritually) you are when TSHTF.

Remember in ancient days pre-Katrina when Homeland Security had the temerity to suggest that a 72-hour emergency kit was a great idea? And the H.S. Secretary was ridiculed by much of the MSM for saying so? EVERYWHERE has some form of potential disaster: earthquakes, hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, tsunamis, whatever….To prepare, or not to prepare…your call, you bet your life.

– W, Edward Deming

See you not the rush of wind and rain?
See you not the oaks lash each other?
See you not the ocean scourging the shore?
See you not the truth portending?
See you not the sun hurtling the sky?
See you not that the stars have fallen?
Have you no belief in God, foolish man?
See you not your world is ending?
– ancient Celtic song

Fallout from Kelo Ruling

Drawing the line on eminent domain

The issue of property rights isn’t going away – and there is wide opposition to the SCOTUS’ ruling in the case of Kelo v. New London, as there well should be.

This article notes several cases of home theft currently underway in Missouri, and goes on to highlight the opposition groundswell that is underway to this governmental seizure on behalf of other private owners.

HEY! Do yoiu get it now, why the appointments to the Supremes are so important?


Astros Win, Finally!

South Dakota Politics’ Ken B. takes note of Houston’s 18 inning win over Atlanta in their playoff game – noting that it’s always nice for Ted Turner’s guys to go down. He also notes:

At the top of the marquee, St. Louis and the ChiSox rolled over their opposition. It certainly seems only fair that they meet in the series.

THAT’s more like it! The Cards won 100 games in regular season for the second straight year, and then flew circles around the Padres in the first playoff round. The Chief, being an expatriated St. Louisan at this point has little warm feeling towards the Astros.

Cards CD Champs.gif

Go Cardinals!