Category Archives: Uncategorized

None Dare Call it Treason? The Chief Does!

Kennedy-KGB collaboration

Here’s yet another illustration of the character, or lack of it of Donk Senator Ted *hic* Kennedy from released cold-war era KGB correspondence.

If Chebrikov’s account of events is accurate, it’s clear Mr. Kennedy was actively engaging the Russians to influence the 1984 election. He also seems to have genuinely believed that Mr. Reagan’s policies were endangering U.S.-Soviet relations and that the best solution was to get Mr. Reagan out of office. The letter closes with Chebrikov saying that “Tunney remarked that the senator wants to run for president in 1988,” possibly suggesting Mr. Kennedy had other, more selfish motives.

As Mr. Kengor concludes, “if the memo is in fact an accurate account of what transpired, it constitutes a remarkable example of the lengths to which some on the political left, including a sitting U.S. senator, were willing to go to stop Ronald Reagan.”

We agree. Even in a jaded world, it is breathtaking to discover a U.S. senator — brother of a former president — actively and secretly collaborating with Soviet leaders in an attempt to undermine the president of the United States’ nuclear defense policy during the height of the cold war.

Really, can there be any other description of this than treasonous sedition? The Chief thinks not!

This also illustrated that the Donks’ current games of footsie with the Islamofascists are part of an old tradition for them…so why be surprised. God help us if they regain control in Washington.

Baseball Blog

Cards top Tigers 4-2 to win World Series

Cards Series.jpg

The Chief’s blogging has been somewhat distracted for the last few weeks with the St. Louis Cardinals in the playoffs. Being a native of St. Louis, and remembering riding the Grand Avenue street car as a kid to watch the Cards play two Busch Stadiums ago, who else would I root for in MLB?

Anyway, with no majorly hot contest in South Dakota’s election this year, the Chief took the time to sit in front of the HDTV and watch all of the playoff games that the Cards played (except for one of the Mets games due to other plans made by Mrs. Chief).

Favored by few, the St. Louis Cardinals used an unlikely cast of characters to win their first World Series in nearly a quarter century. Jeff Weaver dominated, David Eckstein drove in two runs on balls that didn’t leave the infield and the Cards took advantage of another wild throw by a Tigers pitcher to beat Detroit 4-2 on Friday night and won the Series in five games.

As I think about it, I don’t know any rational reason to feel so good about it (all I did was watch some games after all) but I do anyway. Go figure – I enjoy it anyway!

Another Puzzle Piece for Israel’s Round 2

Pre-emptive attack on Hamas eyed

The Chief has posted on the movement towards the next round of combat for the IDF a couple of times before. This is another brick in that wall.

Applying a lesson from the recent war against Hezbollah, Israeli leaders are increasingly talking about staging a pre-emptive military offensive in the Gaza Strip in order to avert a Hamas buildup of improved missiles.

Israeli forces already operating in the Gaza Strip Monday killed at least nine Palestinians and wounded 20. But officials and politicians say a broader operation against Hamas is necessary if Israel wants to deny it the ability to stockpile weapons like the Shi’ite militia Hezbollah, which was able to build up its arsenal during six years of relative calm.

Maybe they DID learn something useful from the bloody noxe the IDF got in Lebanon earlier this year.

Islamofascists Chewing Their Quds

Western Press Ignores Iran’s Hate-Filled Quds Day

It is disturbing when the entire leadership of one nation, along with hundreds of thousands of its citizens, comes out with celebrations and parades every year that call for the annihilation of another country.

This is another case of some news that’s “not fit to print” according to the NY Slimes.

Their activities are nothing if not diverse in their expression of enmity:

Iranian press outlets featured hundreds of photographs from the celebrations in Tehran. Among the notable scenes captured were children in Condoleezza Rice costumes; effigies of President Bush, Prime Minister Olmert, and Prime Minister Blair being lit on fire and dragged through the streets; the burning of American and Israeli flags; and hundreds of posters of Sheik Hassan Nasrallah featuring the caption “I swear to Allah that Israel is weaker than [a] spider house.” The posters called for a boycott of such “Israeli” goods as McDonald’s, Kit Kat bars, Intel, L’Oreal, Nestlé, Disney, and Marlboro.

Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad observed the festivities by stating his almost endorsement of the position of Venezuelan wanna-be dictator Chavez:

President Ahmadinejad gave a series of speeches leading up to and on Quds Day. At an Iftar address on October 14, he discussed his “connection with God” and said: “The president of America is like us. That is, he too is inspired … but [his] inspiration is of the satanic kind. Satan gives inspiration to the president of America.”

And then there’s this note:

A who’s who of the Iranian leadership marched in the main Quds Day parade before crowds chanting “death to Israel” and “death to America.” The marchers included a former Iranian president, Mohammed Khatemi, and a spokesman for the parliament presidency board, Mohsen Kouhkan, who predicted a quick “final and total defeat of America and the Zionist regime.”

Wait a minute! Khatemi…wasn’t he the Iranian alleged “moderate” who was not so long ago an honored guest at Harvard? Does he only support moderate death to us, or what? Speaking of moderation…this piece also takes cognizance of the degree of moderation of Iranian former President Rafsanjani who also got in on the fun:

The chairman of the Expediency Council and a former Iranian president, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, who led Friday prayers, said Quds Day is an important factor “between Islam and unbelief and the stage for Muslims’ jihad.” He added, “The world’s 1.5 billion Muslims back this jihad.”

Mr. Rafsanjani also led Quds Day prayers on December 14, 2001. Then, he warned of a coming confrontation between the “pious and martyrdom-seeking forces” and the “highest forces of colonialism,” which “might inflame a third World War.”

Sadly, Mr. Rafsanjani is considered one of Iran’s more moderate leaders.

So what else could be expected. Enemy Islamofascists will be…enemy Islamofascists.

Reality Check on Donks

Just Why Democrats Are ‘Dangerous’ When It Comes To America’s Defense

The listing of current and historic Donk fecklessness regarding national security is little short of scandalous, if not treasonable at times.

Thomas Sowell, the distinguished Stanford scholar, wrote on this page a week ago that there’s a difference between the major parties: “The Republicans are disappointing and the Democrats are dangerous.” We’d like to take this opportunity to elaborate on his second point.

The Chief concurs that the GOP has been disappointing. In fact they are so bad that they only look good compared to their opposition.

We and our allies are in a serious global war against fanatical, determined Islamic terrorists who have declared war on America and the free world. Their stated objective is to kill all the Americans they can, eliminate Israel, control and enslave women, and in time overpower and rule with an iron fist nations from Spain to the Far East. They intensely hate our freedom and successful way of life.

Read that paragraph again. And again. Get the picture yet, or do you need a good swat from the Cluebat?

While Democrats in Congress always assert they “support our troops,” their political policies and actions have continually undermined our nation’s fight to win the war on terror and defend America. Here is their national security record:

1. On missile defense of America – Democrats voted against it.

2. On the Patriot Act – Democrats voted against it.

3. On tapping foreign terrorists’ phone calls to the U.S. – Democrats voted against it.

4. On tracing terrorists’ money flow between foreign banks – Democrats voted against it.

5. On building a border wall to control illegal immigration and stop dope – dealers, terrorists and criminals – Democrats voted against it.

6. On interrogating captured terrorists – 194 Democrats just voted against it.

7. On telling the world (and our enemy) about a timetable for withdrawing from and deserting Iraq – this is Democrats’ retreat and defeat plan.

Think that’s bad? Here’s the Democrats’ national defense record for the last 40 years:

The rest of the piece lists the 40 years of recent history of Donk incompetence or willful foolishness regarding US national security.

Check out the article for all of THAT, and as you do remember: “By their fruits, ye shall know them.”

On the Eurabian Front:

French Police Face Attacks by Growing ‘Intifada’

THe French have a real problem. One wonders if there is still enough gumption to literally and figuratively put out the fires.

EPINAY-SUR-SEINE, France – On a routine call, three unwitting police officers fell into a trap. A car darted out to block their path, and dozens of hooded youths surged out of the darkness to attack them with stones, bats and tear gas before fleeing. One officer was hospitalized.

The recent ambush was emblematic of what some officers say has become a near-perpetual and increasingly violent conflict between police and gangs in tough, largely immigrant French neighborhoods that were the scene of a three-week paroxysm of rioting last year. One small police union claims officers are facing a “permanent intifada.” Police injuries have risen in the year since the wave of violence.

Islamoterrs Take Aim at Paleswinian Authority

A heavy influx of foreign-based Palestinian, Syrian, Iranian, Lebanese and Hizballah fighters swells Hamas strength for internecine showdown

Senior IDF officers told DEBKAfile that the foreign fighters are slipping into Gaza through large gaps in the Gazan-Egyptian border. Among the arrivals are scores of bomb experts and commando combat instructors. They are coming to augment and upgrade Hamas’ “Rapid Deployment” unit and the Popular Resistance Committees terrorist coalition. Mingled among them are al Qaeda operatives from Sinai.

What to do when a snake fights a scorpion? Smash them BOTH, otherwise the winner will come after you later.

Islamic Reasoning: Oxymoronic!

Reason to believe, or not

Spengler’s latest in his running commentary and analysis of the on-going discussion between the Pope and Islam, which seems to the Chief to go one up to the Pope based on substance over symbolism, not that that’s how the MSM will report it.

Pope Benedict XVI has drawn a collective response from the Muslim world, in the form of an open letter from 38 Islamic leaders regarding his September 12 address in Regensburg. “All the eight schools of thought and jurisprudence in Islam are represented by the signatories,” according to a press release hailing the letter as “unique in the history of interfaith relations”. [1] The pope provoked outrage by suggesting that Islam rejects reason: the open letter proves him right. They argue that there is no dichotomy in Islam between reason and faith, which turns out to mean that there is no role for reason.

Check it out. Spengler is one of the most thoughtful commentators that the Chief has encountered. This is some fundamentally important stuff.

A variant on the upcoming election:

Survivor! The GOP Victory

Barrons, which is a very serious source, comes up with a view that is highly discrepant from the conventional wisdom of most of the MSM:

Jubilant Democrats should reconsider their order for confetti and noisemakers. The Democrats, as widely reported, are expecting GOP-weary voters to flock to the polls in two weeks and hand them control of the House for the first time in 12 years — and perhaps the Senate, as well. Even some Republicans privately confess that they are anticipating the election-day equivalent of Little Big Horn. Pardon our hubris, but we just don’t see it.

Our analysis — based on a race-by-race examination of campaign-finance data — suggests that the GOP will hang on to both chambers, at least nominally. We expect the Republican majority in the House to fall by eight seats, to 224 of the chamber’s 435. At the very worst, our analysis suggests, the party’s loss could be as large as 14 seats, leaving a one-seat majority. But that is still a far cry from the 20-seat loss some are predicting. In the Senate, with 100 seats, we see the GOP winding up with 52, down three.

This would be cataclysmic to the Donks, and would be a serius deviation from the historical norms of what happens in a 6-year off-election. Check out the article to see how they developed this hypothesis. The Chief certainly hopes this case proves out.

Dipolomacy at Work…er,,,or at Talk

China wrests N. Korean pledge

A couple examples of diplomatic activity, involving the leader of the Foggy Bottom Boys of the State Dept., and everybody’s favorite ChiComs:

China reportedly won a pledge from North Korean leader Kim Jong-il not to conduct another nuclear test and at the same time blocked bank transfers to the isolated state.

Are they serious? Time will tell. They certainly have the POTENTIAL to get the NorK Beloved Leader’s attention. Meanwhile…

“In this entire 30-year history of the North Korean nuclear program, this is the first time that the international system has been able to actually impose a cost on North Korea for its nuclear behavior,” Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said. “It’s able to impose that cost because China has been brought into the process in a way that China never was before,” she said after meetings with President Hu Jintao and other senior leaders.

You can believe as much of that about/from the ChiComs as you want to, but the Chief is highly skeptical how this will actually end up.

Slavery in Eurabia

Italy says slave trade growing

Italy has urged Europe to tackle the growing problem of human slavery and trafficking on a continent-wide basis. Speaking at a two-day seminar in Rome, Italian Equal Opportunities Minister Barbara Pollastrini said, “Human trafficking is a repugnant practice that has become an enormous problem in Europe,” reports Ansa news agency. “The battle cannot be fought alone but must instead be conducted at a European level and with other countries around the world.”

This may not necessarily be the case, but the Chief can’t help but notice the coincidence between this disturbing trend and equally disturbing trend towards Eurabia.

World Series Ignores Tradition

Cardinals Win – National Anthem Loses

The Chief was stunned to note the lack of the National Anthem at the start of the World Series.

WTF? What is the matter with MLB that we shouldn’t have this great American tradition continued, especially in wartime. Is this yet another case of PC run amok, or what? Somebody needs to take one of those baseball bats and turn it into a cluebat and smack them with it!

Speaking of stunned, the Detroit fans took it upside the head too: one writer had even called that the Tigers would take the series in three games they were SO much better than the Cardinals. As an unashamed Cards fan, the Chief has some sympathy for them; been there, done that in 2004 – but it’s more fun to have a winning team.

Live Death! Film at 10!

CNN Now in Snuff Film Business!

Watch American GI’s getting killed on CNN?


The Chief asked a work associate, whose husband is a law enforcement officer, what she would think of it if TV crew went out with gang-bangers who were on a mission to kill police. Needless to say she didn’t have a good opinion of that. When I then related that that was what CNN had done in Iraq with Islamoterrs sniping US troopers on camera – her response showed the basic common sense of MOST people: “Wouldn’t that be like – treason?”

I couldn’t put it any clearer!

Moody County’s Foleygate

State inquiry focuses on Flandreau lawmaker

The Chief has to suppose that he moves in the wrong – or is it right circles, not to have picked up on the gossip that apparently has been circulating in Flandreau since last February concerning this situation. Of course, living 15 miles out in the county might have something to do with it too.

Anyhoo…once he saw the reportage on Dakota War College, and SD Politics, the assumption was that it wouldn’t be long before even the Argus-Follower would be forced to take cognizance that something was happening. That time has come, and now it’s a matter of letting the investigative – and, given that it’s an election year, political chips fall where they may.

Fortunately, not having been there or done that, the Chief will leave ultimate judgement to the legislative and legal processes that are now in motion.

The State of the Season

This seems to be too close to the truth here in South Dakota for this season.


Remember, these are the folks that are also talking about 100-year predictions. You can believe as much of THAT as you want to, but the Chief suggests a healthy grain of salt is in order for that.

UK to Copy US & Abolish Stamp Tax

Osborne’s first tax cut will be stamp duty on shares

If the Conservatives get back into the UK government, they are planning a phased elimination of the Stamp Tax. You know, The Tax Stamp. This is the one the US rejected before it was even the US – and provided one of the touchstone issues that stimulated the American Revolution.

The Brits are finally figuring out that this tax was perhaps a bad idea. Better late than never.

SD Version of Foleygate in the Offing?

SD War College has been tracking a situation where a SD State Senator has been involved in some sort of impropriety that would constitute a serious rules violation, if true.

Coincidently, there has been a lot of conversation in the Flandreau area about a similar situation, although in that case, names, and a lot of more detailed information is included in the commonly available version(s). There is even mention of alleged sub-rosa political deals associated with the non-release of information by some of the principals involved.

Of course, this is all just local conversation, with no open corroboration by anyone concerned. The Chief will be watching along with a lot of others, to see how this one develops.

What is out there, has been pretty nicely summarized by DWC here, here, and here, and also on South Dakota Politics. Check them out for more of the scoop on this, if you are so inclined.

In spite of the Argus Loser Liar Leader jumping on any hint of anything that they can use to flog the Governor and other Republicans, Dave Kranz et al have been as speechless as Mt.Rushmore on this one. This is also noted on SDP – but then, who could be surprised…the Argus does what the Argus does. That’s the way they are…sort of like horses leaving behind evidence of their passage, it just comes with the territory.

Round Two Set to Go in Middle East

Hamas threatens to break ceasefire after Israeli air strikes

Israel and Hamas were on the brink of war last night as a senior member of the Islamic movement hinted that it would stop observing a 20-month-old ceasefire in retaliation for the latest Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip. The Israeli military insisted that it would carry on targeting Hamas, after what it described as clear evidence that the movement was smuggling weapons into Gaza to mount cross-border attacks.

Hopefully the Israeli government has had a chiropractic adjustment or something to fix its spine since the Round 1 festivities in Lebanon with the Hezbulls.

Royal Navy? What’s that? Blair’s Chickens Come Home to Roost.

Navy ‘too weak’ for big role in Korea blockade

The United States is leading attempts to put together a force that would prevent suspect cargoes from entering the Marxist dictatorship and stop North Korea exporting weapons of mass destruction technology to rogue regimes such as Iran and terrorist groups.

But senior Royal Navy officers last night cast serious doubt over Britain’s ability to make a significant naval contribution to the proposed UN force, claiming that drastic cuts in government spending on the navy over the past decade had severely reduced their ability to participate in major foreign operations. “I am staggered that the Government is trying to make this commitment when it knows what our Armed Forces are going through,” a senior Royal Navy officer last night told The Daily Telegraph.

The state of the Royal Navy is a disgrace. Britain deserves better than this, especially given the historical record and role of the Royal Navy in protecting the island since the days of Drake, Frobisher, and the Spanish Armada.

As a result of government cutbacks any British ships deployed to the South China Sea to enforce the UN resolution would depend on the American or French navies to provide “beyond visual range” air defence with their aircraft carriers.

The Brit navy dependent on the FRENCH? Nelson must be turning in his grave!

The Navy has been cut by almost a third since Labour came into power, and the admission by Royal Navy commanders that they were struggling to find suitable ships to deploy to the UN force will raise further questions about the Labour government’s handling of the armed forces’ budget. Britain’s military commitments to Iraq and North Korea have exposed glaring deficiencies in resources and equipment.

Sic transit gloria Britannia.

More NorK News

U.N. imposes trade embargo on N. Korea

This sounds better than it is – the ChiComs, who voted for the resolution have also noted that they have no intention of enforcing the actual embargo itself, so what’s the point of the whole exercise anyway?

Damfino, but it does once again illustrates the fecklessness if not total uselessness of the United Nations.

Ban Ki-Moon: Rice Should Talk with North Korea

See this prior posting concerning the NorKs, and follow the link to read the full article.

Now, try again to tell the Chief that we should be talking to that regime. Not only no, but hell no! In spite of this suggestion from the former South Korean foreign minister – the new UN Sec’y General – it looks like most South Koreans have felt the Cluebat and have rapidly changed their opinion.

In South, most call for new policy, own nukes

In less than a week since North Korea claimed to have tested a nuclear weapon, public opinion in the South has turned sharply against a South Korean policy of engaging the enemy in the belief it will eventually bring peace on the divided peninsula. A JoongAng newspaper poll, several days after the reported nuclear test Monday, found 78 percent of respondents thought South Korea should revise its policy, and 65 percent said South Korea should develop nuclear weapons to protect itself.

The Chief hearkens to the statement about nothing focusing one’s mind quitre so much as the immediate prospect of being hanged.


Deformed babies killed for super race

It’s hard to imagine that something could actually look worse than some of what the Nazis did to people in their custody – but it sure looks to the Chief like the NorKs have at least matched them in some ways, and arguably are even exceeding some of the eugenic rigor of said unlamented Reich.

The North Korean regime’s obsession with racial purity has led to the killing of disabled infants and forced abortions for women suspected of conceiving their babies by Chinese fathers, according to a growing body of testimony from defectors. The latest description of Kim Jong-il’s policy of state eugenics came from a North Korean doctor, Ri Kwang-chol, who escaped last year and told a forum in Seoul that babies with deformities were killed soon after birth.

There’s a lot more detail in the article, and it’s a grim picture of torture, abuse, and murder.

Apparently this news is not “fit to print”, since it hasn’t been selected for coverage by the NY Slimes editors.

“Jesus wept.”

Mexico De-facto Denies US Soveriegnty

Mexico May Take Fence Dispute to U.N.

Two aspects of this irritate the Chief.

First, as remarked above, a soveriegn nation can enforce its borders as it sees fit. Apparently Mexico no longer thinks the US has the right to do this.

The second aspect is that this is yet another example of the total uselessness of the UN (dis)Organization – if this is the sort of thing that it does – which it is!

F’em both, and the horses they ride in on!

Brit Reaction Against Dhimmitude

Multiculturalism hasn’t worked: let’s rediscover Britishness

Here’s an encouraging note that the Brits haven’t fully lost their spirit in spite of the batterings of political correctness.

The tyranny of political correctness has for years suppressed the qualms that many Britons have had about what was happening to their country. Radical imams were allowed to preach hatred while being funded with state benefits, but few dared to question such madness, let alone act against it. The doctrine of multiculturalism dictated that all beliefs should be allowed to flourish, and to challenge that view was as politically incorrect as pinning up a Pirelli calendar in Islington Town Hall or suggesting that two married parents usually provide the best start in life for a child.

What a concept!

Gradually, however, people are gaining the courage to defy the diktats of political correctness and to question the assumptions of what should be acceptable in Britain today. In Bournemouth last week, David Cameron admitted to feeling uncomfortable about the segregation that now exists in many cities, where people remain isolated in ethnic communities. Jack Straw has publicly raised the veil on an issue that, privately, many will have admitted to finding disturbing. And even the Church of England, it seems, may be rediscovering sufficient backbone to assert the importance of its role as the predominant faith in the country.

Further into the piece, it becomes clear that although there has been a partial application of the Cluebat upside Britannia’s helmet, PC hasn’t rolled over and died yet – although one always has hope!

A Chance for Change in Venezuela?

Mass Venezuela opposition rally

Tens of thousands of people have marched through the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, in support of the main opposition candidate, Manuel Rosales. Mr Rosales will face President Hugo Chavez in December’s presidential poll. The march, which filled the main avenues of the city centre, was the biggest opposition rally Venezuela has seen since early 2004.

“The problem of the opposition is that before we had a lot of candidates and people couldn’t make up their minds whom to support,” one woman said. “Right now we have just one candidate and I believe that we have a better shot if we have just one candidate against Chavez.”

We, and Venezuela should be so blessed!

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch (or Farm)…

Comments on the DM & E Expansion

SD Politics is doing it’s usual yeoman work of keeping the light shining on…well…SD politics. (What a concept!)

A highlight that especially caught the Chief’s attention concerns the Janklow/Daschle alliance against the Dakota, Minnesota, and Eastern (DM & E) upgrade and expansion.

The Chief feels quite strongly that the DM&E expansion has truly monumental possibilities to enhance the economic atmosphere and infrastructure of the state (and others) if it’s allowed to go through.

A continuing refrain in the state are comments decrying the decline of small towns and rural counties, and the lack of economic development that might give Dakota kids a chance to find good jobs after they graduate…and thereby be able to stay in the state. Also, it is frequently noted that the prevailing wage scale for SD seems to be low.

HELLLLOOOO! Anybody out there know anything about economics? Building up transportation infrastructure is one of the best ways to stimulate further economic development. Lack of same inevitably results in an economic bottleneck that limits the possibilities for such growth.

An earlier SD example comes to the Chief’s mind. In the early 80’s, right after the Chief moved up to SD from St. Louis (with Mrs. Chief returning to her old homestead territory) there was a big kerfluffle about plans to build a high-capacity power line to carry electrical power from Manitoba down to Kansas for further distribution.

Checking out geography indicates that this would run across the state if it were built. The full force of the enviros, anti-corporate moonbats, and NIMBYs (Not In My Backyard) mobilized and threw up such a firestorm of legal entanglement that the project was abandoned, lest someone might look out their car window and see a powerline instead of empty prairie. The result now is that the state has a huge shortage of electrical power transmission capacity which is the limiting bottleneck to deveopment of the potential we have for wind turbine generation of power.

The short-sighted, reactionary, and frankly mercenary opposition of Janklow and Daschle to the DM&E expansion (which both supported when they were holding SD elective offices), if successful, will be a crippling blow to development of a healthier economic foundation as SD to move into the 21st century. We can either turn into an agricultural and tourism based “American 3rd world” economy, or just perhaps be something more than this.

Deconstructing Iranian Prez

Ahmadinejad: ‘The Iranian People… [Can] Quickly Become an Invincible Global Power

Based on the partial Islamodictionary of terms in one of the Chief’s recent posting, it may be enlightening to apply some logic and analysis to remarks of Iranian President Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad to try to determine what some of his words for us really say:

“Today, words like morality, spirituality, human nobility, courage, greatness, and affection are meaningless to the great powers.

translation: ONLY ISLAM is the repository of true morality, spirituality, human nobility, courage, greatness and affection, so therefore these cannot be part of the infidel powers.

“They should accept the fact that they have failed in the proper management of the world. They should accept that they are unable to manage the world in a just and progressive manner.

Peace” in Islam equals submission to the will of Allah through his divine and eternal law, sharia, and the extension of the Dar al-Islam – or ‘House of Islam’ – to cover the entire world.

Today, the Iranian people is recognized as a model for all the peoples of the world. From the Far East to the West, and including the southernmost regions of the globe, the peoples’ attention, eyes, and hearts are drawn towards the Iranian people – so that the Iranian people will be able to overcome the difficulties, and present the peoples of the world with a perfect model of splendid, humane, and divine life….Every day, youth, politicians, religious scholars, and scientists make requests in various manners, in order to benefit from help, guidance, and support of the Iranian people. The Eastern and Western groups have failed in managing the world, and the world is left with only one light, one banner, and one people, which has preserved the hope in the hearts of all the peoples. This is the great and courageous people of Iran.”

Sort of reminds one of the praises for der Deutscher herrenvolk during the heyday of the 3rd Reich Marching and Singing Club.

Finally, to cut to the real kernal of things here:

They know that the Iranian people – because of its past culture, its past civilization, its intelligent youth, its human and material potential – has the capacity to quickly become an invincible global power. This will happen as soon as it achieves advanced technologies.”

“advanced technologies” = nuclear weapons.

’nuff said.