Tag Archives: Uh….something!

How’re they hangin’?

This is surely worthy of SOME sort of comment…but what?

One has to wonder if this was the result of peer-reviewed research. If so, I’m not sure I want to visualize the procedure involved.

Lost? Manhood overboard, everybody

It’s just a solitary foot bone, but it suggests that people were navigating the world’s oceans tens of thousands of years earlier than had been thought. And, according to some experts, they did so – truly – by the seat of their pants.

The bone, found on the island of Luzon in the Philippines, suggests that humans got there at least 67,000 years ago, crossing open sea long before we have any direct evidence that people knew how to build boats or sail them. And even older stone tools have been discovered on other Pacific islands, which – like Luzon – were surrounded by water even when sea levels were some 360 feet lower, at the peak of the last ice age.

But how on earth did prehistoric people find what are often just specks in the world’s biggest ocean? Some years ago I came across a man who thought he knew. Samoan meteorologist Penehuro Lefale told an international conference that they did it because they had balls.

Helmsmen, he said, would hang over the side of their rafts and trail their scrotums in the water, using the most sensitive parts of their bodies to pick up changes in water temperature.

“If the water was becoming colder, their testicles would shrink and they knew they were moving away from land,” he went on. “If the water was warmer, they knew land was near.”

We’ve long been told that letting it all hang out makes us feel more pacific, but I never envisaged anything like this.

Hmmmm. Does this explain the presence of what appears to be bovine testicular organs observed on the back of some cattle trucks? An enhancement to the use of GPS perhaps? Something to think about? Nah.

Massachusetts hiatus; physics lesson the hard way; snap comments on election

Have been missing in action due to an unfortunate automotive incident in Massachusetts: having the car struck by someone who thoughtfully left 120ft. of skid marks in a 30 MPH zone before impacting the Chief’s vehicle, Oh, did I mention, the Chief’s insurance company of choice is notable by it’s absence from that state due to its…er, unique…regulatory environment.

It took a while to take care of the situation…and, barring just sitting around a motel for 10 MORE days, it was finally needful to trade in one damaged vehicle (in the repair shop) for an undamaged one to bring back home.

All’s well that ends well…and though the entire experience was what could be called suboptimal, at least contusion of the left shoulder and arm by the seat belt was preferable to the alternative if the seatbelt had not been in use at the time! Even though the Chief resents the nanny-state REQUIRING seatbelts, they ARE the way to go…the physics doesn’t lie!

Anyway…made it back just in time for the election results:

Sen John Thune re-elected already! The first conclusive victory of the November 2010 election cycle for the GOP? What a concept!

The Chief a bit surprised by the apparent results in the Congressional race…having been on the road for 3 weeks…apparently Christi impressed more voters than Chris. No surprise in Daugaard’s strong showing.

Although in each case noted, the Chief had other first choices, both are good candidates, and avoid the RINO syndrome, and besides, Christi can go for broke against Princess Stephanie without worrying about being tagged for “beating up on the girl”! (Did I really say anything that anti-P.C.???? Oh well.)

You may be reading this…or not. Really!

This is really sounds impossible…but it has been actually done in the laboratory…

Freaky Physics Proves Parallel Universes Exist

Look past the details of a wonky discovery by a group of California scientists — that a quantum state is now observable with the human eye — and consider its implications: Time travel may be feasible….

The strange discovery by quantum physicists at the University of California Santa Barbara means that an object you can see in front of you may exist simultaneously in a parallel universe — a multi-state condition that has scientists theorizing that traveling through time may be much more than just the plaything of science fiction writers.

And it’s all because of a tiny bit of metal — a “paddle” about the width of a human hair, an item that is incredibly small but still something you can see with the naked eye. UC Santa Barbara’s Andrew Cleland cooled that paddle in a refrigerator, dimmed the lights and, under a special bell jar, sucked out all the air to eliminate vibrations. He then plucked it like a tuning fork and noted that it moved and stood still at the same time.

How could this be? The Chief isn’t sure about the actual mechanics of the experiment, but it’s easy to imagine two viewing devices recording simultaneously that show the states of motion/non-motion.

Check out the piece for some more details of this stuff.

Forward, into the past!

Gunning for Education!

Have Any Spare 12 Gauge Shotguns? If So, The Department of Education Would Like to Buy Them…


This is from the linked D.O.E. solicitation for bids.


Why do I doubt that they are starting a student skeet-shooting program?

So what ARE they doing with ’em?

Archeology Reveals Ancient Diet Problems

Food Nazi’s of various stripes often unite in condemning modern life’s relishing of so-called junk food. They have claimed that our ancestors were much closer to nature, had more healthy diets, and thereby avoided many of our health problems. Archeologists have discovered a different version of that story.

Egyptian priests lived on junk food diet

Delicious and bountiful banquets offered to the gods and eaten by Egyptian priests and their families were laden with artery-clogging saturated fat, research shows. The evidence comes from hieroglyphic inscriptions on temple walls and the priests’ mummified remains – which bear the unmistakable signs of damaged arteries and heart disease.

Sumptuous meals of beef, wild fowl, bread, fruit, vegetables, cake, wine and beer were given up to the gods three times a day. After making their offerings at the temple, the priests would adopt a ”shame to let it go to waste” policy and take them back home to their families.

Hmmmmm…did Egyptian priests cheer ‘RA! RA! RA!” as they invented the tailgate party on the back of their chariots? (Sorry…I just couldn’t resist that!)

Professor Rosalie David, from the University of Manchester’s Faculty of Life Sciences, who led the study, said: ”There couldn’t be a more evocative message: live like a god and you will pay with your health.

”It also shows that blocked arteries caused by rich diets are not just a modern malaise – the problem goes back to ancient civilisations.”

The more things change, the more they stay the same!

Triumph of Brit Technology?

Decide for yourself:

Lego enthusiast builds Airbus A380 with 35,000 bricks

A dedicated Lego enthusiast impressed fans with this painstaking replica of the world’s biggest passenger plane – built with more than 35,000 individual pieces. The 7ft-long (2.2m) and 6ft-wide (1.8m) Qantas Airbus A380 is split in half to reveal the intricate workings of life on-board a three-storey long-haul flight.

Lego enthusiast Ryan McNaught, 37, also known as the “The BrickMan”, spent more than eight months constructing the masterpiece in his garage.

His red, white and grey model boasts a range of fully automated touch screen controlled functions including front landing gear, two rear landing gear doors and airbrakes on the wing.

Ryan also fitted functioning landing lights, engines, air brakes on the wing and a tail fin on the rear wing.

Among his two-inch-high cast of crew and passengers are iconic characters from well-known films including Indiana Jones, Yoda, and the Samuel L. Jackson character from ‘Snakes on a Plane’.

There has been no comment on this technological triumph from Boeing.

South Dakota Humor

H/T to an e-mail correspondent:

This was at the pull off at Hwy 385 and Sheridan Lake Rd. in the Black Hills west of Rapid City.

A deer was hit there. The couch was dumped there previously.

Day two the deer was on the couch.

Day three the end table and lamp showed up.

Day four the TV and TV stand, and the sign showed up.

Note the sign in front of the deer on the couch: “Sorry Hunters, Obama ruined healthcare. We can’t afford to have injured hunters on our conscience – Stayin home, sorry – the Deer.”

deer at home

The SDHP Troopers had to call Pennington County DOT because of all the people stopping to take pictures.

TJ and the Revo


This is one of the neatest videos I have seen in a LONG time: U.S. History meets MTV!


Halfway across the globe
And we’re standing on new ground
Screaming ‘cross the waves
You can’t hear a sound
There’s no fair trials, no trade, no liberties
No tea
We’ve colonized America; we won’t stand for tyranny,
Oh king

And it’s too late to apologize
It’s too late
I said it’s too late to apologize
It’s too late

We’ve paid your foolish tax, read the acts
And they just won’t do
We want to make it clear, we believe this much is true
All men were created with certain

Unalienable rights
Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit
Of happiness

And it’s too late to apologize
It’s too late
I said It’s too late to apologize
It’s too late

It’s too late to apologize
It’s too late
I said it’s too late apologize
It’s too late

I said it’s too late to apologize, yeah
It’s too late
I said it’s too late to apologize, yeah

Halfway across the globe
And we’re standing on new ground

H/T to E3 Gazette

Illegal Pelosi Travel Documented

U.S. Military Serving as Chauffeurs, Babysitters for the Pelosi Kids: Receipts That Will Blow Your Mind

The documents included in this posting were all obtained through FOIA (Freedom of Information Act):

Update: Judicial Watch provided separate documents from an earlier FOIA request which show that “most, if not all” of the flights did indeed have the Speaker aboard. This is being researched and, until complete, corrections are noted below.

Update II: Commenters provide links to DOD 4515.12-R “DoD Support for Travel of Members and Employees of Congress and DOD 4515.13-R “Air Transportation Eligibility”, both of which indicate any travel by the Speaker’s adult — non-dependent — children and grandchildren is off-limits.

Update III: An article at Mudville Gazette offers additional useful information.

The mere posting of comments about SanFranNan Pelosi’s running abuse of military aircraft and crews for her personal and family gratification is one thing…actually viewing the paper work, reciepts, charge sheets, passenger lists, etc. gives an entirely different perspective on the situation. Don;t take the Chief’s word for it…check it out for yourself!

Meet the Pelosi family! Using Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, Judicial Watch uncovered thousands of pages of travel documents related to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s use of military aircraft.

What hasn’t been revealed thus far is that military aircraft are being used to shuttle Pelosi’s kids and grandkids between DC and San Francisco time and time again, which appears to be a violation of the appropriate rules (see above). Put simply, the United States Air Force is serving as a multi-billion dollar chauffeur- and baby-sitting service for Nancy Pelosi’s kids and grandkids — presumably because commercial travel is beneath the families of the autocrats.

But this couldn’t be a waste of resources because the U.S. military really isn’t engaged in any other significant activities around the world.

Yeah, right.

Now and Then…Too big to fail?

Geithner says deficits won’t hurt U.S. credit rating, Romulus Augustus says Rome will never fall

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is reassuring Americans that the huge deficits and spiralling nationa debt “will never” damage the country’s sterling credit rating because investors will continue to view the U.S. as a good investment.

And in other news, Roman Emperor Romulus Augustus reassured his citizens that they should not worry about those hordes of German barbarians gathering outside the city.

Rome is too big to fall, so they will never invade Rome,” the Emperor said. “Besides, if they were to sack Rome, where would they go for our fine entertainments, including the orgies, drama productions with real executions, and, let’ s not forget, our incomparable gladiatorial contests in the Coliseum.”

German barbarian leader Odoacer was asked for comment, but would only say through a spokesman that he would soon confer in person with the Emperor about his future status.

Rez Still Fighting Off Ice Storm

Sioux reservation struggling after winter storms

Somehow I haven’t noticed much coverage of this in SD media, except for coverage posted yesterday in the R.C. Journal. There obviously has been coverage of other areas’ power problems…the utilities are doing yeoman’s work to get the system restored.

Sonny Brave Eagle and his family spent six days in the dark without a phone or working radio before law officers found them in their home after a fierce winter storm cut power across South Dakota’s impoverished Cheyenne River Indian Reservation.

“We didn’t know what was going on,” said Brave Eagle, among hundreds of people on the sprawling reservation amid a second week without electricity as utility workers struggle to make repairs. The storm brought down power lines, iced roads and led to water outages.

Tribal Chairman Joseph Brings Plenty estimated that 1,500 to 1,700 homes were still without power Monday, and said it would take “better than three weeks” to get the reservation up and running again.

The tribe has spent “enormous amounts” of money on such needs as fuel and water, and an emergency fund that had $175,000 a few months ago has been drained, said tribal spokeswoman Natalie Stites.

…but there’s lots of attention and funds for Haiti! Not to diminish that tragic situation, one still could wonder what happened to the bit about “Charity begins at home”?

Non-Headlines of the Day

Haven’t ever seen these news headlines?  You won’t ever, Guaranteed!

Government program ends as its intended goal has been achieved

Moveon.org decide to actually move on

Gay and Lesbian leaders declare abstinence best protection from AIDS

Labor Unions admit to artificially inflating national cost of living

Peace activists enraged over terrorist attacks

United Nations: capitalism best cure for hunger and poverty

Amnesty International supports US effort to end tyranny and corruption in Africa

Ass whooping discourages teen from ‘doing it again’

Another cold, snowy winter threatens survival of struggling Global-Warming-Industrial complex

Environmental groups switch focus from communism to environment

Technological progress: nature’s only chance

Democrats: Social Security is a pyramid scheme

Union leaders agree to wages determined by free market

Michael Moore gets a real job

France thanks US for saving ass… twice

Ariana Huffington closes failed blog, enters convent

Hollywood movie paints a favorable image of Senator Joe McCarthy

Mainstream Media apologizes to Americans for decades of bias

Chuck Schumer speechless

Shamelessly lifted from  The People’s Cube.

Glowbull Warming: How Cold IS It?

We all know about this latest blast of Glowbull Warming…wind chills in the -30 deg F range (-35 deg C), actual temps at night down to the -20’s F and the snow to boot, currently over 18″ total at the Chief’s outpost in NW Moody County… in fact it was so cold, that a local Democratic politician was seen with his hands in his OWN pockets!

By the way, anyone heard anything from AlGore lately?

Throw another log on the fire!

Joke of the Day

Pelosi tells C-SPAN: ‘There has never been a more open process’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) defended Congress’ work on a healthcare bill Tuesday saying the process has displayed historic transparency, just as C-SPAN mounts an effort to open the negotiations.

The arrogant impudence of the Donkey Party House Speaker has gotten to be too much for even the MSM to swallow without gagging.

C-SPAN wrote a letter to congressional leaders Tuesday asking that TV cameras be allowed to film negotiations to reconcile the House and Senate versions of healthcare reform legislation.

But Pelosi said Congress has already been transparent throughout the process.

“There has never been a more open process for any legislation,” Pelosi said at a press conference.

Is she on bad acid, or what? Prima facie, reality no longer has a place in her mind.

A Dog’s Life

Received the following from an e-mail correspondent:

This made me very sad, especially since I have 4 dogs.

My dogs sleep about 20 hours a day. They have their food prepared for them. They can eat whenever they want, 24/7/365. Their meals are provided at no cost to them. They visit the Dr. once a year for their checkup, and again during the year if any medical needs arise. For this they pay nothing, and nothing is required of them.

They live on a nice acreage in a kennel that is much larger than they need, but they are not required to do any upkeep. If they make a mess, someone else cleans it up. They have their choice of doghouses to sleep in. They receive these accommodations absolutely free.

They are living like a kings, and have absolutely no expenses whatsoever. All of their costs are picked up by others who go out and earn a living every day. I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a brick in the head:

Holy crap, my dogs are Democrats!

’nuff said.

Russians ID Flying Object?

UFO pyramid reported over Kremlin

The object has been compared to an Imperial Cruiser in the Star Wars films and witnesses estimated it could be up to a mile wide.

Two film clips exist which appear to show the same object and footage has been repeatedly playing on Russian television news channels.

So what is it?

The identity of the shape has not been confirmed. Russian reports ruled out a UFO but police refused to comment.

If it ISN’T a UFO, or Unidentified Flying Object, since it is prima facie a flying object of some sort, logically the Russians must think they know what its identity is!

Enquiring minds await this revelation,  but others are not so sure as the Russians:

A spokesman for aerospace journal Jane’s News said: “We have no idea what it is.”

Neither does the Chief, but the video clips ARE interesting!

You Too Can be a Hamster (But WHY?)

French hotel offers guests a night as a hamster

It’s a unique concept according to its creators,…

Well, that’s ONE way to put it.

…a hotel in the French town of Nantes is offering the chance for people to become a hamster.

…but WHY would you want to?  This seems on the verge of psychosis…but at least it’s not harmful to anyone else.

For 99 euros ($148.10) a night, you can eat hamster grain, run in a giant wheel and sleep in hay stacks in what is called the “Hamster Villa.”

The Chief can supply some grain for a heck of a lot less than $148.10.
So who would do this?

Maud and Sebastien are the first ones to experience how hamsters live, not afraid at the thought of sleeping in hay or feeding on a hamster fountain and special grain.

It’s a unique experience and, the guests say, just something different. “To become a hamster, eat seeds, change our way of life…come out of our daily routine” Maud and Sebastien told Reuters TV…

If it’s their money, and that’s REALLY how they want to spend it, it’s THEIR problem, but IMHO these people SERIOUSLY need to find themselves a real life somehow.

It seems like there’s another descriptive word that might fit better than “hamster”.

Hmmmm. Let’s see…(think, think)…oh, yeah: MOONBATS!

The Latest Norwegian Joke

The Chief woke up this morning to Mrs. Chief saying “Guess who won the Nobel Peace Prize?”

The way the question was asked signalled (after 30+ years of questioning experiences) that there was something extraordinary about the answer.

Being thus alerted, the immediate thought came…”It must his Imperial Divine Eminance B.O. hisself!  This was immediately followed by the thought “Naw – not even the Norwegians could be THAT stupid…after all, he hasn’t accomplished anything significant yet.”

Sadly enough, the first impression was right. So much for any more credibility to the Nobel Peace Prize.

This makes Ole, of “Ole and Lena” fame seem be a genius by comparison.

Obama Wakes Early To News Of Nobel Win

The White House says President Barack Obama was woken up a little before 6 a.m. with the news that he had won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Press secretary Robert Gibbs learned from reporters that Obama had won the 2009 prize, and telephoned the White House early Friday to pass along the news to his boss.  The president plans to talk about his award at 10:30 a.m. Friday in the Rose Garden.

One awaits with bated breath!

President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” the Norwegian Nobel Committee said, citing his outreach to the Muslim world and attempts to curb nuclear proliferation….

During the press conference to announce the winner, there were gasps in the room when Obama’s name was mentioned in Norwegian. Moments later, the announcement was made again but in English.

Gasps…no kidding. They were lucky there wasn’t gagging…no, it WAS the international press…most of them can swallow anything with the proper seasoning of political correctness!

Analysis: He won, but for what?

The awarding of the Nobel Peace Price to President Barack Obama landed with a shock on darkened, still-asleep Washington. He won! For what?

For one of America’s youngest presidents, in office less than nine months — and only for 12 days before the Nobel nomination deadline last February — it was an enormous honor.[emphasis added]

A richly UNdeserved honor.

The prize seems to be more for Obama’s promise than for his performance. Work on the president’s ambitious agenda, both at home and abroad, is barely underway, much less finished. He has no standout moment of victory that would seem to warrant a verdict as sweeping as that issued by the Nobel committee.

And what about peace? Obama is running two wars in the Muslim world — in Iraq and Afghanistan — and can’t get a climate change bill through his own Congress.

Without commenting on the demerits of the climate change bill…the stunning lack of achievement is obvious.

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize to mixed reviews

This report is mostly more of the same, except for this little tidbit:

Critics — some in parts of the Arab and Muslim world — called the committee decision premature.

Not even the Arabs all agree on the merit of this one.

Premature?  D’ya think? Maybe just a bit?

Nobel Committee’s Decision Courts Controversy

The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama, so early in his presidency, is bound to reignite criticism of the workings of the Nobel committee.

The deadline for nominations for the prize was Feb. 1 — two weeks after Mr. Obama was inaugurated.

“So soon? Too early. He has no contribution so far,” former Polish President Lech Walesa, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983, said Friday.

So, how do they make these selections?  Read on:

When all the nominations are in, the committee draws up a short list of between five and 20 candidates which are then considered by the Nobel Institute’s director and research director and a group of Norwegian university professors. Their reports on the candidates are then discussed by the five-member prize committee.

Members, all of whom are former or serving deputies of the Storting, the Norwegian parliament, seek to reach a unanimous decision — normally by mid-September — but this has sometimes proved impossible and the choice is then made by a simple majority vote.

Some have criticized the selection procedure as untransparent. The committee never announces the names of nominees and information about candidacies is only made public 50 years after the decision. “It is all done in secret, you don’t know what is happening and whoever sits on that panel is very susceptible to the tides of the moment,” said Philip Towle, an academic from the department of politics and international studies at the University of Cambridge.

Even in Norway, where Mr. Obama enjoys huge popularity, the decision raised eyebrows among some. “It is just too soon,” said Siv Jensen, leader of Norway’s main opposition party, the Progress Party. “It is wrong to give him the peace prize for his ambition. You should receive it for results.”

She said that the decision to bestow the award on the president was the most controversial she could remember and was one of a number that had moved the prize further away from the ideals of Alfred Nobel.

Ah! Enlightenment!

Norskie University professors and Eurosocialist politicians do the heavy lifting.

’nuff said.

…Where the Sun Doesn’t Shine

Al Qaeda Bombers Learn from Drug Smugglers
New Technique of Storing Bomb Materials Inside Body Cavity Nearly Kills a Saudi Prince

Al Qaeda has developed a new tactic that allows suicide bombers to breach even the tightest security, as CBS News correspondent Sheila MacVicar reports.

Inside a Saudi palace, the scene was the bloody aftermath of an al Qaeda attack in August aimed at killing Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef, head of Saudi Arabia’s counter terrorism operations.

To get his bomb into this room, Abdullah Asieri, one of Saudi Arabia’s most wanted men, avoided detection by two sets of airport security including metal detectors and palace security. He spent 30 hours in the close company of the prince’s own secret service agents – all without anyone suspecting a thing.

How did he do it?

Taking a trick from the narcotics trade – which has long smuggled drugs in body cavities – Asieri had a pound of high explosives, plus a detonator inserted in his rectum.

The piece goes on to note that the final detonation was likely triggered by a cell text message…

Other than the obvious security (and other) nightmares this technique suggests, there are (unfortunately) a whole series of additional comments that this situation lends itself to. Use your own imagination…the Chief will go no further.

Your Tax Dollars at…not exactly WORK!

Remember…THESE are the same folks doling out the junk-science grants that AlGor and his ilk use to justify cramming “Cap and Trade Tax” down our throats that will raise more taxes, to fund more “science” to justify more taxes and regulation, to…you can get the picture.

Porn surfing rampant at U.S. science foundation

Employee misconduct investigations, often involving workers accessing pornography from their government computers, grew sixfold last year inside the taxpayer-funded foundation that doles out billions of dollars of scientific research grants, according to budget documents and other records obtained by The Washington Times.

How bad could it be? Pretty bad:

For instance, one senior executive spent at least 331 days looking at pornography on his government computer and chatting online with nude or partially clad women without being detected, the records show.

When finally caught, the NSF official retired. He even offered, among other explanations, a humanitarian defense, suggesting that he frequented the porn sites to provide a living to the poor overseas women. Investigators put the cost to taxpayers of the senior official’s porn surfing at between $13,800 and about $58,000.  “He explained that these young women are from poor countries and need to make money to help their parents and this site helps them do that,” investigators wrote in a memo.

That is no doubt chump change to the NSF b’crats, but it sure seems like a significant amount if it were in the Chief’s family budget!  As far as his rationalization goes…takes your breath away doesn’t it!

In the words of the late Warren Zevon: “It ain’t that pretty at all!”

Chief Agrees with B.O.

Obama Calls Kanye ‘Jackass’

ABC’s Terry Moran set the Twitter-sphere all aflutter when he wrote:

We’ve reached out to Moran and will update this post when we learn more.

Now, an ABC spokesperson explains to POLITICO what happened:

“In the process of reporting on remarks by President Obama that were made during a CNBC interview, ABC News employees prematurely tweeted a portion of those remarks that turned out to be from an off-the-record portion of the interview. This was done before our editorial process had been completed. That was wrong. We apologize to the White House and CNBC and are taking steps to ensure that it will not happen again.”

The White House had no immediate comment.

Finally!  Something that The One has said that the Chief wholeheartedly agrees with!

History Passing Us By

Harry Patch, last British survivor of First World War trenches, dies

Harry Patch, the last British soldier to have served in the First World War trenches, has died at the age of 111.

Mr Patch, who was known as the Last Fighting Tommy, was the last living soldier to have fought in bloody battle of Passchendaele, at Ypres, in 1917 in which more than 70,000 troops died.

It’s worth noting this…and worth taking the time to talk to those around us whose service allows us to enjoy what we now have. We’re not down to end of the WW-II guys yet, but they are going fast…dang…I even know a bunch of Viet-nam/Cold-war types (I resemble that remark!) who have made their final muster.

Godspeed, Harry Patch.

Obamacare Update & Non-apology

First something new! This will help you to understand how Obamacare has great potential to simplify, improve the system, and reduce costs. Right?

(Click here for larger view)

It didn’t help? Oh, darn!

To a different aspect of this topic: The Chief received flaming replies and was the subject of  heartfelt  postings (comparing him to Rush Limbaugh!) to his previous posting concerning Obamacare, DEMANDING abject apology on the part of yours truly for having the nerve to question the plans of The One and His Disciples in the Halls of Congress.

Apparently the posting has tripped the trigger over in Madison and has the Madville Times living up to it’s name on this one. Sorry about that Mr. Heidelberger, but can’t we just disagree? No? Oh well…I’m grief stricken.   If you don’t agree with my conclusions, that’s YOUR business: time will ultimately tell who’s really right on hese, and other issues.

I WILL concede that the below cited provision is not an outright ban on private insurance, but…the devil’s in the details, as is usually the case when dealing with Byzantine proposals for massive new tax-and-entitlement centralized programs, and further apology will be eschewed based on the EFFECT of said program which IMHO results in the eventual end of private insurance. To go back to the piece that originally caught my attention…at risk of possible repetition:

When we first saw the paragraph Tuesday, just after the 1,018-page document was released, we thought we surely must be misreading it. So we sought help from the House Ways and Means Committee. It turns out we were right: The provision would indeed outlaw individual private coverage. Under the Orwellian header of “Protecting The Choice To Keep Current Coverage,” the “Limitation On New Enrollment” section of the bill clearly states: “Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day” of the year the legislation becomes law.

Based on my understanding of English language, tat seems to be fairly clear.

So we can all keep our coverage, just as promised — with, of course, exceptions: Those who currently have private individual coverage won’t be able to change it. Nor will those who leave a company to work for themselves be free to buy individual plans from private carriers.

If the government gets into the business of offering subsidized health insurance coverage, the private insurance market will wither. Drawn by a public option that will be 30% to 40% cheaper than their current premiums because taxpayers will be funding it, employers will gladly scrap their private plans and go with Washington’s coverage.

Tell me this WON’t happen…if you REALLY believe it won’t, please contact me for some tropical beachfront in NW Moody County, SD – do I have a DEAL for you! So, where does the end of private health programs come in? Attrition, for sure, and small (and large) businesses bailing out of private coverage like mad…let Uncle Sam do it, and figure out the financing too…result, IMHO the attritional death of private coverage. (By the way, this already happened in the UK contributing to the rationing and maltreatment that is far too common over there.)

The nonpartisan Lewin Group estimated in April that 120 million or more Americans could lose their group coverage at work and end up in such a program. That would leave private carriers with 50 million or fewer customers. This could cause the market to, as Lewin Vice President John Sheils put it, “fizzle out altogether.”What wasn’t known until now is that the bill itself will kill the market for private individual coverage by not letting any new policies be written after the public option becomes law.

The legislation is also likely to finish off health savings accounts, a goal that Democrats have had for years. They want to crush that alternative because nothing gives individuals more control over their medical care, and the government less, than HSAs.

The final result will ultimately be the end of private health care and insurance as we know it, not by direct execution, but by an inevitable exercise of a sort of Gresham’s Law applied to health care…bad care drives out good care (unless you are REALLY rich in a way I can’t even begin to imagine, as a semi-retired teacher).

If you, as Mr. Heidelberger is, (and to some extent I also am) are disturbed by the like of the Stanford-MeritCare merger, this too is an inevitable result of the movement towards Obamacare…as these organizations attempt to render themselves “too big to fail” by the standards of even bigger government. (They just want their place at the health care table…no big deal, right, and if Goldman-Sach’s money talks in the halls of Washington, then why not Sanford’s?)

Now, one can decide that this is a positive change in things or not. No problemo, but I continue to call the shots as I see them, whether or not Mr. Heidelberger likes what I say, or agrees with it or whatever…that’s HIS call.

My choice is to reply to specific issues…NOT to get into the gratuitous exchange of invective and personalities in keeping with the counsel of a man much wiser than me: “Never mud-wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, and the pig enjoys it.”

By the way C.H. – I am honored to be attacked in the same sentence as Rush Limbaugh! It makes me thing I must be doing something RIGHT!