Vikings running back Adrian Peterson compares NFL owners’ treatment of players to ‘modern-day slavery’ in an online interview
Vikings running back Adrian Peterson compared NFL owners’ treatment of players to “modern-day slavery,” according to an online interview published Tuesday by Yahoo! Sports.
Yahoo’s Doug Farrar, who conducted the interview Friday with Peterson, removed that comment from the story later Tuesday, explaining on Twitter that he wants to give Peterson the chance to provide context.
Peterson, who is known to be thoughtful when speaking with the local media in Minnesota, is in Africa with other NFL players on a goodwill trip and unavailable for immediate comment.
One is tempted to note that it’s one of the Vikings saying something so stupid…but I’ll skip the cheap shot…
NFL owners and players couldn’t agree on a new collective bargaining agreement last week after more than two weeks of federal mediation. Shortly before the players union NFL decertified, Peterson spoke to Yahoo to promote a recent appearance on the online reality show “Double Take.” The NFL declared a lockout when the CBA expired.
“The players are getting robbed. They are,” Peterson told Yahoo. “The owners are making so much money off of us to begin with. I don’t know that I want to quote myself on that.”
If someone were robbing ME, I would at least stay away from them henceforth.
When discussing other players feeling the same way, Peterson said: “It’s modern-day slavery, you know? People kind of laugh at that, but there are people working at regular jobs who get treated the same way, too. With all the money. … The owners are trying to get a different percentage, and bring in more money. I understand that; these are business-minded people. Of course this is what they are going to want to do. I understand that; it’s how they got to where they are now. But as players, we have to stand our ground and say, ‘Hey, without us, there’s no football.’ “
OK. Call an spade a spade here. He says he can understand the owners wanting to make money…because he is concerned with exactly the same thing. So what…but don’t resort to the level of hyperbole that labels one of the most remunerative occupations as being slavery:
Peterson is set to make $10.72 million in base salary in 2011.
Poor baby! How can he survive on that sharecropper-style starvation pay!
On the same page was the following poll:
Do you agree with Peterson’s comparison of NFL owners’ treatment of players to “modern-day slavery?”
Total Votes = 2282
Yes. 2.453 %
No. 96.18 %
I don’t know. 1.358 %
The Chief concurs.
Contrary to Peterson’s assertion…no one is standing there with a whip forcing him to accept that $10.72M paycheck. This IS the US of A, and the 13th Amendment IS enforced. If he doesn’t like the NFL, he’s free to get a real job, in the real world, assuming he can qualify for one.
No sympathy. At all. Sorry.