Tag Archives: Mid-East Watch

Believe it, or don’t…

Obama tells UN leaders world has dodged depression

The Chief hopes this is right but…skepticism remains.

President Barack Obama is calling on world leaders to support new efforts to bring about peace in the Mideast,…

Ah, yes…peace in the mid-east. Of course with Ham-ass and the Hezballers still dedicated to the total destruction of Israel, this remains problematic, at best. As far as B.O.’s fulminations on the topic…the phrase “poor situational awareness” comes to mind…unless of course, he is a crypto anti-semite who looks forward to a “final solution” to the problem of Israel.

…while declaring the global economy has been “pulled back from the brink of a depression.”

Hmmm. If you put $1 with that it would get you a can of pop, but the Chief would submit that the jury is still out on this one. There hasn’t been any flood of coverage on Greece, Spain, Ireland, Italy, etc. correcting their out of kilter financial and economic blues. Anecdotally, a friend who 2 months ago went to Brazil to take on an engineering exploration job with Petrobras, the Brazilian national oil company (with was just given $2B by the Obamacrats for exploration) was released and sent packing as part of a 25% workforce reduction.

Yep! Things are looking up all over. (At least Germany and Russia are looking up… but they ruthlessly cut deficits and stimulus spending. Russia’s 13% flat tax is doing wonders for getting things going economically in the post-Soviet era.)

Obama, visiting the United Nations where world leaders are gathered, says “America has joined with nations around the world to spur growth and renewed demand that could restart job creation.”

One supposes that maybe he’s talking about stuff like the money paid to Brazil to create jobs in their oil industry, along with a similar $2B payment to Mexico to expand THEIR drilling in the Gulf (while our drilling is halted? WTF!?)

That statement DOES make sense if the policy he has in mind is to CUT the US economy, in order to support a global redistribution of jobs in the interest of international social justice, or some such ideology. (Nah…surely not Obama?)