Tag Archives: Junk Science

Bill Gates Claims Godhood?–Assumes Right to Change Global Climate at Will!

Can you say H-U-B-R-I-S? Hubris means extreme haughtiness or arrogance. Hubris often indicates being out of touch with reality and overestimating one’s own competence or capabilities, especially for people in positions of power.

When I first saw this, I had trouble believing it was serious…Gates et al have to be totally convinced of their status as übermenschen, if not demigods, who are uniquely qualified and endowed to assume on their own authority, the power to  play dominance games with the planet that we all live on. Not even the most arrogant polluting industrial managers (say, of the ChiCom steel industry for example) don’t openly and proudly proclaim a stated goal to consciously and deliberately change the climate of the Earth!

Bill Gates pays for ‘artificial’ clouds to beat greenhouse gases

The first trials of controversial sunshielding technology are being planned after the United Nations failed to secure agreement on cutting greenhouse gases.

Bill Gates, the Microsoft billionaire, is funding research into machines to suck up ten tonnes of seawater every second and spray it upwards. This would seed vast banks of white clouds to reflect the Sun’s rays away from Earth.

The British and American scientists involved do not intend to wait for international rules on technology that deliberately alters the climate.

The arrogance here is breathtaking…especially considering the actual state of the art of much of what passes itself off as “climate science”, but has been proven by the Climategate and other similar revelations to be based on conspiratorial coordination of faked, distorted, and fatally limited data.

Silver Lining, a research body in San Francisco, has received $300,000 (£204,000) from Mr Gates. It will develop machines to convert seawater into microscopic particles capable of being blown up to the cloud level of 1,000 metres. This would whiten clouds by increasing the number of nuclei.

Uh…rain and clouds mostly result from evaporation. The salt mostly stays dissolved in the sea. With Gate’s plan, NOW we can be the lucky recipient of precipitation in the form of salt water…won’t THAT do wonders for maintaining the soil!

Stephen Salter, Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design at the University of Edinburgh, said that there was no need to wait for regulations because the trials would not add chemicals to the atmosphere.

…uh…having taught Chemistry for over a quarter-century, I can assure the learned professor that water (H2O) and salt (NaCl) are in fact chemicals, and that water in it’s vapor phase is a MUCH more powerful greenhouse gas than is carbon dioxide.

But Sir David King, former chief scientific adviser to the Government, said that experiments with potential consequences beyond national borders needed international regulations. He told The Times: “I do not see any geoengineering solution which does not have unintended consequences or is not far too expensive.”

At least HE has retained some situational awareness concerning unintended consequences!

Let’s hope that this particular form of megalomaniacal insanity is squelched before it afflicts us all.

At times, when mentally cursing yet another BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) from a Windows crash, it was easy to attribute diabolical intent to Bill Gates. Now it looks like he’s in need of crashing the climate like it was a cheap PC.

Brains Destroyed by Volcano!

What else accounts for this lack of connection with reality? Remember…this is your tax dollars at work totally as wasted as the minds that can commit this idiocy.

Volcanoes? All Your Fault According To NPR

The slogan attached to NPR gabber Diane Rehm’s show is “one of her guests is always you.” Based on Rehm’s interview of Elise Labott, senior State Department producer for CNN, reality isn’t quite as welcome as you are. Consider this exchange between Rehm and Labott:

Rehm: “We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms –“

Labbot: “And how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve seen a lot of wacky weather but that’s just a microcosm for what’s happening around the world and how much climate change is contributing to earthquakes and volcanic ash – it’s a really good question.”

Actually, that’s the opposite of a good question. It’s an idiotic question. It’s a question that demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt that mainstream media personalities are about as qualified to opine on scientific topics as Roman Polanski is to weigh in on sex education programs.

Did you catch that? Human activity is changing climate, and that THIS causes earthquakes and volcanism? Right. And the increased temperature on Mars is caused by too many SUV’s.


There are no mechanisms – absolutely none – that can even remotely be tied to increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, or to the movement of tectonic plates (earthquakes), or the activity of magma pools (volcanoes). The suggestion that such mechanisms might in fact exist demonstrates both a disconnection with reality and a complete disregard of science. When two members of the mainstream media like Rehm and Labott discuss such nonsense in tones that suggest credibility, we can only wonder: what other distortions have they tried to foist upon us.

Wonder where to cut some government spending?

Glowbull Warmist Update

More sloppy data used by IPCC. The information in question doesn’t directly affect the climate-change claims, but it DOES illustrate, yet another case of a shoddy and careless lack of scientific rigor in the collection and use of data.

U.N. climate panel admits Dutch sea level flaw

The U.N. panel of climate experts overstated how much of the Netherlands is below sea level, according to a preliminary report on Saturday, admitting yet another flaw after a row last month over Himalayan glacier melt.

A background note by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said a 2007 report wrongly stated that 55 percent of the country was below sea level since the figure included areas above sea level, prone to flooding along rivers.

Maybe someday the IPCC will reach the level of a competent H.S. science fair project. By recent evidence, they’ve still got a way to go.

Climategate: Details, Hits B.O. Admin, Cap and Tax Plans

Several reports extending the scope of the Climategate disclosures that continue the processes of destruction and loss of credibility by the Glowbull Warming (junk science) establishment

Firstly, here’s one detailing that some of the e-mails rigging the debate are to/from/involving B.O. “Science Czar” John Holdren.  Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren involved in unwinding “Climategate”  scandal

Lift up a rock and another snake comes slithering out from the ongoing University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU) scandal, now riding as “Climategate”.

Obama Science Czar John Holdren is directly involved in CRU’s unfolding Climategate scandal. In fact, according to files released by a CEU hacker or whistleblower, Holdren is involved in what Canada Free Press (CFP) columnist Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball terms “a truculent and nasty manner that provides a brief demonstration of his lack of understanding, commitment on faith and willingness to ridicule and bully people”.

“The files contain so much material that it is going to take some time t o put it all in context,” says Ball. “However, enough is already known to underscore their explosive nature. It is already clear the entire claims and positions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are based on falsified manipulated material and is therefore completely compromised.

The IPCC is the much ballyhooed UN group whose bogus reports have been providing the underpinning of the original Kyoto Treaty, and which is the driver for the upcoming bogus efforts at Copenhagen, to which B.O. will apparently be desperately seeking to promote.

As far as Czar Holdgren is concerned, there is an e-mail exchange detailed that he has with Michael Mann (one of the glowbul warming heavy hitters) about rigging the debate.

Climategate e-mails sweep America, may scuttle Barack Obama’s Cap and Trade laws

Just a few considerations in addition to previous remarks about the explosion of the East Anglia Climategate e-mails in America. The reaction is growing exponentially there. Fox News, Barack Obama’s Nemesis, is now on the case, trampling all over Al Gore’s organic vegetable patch and breaking the White House windows. It has extracted some of the juiciest quotes from the e-mails and displayed them on-screen, with commentaries. Joe Public, coast-to-coast, now knows, thanks to the clowns at East Anglia’s CRU, just how royally he has been screwed.

Senator James Inhofe’s Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works has written to all the relevant US Government agencies, acquainting them with the nature of the e-mails. But the real car crash for Obama is on Capitol Hill where it is now confidently believed his Cap and Trade climate legislation is toast. It was always problematic; but with a growing awakening to the scale of the scientific imposture sweeping the world, as far as the Antipodes, the clever money is on Cap and Trade laws failing to pass, with many legislators sceptical and the mid-term elections looming ever closer.

Cap and Tax getting incinerated? God lives!
Meanwhile, this is even hitting directly at one of the Chief’s pet peeves – the idiotic situation with the compact fluorescent bulbs – where so-called environmentalists want to force us all to use these expensive and annoying devices, wach of which is an environmental time bomb which will cleverly spread toxic mercury far and wide in the environment as they are used, and inevitably discarded in the normal trash flow.

At the more domestic level, the proposed ban on incandescent light bulbs, so supinely accepted in this servile state of Britain, is now provoking a huge backlash in America. US citizens do not like the government coming into their houses and putting their lights out. Voters may not understand the cut and thrust of climate debate at the technical level, but they know when the Man from Washington has crossed their threshold uninvited.

THe described effect of the continuing and accumulating CRU avalanche?

The term that Fox News is now applying to the Climategate e-mails is “game-changer”. For the first time, Anthropogenic Global Warming cranks are on the defensive, losing their cool and uttering desperate mantras such as “You can be sceptical, not in denial.” Gee, thanks, guys. In fact we shall be whatever we want to be, without asking your permission.

Couldn’t have said the last sentence there any better myself!
In conclusion on this piece, there are several choice observations:

At this rate, Copenhagen is going to turn into a comedy convention with the real world laughing at these liars. Now is the time to mount massive resistance to the petty tyrants and hit them where it hurts – in the wallet. Further down the line there may be, in many countries, a question of criminal prosecution of anybody who has falsified data to secure funds and impose potentially disastrous fiscal restraints on the world in deference to a massive hoax. It’s a new world out there, Al, and, as you may have noticed, the climate is very cold indeed.

Finally – more gory details of the above-mentioned Dr. Mann, again in the context of engaging in rigging the scientific playing field of the “peer-review process”.

Rigging a Climate ‘Consensus’
About those emails and ‘peer review.’

The climatologists at the center of the leaked email and document scandal have taken the line that it is all much ado about nothing. Yes, the wording of their messages was unfortunate, but they insist this in no way undermines the underlying science. They’re ignoring the damage they’ve done to public confidence in the arbiters of climate science.

Another day, more information. The gift that keeps on giving!

Your Tax Dollars at…not exactly WORK!

Remember…THESE are the same folks doling out the junk-science grants that AlGor and his ilk use to justify cramming “Cap and Trade Tax” down our throats that will raise more taxes, to fund more “science” to justify more taxes and regulation, to…you can get the picture.

Porn surfing rampant at U.S. science foundation

Employee misconduct investigations, often involving workers accessing pornography from their government computers, grew sixfold last year inside the taxpayer-funded foundation that doles out billions of dollars of scientific research grants, according to budget documents and other records obtained by The Washington Times.

How bad could it be? Pretty bad:

For instance, one senior executive spent at least 331 days looking at pornography on his government computer and chatting online with nude or partially clad women without being detected, the records show.

When finally caught, the NSF official retired. He even offered, among other explanations, a humanitarian defense, suggesting that he frequented the porn sites to provide a living to the poor overseas women. Investigators put the cost to taxpayers of the senior official’s porn surfing at between $13,800 and about $58,000.  “He explained that these young women are from poor countries and need to make money to help their parents and this site helps them do that,” investigators wrote in a memo.

That is no doubt chump change to the NSF b’crats, but it sure seems like a significant amount if it were in the Chief’s family budget!  As far as his rationalization goes…takes your breath away doesn’t it!

In the words of the late Warren Zevon: “It ain’t that pretty at all!”