Tag Archives: Counterterrorism

Navy SEALS Do Job: Get Hung Out to Dry

Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted Terrorist

Navy SEALs have secretly captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq — the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. And three of the SEALs who captured him are now facing criminal charges, sources told FoxNews.com.

Just to refresh your memory, this is the handiwork of the Islamoterr in question…note the burned and mutilated [American] bodies hanging from the bridge girder:


The three, all members of the Navy’s elite commando unit, have refused non-judicial punishment — called an admiral’s mast — and have requested a trial by court-martial.

Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named “Objective Amber,” told investigators he was punched by his captors — and he had the bloody lip to prove it.

Awwwwww. Poor baby. Refer again to the above picture. If there was any justice in this situation the Islamoterr  should have been whacked while “resisting capture”.

Now, instead of being lauded for bringing to justice a high-value target, three of the SEAL commandos, all enlisted, face assault charges and have retained lawyers.

This is SO wrong. We take the best of our best, send them out to do a mission and capture a known and identified terrorist combatant. They do so, and the perp complains (after he had been turned over to Iraqi custody) that he got punched during the course of events.  What happens next?

Why what else, given that this is the day  of the B.O. administration granting the full panoply of legal rights of an American citizen to the killer (by beheading!) of  American reporter Daniel Pearl, and who also happened to  lead the planning for the 9-11 attack?  The feckless wonders of the U.S. Obamanation Navy bring the SEALS up on charges!



Holder Loses Grip

Holder’s move to criminalize terrorists shows that he has totally lost his situational awareness, or else has determined to put a bullet into the war on terrorism by enabling some of the worst of the worst a very real chance of getting a legal pass.

Trying KSM in Civilian Court: Inconsistent, Indefensible, Inexplicable

Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision to try Khalid Sheik Mohammed in a federal civilian court is inconsistent, indefensible and inexplicable.

It is inconsistent with Holder’s own decision to try Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri in a military commission. It is indefensible in light of the unmistakable intentions of the Framers of the Constitution. It is inexplicable by any prudential analysis of the national interest in dealing with an enemy like al-Qaida.

Some strange ideological impulse—rather than common sense and respect for the rule of law—is driving the Obama administration to give special treatment to the perpetrator of one of the greatest war crimes ever committed against the United States.

Go on and read the rest of the gory details of this legal travesty.
Here’s more on this from another source, detailing the warm fuzzy connection of al Qaeda and the ACLU:

Al Qaeda’s Civil Liberties Union

“I’ll talk to you guys after I get to New York and see my lawyer.” That, according to former Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet, is what September 11 planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) said when he was captured in March 2003.

President Bush had another idea, one that involved protecting the national security interests of the United States. (What a concept!)

But of course the Bush administration did not grant KSM his wish. Instead, the master terrorist was seen as a potentially vital source of intelligence on al Qaeda, which had caught America sleeping less than two years earlier. If U.S. intelligence officials could get him to talk, the Bush administration and the U.S. intelligence community reasoned, then they could learn many of al Qaeda’s well-guarded secrets. And talk, KSM did. So much so, in fact, that he became the U.S. government’s “preeminent source” on al Qaeda and even the “most prolific” detainee in custody. While in the CIA’s detention, he identified (both wittingly and unwittingly) numerous of his fellow al Qaeda terrorists and divulged the details of much of al Qaeda’s post-September 11 plotting.

What could have been?

If KSM were initially shipped to New York for trial, however, the outcome would most likely have been very different. As former DCI Tenet writes in his book At the Center of the Storm: “I believe none of these [counterterrorism] successes would have happened if we had to treat KSM like a white-collar criminal – read him his Miranda rights and get him a lawyer who surely would have insisted that his client simply shut up.”

And sadly, we’re left with the prospects of what Holder, B.O, et al have lined up for the country:

Who are KSM’s lawyers, in any event? They are members of the ACLU’s John Adams Project, which is run in conjunction with the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL). The John Adams Project represents Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the four other 9/11 conspirators the Obama administration has decided to move to U.S. soil for trial. Thus, it is not surprising that the ACLU has praised the controversial move, saying it was “a major victory for due process and the rule of law.”
It is nothing of the sort, but the ACLU consistently portrays itself in this light–as if it is only concerned with protecting the “rule of law.” The reality is quite different. The ACLU has worked diligently to undermine America’s stance in what was formerly known as the “war on terror,” and has even been willing to disseminate propaganda on behalf of our jihadist enemies.

It’s worth remembering that KSM was not just a strategic/tactical planner for al Qaeda’s 9-11 strike. He was willing to get up close and personal with his terrorism, being the one who confessed to CIA interrogators that he personally and tortuously beheaded US reporter Daniel Pearl: “I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew Daniel Pearl, in the City of Karachi, Pakistan.”
This is the slime that Holder, and presumably B.O. think is justified in being granted the full panoply of Constitutional rights of a U.S. citizen.  F.E.T.E.

We’ve seen this before…

Wasn’t it around 60 years ago that Jews had trouble travelling in Europe without fear of being arrested?

The bad old days appear to be returning…and Europe is supposed to be considered sane and civilized?

Israelis may stay home to avoid arrest in Europe

Israel is seriously considering restricting travel to Europe by its senior officials and military officers, fearing they might be arrested in the wake of a disputed U.N. report that accuses the Jewish state of targeting civilians in its Gaza war earlier this year.

Oh yeah. Some Palestinians got killed in a round of warfare that THEY started. So some UN-crats and traditionally anti-semitic Euros think that this constitutes war crimes.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday harshly criticized the U.N. report, written by a team headed by South African Judge Richard Goldstone, “as distorted” and vowed not to permit the Israeli officials who launched the Gaza war “to arrive at the International Court in The Hague.” The U.N. Security Council will discuss the report on Wednesday.

Just how did this iteration of fighting get started? Remember the HAMAS Palestinian terrorists firing literally thousands of rockets into Israel (Which is roughly comparable in size to say, South Dakota between I-29 and the Minnesota border.) Then they get upset when Israel responds militarily and comes after them…and even fired real bullets back at them! (Shocking!!)

Israel launched the offensive to stop the militant Palestinian group Hamas from firing rockets on Israeli cities from Gaza, which Hamas controls. While the war is viewed in Israel as a tactical success, its large civilian death toll – estimated at 926 by Palestinian rights groups and at least 295 by Israel – has created significant diplomatic fallout.

How’s about the bit that there were so many civilian casualties because many rocket launching points were in hospital and school courtyards (with the normal users still present in the buildings while the rockets were going out) naturally becoming targets of the Israeli response.

F ’em if they can’t take the heat…next time MAYBE they’ll actually THINK before you start with the rocketry again, but it’s doubtful.

How to Handle Terrs

Farmer’s daughter disarms terrorist and shoots him dead with AK47

An Indian farmer’s daughter disarmed a terrorist leader who broke into her home, attacked him with an axe and shot him dead with his own gun.

Rukhsana Kausar, 21, was with her parents and brother in Jammu and Kashmir when three gunmen, believed to be Pakistani militants, forced their way in and demanded food and beds for the night.

THis was apparently S.O.P. for the local terrs. They picked the wrong place this time:

When they forced their way into Miss Kausar’s home, her father Noor Mohammad refused their demands and was attacked.

His daughter was hiding under a bed when she heard him crying as the gunmen thrashed him with sticks. According to police, she ran towards her father’s attacker and struck him with an axe. As he collapsed, she snatched his AK47 and shot him dead. She also shot and wounded another militant as he made his escape.

Score one for the good guys & gals!