Obama campaign confronts WGN radio
What are the Obamanistas attitude toward minor details of the Constitutional Law, like say, the 1st Amendment? “Every picture tells a story, don’t it?”
Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign organized its supporters Wednesday night to confront Tribune-owned WGN-AM in Chicago for having a critic of the Illinois Democrat on its air.
SHOCKING! Someone from the MSM that hasn’t bought into B.O.’s prospective ascension to the Imperial Throne? What else could they do than to attempt to cut out the heresy, root and branch, and cast the perpetrators into outer darkness – or at least off the air.
“WGN radio is giving right-wing hatchet man Stanley Kurtz a forum to air his baseless, fear-mongering terrorist smears,” Obama’s campaign wrote in an e-mail to supporters. “He’s currently scheduled to spend a solid two-hour block from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. pushing lies, distortions, and manipulations about Barack and University of Illinois professor William Ayers.”
Kurtz, a conservative writer, recently wrote an article for the National Review that looked at Obama’s ties to Ayers, a former 1960s radical who later emerged as a school reform advocate in Chicago.
The magazine had been blocked in its initial attempts to obtain records from the University of Illinois at Chicago regarding a school reform initiative called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which Obama chaired and Ayers co-founded.
Obama critics were quick to suggest that political clout could be involved in seeking to protect Obama from embarrassment. The school later reserved its position and made the records available Tuesday.
After noting more of the details of the situation, the posting concludes with “Obama’s campaign has launched similar offensives against stations that have run campaign ads that it did not like.”
NRO has some more information…this is an op-ed, but it DOES also report some additional information about what’s going on.
Barack Obama, Aspiring Commissar
While the Obama coronation proceeds apace in Denver, it is in Chicago that Americans are getting a disturbing demonstration of his thuggish methods of stifling criticism.
They go on to conclude with this:
Kurtz has obviously hit a nerve. It is the same nerve hit by the American Issues Project, whose television ad calling for examination of the Obama/Ayers relationship has prompted the Obama campaign to demand that the Justice Department begin a criminal investigation. Obama fancies himself as “post-partisan.†He is that only in the sense that he apparently brooks no criticism. This episode could be an alarming preview of what life will be like for the media should the party of the Fairness Doctrine gain unified control of the federal government next year.
CRIMINAL charges? Hello? What happened to the 1st Amendment?
“Post-partisan?” Logically, this has to mean “one-party rule” (or is it “The One’s Party Rules”?)
Meanwhile, this stuff isn’t the only attempt to “control” the news that has affected the MSM:
ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors
Asa Eslocker Was Investigating the Role of Lobbyists and Top Donors at the Convention
Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown Palace Hotel.
Looks like the fix is in… it apparently wouldn’t do to show up Donk connections with the very same ilk of big-money types that their class-warfare neo-Bolshevik rhetoric loves to castigate.
What’s the flap about anyway?
Eslocker and his ABC News colleagues are spending the week investigating the role of corporate lobbyists and wealthy donors at the convention for a series of Money Trail reports on ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson.”
Must be some real news in danger of actually being reported for a change.
If they are this aggressive now, can you imagine what these totalitarian minded apparatchiks would do if they were in charge of the FBI, BATF, CIA, etc.???
Yikes! Keep your powder dry!