Tag Archives: US Politics

Lib Donk Calls for Clemency for Imprisoned Border Agents!

Feinstein to Bush: Free Ramos, Compean

This falls into the category of a “man bites dog” type of story. When Californias Lib Donk Senator Feinstein held hearings and decides that the prosecution and penalties of two border agents imprisoned for the shooting (wounding) of a drug smuggler who was attempting escape was excessive…there HAS to be merit to their case!

This is better than most of the REPUBLICANS are willing to do for crying out loud, to say nothing of Bush’s resolute ignoring of the case, at least thus far.

After presiding over a Senate hearing today, Sen. Dianne Feinstein has decided to ask President Bush to commute the sentences of former U.S. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, an aide for the California Democrat told WND.

Feinstein will have a letter delivered to the White House tomorrow, said spokesman Scott Gerber. Following the Senate judiciary committee’s examination of the controversial prosecution, according to Gerber, the senator said “it became very clear the sentences did not match the crime.”

Ramos and Compean are serving 11- and 12-year prison sentences, respectively, after a jury convicted them of violating federal gun laws and covering up the shooting of a drug smuggler as he fled back to Mexico after driving across the border with 742 pounds of marijuana. U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton’s office gave the smuggler, Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila, immunity to serve as the government’s star witness and testify against the border agents.

It’s high time that these dedicated former agents were sprung from the joint. It would be best if the Prez would grant a full pardon, but hey, after 18 months even a commutation would be an improvement for them.

MN Donk Cong Struck by Verbal Dysentery

Bush like Hitler, says first Muslim in Congress

This Minnesota Donk Cong allegedly is a fine representative of his district, and of the religion of pisspeace.

America’s first Muslim congressman has provoked outrage by apparently comparing President George W Bush to Adolf Hitler and hinting that he might have been responsible for the September 11 attacks.

Addressing a gathering of atheists in his home state of Minnesota, Keith Ellison, a Democrat, compared the 9/11 atrocities to the destruction of the Reichstag, the German parliament, in 1933. This was probably burned down by the Nazis in order to justify Hitler’s later seizure of emergency powers….

To applause from his audience of 300 members of Atheists for Human Rights, Mr Ellison said he would not accuse the Bush administration of planning 9/11 because “you know, that’s how they put you in the nut-ball box – dismiss you”.

…uh, “Athiests for Human Rights”? Sounds like moonbats from hell. Every time the Chief is tempted to think that Minnesota isn’t all that different from South Dakota, something like this acts as a cluebat to remind that, yes, it really IS different over there, at least in some areas.

The Donk Cong Ellison need have no fears about the Bush administration putting him “in the nut-ball box”. He’s already accomplished that all by himself!

Thune: Fairness Doctrine – NOT!

Reject Orwellian Calls for Broadcast ‘Fairness’

SD GOP Senator John Thune has rhetorically smacked one out of the park concerning the recent ongoing Republocratic Demmican discussions of the restoration of the so-called “Fairness Doctrine”.

From its birth, our nation has put a high value on independent thought and freedom of speech. Our Founding Fathers themselves saw their lot as conscientious insurrectionists seeking freedoms they believed were inalienable rights. They understood the importance of permitting freedom of conscience whether it be in the religious, political, or social sphere. Today we continue to fight to preserve these freedoms both here at home and in many dark corners around the world.

Unfortunately, some in Washington DC are reviving an old idea that the government can, and should, regulate the reporting of news, information and ideas. If we take them at their word, they are doing it in the name of “fairness.” But if we look deeper, we may see motives not nearly so noble.

From this excellent start, Sen. Thune goes on to trace the history and effects of the so-called Fairness Doctrine, before concluding:

Since 1987 we have seen even greater growth in how we get news and information including the rise of talk radio, internet news sites, and blogs, yet some critics on the left are calling for the reinstitution of the Fairness Doctrine. The efforts of these critics, who are especially offended by the success of conservative talk radio, should be rejected. Our support for freedom of conscience and freedom of speech means that we must support the rights granted to even those with whom we disagree. Giving power to a few to regulate fairness in the media is a recipe for disaster on the scale that George Orwell so aptly envisioned.

I for one will strongly oppose any efforts to bring back the Fairness Doctrine or other policies similar to it. I have introduced legislation that would prohibit the FCC from reinstituting these policies, which is a good first step. I know the hair stands up on the back of my neck when I hear government officials offering to regulate the news media and talk radio to ensure fairness. I think most Americans have the same reaction. That is why I will do my part to ensure speech remains free and that Americans can continue to debate the issues of the day through our diverse forms of media in a free and open manner.

Hear, hear!

Immigration Bill Takes the Fall: Senate Clubbed by Cluebat!


The Chief hasn’t been TOTALLY glued to the tube this AM concerning the vote on the immigration bill, but he has seen part of Kennedy becoming exercised about his concern for illegals (which is evidently greater than his concern for the US). Of course this is predictable, since the bill has his fingerprints all over it (along with others, most notably John “Manchurian Candidate” McCainiac).

As noted in my previous posting prospects for the Kennedy-McCainiac Mexican Migration Promotion Act are pretty negative (this is good!) for cloture, which would allow the bill to procede.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there are so many calls in opposition to the bill that we, the people, have crashed the Senate phone system! (Hint, hint! Come on guys, get a CLUE!)

1019 CDT – Reports that six votes have definitely switched from the vote earlier this week. By the Chief’s count, that does it – it’s all over but the Republocratic Demican weeping and wailing, knashing of teeth, etc.

1025 CDT – The vote process is still continuing, but Fox News has declared that the bill has been clearly and finally defeated.

1030 CDT – Roll call continuing, FNS now reporting 15 vote swing since Tuesday.

1031 CDT – FNS reporting end of roll call, final defeat for bill for this session of Congress.

1033 CDT – 18 vote swing, 64 supportive votes on Tuesday, 46 supportive votes today.  Not even a majority, to say nothing of reaching the 60 votes needed to move the bill along at this point.

In spite of the “grand compromise” of our so-called leaders, the people sat up, took notice, and proclaimed “¡No way, José!”

Good riddence to bad rubbish!

A Positive Trend…

Illegals bill loses support in Senate

If this is true, it’s a definite movement in the right direction!

The Senate immigration bill lost supporters yesterday and hangs on by a thread heading into this morning’s showdown vote, after lawmakers voted down amendments making illegal aliens show roots to get legal status and cutting off their path to citizenship. This morning’s vote is on a parliamentary question about limiting debate, but it boils down to a vote to block the bill.

Just two days ago, 64 senators voted to revive the bill, with many saying they wanted to give the Senate a chance to improve the bill through amendments. But after a messy day in the chamber yesterday, with dozens of objections, arguments on the floor and five amendments defeated, at least a half-dozen senators said publicly or privately that their patience has run out.

Let’s see now…64, minus 6, leaves 58…ooops Harry, not enough for cloture, and then hopefully this turkey dies for good! Break out the wooden stake, garlic, and crucifix to ensure this thing can’t revive again.

McCainiac-Feingold Provision Nixed by Supremes

A good day for the Consatitution!

Court allows issue ads near elections

The court, split 5-4, upheld an appeals court ruling that an anti-abortion group should have been allowed to air ads during the final two months before the 2004 elections. The law unreasonably limits speech and violates the group’s First Amendment rights, the court said.

The Chief, not having had his brains sucked out by a law school, could never understand limiting political speech before an election….I mean, there IS the bit in the Constitution about “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech…”, although Sen. John (Manchurian Candidate)McCainiac seemed to forget this basic fact.

Predictably enough, he’s not especially a happy camper about this ruling.

McCain: ‘Regrettable’ decision

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ.) (RINO-AZ)on Monday called the Supreme Court’s decision to weaken part of his campaign finance law “regrettable.”

How cruel of the Supremes to remember the Constitution actually is still there in spite of McCain’s Olympian determination of what’s REALLY best for us.

Others (besides the Chief) do not share his view of this:

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, one of McCain’s main rivals for the GOP nomination, was quick to seize on the decision and made sure that voters knew it was a provision in the Arizona senator’s law that was struck down.

“Score one for free speech,” Romney said. “Today the Supreme Court reaffirmed the First Amendment by rejecting a key feature of McCain-Feingold. The law trampled the basic right of the American people to participate in their democracy. It also purported to reduce the influence of money in politics, but we now know that influence is greater than ever.

“McCain-Feingold was a poorly crafted bill,” Romney added. “Today’s decision restores, in part, to the American people a right critical to their freedom of political participation and expression.”

Hear, hear!

Border Speed Bumps for Mex Trucking

Full access for Mexican trucks hits rough road

Partisans from both sides of the political divide in Washington are getting fired up in opposition to the planned opening up of the US to Mexican long-haul trucking.

A Bush administration plan to proceed with a pilot program to give Mexican truckers full access of U.S. roads has caused a bipartisan uproar on Capitol Hill.

“The cross-border trucking program is bad for America,” said Rep. Duncan Hunter, California Republican and presidential candidate. “It appears, under the current program, that commercial interests are being pushed ahead of the safety and security interests of the American people.”

The Teamsters union and the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, a trade association representing the independent truck owner-operators and professional drivers, also oppose the program, saying Mexican trucking companies have poor safety figures, do not keep reliable records on accidents, and do not dependably test drivers for drugs and alcohol.

To say the LEAST, the Chief is highly skeptical of assurances that the Mexican trucking will REALLY be in compliance to US standards. When drug smugglers buy armed protection and diversionary activities on the border from Mexican army and police (as has happened previously), why would anyone rationally expect the situation with truckers being certified by Mexico to meet US standards to be any different?

Senator Doesn’t Get It!

McCain voices optimism on immigration plan
Says his support for measure has affected campaign

Senator John McCain of Arizona said yesterday that he was “guardedly optimistic” that the Senate’s controversial immigration legislation will pass Congress, and added that he has been stunned by the personal attacks on him from conservatives angry about the bill.

Sen. John (Manchurian Candidate) McCain (RINO-AZ) of course is continuing his support for the Kennedy-McCainiac Mexican Migraiton Support Act, while at the same time expressing puzzlement as to the failure of many voters to support this.

McCain, who acknowledges that his outspoken support for overhauling immigration laws is complicating his presidential campaign, relayed a story about attending a recent fund-raiser where protesters were standing outside holding signs that declared: “McCain — traitor.”

“I’m a pretty tough guy, and I’m not asking for any sympathy,” said McCain, a former Navy combat pilot who spent five years as a prisoner of war after his plane was shot down in Vietnam. But, he added, “you see something like that and you think, ‘Wow, what would make these women . . . think I’m a traitor?’ “

He just doesn’t get it!

Hey Senator, here’s a cluebat to get hit by: maybe it has something to do with acting to virtually destroy the sovereign authority of the United States to control its borders, and to enforce its laws in the face of aggressive violations and outright harrassment from Mexican citizens and officials.

RINO No More!

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg Leaves GOP

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg left the Republican Party on Tuesday and switched to unaffiliated, a move certain to be seen as a prelude to an independent presidential bid that would upend the 2008 race.

In the dreams of the MSM. He wouldn’t have as much effect on the GOP at this point as John Anderson’s independent candidacy in 1980.

The billionaire former CEO, who was a lifelong Democrat before he switched to the Republican Party in 2001 for his first mayoral run, said the change in his voter registration does not mean he is running for president.

“…lifelong Democrat…” sort of says it all. A TRUE RINO (Republican in Name Only). At least the GOP doesn’t have to put up with this political chameleon any more.

Congress Losing it’s Identity

Is this Congress or Parliament?

It’s no wonder why the favorable poll ratings for congress are worse than the admittedly low Presidential standings.

In a parliamentary system, a government that loses a vote of no confidence is toppled and may even have to face new elections. Here our chief executive serves for a fixed term — four years, for all you civics students out there — and the members of his Cabinet, including the attorney general, and, yes, all those federal prosecutors who just got fired, serve at his pleasure. Not at the pleasure of the U.S. Senate. So what was the point of this motion of no confidence? The short answer: none at all.

At least the stupid resolution failed. That’s something, anyway.

Donks: “We don’t need no steenking refineries!”

Thune refinery amendment falls short in Senate today

The U.S. Senate today voted down an amendment co-sponsored by South Dakota Sen. John Thune that would have given oil companies and economically-strapped communities an incentive to build more oil refineries.

Well, the Donks are up to their usual obstructionist crap again – no new refineries in 30+ years, and they keep squawking about high fuel prices. DUH!

Opponents portrayed the amendment as a giveaway to big oil. They attacked a provision that would allow companies to build new refineries on Indian reservations and closed military bases and that would give financially-strapped communities grants to build the infrastructure to accommodate them.

Nope, no economic growth needed here!

Thune said the amendment would not give any money to oil companies.

Chief would like to slap the Donks, except sh** splattters.

Politics as Usual – Unfortunately!

Hill GOP: Earmark reforms ‘gutted’

House Republicans introduced a measure yesterday to restore earmark reforms passed last year that they say were “gutted” by the Democratic leadership.

The measures passed by the House in 2006 allow lawmakers to vote on individual earmarks, specific funding requests attached to larger bills that often are called “pork” — a process Democrats have said they will not use as Congress considers the 12 annual spending bills. “Our resolution will restore the earmark reforms Republican put in place last year that have been unceremoniously gutted by House Democrats this year,” said House Minority Leader John A. Boehner of Ohio. “They’ve traded earmark transparency for earmark secrecy, and American taxpayers deserve better.”

The only surprise by this is that anyone can be surprised by it.

Poor Situational Awareness – Again

Bush ‘surprised’ by conservative anger

Apparent political obliviousness:

President Bush did not intend to single out his conservative supporters for criticism in a speech on immigration reform last week and was “surprised” that his remarks angered Republicans, White House spokesman Tony Snow said today.

…followed by an attempted backpedal…

“He was surprised by the reaction,” Mr. Snow said of Mr. Bush’s speech in Glynco, Ga., last week. “The speech in Georgia was, ‘We’ve got a serious problem and we need to fix it.’ It was not in any way designed to be pointed at Republicans.”

The only trouble was, that the Prez’s speech WAS pointedly directed against the conservative opponents to the administration supported Kennedy-McCainiac Mexican Migration Promotion Act, and no amount of spin from Tony Snow can undo that.

Mr. Snow yesterday said the immigration dispute between the president and conservatives “does not mark a point of disjunction,…”

…if this isn’t a point of disjuction…Snow is looking at the sun and calling it the moon!

…and emphasized that the White House recognizes and is responding to conservative opposition to the measure.

Yeah, responding by effectively labeling it as destructive, untruthful, un-patriotic obstructionism. Hey Tony – we ARE capable of understanding English – even in the form of Dubya’s sometimes fractured syntax.

“We understand if you’re going to get this thing done, you’re gonna need Republicans,” Mr. Snow said. “It’s important to build a large coalition, including our conservative base.”

Well, this talks the talk…but the walk is in the opposite direction.

Mr. Snow’s defense of the president’s remarks shows that “the White House is in denial about this issue,” said longtime conservative publicist Craig Shirley,…

A definite case of poor situational awareness.

…an opinion shared by American Conservative Union Chairman David A. Keene. “The plain meaning of what he said was clear,” Mr. Keene said. “Tony and others within the administration had been urging conservatives prior to the president’s remarks to give Bush the benefit of the doubt as far as motives are concerned and to keep the debate civil. ‘After all,’ [Mr. Snow] said at a meeting I attended, ‘at the end of the day we’re all on the same team.’

“So it’s easy to see why he’s in denial,” Mr. Keene said, “but the president’s prepared remarks and some of the things he has said make it clear that conservatives, or at least those with the temerity to disagree with the White House line [on immigration], are no longer welcome on the team.”

This is conclusively illustrated by Karl Rove’s disinvitation to Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) telling him to “not darken the White House door”. Not exactly the way to build party unity, is it?

Establishmentarians Weigh in on Immigration

Wealthy donors fund immigration movement

Wealthy philanthropic foundations are helping bankroll the pro-immigration movement, while groups advocating for tighter control of U.S. borders say they take a more grassroots approach to raising money. The Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation and Democratic activist George Soros, among other liberal funders, have donated millions of dollars to pro-immigration groups, as the Senate continues its debate on a contentious bill that would overhaul the nation’s immigration policy.

Three of the nation’s biggest and most influential pro-immigration groups — the National Immigration Forum, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, or MALDEF, and the National Council of La Raza, or NCLR — collectively received more than $3.25 million from Ford Foundation since 2005.

Yep. We get the best government money can buy!

Prez, Other RINOS on Road to Political Ruin

The Demise of the Republican Party

The Chief, along with others, has previously posted on this issue, and no less than the WaPo has come out and proclaimed “No big deal, politics as usual”, noting an apparent decline in complaints about the Immigration Reform Bill Kennedy-McCainiac Mexican Migration Promotion Act. In one sense they may be right…

Congress’s week-long Memorial Day recess was expected to leave the bill in tatters. But with a week of action set to begin today, the legislation’s champions say they believe that the voices of opposition, especially from conservatives, represent a small segment of public opinion. Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), who led negotiations on the bill for his party, said the flood of angry calls and protests that greeted the deal two weeks ago has since receded every day.

HELLOOOOO? How many times is someone going to call up? It stands to reason that the number of complaint calls would taper off as more and more people have already registered their discontent with the direction of this attack on our national sovereignty.

Meanwhile, the pot is still simmering, and the RINOS and others of their ilk are unwilling to accept the reality of the GOP sputtering along on one engine, getting ready to take that big nose-dive into the tarmac.

The firestorm of public outcry against the proposed immigration bill is testimony enough that the Senate and the House need to be reminded that selling out the nation is a very bad idea. There are very good reasons why nations have borders.

What a concept! Borders, language, culture!

The bill is just one more way the Republican Party demonstrated that it has been steadily abandoning its fundamental principles. In essence, the Party has stood for sovereignty, the free market, fiscal prudence, private property, and small government. It was a party that historically has been reluctant to be drawn into foreign wars.

This is what drives the Chief to distraction!

Victor Gold, who was a press aide to Barry Goldwater and a speechwriter in George H.W. Bush’s administration, has a new book out, The Invasion of the Party Snatchers, that is a virtual call for the death and reconstruction of the GOP:

Gold makes no bones about it. He wants the present GOP to die so it can be born again to its former principles. The elections of 2008 are likely to bring out masses of Democrats who feel rejuvenated by the failures and missteps of the White House and the GOP. The recently reported falloff of financial support for the GOP, estimated to be as high as forty percent, might actually suggest they’re doing something wrong.

More than a few Republicans who simply do not want to live in an America that intrudes into the most private decisions of people’s lives, that throws overboard the Constitutional protections of privacy, judicial protections, and whose elected representatives have engaged in an orgy of spending, are desperately seeking real conservative leadership.

Hear, hear!

Citing severe problems with the administration and Cong GOP on the immigration issue, the Prez’s recent reversal on GlowBull warming, Cong fiscal irresponsibility, and dubious appointments (Harriet Myers, Alberto Gonzales), lead to what more and more looks like an inevitable conclusion:

Gold reflects the widespread feeling that elected Republicans no longer have any regard for the voters. “I’d just like to know there were still Republican senators around who didn’t think of the people who elected them as knuckle-walking Pleistocene morons.” This can, of course, be extended to Democrats as well.

Gold warns that what has been passed off as a new kind of conservative politics under the aegis of the neo-cons and the pressures of evangelical groups is “merely a recycled model of the old Liberal politics that led to the decline and fall of the Democratic Party in the 1960s.”

We are left to wonder how long it will take for those who regard themselves as Republicans to desert today’s GOP, mostly by refusing to vote for its candidates,


Getting Ready for the Bug-out Boogie

Iraqis: Take us with you

With pressure building in Washington for an American troop pullout, Iraqis who have worked closely with U.S. companies and military forces are begging their employers for assurances that they will be able to leave with them.

This gives the Chief a REALLY bad feeling…not that these good guys are trying to set up a bolt-hole if the SHTF (see Site Jargonology), but that with the goings on of the Donk Copperheads in Congress and elsewhere, they feel the need to do so.

When the Americans leave, all those who worked with them “must leave also,” said another woman who has been forced to move to Jordan. She asked that her name not be used in order to protect her extended family still living in Baghdad.

Americans and other Westerners rely on Iraqi men and women who serve as interpreters, engineers, repairmen, security guards, computer and telecommunications technicians, drivers, cooks, cleaners and so on. Private security companies and contractors working to support the military and rebuild Iraq’s teetering infrastructure also employ thousands of locals.

Unfortunately, this is not an inappropriate fear based on this expression of the state of mind of the administration.

Many have risked their lives on a daily basis for years to get to work and to protect their U.S. colleagues. But American officials say it is unlikely that the United States will open its doors to all of them. “They are not going to the United States,” Command Sgt. Maj. Jeff Mellinger told The Washington Times in an interview in late April. “We don’t have a plan to do anything with them. They are Iraqis, and this is their country,” said Sgt. Maj. Mellinger, at that time the top enlisted soldier in Iraq.

How sad if an earlier incident in our history is repeated:

For one former Special Forces operative who has worked closely with Iraqis for three years, any U.S. pullout that fails to protect Iraqi allies would bring unhappy memories of the final withdrawal 32 years ago from Vietnam. “When we leave, all these people that helped us and fought for us will be hunted down and exterminated just like the Montagnards and South Vietnamese,” he said in a telephone interview. “In many ways, this is my second Vietnam,” he said bitterly.

One wonders how long our military will be forced to implement the feckless policies of incompetent if not outright traitorous politicians interested more in their own careers than in the good name and interest of the United States.


GOP Shows Split Personality on Immigration Issue

GOP tries to make English official

This is an opening dose of antidote to the Prez et al in their efforts to destroy our national border.

Some Republican senators are calling the English-language requirements in the immigration bill toothless and want the bill to declare English the “national” language of the U.S. and the country’s official means of doing business. The fight is over whether the bill should call English the “common” language — as it reads now — or deem it the “national,” or official language, which the Republican senators say would cut the amount of government services provided in other languages and would overturn President Clinton’s 2000 executive order that encouraged federal services to be delivered in different languages.

Sen. James M. Inhofe, Oklahoma Republican, has proposed an amendment to make English the national language — a move that he said declares that “there is not an entitlement for language, other than the English language, to be given to people who want government services. Very simple.”

A good first step.

GOP Facing Immigration Meltdown

RNC faces donor falloff, fires solicitors

Looks like the efforts of the Prez and other Republocrats to push for the the Kennedy-McCainiac National Border Abolition Act masquerading as “immigration reform” is having a real, and negative impact on the Republican base.


The Republican National Committee, hit by a grass-roots donors’ rebellion over President Bush’s immigration policy, has fired all 65 of its telephone solicitors, The Washington Times has learned. Faced with an estimated 40 percent falloff in small-donor contributions and aging phone-bank equipment that the RNC said would cost too much to update, Anne Hathaway, the committee’s chief of staff, summoned the solicitations staff and told them they were out of work, effective immediately, fired staff members told The Times.

The “official” fig-leaf story to cover this is that the equipment is just too obsolete to maintain, and too expensive to replace. Hmmmm. One has to think that if there was a good return, the COI (cost of investment) would be readily recovered, but since this isn’t the case…one must look elsewhere:

Several of the solicitors fired at the May 24 meeting reported declining contributions and a donor backlash against the immigration proposals now being pushed by Mr. Bush and Senate Republicans. “Every donor in 50 states we reached has been angry, especially in the last month and a half, and for 99 percent of them immigration is the No. 1 issue,” said a fired phone bank employee who said the severance pay the RNC agreed to pay him was contingent on his not criticizing the national committee.

This must be the sort of thing they are getting these days:
Cero Pesos

A spokeswoman for the committee denied any drop-off in fundraising. “Any assertion that overall donations have gone down is patently false,” RNC spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt wrote by e-mail yesterday in response to questions sent by The Times. “We continue to out-raise our Democrat counterpart by a substantive amount (nearly double).”

That is a very interesting statement to parse. OVERALL donations haven’t gone down…but there is more to the story:

Previous Republican donors have given RNC solicitors an earful about the proposed immigration measure. “We have not heard anyone in our donor calls who supported the president on immigration,” said a fired phone solicitor, who described himself as a Republican activist.

Putting these two assessments together, can one conclude that corporate/business contributions are SUPPORTING the cheap labor situation that results from the current near anarchy on the border? Where else could the difference be?

Also there is some evidence of (to quote Barney Fife: “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”) of either an astounding lack of situational awareness, or a stupendous effort to blow smoke into places where the sun NEVER shines.

“We write these comments up from each call, and give them to a supervisor who passes them on to the finance director or the national chairman,” he said. “But when I talked with the White House, the people there told me they got nothing but positive comments on the president’s immigration stand.”

There is also some collateral damage occurring beyond the RNC.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) and the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) both report having trouble raising money from the small donors who are the backbone of all the fundraising committees for both major parties.

It’ll be interesting to see if and how the GOP turns this around, or if the Grand Old Party goes the way of the Whigs who died out when they were too anti-slavery to please the South, and not abolitionist enough to get Northern support. The keywords to any such GOP revival HAVE to include: “BORDERS, LANGUAGE, CULTURE”.

McCain, Kerry, Others Ditch POW’s in ‘Nam?


There has been a body of anecdotal material floating around for decades about Viet-Nam war POWs that were “left behind” and were/are still in captivity in Viet-Nam and Laos. Just out is a new book on this…with more than just anecdotal evidence and heresay.

An Enormous Crime is nothing less than shocking. Based on thousands of pages of public and previously classified documents, it makes an utterly convincing case that when the American government withdrew its forces from Vietnam, it knowingly abandoned hundreds of POWs to their fate. The product of twenty-five years of research by former Congressman Bill Hendon and attorney Elizabeth A. Stewart, An Enormous Crime brilliantly exposes the reasons why these American soldiers and airmen were held back by the North Vietnamese at Operation Homecoming in 1973 and what these men have endured since.

Despite hundreds of postwar sightings and intelligence reports telling of Americans being held captive throughout Vietnam and Laos, Washington did nothing. And despite numerous secret military signals and codes sent from the desperate POWs themselves, the Pentagon did not act. Even in 1988, a U.S. spy satellite passing over Sam Neua Province, Laos, spotted the twelve-foot-tall letters “USA” and immediately beneath them a huge, highly classified Vietnam War-era USAF/USN Escape & Evasion code in a rice paddy in a narrow mountain valley. The letters “USA” appeared to have been dug out of the ground, while the code appeared to have been fashioned from rice straw.

POW Message

Tragically, the brave men who constructed these codes have not yet come home. Nor have any of the other American POWs who the postwar intelligence shows have laid down similar codes, secret messages, and secret authenticators in rice paddies and fields and garden plots and along trails in both Laos and Vietnam.

An Enormous Crime is based on open-source documents and reports, and thousands of declassified intelligence reports and satellite imagery, as well as author interviews and personal experience. It is a singular work, telling a story unlike any other in our modern history: ugly, harrowing, and true.

From what the Chief can tell from this there has been an unprecedented betrayal by many, including some who should know better…for specific examples Senators Kerry and the real Manchurian Candidate himself, McCain…thoroughly documented in the large chapter of the book entitled “Fragged”.

It’s enough to make you want to cry, and then do…what?


Is it still too early? The Chief begins to wonder!

H/T to Coast to Coast AM radio on this one.

Hillary’s Manifesto

We Are All in it Together, Clinton Says

This header sounds innocuous, but as is often the case when dealing with Clintons, the devil is in the details.

Presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined a broad economic vision Tuesday, saying it’s time to replace an “on your own” society with one based on shared responsibility and prosperity.

All of this will be possible when we are able to produce “the New Soviet Man”.

The Democratic senator said what the Bush administration touts as an ownership society really is an “on your own” society that has widened the gap between rich and poor.

Fron each according to their ability, to each according to their need.

“I prefer a ‘we’re all in it together’ society,” she said. “I believe our government can once again work for all Americans. It can promote the great American tradition of opportunity for all and special privileges for none.”

Huh? Government that is “working for all Americans” and promoting “opportunity for all” to sign up and get on the gravy train…and “special privileges for none” – no more of that “special privilige” to work, build a business, and maybe even to become wealthy.

Unfortunately there’s even more. Read it and weep.

Support Weak for Amnesty Bill

Few senators support illegals bill

Fewer than 20 senators are publicly committed to supporting the immigration deal that hits the Senate floor today while nearly 40 are already opposed or have serious concerns, underscoring how difficult it will be for President Bush and his allies to craft a coalition that can pass the bill.

Dang! What’s happening? Can that be the smell of coffee waking up Capitol Hill?

A Washington Times survey of Senate offices and public comments after the deal was announced Thursday found an additional 32 senators who said they cannot even take a position yet — a result of the fact that the deal was written in secret by a dozen senators and the Bush administration, wasn’t even finalized until yesterday and still hasn’t reached many Senate offices.

In spite of the Kennedy-McCainiacs’ denials that the bill constitutes amnesty, as the saying goes, “That dog won’t hunt” and Jim Bunning once again hits that strike zone with his reaction:

“I did not agree to any immigration deal and was not part of the negotiations,” said Sen. Jim Bunning, Kentucky Republican and a likely opponent. “From what I have heard about the bill, it gives amnesty to the estimated 12.5 million illegal immigrants in this country.”

For sure.

Donks Blink: War Funds w/no Timeline

Democrats capitulate on war funds

Congressional Democrats yesterday backed down in the standoff with the White House over war funds, abandoning their veto-instigating effort to link deadlines for withdrawing troops from Iraq to President Bush’s request for more than $100 billion in emergency spending.

They ran that idea up the flagpole, and it turned out that no one except Nancy Pelosi, the KosSacks, the MoveOn caucus, and others of that ilk saluted it, so Harry Reid, showing that he’s not TOTALLY bereft of reason, has moved forward on the funding without a surrender date-certain.

In essence, the Donks blinked on the key point.

The Truth is Out There

Watergate reporter demolishes Hillary’s career story

Drawing on a trove of private papers from Hillary Clinton’s best friend, the legendary Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein is to publish a hard-hitting and intimate portrait of the 2008 presidential candidate, which will reveal a number of “discrepancies” in her official story.

First of all – that there’s PLENTY of stuff out there to make a book go in this direction is not exactly shocking.

It’ll be sort of fun to watch the kerfluffle that this is sure to start – especially because Hil & Bill can’t claim that CARL BERNSTEIN of all people is a part of the VRWCâ„¢ that’s out to get them.

“…peace in our time!”

Senate OKs deadline in war funding

The Democrat-led Senate yesterday gave final approval to an emergency war-funding bill that sets troop withdrawal deadlines for Iraq, a measure that neither congressional chamber passed with enough votes to override President Bush’s promised veto.

Donk Sen. Neville Chamberlain Reid and Queen Nancy of SanFran have led their party firmly into the realm of appeasement and surrender “by a date certain”.

The phrase “…adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” covers it.

Donks Lean on a Thin Reid

Sen. Reid is lost

The Chief finds that paying close attention to the mouthings of Nevada Donk Senator Dusty Harry Reid is sort of like swallowing ipecac – the guaranteed result is violent nausea. Nevertheless, it’s worth keeping track every so often of just how feckless his pronouncements are.

This OpEd from the DC Times does a fairly good job of summarizing (and thus lowering the sheer level of nausea) his recent spoutings. It sure doesn’t get any better with time, unfortunately.

My previous evaluation still holds: Copperhead-in-Chief of the Senate, (See my Jargonology page for this usage.) and the most feckless of all feckless weasels. He even makes the unlamented SD Donk Sen. Daschle look like a pillar of rationality…something the Chief formerly would have considered to be impossible.

Hillary Goes Down! (In polls)


Oh gosh!

A new national poll shows Hillary Rodham Clinton’s favorable ratings sinking like a stone, and her negatives soaring – a terrifying trend for a campaign desperately trying to convince voters she’s not too polarizing to be president.

The new USA Today/Gallup survey shows Clinton’s favorability rating shrunken to 45 percent – down 9 points from a similar poll taken last month, and a 13-point drop from a survey taken shortly after she announced her White House bid.

More troubling for her White House hopes, her unfavorable ratings have climbed 12 points since she entered the race, and now stand at 52 percent – meaning more Americans now dislike her than like her.

Also noted in this article:

Obama is now tight on her tail.

That’s not especially a picture I want to retain in my mind, but there it is.

Donk Copperhead Strikes Again!

Reid Offers Bleak Assessment of Iraq War

One generally thinks of the Nevada desert and rattlesnakes, but Donk Senate majority leader Reid is showing his copperhead tendencies with this move even more solidly into the Murtha(-f’er), MoveOn, Kasich appeasement at any price wing of the Donk party.

“I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and – you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows – (know) this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday,” said Reid, D-Nev.

So much for “supporting the troops”.

House GOPers Feeling their Oats!

D.C. voting rights stall in House

This one is sort of fun to look at, for several reasons.

House Republicans derailed efforts yesterday to give the District congressional representation when they injected the city’s gun ban into the debate and turned an expected vote into a tumult.

Firstly, it’s always heartwarming to the Chief when the GOP jabs a finger in the eye of Queen Nancy’s supposed private fiefdom. Secondly, the Donk’s are ALSO discomfited over another topic – gun control. Finally, there’s an interesting political and historical parallel present that could be considered as indicative of a deep breach between the parties. Let the tears begin:

“They are into gamesmanship, and they have been successful with some of the games they are playing,” said Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, a Democrat who is the District’s nonvoting congressional representative and a co-sponsor of the bill.

….but…but…but…according to the view of Pelosi et al, only the Donks are supposed to do stuff like this.

The measure was expected to pass in the Democratic-controlled Congress. However, Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican, introduced a motion to add language to the bill to repeal much of the District’s gun ban. The ban was struck down by a federal appeals court earlier this month but remains in effect for now.

“My colleagues on the other side of the aisle have suggested today that District of Columbia citizens have the ‘right’ to a vote in Congress,” Mr. Smith said. “If that’s the case, then they must also agree that the citizens of the District should have the constitutionally guaranteed right to possess firearms and protect themselves.”

Dang! There’s pesky logic again! What’s a Donk to do?

Mr. Smith’s maneuver put conservative, pro-gun Democrats in the sticky situation of either voting for the motion, which would effectively kill the bill upon it being sent back to committee, or voting against the motion, which would have been perceived as being in favor of strict gun control.

…yet more weeping and wailing:

Rep. John Conyers Jr., Michigan Democrat, called Mr. Smith’s motion “the most startling hypocrisy I have ever heard of on a bill of this magnitude.”

Hey Donk Cong Conyers – learn what “hypocrisy” means: Espousing a set of values, and then acting contrary to them. Republicans might be expected to actually oppose what the Donks are trying to do here…so effectively acting to oppose the DOnks scarcely constitutes hypocrisy…although using that description DOES lend itself to the bloviating self-righteousness that Conyers is devoted to.

Another interesting provision of the bill is this:

The voting rights bill would grant the predominately Democratic District a seat in the House. In a bipartisan compromise, it also would create an additional at-large seat in the House for Utah, a state that leans Republican.

This sort of tit-for-tat vote Congressional vote swapping was characteristic of an earlier period in American history…when the opposing sides were also in a state of uncompromising mutual opposition: the pre-Civil War period of the slavery debates.

It’s also interesting that this situation did not occur in a vacuum – the GOP has apparently been carefully engineering this situation for some period of time:

GOP claims House victories in parliamentary power plays</strong>

This sort of thing is routine for the Senate, with its stricter limits to majority power…but the GOP has demonstrated that it works there too.

House Republicans are wielding the power of parliamentary procedure to score floor victories unlikely for a minority party. The Republicans have employed a tactic to alter a handful of bills in the Democratic-controlled chamber, and yesterday their patience paid off when they caught the new majority in a pickle and blocked a vote on D.C. voting rights. Republicans said it’s the culmination of a parliamentary strategy they’ve been plotting for weeks.

Read the rest of the article for the gory details.

Hog Farm Alive and Well on the Hill

Funding more than war

Nearly half of the $21 billion that House Democrats added to President Bush’s request for emergency war funding would go to nonmilitary spending and to pork projects.

The supplemental spending bill includes more than $3.7 billion in farm subsidies, $2.9 billion in additional Gulf Coast hurricane relief and $2.4 billion for social programs such as money for rural Northwest school districts, health insurance for poor children, energy assistance for poor families and others.

Why do legislooters do this? Because they can.