Truth May Come from the Strangest Places

Brigham Young once stated words to the effect, that if there were some fragment of truth in hell, go down to hell, seize that truth, and bring it back.

In that spirit, Dennis Prager, posting on the earlier mentioned Puffington Post has some pithy thoughts on the current crop of campus neo-barbs that are popping up like a fungal bloom on the diseased (if not quite yet deceased) body of contemporary academia:
“I do not believe the Left recognizes how thin the line between civilization and chaos/evil is. As a Jew born shortly after the Holocaust, Nazi Germany and the gas chambers play a great role in my thinking. I recognize that the most cultured European country built Auschwitz; that Nazism was a secular, not a Christian ideology; that Ph.D.’s and intellectuals led the way to the death camps just as they did to the Gulag and other Communist holocausts.

Universities and museums were morally worthless in Weimar and Nazi Germany as they are now in America and Europe. So I have a primal fear of the moral chaos that follows the breaking down of America’s real moral foundations, such as Judeo-Christian values, public decency, freedom of speech, and the military.”

Definitely something to ponder here.

Huffington, Puffington – MY house is still standing!

Huffington’s Toast – Some Competition for Scrappleface?

H/T to Chris Muir’s Day by Day comic strip which is carried by the Chief as you already have seen (at least I would expect so, since it’s the lead in this blog body!). The Huffington Toast is a GREAT improvement over the much ballyhooed Huffington Post – which DOES at least have the virtue potential to be a mine for bi-coastal moonbat intel.

Anyway, take a look at it – it’s good for some chuckles & grins.

SD DemMoonbat Senators and Base Closing Prospects

SD DemMoonbats Promote Base Closing!

Another exposition in this post from S.D.P. of the active promotion of the current base-closing (BRAC) cycle about to come out. It seems that in spite of SD’s interest in maintaining the existance of Ellsworth AFB, and the Air Guard Facility at Joe Foss Field in Sioux Falls, our fair-haired boys then-Sen. Tom and Sen. Tim were out pushing to get the base-elimination ball rolling down the hill.

Let’s see now, what was that bit from the last election about “clout” helping the state? The real clout in this case was a potential clout to SD if either of these bases gets cut. At least under the impetus of political reality, our boy Sen. Tom later voted against the BRAC process, but it was like trying to stop a speeding train after it had pulled out of the station.

The question that thsi all brings to mind here, is what the probable basis of this was: the typical DemMoonbat opposition and continuing attempts to diminish the United States military in any way. The libDem and other lefties have a mental model that states “strong US military = bad”, so anything that diminishes that strength is by definirion then “good”. If one keeps that in mind, their stance is perfectly logical, given the pre-existing anti-military philosphy. It ultimately turns out to be just another case of a broader national Dummicrat agenda trumping the interest of the red-state chumps back home who keep voting for “clout”, which only turns around to be used to clout them in the head.

The Chief is somewhat optimistic – since the BRAC process started there is a significant change – recently elected Sen. John Thune, who has some pretty good markers from the White House for running in ’02, and then for beating Tom Daschle in ‘o4.

It should be recalled that Thune’s inclination in ’02 was to run for Governor – and it was his for the taking. It was direct intervention by the President that changed that into the Senate campaigns. Recently Sen. Thune has been actively meeting with Administration and DoD people concerning these bases. The Chief HAS to think that this political marker, whether or not it is explicity in play, is certainly remembered, and it may be hoped that the President’s well-developed sense of 2-way loyalty is enough to make the difference.

IF this is the case, then the “loss” to SD of Daschle’s alleged clout, may be decisive in a positive outcome for the state’s military bases. We’ll all know a lot more on Friday morning, when the preliminary BRAC recommendations hit the hill.

Denatured History on The Silver Screen

Giving Hollywood hell over ‘Heaven’

Jim Pinkerton comments on the less than stellar success of Ridley Scott’s new crusader epic.

It seems that too much PC has probably resulted in too little historical reality. Also, perhaps pro-Islam/bad-Christians is NOT a good selling point for us res-state infidels during the war against Islamofascism (in both forms as terrs and states, i.e. Iran, Syria.).

The first time I saw a promo for this flick, I noted to Mrs. Chief that either the movie would be totally crucified in the media for being harshly bigoted, or, it would be so watered down that it wouldn’t be worth seeing. Too bad it’s the latter – the Chief enjoys a good rip-snortin’ historical epic, as long as it’s not denatured like this one apparently is. Oh well.

Stronghold of the VRWC in northwestern Moody County, South Dakota