Tag Archives: WW-IV / 10th Crusade

Foot stomping to come next?

Blair warns Tehran of next ‘phase’ in standoff

British Prime Minister Tony Blair warned Iran yesterday of a “different phase” in the standoff over 15 detained British sailors and marines, while a former Iranian ambassador with close ties to the regime said Iran wants the release of at least seven of its officials.

OOOOOOOHHH! Those guys had better look out! Someone is getting upset!

Mr. Blair told GMTV in an interview that Britain is attempting to free its service members, including one woman, through “diplomatic channels.”

That’s worked great so far with the nuclear issues, hasn’t it? Oh. Maybe not. So what’s next?

“If not, then this will move into a different phase,” Mr. Blair said.

Foot stomping? Tony holding his breath until he starts to turn red…uh…redder? (Since he’s already a red.)

Iran signaled that it is eyeing a prisoner exchange.

The plot thickens: remember the series of Iranian “diplomatic” and military people arrested in Iraq coordinating with the terrs there? A swap deal here would not only get Iran its people back, but it would give equal legitimacy to the Royal Navy operating in Iraqi waters to Iranian operatives active INSIDE OF IRAQ.

Stay tuned…anyone willing to bet that Blair won’t end up being the rope-a-dope here? Not the Chief.

UN Sanctions (An oxymoron?)

U.N. stiffens sanctions on defiant Tehran

Ooooooh! I’ll bet they’re really scared now!

The U.N. Security Council yesterday imposed additional sanctions on Iran, targeting banks and high-ranking officials in the Revolutionary Guards in an escalating face-off with the Islamic republic that continues to develop its own nuclear industry.

The Chief is from Missouri: Show me! Otherwise, all that this is worth is like previous UN sanctions – if you put 75 cents with it you can get a can of Coke.

Iranian Act of War

Iran seizes 15 Royal Navy personnel

A major diplomatic crisis between London and Teheran erupted yesterday after 15 British sailors and Royal Marines carrying out a routine search of a cargo ship in the Gulf were seized at gunpoint by Iranian forces.

It’s past high time to slam the Iranian Islamofascists so hard that even they won’t mistake the situation.

Alas, given the fact of Tony Blair’s ENGSOC regime, no such thing is likely.

A Breath of Fresh Air!

Muslims offer to help ‘John Does’ sued by imams

Lawyers and a Muslim group say they will defend at no cost airline passengers caught up in a lawsuit between a group of imams and U.S. Airways if the passengers are named as “John Does” and sued for reporting suspicious behavior that got the Muslim clerics booted from a November flight.

Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, a Phoenix-area physician and director of American Islamic Forum for Democracy — a group founded in 2003 to promote moderate Muslim ideas through its Web site (www.aifdemocracy.org) — told The Washington Times his group will raise money for legal fees for passengers if they are sued by the imams. “It’s so important that America know there are Muslims who understand who the victims are in air travel,” said Dr. Jasser. “But I hope it doesn’t get to that point because the backlash will be even greater when Americans see Islamists trying to punish innocent passengers reporting fears.”

The Chief has checked out this groups website (linked above). These guys are a refreshing change to CAIR and others of their ilk that seem to dominate the MSM.

News from the Balkan Front

Serbian police break up hardline Muslim sect on finding terrorists’ training camp

Remember Bosnia and Serbia? How NATO forced an end to Serb efforts to forcefully deal with local Islamofascism?

FOUR members of an ultraconservative Muslim sect have been arrested following a raid on a mountain terrorist training camp in Serbia. A large cache of weapons, ammunition, hand grenades, face-masks and plastic explosive with detonators was also discovered at a cave near Novi Pazar.

A judge ordered the four Serbian nationals to be detained for 30 days to allow police and intelligence officials to investigate their alleged activities at the training site. Dragan Jocic, the Serbian police minister, said: “We are determined to prevent any form of violence and terrorism. We are continuing to comb the terrain and search for other members of the group.”

Apparently the Wahabi termites have moved back into the walls of Serbia.

Hog Farm Alive and Well on the Hill

Funding more than war

Nearly half of the $21 billion that House Democrats added to President Bush’s request for emergency war funding would go to nonmilitary spending and to pork projects.

The supplemental spending bill includes more than $3.7 billion in farm subsidies, $2.9 billion in additional Gulf Coast hurricane relief and $2.4 billion for social programs such as money for rural Northwest school districts, health insurance for poor children, energy assistance for poor families and others.

Why do legislooters do this? Because they can.

FLASH! Terrorist Org. Still…Terrorist

Hamas says still seeks Israel’s destruction

The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas rejected on Monday criticism by al Qaeda’s second-in-command and said it was still committed to Israel’s destruction despite a power-sharing deal with the Fatah faction.

“We will not betray promises we made to God to continue the path of Jihad and resistance until the liberation of Palestine, all of Palestine,” Hamas said in a statement, in a clear reference to Israel as well as to the occupied West Bank.

Why is this news? Ham-ass is…Ham-ass. Nobody except one of the State Department’s Foggy Bottom Boy wonks, or the moveon.org type moonbats could be under the delusion that Ham-ass will be anything other than what they are…a bunch of bloody-minded Islamofascist terrorists.

Spain Learns Result of Appeasing Islamoterrs: New Attacks Planned!

Spain fears Islamists reclaiming “al-Andalus”

Hmmm. Spain threw out a government in response to Islamofascist attacks in Madrid. The new gov’t then cut and run on its support for the war in Iraq – don’t you know – to help reconcile with the Dar al Islam. Did things improve: the Chief reports (well, repeats a report anyway) – you decide:

While the international spotlight is on 29 suspects on trial for the 2004 Madrid train bombings, Spanish police are working behind the scenes to counter a growing threat of new attacks. Radicals inspired by al-Qaeda have stepped up propaganda and recruitment activities in Spain, a country they claim as a part of the Islamic world because of its Muslim past, according to police experts.

After recounting more detail about the current legal and tactical situations, this piece shows how the Spanish assumption of the position to please Islamists has softened their approach – not:

Islamist websites have also long called for a reconquest of al-Andalus, a Moorish name for Spain, parts of which were ruled by
Muslims for nearly eight centuries until 1492.

So much for appeasement.

un-Truth and Consequences

Evil Fiction

Writer Orson Scott Card unloads on another book…that includes as the unquentioned context the whole of the Paleswinian gospel of anti-Israel propaganda.

The Chief has to concur with his analyses:

Let me tell you about an audiobook that I hated. I didn’t hate it because it was badly written — it was mediocre in the way that mediocre thrillers usually are, and that means it would ordinarily have been tolerable. No, the reason I stopped listening to Steve Berry’s The Alexandria Link is that this book is evil.

I don’t mean it’s about evil. I don’t even mean that it is evil-porn, like those horror books whose authors are pervertedly devoted to thinking up cool ways to torture and kill people.

I mean that this book, to the degree that it is read by people ignorant of history (i.e., practically everybody), will move us closer to a future in which our society permits or even approves of the murder of Jews and the destruction of the state of Israel.

Check out the specifics in the article.

Berry and his ilk have chosen to support lies that justify the murder of Jews — no, wait, the bigots call them “Zionists” now, don’t they, the way segregationists said “nigra” so they didn’t use the actual N-word — but at the same time, in a moral contortion that deserves to be in a sideshow, they still claim the mantle of “tolerance” and consider their enemies to be the neanderthal bigots.

Guess what, kids: You’re in bed with Adolph Hitler and with the bombers of innocent people in Palestine. You are attacking people who are no more deserving of attack than, say, Americans who live in rich communities on the coast of Georgia (where Berry lives), on land stolen from Indians and long worked by the labor of black slaves.

This book has to be prime grist for Hollywood’s mill. (Hopefully not…but probably so!)

Islamofascists Target Cyberworld

Cyberspace as a Combat Zone: The Phenomenon of Electronic Jihad

Alongside military jihad, which has been gaining momentum and extracting an ever growing price from many countries around the globe, Islamists have been developing a new form of warfare, termed “electronic jihad,” which is waged on the Internet. This new form of jihad was launched in recent years and is still in its early stages of development. However, as this paper will show, Islamists are fully aware of its destructive potential, and persistently strive to realize this potential.

MEMRI does a great job of raking the muck generated by the Islamofascists, and has put together a piece on the efforts of the crescent moon-god worshipers to go after cyberspace. Fortunately, they haven’t quite hit prime time with these efforts, but the situation bears watching.

This is a pretty good intro level piece…check it out.

Iran War Ramping Up?

One way or another, this looks more and more like a “go”.

American armada prepares to take on Iran

Recent tensions between America and Iran over Teheran’s attempts to develop a nuclear weapon have raised the prospect of its third regional war in a decade.

The addition of a second aircraft carrier to its strike groups has fuelled the belief that America is gearing up for a fight with Iran. Not since the Iraq war in 2003 has America amassed so much fire power around the Gulf. As flagship of the Fifth Fleet, the Eisenhower welcomed the arrival of a second Nimitz class nuclear powered aircraft carrier, the USS John C. Stennis, and its accompanying destroyers on Tuesday.

That’s a LOT of warplanes ready to rock and roll! But wait…there’s still more:

Israel seeks all clear for Iran air strike

Israel is negotiating with the United States for permission to fly over Iraq as part of a plan to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Daily Telegraph can reveal.

To conduct surgical air strikes against Iran’s nuclear programme, Israeli war planes would need to fly across Iraq. But to do so the Israeli military authorities in Tel Aviv need permission from the Pentagon.

Meanwhile, back in Tehran, the Ayatollah’s regime is trying to erase the bull’s eye they painted on themselves….a bit late.

Iran urges talks on nukes, not war

The Iranian foreign minister said yesterday the United States was in no position for another war…

He wishes! This has more of an effect by giving a convenient talking point to the LibDonk moonbats in Congress.

…and maintained that negotiations — not threats — were the only way to resolve the standoff over its nuclear activities.

Sure, they would rather talk than have their nuke program go up in smoke.

Attempts at Chemical Attacks in Iraq

Iraqi Militants Use Chlorine in 3 Bombings

A truck bomb that combined explosives with chlorine gas blew up in southern Baghdad on Wednesday, and officials said it may represent a new and deadly tactic by insurgents against Iraqi civilians.

Hello? “…officials said it MAY represent a new and deadly tactic…”? DUH! If it’s already being done, which it is, then it DOES represent a new and deadly tactic. Call a spade a spade, guys!

The attacks seem to have been poorly executed, burning the chemical agent rather than dispersing it, but more sophisticated weapons involving chlorine could injure hundreds and cause mass panic.

If they keep going, they WILL get the bugs out.,.then one has to wonder hou long before they bring it over here. How truly wonderful! Meanwhile, the Washington establishment continues to fiddle while the unprotected borders continue to burn.

We’ve got a problem here.

Gallup Probes Muslims

Anti-American feelings soar among Muslims, study finds

This is an interesting poll in a number of respects, especially to an American conservative point of view.

Firstly, there’s a LOT of dislike out there, and it seems to be getting worse for the most part.

Seven per cent believe that the events of 9/11 were “completely justified”. In Saudi Arabia, 79 per cent had an “unfavourable view” of the US.

7% of the Islamic world is about 100M people – nothing to sneeze at.

It is also well worth noting that the standard liberal reasoning about the origins of radicalism in the cesspools of economic malaise are erroneous:

Gallup’s Centre for Muslim Studies in New York carried out surveys of 10,000 Muslims in ten predominantly Muslim countries. One finding was that the wealthier and better-educated the Muslim was, the more likely he was to be radicalised.

There are some areas of possible leverage that can provide a basis for real understanding:

The Gallup findings indicate that, in terms of spiritual values and the emphasis on the family and the future, Americans have more in common with Muslims than they do with their Western counterparts in Europe. A large number of Muslims supported the Western ideal of democratic government. Fifty per cent of radicals supported democracy, compared with 35 per cent of moderates.

What really struck the Chief, is that the Islamic radicals were driven to their opposition to the US for the same sort of “culture war” issues that drive US conservatives crazy:

Religion was found to have little to do with radicalisation or antipathy towards Western culture. Muslims were condemnatory of promiscuity and a sense of moral decay. What they admired most was liberty, its democratic system, technology and freedom of speech.

If this is accurate, the Chief has more in common with some of these people than he thought he did. Go figure.

Will to Live Asserts Itself in Israel

Israel ready ‘to confront Iran alone’

The old expression about nothing serving to focus one’s mind so much as the prospect of being hanged comes to mind with this.

Israel alone will have to confront the perceived nuclear threat from arch enemy Iran, the country’s ultra-rightwing Strategic Affairs Minister Avigdor Lieberman said today.

“We will have to face the Iranians alone, because Israel cannot remain with its arms folded, waiting patiently for Iran to develop non-conventional weapons,” he told public radio when asked about a possible Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear installations.

At least everyone over there hasn’t had their brains anesthetized by political correctness.