Tag Archives: WW-IV / 10th Crusade

Palestinian Turmoil

Hamas Overruns Rival Fatah’s Key Posts

This situation ALMOST reminds the Chief of the situation if one were hiking along a desert trail, and comes upon a rattlesnake fighting with a scorpion. Who would choose sides? And if so, why would you do so?

Hamas fighters overran two of the rival Fatah movement’s most important security command centers in the Gaza Strip on Thursday, and witnesses said the victors dragged vanquished gunmen into the street and shot them to death execution-style.

In this case, one side is slightly better less evil than the other. Ham-ass is totally evil, Fatah isn’t historically much better, but at least they have acquired SOME degree of civilization over the years they have been trying to run the Paleswinian Authority.

Hamas also seized control of Rafah in the south, Gaza’s third-largest city, according to witnesses and security officials. It was the second main Gaza city to fall to the militants, who captured nearby Khan Younis on Wednesday, and gave Hamas control of the porous border with Egypt, which has been the source of arms smuggling.

How truly wonderful THAT is! (WARNING: Sarcasm alert!)

Responding to Hamas’ gains, President Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah declared a state of emergency, fired Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas, dissolved the Hamas-Fatah coalition and said he would form a new government.

TRANSLATION: Stick a fork in the Paleswinian Authority – it’s done! This also means that there is no one that Israel has any prospects of negotiating anything with over there.

Batten down the hatches, and keep the powder dry!

Mapping Shari’a Project Started

Private undercover team exposes nationwide network of radical, anti-U.S. Islamic centers

This article from the Insight site notes the initiation of the Mapping Shari’a Project, which is being set up by an organization called SANE – Society of Americans for National Existence.

Washington DC: Press Conference June 13, 10:30am
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, June 8, 2007
CONTACT: Cindy Page or David Yerushalmi
801-760-3901 or


Washington, DC – The Society of Americans for National Existence (SANE) will hold a news conference on Wednesday, June 13, at 10:30 am, in the Hughes Room on the Second Floor of the Willard InterContinental Washington Hotel, 1401 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20004-1010, to announce the launch of its Mapping Shari’a in America Project.

The project will collect information about American mosques and associated day schools, provide information to both law enforcement officials and the public, and test the proposition that Shari’a amounts to a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. government. The speakers will be: David Yerushalmi, the President of SANE, and Dave Gaubatz, Director of the Mapping Shari’a Project.

About SANE: Society of Americans for National Existence (SANE) is a non-profit 501c3 organization based in Arizona with offices in New York. SANE is a membership organization with thousands of members from all over the US. SANE is dedicated to preserving and strengthening America’s national existence by probing a new and deeper discussion of the issues others fear or just avoid.

Nice concept…doing the job that the Feds were supposed to do…but all too often turn away from for reasons of PC.

H/T to the Savage Nation.

Officials, Media Discover “Islamberg” Training Camp


From the NY Post:

A remote Muslim commune nestled in the Catskill Mountains has come under the scrutiny of state and federal authorities for possible ties to terrorism, according to law-enforcement sources

Reports of gunfire and military-style physical training at the camp have led some investigators to believe that the group’s members are preparing for homegrown jihad. According to one account, a neighbor said he has seen commune members dressed in Port Authority uniforms.

Some additional signs of consciousness…this can only be a good thing!

Getting Ready for the Bug-out Boogie

Iraqis: Take us with you

With pressure building in Washington for an American troop pullout, Iraqis who have worked closely with U.S. companies and military forces are begging their employers for assurances that they will be able to leave with them.

This gives the Chief a REALLY bad feeling…not that these good guys are trying to set up a bolt-hole if the SHTF (see Site Jargonology), but that with the goings on of the Donk Copperheads in Congress and elsewhere, they feel the need to do so.

When the Americans leave, all those who worked with them “must leave also,” said another woman who has been forced to move to Jordan. She asked that her name not be used in order to protect her extended family still living in Baghdad.

Americans and other Westerners rely on Iraqi men and women who serve as interpreters, engineers, repairmen, security guards, computer and telecommunications technicians, drivers, cooks, cleaners and so on. Private security companies and contractors working to support the military and rebuild Iraq’s teetering infrastructure also employ thousands of locals.

Unfortunately, this is not an inappropriate fear based on this expression of the state of mind of the administration.

Many have risked their lives on a daily basis for years to get to work and to protect their U.S. colleagues. But American officials say it is unlikely that the United States will open its doors to all of them. “They are not going to the United States,” Command Sgt. Maj. Jeff Mellinger told The Washington Times in an interview in late April. “We don’t have a plan to do anything with them. They are Iraqis, and this is their country,” said Sgt. Maj. Mellinger, at that time the top enlisted soldier in Iraq.

How sad if an earlier incident in our history is repeated:

For one former Special Forces operative who has worked closely with Iraqis for three years, any U.S. pullout that fails to protect Iraqi allies would bring unhappy memories of the final withdrawal 32 years ago from Vietnam. “When we leave, all these people that helped us and fought for us will be hunted down and exterminated just like the Montagnards and South Vietnamese,” he said in a telephone interview. “In many ways, this is my second Vietnam,” he said bitterly.

One wonders how long our military will be forced to implement the feckless policies of incompetent if not outright traitorous politicians interested more in their own careers than in the good name and interest of the United States.


Know the Islamist Enemy

Liberalism v Islamism

This is a pretty good analysis…keep in mind that the writer is referring to “classical” liberalism here…not the current “social democratic” iteration of it as practiced by the libDonks, et al.

The founding ideologue of modern Islamism, Syed Qutb, made clear in his writings that at the core of the salafi interpretation of Islam was opposition to the separation of religion and temporal power that resulted in liberalism and democracy. His governing impulse was the fear that the instinct for liberty was so powerful it would spread to and infiltrate the Muslim mind unless it was checked by the most repressive possible form of Islam.

The Big and Little Satans themselves, America and Israel, are proxies for liberalism and modernity. That’s why Islamism says they must be destroyed. Qutb famously went to America and concluded from seeing men and women dancing at a church hop that America was one giant brothel. And much of the bitter hostility to the Jews who started returning to Palestine in the 1920s was because the women wore shorts and were sexually free.

So, where did Qutb go with this?

The Islamist goal is to destroy the virus of freedom and modernity before it infects the Islamic world, and to replace it with Islam. That is the core of the profound threat it poses to the west, a threat mounted through the pincer movement of both terrorism and cultural takeover.

This cultural takeover, or the aim to Islamise the west, was explicitly laid out in a programme of subversion for Europe by the Wahabbi Muslim Brotherhood almost 30 years ago. In 1978, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference sponsored a seminar in London which said Muslim communities in western countries must establish autonomous institutions with help from Muslim states, and lobby the host country to grant Muslims recognition as a separate religious community as a step towards eventual political domination.

In Britain in 1980, a book called ‘The Islamic Movement in the West’ by Khuram Murad advocated an ‘organised struggle to change the existing society into an Islamic society…and make Islam…supreme and dominant especially in the socio-political spheres…’ A Muslim Brotherhood document seized in Switzerland in 2001, known as ‘The Project’, outlined a twelve-point strategy to ‘establish an Islamic government on earth’. And the Brotherhood has now set up an intricate network of bodies across Europe to put all this into action.

There is of course more to the piece than this, and while it is approached from the British perspective (and if you think the US is having problems with this, pray for poor England under siege) it is just as relevant to us.

Donks Blink: War Funds w/no Timeline

Democrats capitulate on war funds

Congressional Democrats yesterday backed down in the standoff with the White House over war funds, abandoning their veto-instigating effort to link deadlines for withdrawing troops from Iraq to President Bush’s request for more than $100 billion in emergency spending.

They ran that idea up the flagpole, and it turned out that no one except Nancy Pelosi, the KosSacks, the MoveOn caucus, and others of that ilk saluted it, so Harry Reid, showing that he’s not TOTALLY bereft of reason, has moved forward on the funding without a surrender date-certain.

In essence, the Donks blinked on the key point.

Islamberg Update III

Radical Muslim paramilitary compounds flourishing across the United States:
Islamberg not the only radical Muslim compound flourishing in North America

The story just keeps on coming – and unfortunately is doesn’t seem to be getting any better.

The two FBI types breaking bread with the enemy in the photo above at “Islamberg” look right at home to Canada Free Press (CFP). {ChiefNoteâ„¢: See the original article linked above for pic.) Notice the weapons these dudes are wearing at the dinner table? Islamberg is just one of what is thought to be a half dozen radical Muslim paramilitary compounds flourishing across the United States, this one nestled in dense forest at the foothills of the Catskill Mountains on the outskirts of Hancock, New York….

Now that the photos of the two unidentified FBI types have been published, we will undoubtedly hear that they were merely working undercover. But some sticklers would consider saying cheese from the dinner table of the enemy is over the top.

“Undercover”? Wearing guns openly? Yeah, right!

At least there’s a SLIGHt notice in the MSM since these stories have broken, but all too often the coverage is minimal, and apparently to be avoided at all costs:

You’d think that these compounds would be a priority for Homeland Security, but they aren’t. One of the letters to Williams via CFP was from a member of Homeland Security asking for more information!

It seems to be politically incorrect to write about radical Muslim paramilitary compounds flourishing on American soil and politically incorrect to talk about terrorism.

For some American and Canadian citizens, it’s welcome to life with a deadly enemy living right next door.

The fix is in? This only raises other questions: WHO’s fixing it, and why?

FBI Starting to Wake Up? One can only hope!

FBI, security officials warn of growing threat from Islamic extremists ‘next door’>

In case you thought the Chief may have been a bit overly cautious in his concerns about the previously noted “Islamberg” article, there is this from the FBI:

Plots by American-based Islamic terrorists with no direct ties to international terror networks form a large and growing threat to the American homeland, FBI and other security officials say. “The trend we’re seeing is that we are uncovering more instances of people here who have been radicalized … where there is not a direct thumbprint of al-Qaeda,” says John Miller, the FBI’s assistant director for public affairs.

ONCE AND FOR ALL WE HAVE GOT TO GET PAST THIS CONCEPT THAT THE G.W.O.T. ONLY INVOLVES INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS!! Islamoterrorism is a religiously based ideology – and like many other aspects of religion it can be an intensely personally driven mindset. It should be no surprise that individuals, or groups of individuals are inclined to act independently on the basis of their deeply held beliefs.

It must be the ACTIONS and MOTIVATION that defines Islamofascist terrorism – NOT some organizational affiliation or ties.

If it walks like a duck, has feathers, and quacks like a duck – the Chief is ready to call it a duck – whether or not it’s affiliated with Donald or Daffy.

Good Riddance!

Brutal Taliban leader killed ‘by US forces’

The body of the Taliban’s most feared commander was put on display yesterday after he was killed in an operation including US special forces. It was the Islamic rebels’ biggest single loss since it was toppled from power in 2001. Mullah Dadullah Akhund, a one-legged battlefield veteran, was so bloodthirsty that he was once dismissed from office by the Taliban because of his excessive brutality.

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer, move deserving guy!

G.W.O.T. Thailand Front Moves towards Moslem-driven Ethnic Cleansing

Point of no return for southern Thailand

In spite of the fixation of the MSM on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, this report reminds one and all that it is REALLY a Global War on Terror, or more precisely, a Global War on Islamofascism.

It is now violently apparent that Thailand’s military-appointed government’s policy of reconciliation toward its three insurgency-hit majority-Muslim provinces Pattani, Narathiwat and Yala was never really implemented on the ground. Instead, southern Thailand’s three-year-old conflict is veering in a dangerous new direction, where the government is establishing a growing number of loosely regulated local militias, and in response ethnic-Malay Muslim insurgent groups have commenced attacks against the economic lifelines of certain urban districts in an intensified effort to empty the restive region of ethnic-Thai and Sino-Thai Buddhists.

This situation seems to be deteriorating rather sharply – dare one point out – under the leadership of a military government lead by
a (would you believe!) Moslem general, in this predominantly Buddhist nation.

…ethnic-Malay Muslim insurgent groups have commenced attacks against the economic lifelines of certain urban districts in an intensified effort to empty the restive region of ethnic-Thai and Sino-Thai Buddhists.

Yala province is emerging as the showcase and test case for the insurgents’ new strategy, which…aims soon to seize total control of the province, including the central government’s administrative hub and the police’s forward command center in the region…. That strategy has been most visible in Yala’s Betong district, [1] where recently insurgents and insurgent sympathizers blocked road access to the area and cut electricity and mobile-telephone signals for four straight nights. The blockade, which resulted in severe food and fuel shortages, was the first overt economic attack of the conflict. At the same time, the insurgents have increased the ferocity of their attacks on the civilian population, including a series of gruesome beheadings and burnings of their victims.

These harsh tactics have caused new waves of displaced Buddhists from both rural and semi-urban areas into Yala’s main township, where they have established shelters in a number of Buddhist temples. The insurgents’ aim “is no longer to just empty villages of Buddhists, but whole districts”, said Sunai Phasuk, Thailand representative of the US-based rights lobby Human Rights Watch. “Their strength is rising each day and they are confident they can win what they are fighting for – a separate state.”

Another clear case of the “Religion of Peace” showing anything but tranquillity in its dealings with non-Moslem neighbors as it introduces the world of ethnic cleasing to SE Asia.

Argus Bows to PC for Islamoterr Story

Double Dose of Downplaying GWOT in NJ Incident

The Sioux Falls Argus Loser Liar Leader has apparently taken what the Chief considers to be a weasel-minded mealy-mouth approach to reporting on what is arguably one of the more significant incidents concerning the activities of our neighboring practioners of the so-called “religion of peace”.

On the front page of the Argus today there is a story (not linked on their website!) with a headline that reads as follows:

6 accused of plotting to kill soldiers
“Islamic radicals” planned to hit base in Fort Dix, NJ authorities say

The body of the story reports the details of the planning and training the Islamoterrs were doing, and notes that among the key evidence was video showing the perps “shooting assault weapons on a firing range while calling for ‘jihad’ and shouting in Arabic ‘Allahu Akbar” (‘God is Great’).

Also noted were the origins of the terr wanna-bes as being in the US from Jordan, Turkey, and “Yugoslavia”, the latter of which doesn’t exist per se anymore – stating it this way avoids identifying them as ethnic “Albanians” as they were described in other reports, would make it obvious that the perps in question were of the Islamic persuasion.

So…the description of their origin is apparently a move on the part of the writer to downplay the Islamic background of the perps, and the headline of the Argus only continues the genuflection towards the shibboleth of political correctness by putting the term “Islamic radicals” in quotes.

Hello? “Islamic radicals” in quotes? Like may be this is just an FBI or NJ State Police plot to trump up some specious involvement of Muslims in a planned terrorist assault and theyREALLY are just somehow alleged to be “Islamic radicals”.

What a crock of BS! Both the Philly Enquirer writer and the Airgas-Loser’s headline writers need to once and for all wake up and smell the gunsmoke, and (finally) accept the fact that yes, indeed, there really IS a war on terror – one that isn’t necessarily linked only to al Qaeda or Iran or the Taliban or…whoever.

To continue to evade this unpleasant reality shows such a lack of situational awareness that the credibility of the MSM right here in Sioux Falls evidently leaves much to be desired. But THAT is certainly not any news, is it?

Calling a Spade a Spade, eh?

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid:
An Open Campaign of Lies, Bribery and Treason

The full-court press to turn Iraq into the next Vietnam is a story of international intrigue, wholesale lies, congressional bribery and systemic partisan treason on a scale never before seen in the United States. The entire world is watching, including our enemies, and nobody is calling it a scandal?

Today’s Democrat Party has reduced itself to the most anti-American organization in the world, yet the American press has yet to question a single outright lie, shine a light on the wholesale bribery used to buy the anti-American votes calling for retreat, surrender and defeat in the war on terror, or point out a single overt act of treason, now common place among liberal Democrats.

Speaker Pelosi and Senate Leader Reid call their surrender bill a “$124 billion bi-partisan Iraq spending bill to support our troops”. But every word of it is an outright lie!…Most importantly, the $96 billion actually authorized for the Iraq mission is tied to effectively, an immediate retreat in defeat clause forcing the American military to agree to surrender in Iraq as early as July ’07, but no later than October ’07. This is modern Democrats’ idea of “bi-partisan support for our troops.”

The Chief couldn’t have said it any better! There’s a lot more there…check it out.

Iran Now in the Crosshairs (A good thing, too!)

Tehran insider tells of US black ops

Very interesting story in Asia Times online.

A former Iranian ambassador and Islamic Republic insider has provided intriguing details to Asia Times Online about US covert operations inside Iran aimed at destabilizing the country and toppling the regime – or preparing for an American attack.

Something else seems to be happening in conjunction with this:

“The Iranian government knows and is aware of such infiltration. It means that the Iranian government has identified them [the covert operatives] but for some reason does not want to show [this],” said the former diplomat on condition of anonymity.

Speaking in Tehran, the ex-Foreign Ministry official said the agents being used by the US “were originally Iranians and not Americans” possibly recruited in the United States or through US embassies in Dubai and Ankara. He also warned that such actions will engender “some reactions”.

…”some reactions”? Hmmmm. Like maybe the current Iranian government WANTS us to go after them…all the more to speed their stated intention to foment chaos to trigger the return of the Mahdi and their version of the apocalypse, of course with Islam reigning triumphant. THAT fits Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Amadinejad and the REAL big dog over there: Ayatollah Khameini.

There’s quite a bit more in this piece…with stuff from the NY Slimes Seymour Hirsch who, true to form is apparently looking to undermine the effort.


Semper Fi!

Bombshell Cripples Case Against Haditha Marines

This whole has been a travesty of injustice.

The stunning announcement that all charges are being dropped against Sgt. Sanick P. Dela Cruz, formerly accused of murder in the Haditha incident where 24 Iraqis were killed during an insurgent ambush against the Marines, is indication that the prosecutors have a very weak case against all the defendants, lawyers for the some of the accused say.

NewsMax goes on to report more about the apparent legal collapse of the case against the Marines in this unfortunate series of events.

Haditha: Is McGirk the New Mary Mapes?

Meanwhile, and directly stimulated and related to this, is a report on the American Thinker site detailing not only the legal skullduggery, but the actual details of the ACTUAL incident as now known:

Evidence accumulates of a hoax in Haditha. The weblog Sweetness & Light has done an estimable service gathering together the articles which cast substantial doubt on the charge of a massacre of civilians at Haditha . Because the blog is too busy gathering and fisking the news, I offered and�the publisher�accepted my offer to put what he has uncovered in a narrative form.

Having done so, I can tell you that the story has a whiff of yet another mediagenic scandal like the TANG memos or the Plame ‘outing.’�While the Marines quite correctly will not comment on the case pending the outcome of their investigation, I am not bound by those rules, and�I will sum up the story for you.

Check it out. The Chief would like to take this whole deal and deposit it firmly in that posterior orifice of Donk CongMutha where the sun never shines.

What Was Cho’s REAL Motive? Part 2

Was VA Tech Massacre A Terrorist Attack?

Picked up the following from a site called Christian Worldview Network. First, some background on the sourcing:

The following is a letter from a Rabbi in Virginia. Several other sources have confirmed aspects of this story. It truly appears the mainstream media is ignoring what looks like what was a terrorist attack. Officials need to release the audio and/or transcripts of the other videos made by this terrorist.

The letter, which is worth reading in itself includes this heavy-duty nugget:

I also spoke this morning…with a peace officer here in Virginia who had access to and has read some of the transcripts of the other ten videos that are not being shown on the news. The shooter (Cho) was quoting verses from the Koran, and had Ishmael written on his arm and as his return address on the package sent to NBC. It appears that he did not randomly pick his targets but rather chose classes that had high concentrations of Christians and Jews in them-he was targeting Christians and Jews!!!!!

This may never come out in the media and some may tend to disregard this but my source is a solid believer and a trustworthy officer who has personally read some of the transcripts. What adds to this is that the press is not mentioning that a very high percentage of the victims were believers.

OK. The whitewash can is open, and the brushes are out. Anything but admit that we just might have a problem with internal Muslim terrorism!

Donks Lean on a Thin Reid

Sen. Reid is lost

The Chief finds that paying close attention to the mouthings of Nevada Donk Senator Dusty Harry Reid is sort of like swallowing ipecac – the guaranteed result is violent nausea. Nevertheless, it’s worth keeping track every so often of just how feckless his pronouncements are.

This OpEd from the DC Times does a fairly good job of summarizing (and thus lowering the sheer level of nausea) his recent spoutings. It sure doesn’t get any better with time, unfortunately.

My previous evaluation still holds: Copperhead-in-Chief of the Senate, (See my Jargonology page for this usage.) and the most feckless of all feckless weasels. He even makes the unlamented SD Donk Sen. Daschle look like a pillar of rationality…something the Chief formerly would have considered to be impossible.

“The Young Americans”

Video Direct from the Front…Untouched by the MSM! 

This is some video stock from an upcoming Iraq war documentary…it’s the REAL deal for sure! Some of it has extremely rough language, and yes, people die.

Remember the bit about “War is hell.”  This is Ramallah…which elsewhere on this site is described as a spot “where Satan moved in and set up his throne”.

This is sure not CNN!  Pass it on.

After seeing this all I can say is that it reinforcews even more (if possible) the Chief’s opinion that Donk Harry Reid & the Queen Bitch Pelosi of the House and their ilk totally have their heads stuck up the rear end of a horse.

Direct From the Iraq Front!

Marine Corporal From A Bunker In Ramadi: “I Got A Message For That Douche Harry Reid”

This is really good – it doesn’t get any more real than this posting from within a few hours of when I make this posting!

Yeah and I got a quote for that douche harry reid. These families need us here. obviously he has never been in iraq. or at least the area worth seeing, the parts where insurgency is rampant and the buildings are blown to pieces. We need to stay here and help rebuild. If Iraq didn’t want us here then why do we have IP’s voluntering everyday to rebuild their cities. and working directly with us too. same with the IA’s. It sucks that Iraqi’s have more patriotism for a country that has turned to complete shit. More than the people in America who drink Starbucks everyday. We could leave this place and say we are sorry to the terrorists. and then we could wait for 3,000 more American civilians to die before we say “Hey thats not nice” again, and the sad thing is after we WIN this war people like him will say he was there for us the whole time.

This Marine couldn’t have said it any better as far as the Copperhead Senator Reid is concerned.

The Pat Dollard site I found this on is one of the best warblogs I think I’ve seen. Check it out

Islamoterrs Gearing Up for Big One?

Al-Qaeda ‘planning big British attack’

AL-QAEDA leaders in Iraq are planning the first “large-scale” terrorist attacks on Britain and other western targets with the help of supporters in Iran, according to a leaked intelligence report. Spy chiefs warn that one operative had said he was planning an attack on “a par with Hiroshima and Nagasaki” in an attempt to “shake the Roman throne”, a reference to the West.

A couple of other aspects of this in the article from the London Times are especially interesting. Firstly, there is a strong involvement of the Shiite Iranians with mostly Sunni al Qaeda. OK – there have been many historical cases of strange bedfellows in war – anyone remember Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin? THe other thing is, that if there si enough intel to get this report out, one hopes there is enough to be able to interrupt the plans of the terrs.

Serbian War pt. II?

The Inconvenient Serbs

One of the Chief’s favorite commentators is always Spengler, found in the Asia Times.

This piece reminds us of the still simmering and unsettled situation in the Balkans between Serbia and Kosovo. It looks like the Serbs (and the Russians) may well have reached the point of “enough is enough”…and that the UNO proposed Kosovo independence with no recognition of Serbian rights will prove to ultimately be a no-go deal.

There is an alternative proposal for partition of Kosovo, with relatively small areas of Serb occupancy being attached to Serbia, with the Moslem majority doing what they want with the rest. The UNOcrats and our own State Department Foggy Bottom Boys aren’t buying into it, while the Russians do.

A UN veto by Russia could lead to a unilateral Ismalmic declaration of Kosovan independence with the likely outcome an openly Orthodox Christian vs. Moslem war in Europe. Maybe that would get some Euro reason starting regarding their tendency towards appeasement, under the principle stated by Samuel Johnson:

Depend upon it sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates the mind wonderfully.

Connections of Qaddafi, Hillary, Boxer, and Cho?

The Followers of ISMAIL

This is a fairly detailed article on the current state of Ismaili Islam. Huh? What’s THAT? Not exactly on your radar screen these days? Maybe it should be.

First some background:

In recent weeks we have seen resurgence in the followers of the Ismaili sect of Shia Islam. Libyan leader Mu’ammar Qaddafi called, in a speech in Niger to Tuareg tribal leaders, for the establishment of a second Shi’ite Fatimid state in North Africa, after the model of the 10th-13th century empire that ruled North Africa, Egypt, and parts of the Fertile Crescent. It is worthwhile to review some of the background and origins of this sect and also to see how it may be impacting current events. The Ismailis are the followers of the seventh caliph Ismail and are know as seveners vs. the followers of the twelfth Imam or twelvers as Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Ismaili Students’ Association operates on many campuses.

Next the piece goes into a fairly detailed untangling of the history involved in Ismaili Islam. Relevant today? The Chief thinks so, but check it out for yourself.

In additon to the historical background of the Ismailis, the writer points out more possible inspiration if not actual connection with Cho Seung Hi…hitting on some aspects that have been totally ignored (due to lack of knowledge more than suppression) in the media.

As if that is not enough, there is a real involvement of the L.A. Ismailis with fundraising for both Hillary and Sen. Boxer (Donk- CA), which ultimately proved to be illegal, with the chief Ismaili fund raiser on the lam out of the country at this time, but still actively sought by the FBI.

By 2004, Jinnah had cemented his party ties. He and his family, who had moved to Bel-Air, personally contributed $122,000 to Democratic candidates and causes that year alone. “I’m just recalling how close I’ve been with the Clinton family and those nights, movies, dinners, lunches in the White House,” he said in unsteady English.

“At about the same time, the Justice Department began investigating allegations that Jinnah’s fundraising on behalf of Clinton and others was illegal. He would later be charged with violating federal law by reimbursing employees and associates for contributions made in their names to Clinton’s HillPac and the Friends of Barbara Boxer campaign. Today, having fled the country, Jinnah is on the FBI’s “featured fugitives” list.”

So what is Ismaili Islam up to these day that we shoul have any interest in them?

On March 31, 2007, Libyan leader Mu’ammar Qaddafi called, in a speech in Niger to Tuareg tribal leaders, for the establishment of a second Shi’ite Fatimid state in North Africa, after the model of the 10th-13th century empire that ruled North Africa, Egypt, and parts of the Fertile Crescent. In his speech, Qaddafi denounced the division of Muslims into Sunni and Shi’ite as a colonialist plot, and rebuked the Arab League members for “hating Iran” according to the article In Overture to Iran, Qaddafi Declares North Africa Shi’ite and Calls for Establishment of New Fatimid State by MEMRI Special Dispatch Series — No 1535 of April 6, 2007.

Did you catch that? Even the Iranians haven’t spoken in these terms. He is actually saying that his political ambition is to return to the 1100-1300 AD condition!!!!

There is also a further treatment of the history and religious underpinnings of the Fatimid Caliphate…and it ain’t a pretty picture sports fans. Qaddafi et al, are every bit a dangerous to the US and the west as are the Iranian Ayotollahs and their mouthpiece Ahmadinejad.

Check it out for youself. Forewarned is forearmed.

HAMAS/Paleswinian Gov’t Sheikh Lets it all Hang Out

In Friday Sermon in Sudan: U.S., Israel Will Be Annihilated

Although this is actually just “more of the same” invective…it’s constructive to review the rants of the enemy, just to remember what’s REALLY at state here in WW-IV.

“America will be annihilated, while Islam will remain. The Muslims ‘will be victorious, if you are believers.’ Oh Muslims, I guarantee you that the power of Allah is greater than America, by whom many are blinded today. Some people are blinded by the power of America. We say to them that with the might of Allah, with the might of His Messenger, and with the power of Allah, we are stronger than America and Israel.”

“Oh Allah, vanquish the Jews and their supporters. Oh Allah, vanquish the Americans and their supporters. Oh Allah, count their numbers, and kill them all, down to the very last one. Oh Allah, show them a day of darkness. Oh Allah, who sent down His Book, the mover of the clouds, who defeated the enemies of the Prophet – defeat the Jews and the Americans, and bring us victory over them.”


Random Thought on the Random Shooting

The massacre at Virgina Tech is obviously a horrible event that obviously generates a number of thoughts and questions for the Chief, as I’m sure it does also for a whole lot of other people. My thoughts may or may not run n the same direction as yours do, but these are some things that have struck me.

‘Question Mark’ Killer Quietly Seethed With Rage

He apparently had scrawled the words “ISMAIL AX” on the inside of one arm, according to the Chicago Tribune, which may be a reference to the Islamic account of the Biblical sacrifice of Abraham.

A possible Islamic connection? Ismail is the Arabic version of Ishmael – Abraham’s son by Hagar, who Biblically is considered as being the progenitor of the Arab people, which the Arabs themselves believe. The ax part relates to an Islamic version of the Abrahamic sacrifice where an axe was to be used. Also, of COURSE the Moslems can’t give priority of place to Isaac – THEY claim that Ishmael was the commanded sacrifice. Oh well. The Chief, as a Christian, doesn’t buy their version, but that’s neither here nor there…the question remains as to what a KOREAN is doing with at least SOME involvement with the Islamic version of this?

Other items heard reported from various media sources during the course of the day:
item: serial #’s filed off guns. WTF? That’s really weird, since the perp apparently bought the guns legally and was going to be using them himself.
item: VaTech President noted that there really wasn’t a previous domestic involvement between the perp and the initial victims…in that case it would be a wholly random selection of victims – sort of like last month’s Salt Lake City Trolley Square mall shootings (done by a Bosnian Moslem).
item: who were the other guys photographed being taken down by police:
and this one too:

item: It’s probably worth noting that the perp was apparently taking anti-depressant drugs. After Columbine and other incidents of extreme violence with drugged up perps, who can be surprised.

Finally, the real hero is the Lithuanian born holocaust survivor Liviu Librescu who held the door to his classroom closed to give his students a chance to jump out the window and escape while he was shot to death through the door. What to say? I can add nothing to this:
John 15:13 – Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.


President Seeks Partial Abdication

3 Generals Spurn the Position of War ‘Czar’

Other than the WaPo, the Chief hasn’t noted this anywhere else in the MSM, although radio talker Michael Savage has taken note.

The White House wants to appoint a high-powered czar to oversee the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with authority to issue directions to the Pentagon, the State Department and other agencies…

This is really mind-boggling when one considers what is really happening here is a (so far) attempted effort of the President to abdicate his Constitutional responsibility to serve as Commander-in-Chief, and apparently be in a position to “take the fall” in a possible “cut-and-run” outcome.

Although the President’s motivations were (contrary to the caterwauling of the Move-on Donk left) laudable, the administrations execution of the war has been more in the order of rendering lip-service to having a war.

What has been avoided is the expressionhardness of attitude necessary to prevail in a difficult war, in favor of maintaining political correctness in a useless attempt to somehow

If you want to win a war, you do NOT have your pree-action plans and post-action reports subject to legal analysis to justify shooting bullets at the enemy. If you want to win a war, you don’t declare that the enemy can freely have certain sections of cities, and certain buildings as untouchable sanctuaries, in the interest of maintaining political correctness.

Meanwhile, the Pres has decided that he doesn’t (a)want to, or (b) know how to, be the actual Commander-in-Chief any more. So much for presidential leadership.

May the spirit of Ronaldus Magnus, the Great Gipper help us in our hour of need!

“No terrorist ties”

Women at Love Field ‘acting suspiciously’

Is this enough to get YOUR attention?

Dallas police and federal terrorism officials are investigating two women, both dressed in camouflage pants under their traditional Muslim robes and scarves, who were seen conducting what appeared to be surveillance and acting suspiciously at Dallas Love Field.

It sure would make ME wonder what was up!

One of the women, Kimberly “Asma” Al-Homsi, 42, of Arlington, who is on probation for a 2005 Garland road rage incident involving a fake grenade, is said to have long-range assault rifle and explosives training, according to a Dallas police intelligence bulletin issued March 5. “I’m a trained sniper and proud of it,” Ms. Al-Homsi said in an interview Thursday after first refusing to comment on whether she has any terrorism ties. She then said no.

Not to worry?

Police officials said they have no direct evidence the women have ties to terrorism.

Well…not so fast:

Law enforcement sources acknowledge that activities of both women have garnered substantial attention. “We are aware of the activities that occurred at Love Field in February and are giving it appropriate consideration,” said Lori Bailey, spokeswoman for the Dallas FBI.

Just a question here: where is it chiseled in stone that someone has to have “ties” to terrorism to plan and/or commit a terrorist act?

In the final analysis, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and has feathers…draw your own conclusions.

Hostage Stand-down Promised

Iran to release Brits

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran would free the 15 detained British sailors and marines Wednesday as an Easter holiday “gift” to the British people. He said the captives, who were seized while on patrol in the northern Persian Gulf on March 23, would be taken to the airport at the end of the news conference that he was addressing. An Iranian official in London said they would be handed over to British diplomats in Tehran.

Frankly the Chief thought that Ahmadinejad Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad would milk this for more than he did…especially with the nuclear issue still simmering on the stove, but apparently not.

This is a good thing, if it comes to pass…it will be interesting to hear what the Brit sailors and marines will have to say once they are out of the clutches of the Ayatollahs.


This commentary on the situation hits the spot.

OK, we are told not “to look a gift horse in the mouth”: someone gives you a present, you don’t start investigating the state of its dentition to estimate is worth. So I suppose we should be simply rejoice that Iranisn President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has decided to release the 15 Britich sailors and marines his coast guard took hostage last week. How nice of him. But a doubt lingers: was he right to describe his munificence as a “gift to the British people.”

There’s more…check it out!

Donks’ Surrender Plan faces Veto

Democrats’ timetable clears Senate

Senate Democrats yesterday thwarted a Republican effort to strip a troop withdrawal timetable from the Iraq war funding bill — speeding Congress toward a veto showdown with President Bush.

“We are not going to back down from the essential language in this bill,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, said of the mandate that a troop pullout start almost immediately with the goal of a complete exit by next March.

OK. Can ANYONE seriously doubt that Reid, and the rest of the Donks pushing this are working to engineer the Munich (1938 appeasement agreement with Hitler) of the 21st century? This would firmly crown the Donks as the surrender party of all time, after what they did in Viet-nam, and now this.

FDR, Truman, and Sen. “Scoop” Jackson must be restless in their graves.