Tag Archives: National Insecurity

US Losses in Gaza, Says More Where that Came From

Hamas lists seized U.S. weapons

When the Chief hear that military supplies and equipment was being funneled to the Paleswinian Authority, there was a LOT of doubt in his mind that any good would come of it. My bet would have been THEN that this stuff could well end up being used against us. That sad prospect is even more likely to come to pass, since FAT-ah was too absent minded to keep HAM-ASS from getting its hands on whole piles of US weapons and other logistics.

Last week, Hamas took complete control of all Fatah positions and U.S.-backed security compounds in the Gaza Strip, including Fatah’s major Ansar complex – where American-provided weapons were delivered and stored – and Abbas’ presidential guard complex.

The U.S. in recent years reportedly transferred large quantities of weaponry to build up Fatah forces against rival Hamas. Hamas officials told WND in multiple interviews they would seize the American weapons.

Hamas’ Al Aqsa Television last week broadcast footage of Hamas gunmen brandishing American assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, rocket launchers and ammunition the U.S. reportedly provided to Fatah over the past few months.

We sow the wind and wonder why we reap the whirlwind. What makes the farce even more surreal is that Condie & the Foggy Bottom Boysâ„¢ plan on repeating the same non-strategy.

Rice said she will ask Congress to rework a previous $86 million aid package to Abbas that was lowered following concerns by some lawmakers some of the money would end up financing terrorism. Congress in April only approved about $59 million of the aid package and stipulated the money cannot be used to purchase weapons. Rice intends to request Congress now grant the full $86 million. Rice also said the U.S. would contribute an additional $40 million to the United Nations to help Palestinians, particularly in the Gaza Strip, which is now controlled by Hamas.

According to Palestinian and Israeli diplomatic sources, the bulk of the $86 million is slated to be used to fund Force 17, which serve as de facto police units in the West Bank and previously patrolled the Hamas-seized Gaza Strip. Many members of Force 17 are also openly members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group, which took responsibility together with Islamic Jihad for every suicide bombing in Israel the last two years.

The hallucinatory nature of this policy beggars the imagination!

Donk Defeatism Reigns Supreme

Reid adjusts antiwar strategy

After reportedly getting beaten up by a bunch of leftDonk bloggers, Dusty Harry apparently feels the need to swing more in their direction on the war.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has refocused his antiwar crusade as his and Congress’ job-approval ratings plummet to all-time lows. Mr. Reid began the week Monday by vowing to “push very, very hard” for troop withdrawal from Iraq in a Defense Department budget authorization bill in two weeks.

The Chief can’t help thinking that Reid, et al have a poor case of situational awareness, and that the country as a whole does NOT want to surrender SW Asia to the Islamofascists. We had all better hope so, or the future will be bleak indeed.

U-Boat Threat in Gulf of Mexico? (Looks that way!)

Venezuela’s Chavez to finalise Russian submarines deal

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is expected to finalise a deal on buying up to nine Russian submarines during a visit here later this month, a Russian newspaper reported on Thursday. Caracas has already ordered five 636-type diesel submarines and four of a new model of diesel submarine, the 677E Amur, the Kommersant broadsheet said, quoting unnamed sources in the ship-building and arms export sectors.

Somebody needs to liberate Chavez from his concerns for earthly life.

Palestinian Turmoil

Hamas Overruns Rival Fatah’s Key Posts

This situation ALMOST reminds the Chief of the situation if one were hiking along a desert trail, and comes upon a rattlesnake fighting with a scorpion. Who would choose sides? And if so, why would you do so?

Hamas fighters overran two of the rival Fatah movement’s most important security command centers in the Gaza Strip on Thursday, and witnesses said the victors dragged vanquished gunmen into the street and shot them to death execution-style.

In this case, one side is slightly better less evil than the other. Ham-ass is totally evil, Fatah isn’t historically much better, but at least they have acquired SOME degree of civilization over the years they have been trying to run the Paleswinian Authority.

Hamas also seized control of Rafah in the south, Gaza’s third-largest city, according to witnesses and security officials. It was the second main Gaza city to fall to the militants, who captured nearby Khan Younis on Wednesday, and gave Hamas control of the porous border with Egypt, which has been the source of arms smuggling.

How truly wonderful THAT is! (WARNING: Sarcasm alert!)

Responding to Hamas’ gains, President Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah declared a state of emergency, fired Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas, dissolved the Hamas-Fatah coalition and said he would form a new government.

TRANSLATION: Stick a fork in the Paleswinian Authority – it’s done! This also means that there is no one that Israel has any prospects of negotiating anything with over there.

Batten down the hatches, and keep the powder dry!

Huh? Arabic Public School in NYC?

An Arabic Public School

The Chief had to look twice at this one…plans are afloat for NYC to set up an Arabic language school…AS PART OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM? WTF?

This is a bad idea for SOOOOOO MANY reasons. This link goes to a pro/con set-up in the NY Sun site. They go crying around about being short on resources, and then plan on spending for THIS? They had better do some serious checking into the quality of the NYC water system…something must be seriously wrong.

Air Force Chief: ChiCom Build-up Worrisome

Moseley’s Warning

The Air Force Chief of Staff is warning about the ChiComs’ progress in their aerospace capabilities.

In the days after China blasted an orbiting satellite to bits, Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) said, in effect, it was no big deal. “I don’t think we should be overly worried about this,” opined the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. “We have ways to deal with that ability.” Biden’s content-free statement, though soothing to some, was contrary to mainstream thinking. From serious analysts, the anti-satellite shot elicited only grim words. A sampling:

“Troubling” (Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates). “Very worrisome” (Marine Corps Gen. Peter Pace, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff). “A wake-up call” (Robert Joseph, then undersecretary of state for international security). A “threat,” and a “provocation” (Sen. Jon L. Kyl, R-Ariz.)

For shock value, though, even Gates, Pace, Joseph, and Kyl did not come close to Gen. T. Michael Moseley, USAF Chief of Staff. The top airman called the Jan. 12 (China time) test against a defunct Chinese weather satellite “a strategically dislocating event.” In fact, he added, “This is no different than when the Russians put Sputnik up.”

He’s not only worried about this one technology, either!

…the [Air Force] Chief took an equally dim view of China’s airpower advances. “This is not … a country that has just discovered the Wright brothers’ airplane,” he said. “This is a country that is very serious” about making the big league in airpower. After decades of defense spending increases, China’s overall program now is on a par with Japan, Britain, and Russia, he said, and its long-range aviation is “increasingly capable and lethal,” as witness four advances: New fighters…Airborne early warning…Aerial refuelers…Stand off munitions.

You can go and check out the details of all that in the article…not that it’ll make you feel any better…but at least you’ll be informed.

Another unpleasant thought…these are the same ChiComs that have been all too willing to sell military equipment and technology to the likes of Iran, Syria, Pakistan, etc. Joy, joy!

Dr. Strangelove Now for Real?

Bush makes power grab

Stuff like this is grist for the conspiratorial mill for sure, but like the expression says: “Just because I’m paranoid, doesn’t mean they really aren’t after me.”

President Bush, without so much as issuing a press statement, on May 9 signed a directive that granted near dictatorial powers to the office of the president in the event of a national emergency declared by the president.

The “National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive,” with the dual designation of NSPD-51, as a National Security Presidential Directive, and HSPD-20, as a Homeland Security Presidential Directive, establishes under the office of president a new National Continuity Coordinator.

That job, as the document describes, is to make plans for “National Essential Functions” of all federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal governments, as well as private sector organizations to continue functioning under the president’s directives in the event of a national emergency.

The directive loosely defines “catastrophic emergency” as “any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions.”

A lot of this latest edict is similar to stuff already on the books in something else called the “National Emergency Act” but differs in that it removes any provision for Congressional review or removal of emergency measures. Not Good!

Military positioned to launch action – here

The United States military is being positioned to be put into action under presidential authority in any one of a dozen scenarios within the United States – including natural disasters, epidemics, terrorist attacks, insurrections, or domestic violence including conspiracies, according to a report from WND columnist Jerome R. Corsi.

He has concluded that under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, the military of the United States and Canada are turning NORTHCOMM into a domestic military command structure, with authority extending to Mexico, even though Mexico has not formally joined with the current United States-Canadian NORTHCOM command structure. “President Bush appears to have positioned the U.S. military and the National Guard acting under presidential authority to intervene in a wide range of domestic incidents that could occur anywhere in North America,” he wrote.

He cited a number of developments, including the 2002 order establishing NORTHCOM as response for “homeland defense” of the U.S., Canada, Mexico and parts of the Caribbean and some Atlantic and Pacific waters. That organization already controls the North American Aerospace Defense Command, a joint U.S.-Canadian effort, he said. Secondly, section 1076 of the John Warner Defense Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 2007 grants the president the right to commandeer federal troops or state National Guard to use them domestically, he noted.

On the radio a bit ago this evening, Corsi was talking about the Cheyenne Mountain nuclear command post being transformed in a domestic emergency center for the new NORTHCOM.

Hmmmmmm. Brings to mind the final solution shown in the Peter Sellers classic film Dr. Strangelove. Hey – that makes as much sense as anything else these days!

Officials, Media Discover “Islamberg” Training Camp


From the NY Post:

A remote Muslim commune nestled in the Catskill Mountains has come under the scrutiny of state and federal authorities for possible ties to terrorism, according to law-enforcement sources

Reports of gunfire and military-style physical training at the camp have led some investigators to believe that the group’s members are preparing for homegrown jihad. According to one account, a neighbor said he has seen commune members dressed in Port Authority uniforms.

Some additional signs of consciousness…this can only be a good thing!

Getting Ready for the Bug-out Boogie

Iraqis: Take us with you

With pressure building in Washington for an American troop pullout, Iraqis who have worked closely with U.S. companies and military forces are begging their employers for assurances that they will be able to leave with them.

This gives the Chief a REALLY bad feeling…not that these good guys are trying to set up a bolt-hole if the SHTF (see Site Jargonology), but that with the goings on of the Donk Copperheads in Congress and elsewhere, they feel the need to do so.

When the Americans leave, all those who worked with them “must leave also,” said another woman who has been forced to move to Jordan. She asked that her name not be used in order to protect her extended family still living in Baghdad.

Americans and other Westerners rely on Iraqi men and women who serve as interpreters, engineers, repairmen, security guards, computer and telecommunications technicians, drivers, cooks, cleaners and so on. Private security companies and contractors working to support the military and rebuild Iraq’s teetering infrastructure also employ thousands of locals.

Unfortunately, this is not an inappropriate fear based on this expression of the state of mind of the administration.

Many have risked their lives on a daily basis for years to get to work and to protect their U.S. colleagues. But American officials say it is unlikely that the United States will open its doors to all of them. “They are not going to the United States,” Command Sgt. Maj. Jeff Mellinger told The Washington Times in an interview in late April. “We don’t have a plan to do anything with them. They are Iraqis, and this is their country,” said Sgt. Maj. Mellinger, at that time the top enlisted soldier in Iraq.

How sad if an earlier incident in our history is repeated:

For one former Special Forces operative who has worked closely with Iraqis for three years, any U.S. pullout that fails to protect Iraqi allies would bring unhappy memories of the final withdrawal 32 years ago from Vietnam. “When we leave, all these people that helped us and fought for us will be hunted down and exterminated just like the Montagnards and South Vietnamese,” he said in a telephone interview. “In many ways, this is my second Vietnam,” he said bitterly.

One wonders how long our military will be forced to implement the feckless policies of incompetent if not outright traitorous politicians interested more in their own careers than in the good name and interest of the United States.


Donks Blink: War Funds w/no Timeline

Democrats capitulate on war funds

Congressional Democrats yesterday backed down in the standoff with the White House over war funds, abandoning their veto-instigating effort to link deadlines for withdrawing troops from Iraq to President Bush’s request for more than $100 billion in emergency spending.

They ran that idea up the flagpole, and it turned out that no one except Nancy Pelosi, the KosSacks, the MoveOn caucus, and others of that ilk saluted it, so Harry Reid, showing that he’s not TOTALLY bereft of reason, has moved forward on the funding without a surrender date-certain.

In essence, the Donks blinked on the key point.

Islamberg Update II

Investigation of Moslems of America / Jamaat al Fuqra

The Politics of CP has a report up on the Islamberg group that has quite a bit more background and information than the CFP article that has seemed to kick up a lot of attention in the blogosphere, and even in some spots in major media.

Unfortunately, more information does NOTHING to make one feel more comfortable with the situation…au contraire, it’s even worse than the first impression looked like. For instance, they have a listing of incidents including multiple bombings, shootings, arsons, and other attacks IN THE US that have been perpetrated by this group SINCE 1979!

So much for the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan driving their hatred of us.

Sharia Taxicabs? Not any more!

Cabbies on edge as penalties begin

There has been something of an ongoing controversy up at the Minneapolis-St.Paul airport, with Somali moslem cab drivers refusing to pick up people who were carrying packages of alcoholic beverages, thereby seeking at least a partial imposition of Islamic law on the Twin Cities.

The airport commision has finally said “Enough is enough” and has sharpened penalties for such refusal to a 30 day suspended airport permit for the first offense, and a year bad for the second.

The cabbies are concerned.

Oh well! If they don’t like the rules at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport because the rules there are not in accord with the Moslem traditions, then perhaps they should seek new employment – driving cabs out of the airport at say, Riyadh, or perhaps Mogadishu.

President Goes International(ist)

A L.O.S.T. Presidency

This is not a good thing.

Any minute now, President Bush is going to make a fateful mistake. He will announce that his administration will make a concerted effort to secure the prompt ratification of a deeply flawed multilateral accord universally known by its acronym – LOST, as in the Law of the Sea Treaty.

When it comes to LOST, of course, prompt is a relative thing. It was first opened to signature and ratification in the early 1980s, but Ronald Reagan rejected it. In the mid-1990s, Bill Clinton resuscitated and negotiated a side-deal designed to fix, or at least obscure, what Mr. Reagan found objectionable.

Then, in 2004, the Bush administration decided to embrace the Law of the Sea Treaty. The argument seemed principally to be that, in the aftermath of the bruising fight over Iraq, doing so would demonstrate that the United States could still play well with its allies and other nations. Most were parties to LOST and are slavishly devoted to this and other treaties on the agenda of the Transnational Progressives.

Looks like the President’s internationalist tendencies are getting the worst of him…and/or he’s given up worrying about his base and embraceed the joys of being a totally lame duck.

Iran Nuke Update

Atomic Agency Concludes Iran Is Stepping Up Nuclear Work

Why anyone should be surprised by this is surprising to the Chief.

Inspectors for the International Atomic Energy Agency have concluded that Iran appears to have solved most of its technological problems and is now beginning to enrich uranium on a far larger scale than before, according to the agency’s top officials.

Isn’t this just about exactly what Iranian President Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad has been saying was their goal all along?

The findings may change the calculus of diplomacy in Europe and in Washington, which aimed to force a suspension of Iran’s enrichment activities in large part to prevent it from learning how to produce weapons-grade material.

So now that they’ve had their nose rubbed in the dung, even the Euros and the State Department’s Foggy Bottom Boysâ„¢ finally have to face reality…or at least pay it some lip-service.

In a short-notice inspection of Iran’s operations in the main nuclear facility at Natanz on Sunday, conducted in advance of a report to the United Nations Security Council due early next week, the inspectors found that Iranian engineers were already using roughly 1,300 centrifuges and were producing fuel suitable for nuclear reactors weapons , according to diplomats and nuclear experts here.

(Meaning clarified by the Chief in above citation.)

OK. So NOW what? I’m not holding my breath in anticipation of a bold response.

Sioux Falls Moonbats out for Spring Airing Today

South Dakota Peace & Justice Center plans rally in Sioux Falls

The South Dakota Peace & Justice Center plans a rally in Sioux Falls for later today. The 11:30 a.m. event is part of a national campaign organized by the Peace Alliance to create a Department of Peace within the U.S. Government.

“The Department of Peace is not only about international peace, but it also has a domestic component that we need now more than ever. It’s time we take the focus off non-violent solutions and vengeful retributions,” according to a statement from the South Dakota Peace & Justice Center.

Ingenuity in inventing ways to waste perfectly good time and money is a wondrous and never-ending phenomenon.

Department of Peace? [gasp! choke! gag! retch! vomit!] Phew! That feels better now! Got to get out of this post before it happens again!


Argus Bows to PC for Islamoterr Story

Double Dose of Downplaying GWOT in NJ Incident

The Sioux Falls Argus Loser Liar Leader has apparently taken what the Chief considers to be a weasel-minded mealy-mouth approach to reporting on what is arguably one of the more significant incidents concerning the activities of our neighboring practioners of the so-called “religion of peace”.

On the front page of the Argus today there is a story (not linked on their website!) with a headline that reads as follows:

6 accused of plotting to kill soldiers
“Islamic radicals” planned to hit base in Fort Dix, NJ authorities say

The body of the story reports the details of the planning and training the Islamoterrs were doing, and notes that among the key evidence was video showing the perps “shooting assault weapons on a firing range while calling for ‘jihad’ and shouting in Arabic ‘Allahu Akbar” (‘God is Great’).

Also noted were the origins of the terr wanna-bes as being in the US from Jordan, Turkey, and “Yugoslavia”, the latter of which doesn’t exist per se anymore – stating it this way avoids identifying them as ethnic “Albanians” as they were described in other reports, would make it obvious that the perps in question were of the Islamic persuasion.

So…the description of their origin is apparently a move on the part of the writer to downplay the Islamic background of the perps, and the headline of the Argus only continues the genuflection towards the shibboleth of political correctness by putting the term “Islamic radicals” in quotes.

Hello? “Islamic radicals” in quotes? Like may be this is just an FBI or NJ State Police plot to trump up some specious involvement of Muslims in a planned terrorist assault and theyREALLY are just somehow alleged to be “Islamic radicals”.

What a crock of BS! Both the Philly Enquirer writer and the Airgas-Loser’s headline writers need to once and for all wake up and smell the gunsmoke, and (finally) accept the fact that yes, indeed, there really IS a war on terror – one that isn’t necessarily linked only to al Qaeda or Iran or the Taliban or…whoever.

To continue to evade this unpleasant reality shows such a lack of situational awareness that the credibility of the MSM right here in Sioux Falls evidently leaves much to be desired. But THAT is certainly not any news, is it?

Calling a Spade a Spade, eh?

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid:
An Open Campaign of Lies, Bribery and Treason

The full-court press to turn Iraq into the next Vietnam is a story of international intrigue, wholesale lies, congressional bribery and systemic partisan treason on a scale never before seen in the United States. The entire world is watching, including our enemies, and nobody is calling it a scandal?

Today’s Democrat Party has reduced itself to the most anti-American organization in the world, yet the American press has yet to question a single outright lie, shine a light on the wholesale bribery used to buy the anti-American votes calling for retreat, surrender and defeat in the war on terror, or point out a single overt act of treason, now common place among liberal Democrats.

Speaker Pelosi and Senate Leader Reid call their surrender bill a “$124 billion bi-partisan Iraq spending bill to support our troops”. But every word of it is an outright lie!…Most importantly, the $96 billion actually authorized for the Iraq mission is tied to effectively, an immediate retreat in defeat clause forcing the American military to agree to surrender in Iraq as early as July ’07, but no later than October ’07. This is modern Democrats’ idea of “bi-partisan support for our troops.”

The Chief couldn’t have said it any better! There’s a lot more there…check it out.

More NorK Nukes Probable

N. Korea making nukes, will test again, general says

Like the Chief said in an earlier posting when the administration made a ballyhooed announcement of the resumption of talks with the NorKs – We’ve been rope-a-doped again. but at least the generals know it. Now, if someone in Congress would just pay attention….

North Korea is continuing to develop nuclear weapons and will conduct additional underground blasts aimed at regional “intimidation,” the commander of U.S. forces in South Korea said yesterday. “Unless the six-party talks process prevails, we expect North Korea to continue nuclear weapons research and development to perpetuate its strategy of intimidation,” Army Gen. Burwell B. Bell told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

North Korea is continuing to produce plutonium from a reactor at Yongbyon and now has produced up to 110 pounds of the radioactive material, enough for several weapons, Gen. Bell said.

An ugly situation isn’t getting any prettier.

Connections of Qaddafi, Hillary, Boxer, and Cho?

The Followers of ISMAIL

This is a fairly detailed article on the current state of Ismaili Islam. Huh? What’s THAT? Not exactly on your radar screen these days? Maybe it should be.

First some background:

In recent weeks we have seen resurgence in the followers of the Ismaili sect of Shia Islam. Libyan leader Mu’ammar Qaddafi called, in a speech in Niger to Tuareg tribal leaders, for the establishment of a second Shi’ite Fatimid state in North Africa, after the model of the 10th-13th century empire that ruled North Africa, Egypt, and parts of the Fertile Crescent. It is worthwhile to review some of the background and origins of this sect and also to see how it may be impacting current events. The Ismailis are the followers of the seventh caliph Ismail and are know as seveners vs. the followers of the twelfth Imam or twelvers as Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Ismaili Students’ Association operates on many campuses.

Next the piece goes into a fairly detailed untangling of the history involved in Ismaili Islam. Relevant today? The Chief thinks so, but check it out for yourself.

In additon to the historical background of the Ismailis, the writer points out more possible inspiration if not actual connection with Cho Seung Hi…hitting on some aspects that have been totally ignored (due to lack of knowledge more than suppression) in the media.

As if that is not enough, there is a real involvement of the L.A. Ismailis with fundraising for both Hillary and Sen. Boxer (Donk- CA), which ultimately proved to be illegal, with the chief Ismaili fund raiser on the lam out of the country at this time, but still actively sought by the FBI.

By 2004, Jinnah had cemented his party ties. He and his family, who had moved to Bel-Air, personally contributed $122,000 to Democratic candidates and causes that year alone. “I’m just recalling how close I’ve been with the Clinton family and those nights, movies, dinners, lunches in the White House,” he said in unsteady English.

“At about the same time, the Justice Department began investigating allegations that Jinnah’s fundraising on behalf of Clinton and others was illegal. He would later be charged with violating federal law by reimbursing employees and associates for contributions made in their names to Clinton’s HillPac and the Friends of Barbara Boxer campaign. Today, having fled the country, Jinnah is on the FBI’s “featured fugitives” list.”

So what is Ismaili Islam up to these day that we shoul have any interest in them?

On March 31, 2007, Libyan leader Mu’ammar Qaddafi called, in a speech in Niger to Tuareg tribal leaders, for the establishment of a second Shi’ite Fatimid state in North Africa, after the model of the 10th-13th century empire that ruled North Africa, Egypt, and parts of the Fertile Crescent. In his speech, Qaddafi denounced the division of Muslims into Sunni and Shi’ite as a colonialist plot, and rebuked the Arab League members for “hating Iran” according to the article In Overture to Iran, Qaddafi Declares North Africa Shi’ite and Calls for Establishment of New Fatimid State by MEMRI Special Dispatch Series — No 1535 of April 6, 2007.

Did you catch that? Even the Iranians haven’t spoken in these terms. He is actually saying that his political ambition is to return to the 1100-1300 AD condition!!!!

There is also a further treatment of the history and religious underpinnings of the Fatimid Caliphate…and it ain’t a pretty picture sports fans. Qaddafi et al, are every bit a dangerous to the US and the west as are the Iranian Ayotollahs and their mouthpiece Ahmadinejad.

Check it out for youself. Forewarned is forearmed.

Donk Copperhead Strikes Again!

Reid Offers Bleak Assessment of Iraq War

One generally thinks of the Nevada desert and rattlesnakes, but Donk Senate majority leader Reid is showing his copperhead tendencies with this move even more solidly into the Murtha(-f’er), MoveOn, Kasich appeasement at any price wing of the Donk party.

“I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and – you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows – (know) this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday,” said Reid, D-Nev.

So much for “supporting the troops”.

Donks’ Surrender Plan faces Veto

Democrats’ timetable clears Senate

Senate Democrats yesterday thwarted a Republican effort to strip a troop withdrawal timetable from the Iraq war funding bill — speeding Congress toward a veto showdown with President Bush.

“We are not going to back down from the essential language in this bill,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, said of the mandate that a troop pullout start almost immediately with the goal of a complete exit by next March.

OK. Can ANYONE seriously doubt that Reid, and the rest of the Donks pushing this are working to engineer the Munich (1938 appeasement agreement with Hitler) of the 21st century? This would firmly crown the Donks as the surrender party of all time, after what they did in Viet-nam, and now this.

FDR, Truman, and Sen. “Scoop” Jackson must be restless in their graves.

UN Sanctions (An oxymoron?)

U.N. stiffens sanctions on defiant Tehran

Ooooooh! I’ll bet they’re really scared now!

The U.N. Security Council yesterday imposed additional sanctions on Iran, targeting banks and high-ranking officials in the Revolutionary Guards in an escalating face-off with the Islamic republic that continues to develop its own nuclear industry.

The Chief is from Missouri: Show me! Otherwise, all that this is worth is like previous UN sanctions – if you put 75 cents with it you can get a can of Coke.

Herseth’s Blue Dog Credentials Fading Towards Pink

Here comes the new boss…just like the old boss…don’t get fooled again!

This posting isn’t based on any one thing…but is inspired by several recent events concerning our own Donk Cong. Herseth, which tend to indicate that her dog may be more redish than blue any more.


Noted (with ref links) at SDWC is the Donk Cong’s support for the union check card system – removing the worker’s right to a private vote on matters of union affiliation. (The Soviets would have been right at home with this one!) We don’t need no pesky secret ballots!

Next, Herseth voted in support of the Donk iteration of a cut and run from Iraq bill:

Divided U.S. House approves Iraq withdrawal plan

Democrats today successfully pushed through the U.S. House a hard-line war spending bill that would pay for the current wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan but require combat troops to leave war-torn Iraq by August 2008, if not sooner, a direct challenge to President Bush’s Iraq policy.

So, where’s our own Donk Cong?

On a mostly party-line 218-212 vote, Rep. Stephanie Herseth, D-S.D., and a majority of her House colleagues passed a $124 billion spending bill that carries a list of benchmarks that Iraqis would have to meet, including bolstering their own security forces.

If unmet, the bill would require U.S. combat troops to be pulled out of Iraq by December 2007. If the Iraqi government is able to step up control of its the country, the bill requires forces to withdraw from Iraq by March 1, 2008, finishing by the end of August 2008.

This is really a weasel act. In case no one noticed, (and the Donks apparently haven’t) our policy already IS to train the Iraqi’s and move towards an eventual withdrawal. The problem with setting any type of date certain is that the enemy just has to pull in their horns and wait out the deadline, before coming back out to pick up the pieces.

In other words, this is a GUARANTEED formula for defeat…not exactly what a so-called Blue Dog Donk would support.

So much for supporting the work and sacrifice of those from South Dakota and elsewhere who are out on the sharp end in the War on Islamofascism.

The previous noted attempt of the Donk Congs to get the vote for DC is another opportunity for Herseth to show her colors…and the Chief has no doubt she will do so…but that they will show affinity with the national Donk agenda, rather than being representative of South Dakota values and interests.

We need to remember in November!

Hog Farm Alive and Well on the Hill

Funding more than war

Nearly half of the $21 billion that House Democrats added to President Bush’s request for emergency war funding would go to nonmilitary spending and to pork projects.

The supplemental spending bill includes more than $3.7 billion in farm subsidies, $2.9 billion in additional Gulf Coast hurricane relief and $2.4 billion for social programs such as money for rural Northwest school districts, health insurance for poor children, energy assistance for poor families and others.

Why do legislooters do this? Because they can.

NorK News

U.S., N. Korea to normalize ties

North Korea’s top nuclear negotiator was on his way to the United States yesterday for talks on issues that a State Department official said would include the first steps toward the normalization of diplomatic relations.

Normalization, eh?

Maybe diplomatic recognition might not be totally bad – but it would certainly give the NorKs an opportunity for more, dare it be said – espionage against us?

The problem here is the inevitable payment of “vigorish” to the NorKs to bribe them into faking an abandonment of their nuke projects. This is an exercise in futility…and based on their track record, how could any rational mind trust anything they had to say.

Hmmmm. Then again, this IS another example of the State Department’s Foggy Bottom Boys at work again…so never mind about the rational bit. At least it seems like the reaction may have brought a semi-flash of reality to at least part of this wildly optimistic plan:

N. Korea, U.S. talks ‘just a first step’

The State Department yesterday ruled out “immediate results” from U.S.-North Korea talks on establishing full diplomatic relations, which officials said will take place on Monday and Tuesday in New York.

Unfortunately, this silver lining has a dark cloud with it – the above-mentioned payment of assistance aid Danegeld.

U.S. intelligence officials, meanwhile, said the North has taken preliminary steps to shut down its main nuclear reactor, as required by a Feb. 13 agreement under which it would scrap its atomic programs in exchange for about $300 million in aid.

As noted in a previous post – the US is getting rolled again.

WaPo Slams Murtha Moves

Not the ‘Real Vote’

This is almost a “man bites dog” story when the Washington Post does a negative evaluation of Cong Murtha (Donk-PA) in his legislative dance around the Iraq war.

REP. JOHN MURTHA (D-Pa.) has a message for anyone who spent the week following the House of Representatives’ marathon debate on Iraq: You’ve been distracted by a sideshow. “We have to be careful that people don’t think this is the vote,” the 74-year-old congressman said of the House’s 246-182 decision in favor of a resolution disapproving of President Bush’s troop surge. “The real vote will come on the legislation we’re putting together.” That would be Mr. Murtha’s plan to “stop the surge” and “force a redeployment” of U.S. forces from Iraq while ducking the responsibility that should come with such a radical step.

So much for the set-up.

Mr. Murtha has a different idea. He would stop the surge by crudely hamstringing the ability of military commanders to deploy troops….His aim, he made clear, is not to improve readiness but to “stop the surge.” So why not straightforwardly strip the money out of the appropriations bill — an action Congress is clearly empowered to take — rather than try to micromanage the Army in a way that may be unconstitutional? Because, Mr. Murtha said, it will deflect accusations that he is trying to do what he is trying to do. “What we are saying will be very hard to find fault with,” he said.

All this comes with demonstrable evidence that Mutha Murtha doesn’t know his posterior waste orifice from the proverbial hole in the ground, apparently a bit much even for the liberal esthetic of the WaPo:

Mr. Murtha’s cynicism is matched by an alarming ignorance about conditions in Iraq. He continues to insist that Iraq “would be more stable with us out of there,” in spite of the consensus of U.S. intelligence agencies that early withdrawal would produce “massive civilian casualties.” He says he wants to force the administration to “bulldoze” the Abu Ghraib prison, even though it was emptied of prisoners and turned over to the Iraqi government last year. He wants to “get our troops out of the Green Zone” because “they are living in Saddam Hussein’s palace”; could he be unaware that the zone’s primary occupants are the Iraqi government and the U.S. Embassy?

Of course their real concern here is that Murtha’s (and Pelosi’s) attitudes will (shudder) harm the position of the Donk party:

It would be nice to believe that Mr. Murtha does not represent the mainstream of the Democratic Party or the thinking of its leadership. Yet when asked about Mr. Murtha’s remarks Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) offered her support. Does Ms. Pelosi really believe that the debate she orchestrated this week was not “the real vote”? If the answer is yes, she is maneuvering her party in a way that can only do it harm.

Let it be so!