New UK terror threat from foreign students
The “new” Brit government’s security policies are under severe question already…it seems like the UK and US have border problems in common, along with whatever else.
The new crackdown on terrorism following the attempted car bomb attacks is “fatally flawed” amid fears of widespread failings on immigration checks, the Government was warned last night. Brown has been warned that the terrorist threat could ‘last a generation’
As new concerns were raised that the intelligence services are struggling to monitor more than 200 extremist groups operating in Britain, it emerged that a loophole on student visas could allow terrorists in. Many students from “hot spots” of Muslim unrest around the world are thought to obtain visas for study but “go under the wire” by failing to show up for their courses when they arrive in Britain.
Sounds all too familiar.
…the Tories warned that any crackdown was in danger of being undermined by a failure to monitor immigrants. They said that without tackling immigration issues such as this, Mr Brown’s overall strategy against terrorism was “fatally flawed”.
A Tory spokesman said the student visa loophole had to be closed as soon as possible. Damian Green, a shadow Home Office minister, told The Daily Telegraph: “If someone does not show up for their course and explain immediately, their visas should be cancelled at once. It’s an appalling loophole that the Government has to deal with urgently.”
Unfortunately, the student visa situation is just part of the problem:
David Davis, the shadow home secretary, said: “We welcome the Prime Minister’s sentiments [for tighter security] but they are undermined by the revelation that Britain is not checking potential immigrants against an existing global database of terror suspects. “Yet again it is not the Government’s policy that is the problem – it is their lack of competence in delivering on that policy which is threatening our security.”
Mr Davis was referring to a claim by Ronald K Noble, the Interpol secretary general, who said it had the passport numbers, fingerprints and photos of more than 11,000 suspected terrorists on its database.But he said Britain does not check it against immigrants coming into the country or foreign nationals it has arrested. “The guys detained last week could be wanted, arrested or convicted anywhere in the world and the UK would not know,” he said.
Whether or it is the UK or the US, failure to control the border is a death-knell to any truly effective security policy.