Tag Archives: Across the Pond

Brit Security Hurt by Loose Borders

New UK terror threat from foreign students

The “new” Brit government’s security policies are under severe question already…it seems like the UK and US have border problems in common, along with whatever else.

The new crackdown on terrorism following the attempted car bomb attacks is “fatally flawed” amid fears of widespread failings on immigration checks, the Government was warned last night. Brown has been warned that the terrorist threat could ‘last a generation’

As new concerns were raised that the intelligence services are struggling to monitor more than 200 extremist groups operating in Britain, it emerged that a loophole on student visas could allow terrorists in. Many students from “hot spots” of Muslim unrest around the world are thought to obtain visas for study but “go under the wire” by failing to show up for their courses when they arrive in Britain.

Sounds all too familiar.

…the Tories warned that any crackdown was in danger of being undermined by a failure to monitor immigrants. They said that without tackling immigration issues such as this, Mr Brown’s overall strategy against terrorism was “fatally flawed”.

A Tory spokesman said the student visa loophole had to be closed as soon as possible. Damian Green, a shadow Home Office minister, told The Daily Telegraph: “If someone does not show up for their course and explain immediately, their visas should be cancelled at once. It’s an appalling loophole that the Government has to deal with urgently.”

Unfortunately, the student visa situation is just part of the problem:

David Davis, the shadow home secretary, said: “We welcome the Prime Minister’s sentiments [for tighter security] but they are undermined by the revelation that Britain is not checking potential immigrants against an existing global database of terror suspects. “Yet again it is not the Government’s policy that is the problem – it is their lack of competence in delivering on that policy which is threatening our security.”

Mr Davis was referring to a claim by Ronald K Noble, the Interpol secretary general, who said it had the passport numbers, fingerprints and photos of more than 11,000 suspected terrorists on its database.But he said Britain does not check it against immigrants coming into the country or foreign nationals it has arrested. “The guys detained last week could be wanted, arrested or convicted anywhere in the world and the UK would not know,” he said.

Whether or it is the UK or the US, failure to control the border is a death-knell to any truly effective security policy.

Islamoterr Unhappy in Brit Jail

Cleric bans homosexual nurse from washing and dressing him in jail

This is pretty ironic. It’s an ill P.C. wind that blows no good!

HATE preacher Abu Hamza has refused any more treatment from his prison nurse after finding out the man is gay.

The nurse, nickname Queenie, has been helping to wash and dress the convicted terrorist for more than two years. A prison source told the Mirror the full-time staffer is openly gay and has a camp voice. Officers at Belmarsh jail are said to be surprised Hamza, 48, has not noticed before.

Now the cleric is claiming it is against his religion and human rights to be treated by a homosexual. The source said Hamza’s solicitor wrote to the governor demanding his client is given a new regular nurse. The prison service refused saying it does not discriminate on grounds of sexuality.

The source said: “The nurse is upset about it. He has spent the last couple of years doing everything for Hamza, even wiping his bottom. “It shows how little respect Hamza has for others. The nurse dresses him, washes him, cleans his teeth, cuts his toenails, trims his beard and applies ointment for his skin disorder.”

Egyptian-born Hamza, serving seven years for inciting murder and racial hatred, requires care because he is limited by his hook hands.

Can you say schadenfreude?

UK Report: deFacto War With Iran

Iran bombers attack Our Boys

The Chief notes the following evidence of consciousness from Airstrip One (UK).

Iranian forces are being choppered over the Iraqi border to bomb Our Boys, intelligence chiefs say. Military experts claim this worrying move means we are at WAR with Iran in all but name.

Uh…this clearly fits into the “No shit, Sherlock!” category of knowledge.

Last night an intelligence source told The Sun: “It is an extremely alarming development and raises the stakes considerably. In effect, it means we are in a full on war with Iran — but nobody has officially declared it.

We have hard proof that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps have crossed the border to attack us. It is very hard for us to strike back. All we can do is try to defend ourselves. We are badly on the back foot.”

“…badly on the back foot” – must be an unfamiliar Britishism.

Our Boys picked up the Iranian helicopters on radar crossing into empty desert. The sightings have been confirmed to The Sun by very senior military sources.

Well, he WAS last head of the KGB

Putin in call to ‘rescue’ Stalin

President Vladimir Putin has raised the prospect of a return to Soviet-style academic censorship after he accused the West of plotting to distort Russian history in an attempt to crush patriotic sentiment in schools. The Russian leader claimed that a generation of schoolchildren was learning a version of their past that had been deliberately skewed by historians in the pay of the West.

Putin is, what Putin is, so this should be no surprise. His natural instinct is to crack down

He was the last head of the KGB of the Soviet Union. One cannot have reached that post by being “Mr. Nice Guy”, rather, a resume as a Sopranos enforcer would be more likely.

BBC Posts Treasonous Request on Site

BBC ‘risked safety of troops’

And we think that we have problems with “Public” Broadcasting over here! This is just nuts.

The BBC was accused last night of risking the safety of British forces in Iraq after trawling for information on troop movements in the war-torn country.

Encouraging that there is still something that can shock politicians, given the levels of anti-Iraq war rhetoric in the UK:

Politicians reacted in disbelief to the revelation that for over two hours yesterday, the BBC News website carried a request for people in Iraq to report on troop movements.

Sounds like somebody got hit by the ol’ cluebat in pretty short order:

The request was removed from the website after it sparked furious protests that the corporation was endangering the lives of British servicemen and women.

How so? Just by trying to blow OPSEC (operational security) all to hell.

But according to accounts last night, a story on a major operation by US and Iraqi troops against al-Qa’eda somewhere north of Baghdad contained an extraordinary request for information about the movement of troops.

Last night the BBC confirmed the wording of the request was: “Are you in Iraq? Have you seen any troop movements? If you have any information you would like to share with the BBC, you can do so using the form below.”

Does the phrase “aid and comfort to the enemy” bring anything to mind?

One seriously doubts that the perpetrators of this treason will be prosecuted in today’s UK, but the Chief would recommend the ultimate traditional Brit solution to the treason problem known as “hanged, drawn, and quartered”. (For a somewhat sanitized refresher on this go back and watch the end of Braveheart again.)

Then maybe the moonbats would think twice before they act to support and aid the enemy.

Global Warming? Bring it on!

Not the End of the World as We Know It

In spite of what the MSM regularly trumpets, not even all the Euros buy into the Glowbull Warming religion, as indicated by this report from der Spiegel. Starting with a historical trace of the development of the current Glowbull Warming hysteria, the piece goes on with a rational examination of the science involved.

Largely unnoticed by the public, climate researchers are currently embroiled in their own struggle over who owns the truth. While some have always seen themselves as environmental activists aiming to shake humanity out of its complacency, others argue for a calmer and more rational approach to the unavoidable. One member of the levelheaded camp is Hans von Storch, 57, a prominent climate researcher who is director of the Institute for Coastal Research at the GKSS Research Center in Geesthacht in northern Germany. “We have to take away people’s fear of climate change,” Storch told DER SPIEGEL in a recent interview. “Unfortunately many scientists see themselves too much as priests whose job it is to preach moralistic sermons to people.”

Keeping a cool head is a good idea because, for one thing, we can no longer completely prevent climate change. No matter how much governments try to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, it will only be possible to limit the rise in global temperatures to about 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) by the end of the century. But even this moderate warming would likely have far fewer apocalyptic consequences than many a prophet of doom would have us believe.

For one thing, the more paleontologists and geologists study the history of the earth’s climate, the more clearly do they recognize just how much temperatures have fluctuated in both directions in the past. Even major fluctuations appear to be completely natural phenomena.

In spite of AlGor’s and Rosie’s assertions that “the science is in” it is noted

A healthy dose of skepticism is a good idea, especially when scientists become all too confident and make themselves out to be oracles. But there can be a wide gap between their predictions and the end result — a fundamental weakness of all computer simulations that present only incomplete pictures of reality….Other factors that can either weaken or strengthen the greenhouse effect are still not fully understood today.

Noting some of the contradictory phenomena, the big gorilla of the situation is noted:

But the main problem lies in correctly calculating the effects of clouds. The tops of clouds act as mirrors in the sky, reflecting sunlight back into space — thus cooling the planet. But the bottom sides keep the heat radiated by the earth from escaping into the atmosphere — causing temperatures to rise. Which of the two effects predominates depends primarily on the altitude at which clouds form. Simply put, low clouds tend to promote cooling while high clouds increase warming. So far scientists agree on only one thing, namely that more clouds will form in a greenhouse climate. They just don’t know at which altitude.

Even the most powerful computer models are still too imprecise to simulate the details. However, the clouds alone will determine whether temperatures will increase by one degree more or less than the average predicted by the models. This is a significant element of uncertainty.

Confessing to being a wanna-be beach bum, the Chief says “Bring it on & warm it up!”

Serbian War pt. II?

The Inconvenient Serbs

One of the Chief’s favorite commentators is always Spengler, found in the Asia Times.

This piece reminds us of the still simmering and unsettled situation in the Balkans between Serbia and Kosovo. It looks like the Serbs (and the Russians) may well have reached the point of “enough is enough”…and that the UNO proposed Kosovo independence with no recognition of Serbian rights will prove to ultimately be a no-go deal.

There is an alternative proposal for partition of Kosovo, with relatively small areas of Serb occupancy being attached to Serbia, with the Moslem majority doing what they want with the rest. The UNOcrats and our own State Department Foggy Bottom Boys aren’t buying into it, while the Russians do.

A UN veto by Russia could lead to a unilateral Ismalmic declaration of Kosovan independence with the likely outcome an openly Orthodox Christian vs. Moslem war in Europe. Maybe that would get some Euro reason starting regarding their tendency towards appeasement, under the principle stated by Samuel Johnson:

Depend upon it sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates the mind wonderfully.