Tag Archives: WW-IV / 10th Crusade

State of the War: More (or Less) than Meets the Eye

A couple of long, specifically detailed, and clearly stated proposition that the situation with the US military is NOT all it’s cracked up to be these days.

US MILITARY BREAKS RANKS, Part 1 – A salvo at the White House

US MILITARY BREAKS RANKS, Part 2 – Troops felled by a ‘trust gap’

The Chief has heard it stated that “the difference between the US Navy (and also the rest of the military apparently) and the Boy Scouts, is that the Scouts operate under adult supervision.

This two-part series of articles (unfortunately) would seem to confirm this proposition.

Yeah, sure – NOT.

Bin Laden Son Wants to Be Peace Activist

This is one that you can beleive as much as you want to, but the Chief will maintain a HIGH degree of skepticism here, thank you!

Omar Osama bin Laden bears a striking resemblance to his notorious father—except for the dreadlocks that dangle halfway down his back. Then there’s the black leather biker jacket.

The 26-year-old does not renounce his father, al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, but in an interview with The Associated Press, he said there is better way to defend Islam than militancy: Omar wants to be an “ambassador for peace” between Muslims and the West.


Can you say T-A-Q-I-Y-Y-A? It’s the Koranic authorization for disinformation, and dissimulation to infidels in order to protect and further the cause of jihad, and protect those who practive it. For a rather more complete discussion of the reality of jihad and taqiyya, go here.

Meanwhile, dealing with the younger generation bin Laden could well prove to be a case of tyring to make a pet out of a scorpion.

Britain Off-limits – to the Brits!

Bishop warns of no-go zones for non-Muslims

Somehow this cannot be what they fought for in “their finest hour”.

Islamic extremists have created “no-go” areas across Britain where it is too dangerous for non-Muslims to enter, one of the Church of England’s most senior bishops warns today. The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, the Bishop of Rochester and the Church’s only Asian bishop, says that people of a different race or faith face physical attack if they live or work in communities dominated by a strict Muslim ideology.

Also worth noting is that today’s Church of England is not noted as being a nest of rabble-rousing radical racists, as is already being charged by some Moslem “Britons”.

Intel Report Status

Iran says U.S. report a “declaration of surrender”

Washington’s bureaucratic establishment contradicted iteself with the much ballyhooed N.I.E. (National Intel. Estimate) concerning Iran’s nuclear status. The Chief was, and is of the opinion that said report constituted prima facie evidence of treason within a bureaucracy out to politically emasculate the administration policies at all cost – including that of harm to the national security of the United States, by rendering aid and comfort to a self-proclaimed enemy of the United States: the government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Now comes said Ahmadinejad giving HIS evaluation of the report.

Iran’s president said on Sunday the publication of a U.S. intelligence report saying Iran had halted a nuclear weapons program in 2003 amounted to a “declaration of surrender” by Washington in its row with Tehran.

Now, what part of “aid and comfort” is so hard to understand?

Meanwhile, the validity of the N.I.E. itself may well have minimal credibility.

An exiled opposition group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), last week said Iran shut down its nuclear weapons program in 2003 but said restarted it a year later, dispersing equipment to thwart international inspectors.

This does NOT give the Chief a warm glow, other than heartburn.

French Cooking

Thirty French police need treatment as Paris explodes into riots after teens die in police crash

Looks like the immigrant population has resumed its efforts to reform French cuisine, with their celebratory re-introduction of the auto-des-fetes, otherwise known as gasoline-roasted car. Hey, they aren’t discriminating either…it didn’t matter to them whether it was Chirac at the helm, or (now) Sarkozy.

Dozens of French police were seriously injured by rioters last night as President Nicolas Sarkozy appealed for calm. At least 30 officers had received treatment in the northern Paris suburb of Villiers-le-Bel, as they were attacked by hooded youths clutching metal bars and baseball bats.

In the earlier round of festivities two years ago, Sarkozy attracted the enmity of the Paris Muslim mob by properly identifying them as “scum”, while he was Interior Minister.

The trigger for the current round of Muslim-barbecued cars was the death of two (Muslim) youths riding a stolen motorcycle to evade police, who exceeded their ability to control their vehicle, and thereby exited their earthly existence. This was (of course!) held to be the fault of police who for some reason cling to the outmoded belief that they are there to enforce the law and foolishly acted on that assumption, resulting in the flight & crash of the no doubt innocent practitioners of the “religion of piss”.

For some reason, when the natives became restless and began to flic their Bics, the police decided to exit the scene. AH HA! “Omar Sehhouli, brother of one of the victims, said: ‘It is 100-per cent a police blunder. They know it, and that’s why the police did not stay at the scene.”

Right, Omar. The police MADE your brother steal a motorcycle and attempt to evade. Then they left the scene instead of staying around to be victims #31 and #32 to the expressions of concern of your piece-loving compatriots…so their act of self-preservation makes them guilty.

(If they had stayed around to get attacked, would they have then been innocent?)

France, whether or not she wants to admit it, is at war, as is all of Western Civilization.

Deus vult!

Every picture tells a story…

A Stirring Iraq Photo You Won’t See on the Cover of Newsweek


Described by Michael Yon who has released it for free dissemination for a limited time use:

A Muslim man had invited the American soldiers from “Chosen” Company 2-12 Cavalry to the church, where I videotaped as Muslims and Christians worked and rejoiced at the reopening of St John’s, an occasion all viewed as a sign of hope.

The Iraqis asked me to convey a message of thanks to the American people. ” Thank you, thank you,” the people were saying. One man said, “Thank you for peace.” Another man, a Muslim, said “All the people, all the people in Iraq, Muslim and Christian, is brother.” The men and women were holding bells, and for the first time in memory freedom rang over the ravaged land between two rivers.

Given stuff like this, the total fecklessness of the Donk Cong surrender monkeys is ever more surreal.

H/T to Newsbusters on this one.

Don’t Worry! No terrorist here!

Teacher who attacked base had death wish, FBI says

Wielding two butcher knives bought at Wal-Mart and vodka bottles to use as explosives, Tahmeed Ahmad chanted ”Death to America” and told Homestead Air Reserve Base guards he wanted to kill soldiers.

Sounds fairly straight-forward, right?

But Ahmad was no terrorist, authorities believe.


Rather, the Miami Central High School math teacher wanted to ”commit suicide by cop” when he attacked military policemen stationed at the west gate just before midnight Sunday, the FBI said.

Hmmmm. Isn’t the middle-east crawling with terrorists who are wanting to commit suicide…with bombs, or in some cases attacking a checkpoint, or individual, knowing that it would end in the sure death of the perp? How come it’s terrorism when it’s over there, and not here?


Blair Sounds Churchillian Warning

Tony Blair: Iran extremism like rise of 1930s fascism

In his first major address since leaving office, former Brit PM Tony Blair has issued a Churchillian warning on the relentless nature of the Islamofascist enemies of Western Civilization.

Islamist extremism is similar to “rising fascism in the 1920s and 1930s”, Tony Blair said last night in his first major speech since leaving office. At a prestigious charity dinner in New York, the former Prime Minister said that public figures who blamed the rise of fundamentalism on the policies of the West were “mistaken”.

He told the audience, which included New York governor Eliot Spitzer and mayor Michael Bloomberg, that Iran was the biggest exporter of the ideology, and that the Islamic republic was prepared to “back and finance terror” to support it. “Out there in the Middle East, we’ve seen… the ideology driving this extremism and terror is not exhausted. On the contrary it believes it can and will exhaust us first,” he said. “Analogies with the past are never properly accurate, and analogies especially with the rising fascism can be easily misleading but, in pure chronology, I sometimes wonder if we’re not in the 1920s or 1930s again.

The kernal of his warning is clearly stated:

He added: “There is a tendency even now, even in some of our own circles, to believe that they are as they are because we have provoked them and if we left them alone they would leave us alone. I fear this is mistaken. They have no intention of leaving us alone. They have made their choice and leave us with only one to make – to be forced into retreat or to exhibit even greater determination and belief in standing up for our values than they do in standing up for theirs.”(emphasis added}

An excellent triumph of truth over head-in-the-sand political correctness.

Progress in Anbar Province: News Not Fit to Print

This is in the London Telegraph, not the NY Times, so it MUST fall in the category of not being part of “All the news that’s fit to print”.

Iraq insurgency: People rise against al-Qa’eda

Somebody should tell the Donks about this…never mind, they wouldn’t pay any attention to it anyway. (Remember? The surge won’t succeed!)

A transformation has swept western Iraq that allows Marines to walk through areas that a year ago were judged lost to radical Islam control and hear nothing more aggressive than a late-night game of pool. Relationships have been built by a softly-softly approach by American troops

Behind the shutters the Sunni Muslim residents of the province are enjoying the dividends of driving out al-Qa’eda fighters who had imposed an oppressive Taliban-style regime. The popular uprising against al-Qa’eda by residents of Anbar Province turned former enemies into American allies earlier this year. The result was a dramatic restoration of stability across Iraq’s Sunni heartland.

Nothing succeeds like success.

MidEast Offer of Movement

Several related items, reported in the Jerusalem Post and elsewhere:

‘We need to give up deeply held desires’

Like what? The desire to survive?

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told the Knesset at the opening of its Winter Session on Monday that the current Palestinian leadership wants to move forward toward peace with Israel and that he would not use excuses to stall peace talks.

Whay expect any evidences of negotiations truly in good faith ? Those would just be an obstructive excuses.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert addresses the Knesset during the opening of its Winter Session, Monday. Laying out his agenda for the coming year, Olmert said he planned to make every effort to pursue peace with the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

A worthy sentiment. Worthy of Neville Chamberlain in 1938.

“The current Palestinian leadership is not a terrorist leadership. President Abbas and Prime Minister Salaam Fayad are committed to all the agreements signed with Israel, and I believe that they want to move ahead together with us on a route that will bring about a change in the reality of relations between us and them,” he said.

If you believe that, PLEASE e-mail me immediately. I have a GREAT deal for you on some tropical beach-front property here in Moody County, South Dakota!

Further comments indicate that Olmert is willing to give up more than “desires”:

Israel Signals Shift on Jerusalem Split

Two senior Israeli politicians, including the prime minister’s closest ally, talked openly Monday about dividing Jerusalem, signaling a possible shift in Israeli opinion about one of the Mideast’s most contentious issues. The dispute over Jerusalem has derailed negotiations in the past, and the latest comments come at a time when Israeli and Palestinian teams are trying to agree on principles guiding future peace talks…. Earlier Monday, Olmert’s closest ally, Ramon, raised the idea of a possible division of Jerusalem in interviews on the two main radio stations…. The proposals of Ramon and Lieberman would fall far short of a Palestinian demand to set up their future capital in all of the Israeli-annexed eastern sector of the city. The eastern part contains the Old City, home to major Jewish, Muslim and Christian shrines….Ramon said that under his plan, Israel would not hand over the Old City and neighboring areas—known as the “holy basin”—but he spoke of a special arrangement in the Old City. He did not elaborate, but the term would suggest less than full Israeli sovereignty there.

This would go far towards cementing Olmert’s legacy as the true heir to Chamberlain in the 21st Century (to date).

These pans seem, however, to please neither side in the dispute:

From the Paleswinians (predictably enough):

‘A Palestine without all of east J’lem as capital won’t work’

A solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict necessarily requires the establishment of a Palestinian State with its capital in all of east Jerusalem and any accord short of that will not work, the Palestinian Minister for Jerusalem Affairs said Monday. The comments by Adnan Husseini, who previously served as director of the Islamic Wakf which administers the Temple Mount, only served to highlight the immense gaps that exist between the two parties regarding Jerusalem, and cast doubt on whether Prime Minster Ehud Olmert’s longstanding proposal to cede Arab neighborhoods on the periphery of the city as part of a final peace agreement could serve as basis for such an accord.

Realize, this transfer of east Jerusalem to the Paleswinians would include the West (Wailing) Wall of the Temple back out of Israeli hands. Also, the security situation would not be improved either.

‘Olmert will place Hamas on Jerusalemem walls’

Just what we need.

At the opening of the Knesset Winter Session, Likud Chairman Binyamin Netanyahu lashed out at the government’s policy, claiming that its strategy would eventually lead to an Iranian terrorist presence in Jerusalem and the rest of Israel.

The unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon created an Iranian outpost – from which Israel is being attacked – in the North, and the unilateral pullout from Gaza created a second Iranian base in Gaza, ‘Hamastan,'” Netanyahu said. “And now the government is planning a third withdrawal – from Judea and Samaria – that will lead to a third Iranian outpost.”

Netanyahu quoted statements made by Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert before the withdrawals from Lebanon and Gaza, respectively, saying the two had promised security, while Israel was in actuality served with aggression and terror.

As Olmert seeks to become the latter-day Chamberlain, Netanyahu has taken the role of Churchill, crying in the political wilderness against the Dr. Feel-good emotions and policies of appeasement.

Senate Reaction to Mideast: Verbal Backbone for a Change

Senators slam lack of Arab support

In spite of all the brouhaha about the war, etc., this shows a singular lack of sympathy to a hands-off response to the problems of trying to find Arabs truly in support of Middle East peace – al long as Israel still exists.

Close to 80 senators – including all those running for president -signed a letter calling for greater Arab support for the peace process ahead of the international conference the US is planning for November.

The election’s coming, and the smell of Jewish votes is in the air! (Or is this just TOO cynical? In some cases yes, in all too many other cases, nah, not nearly cynical enough.

“The success of such a meeting, and ultimately the peace process itself, will depend on the cooperation we receive from the larger Arab world, particularly from those Arab states with close relations with the United States who have not yet signed agreements with Israel,” read the letter, in an apparent reference to Saudi Arabia. It was due to be sent to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice later Tuesday.

The letter also calls for Arab countries to “recognize Israel’s right to exist and not use such recognition as a bargaining chip for future Israeli concessions” and to “pressure Hamas to recognize Israel, reject terror and accept prior agreements, and isolate Hamas until it takes such steps.”

What’s the upshot of this? Probably not much, given that so-called “moderate” Arab groups are already displeased that anyone has the nerve to expect some form of real behavior from the Saudis.

But those very stipulations would derail the effort to get the Saudis on board by setting preconditions and criticizing Saudi efforts at mediation between Fatah and Hamas, the Arab American Institute argued on its Web site.

The letter also calls for Arab countries to “recognize Israel’s right to exist and not use such recognition as a bargaining chip for future Israeli concessions” and to “pressure Hamas to recognize Israel, reject terror and accept prior agreements, and isolate Hamas until it takes such steps.”

Humph! The NERVE of the Senate to impose pre-conditions, little things like letting Israel continue to exist, and rejecting terror. This apparent offense to the Arab American Institute of these simple concepts of Israel existing and no terror shows their true colors, and they ain’t red, white, and blue!

“Every picture tells a story, don’t it?

Sarkozy brings ‘new tone’ on role in NATO

Kyrgyzstan’s foreign minister sought to allay U.S. concerns about the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in an interview, maintaining that the burgeoning alliance is not a military organization and is not designed to limit U.S. influence in the region.

In spite of this diplospeak, the record of the meeting tells another story altogether:

The bloc linking China, Russia and four Central Asian states…

(a central Asian anti-American version of a sort of wannabe NATO?

…startled the U.S. government at its 2005 summit in Kazakhstan with a call for a deadline for the closing of all foreign bases in the region. Kyrgyzstan is home to the Manas base, the key U.S. Air Force site for supporting the mission in Afghanistan.

The SCO countries also granted Iran “observer” status in the organization, something the United States was denied.

Of course, given that none of the participants are really very sympathetic to the Islamist agenda, they’re supposedly not QUITE cutting off their noses to spite their face:

Kyrgyzstan, considered the most politically liberal of the Central Asian states, hosted the most recent SCO summit in its capital, Bishkek, in August. Speaking through an interpreter, (Kyrgyz President) Mr. Karabaev, who met with top Bush administration officials on a visit here last week, said there is a “common understanding” among all the SCO partners that Manas will be available to the United States and its coalition partners as long as needed for stabilization and counterterrorism efforts in Afghanistan. All the SCO members “do recognize that the base helps to solve issues of international security in our region,” he said.

Sort of like the Donks here in the US, who inveigh ad nauseum against the war in Iraq, but won’t cut off the funding, or for that matter impose a surrender date-certain.

Weasels one and all!

NYT Writer: “Forget 9/11!”

Thomas Friedman Wants America to Get Over 9/11

The Chief ran across this commentary on a recent Tom Friedman piece in the NY Times Slimes. Ordinarily I would link it directly, and go from there…but decided in this case not to give him the drect readership from even a reference link.

You can get the gist of it from the coverage in CFP, along with appropriate critical commentary.

Thomas Friedman thinks you are “stupid” if you still care about the atrocity committed against this country by Islamofascists in New York on 9/11/2001.

He thinks “9/11 is over” and we all should just move on. Even worse, he has decided that we are no longer a great country, but are filled with seemingly meaningless “fear,” that we have a dilapidated infrastructure, and that while America used to be “the gold standard,” he believes “We aren’t anymore.” Friedman is falling for the typical, leftist doom-and-gloom scenario and imagines that China is better than we are, Europe is more inviting, and we have become the new Rome after the fall. His closing line is “We can’t afford to keep being this stupid!” By contrast to Friedman, my opening line to him is “We can’t afford to be this self-loathing!”

What a total crock! Can you say “Poor situational awareness”? This guy desperately needs a sharp blow upside the head with the old cluebat.

A Light in the Darkness

Charges dropped in Iraq against sniper
The U.S. soldier, along with other members of his unit, was been implicated in the deaths of Iraqi men.

The subheader on this one is a classic DUH! Snipers implicated in the deaths of Iraqi men? Hello ! THE CHIEF CERTAINLY HOPES SO! Snipers are SUPPOSED to be killing people – that’s what they are trained & tasked to do!

Members of U.S. Army Spc. Jorge G. Sandoval Jr.’s unit hugged him Friday in the minutes after a military court dropped murder charges against him in the deaths of two Iraqis.

One soldier, Sgt. Anthony Murphy, savored the good news. “It’s been really tough. Today is a good day,” he said. Murphy bristled at the idea that there was a cloud over their unit. “What we did was honorable — what we were trained to do and ordered to do,” he said. Spc. Joshua Meachum said, “Snipers have no other job but to kill. We don’t shake hands with sheiks. We don’t give candy to kids. We don’t set up a checkpoint. We have one sole job and that is to kill.”

Score one for the good guys.

Senate RINOs Show Their (White) Flag

GOP senators offer new timeline for Iraq

A small group of Republicans facing election fights next year have rallied around war legislation they think could unite the GOP: Call for an end to U.S. combat in Iraq, but wait until President Bush is almost out of office.

Interesting timing there…”almost out of office”…not TOO much of a waffle there, eh?

The RINOs are (unfortunately) alive and well in the Senate, coming up with a bastardized proposal that combines the worst of Bush’s and the Donk’s ideas for the Iraq war.

The proposal, by Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, would require that Bush change the mission of U.S. troops from combat to primarily support roles, such as training Iraqi security forces and protecting U.S. infrastructure in Iraq. His legislation would set a goal of completing such a mission transition within 15 months.

Oh great! We’ll still be there on duty, but we won’t be ACTIVELY fighting…in other words, we’ll still be targets, but will be unable to engage in proactive tactical engagement to prevent being attacked. Also, the surrender by date certain provision is included in this load of crap.

The RINO leading roll call:

Co-sponsors of the bill include Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Elizabeth Dole of North Carolina and Norm Coleman of Minnesota. Of the sponsors, only Voinovich is not up for re-election in 2008.

Meanwhile, the Donks and the RINOs are arguing about just where the timeline should be drawn.

Sen. Carl Levin, the Democratic chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said he worked closely with Voinovich until late Thursday in the hopes of striking a compromise proposal. Levin wants to set the goal in nine months, but acknowledges he doesn’t have the votes to pass it. After Voinovich suggested extending the goal to 15 months, Democratic support dissipated, said Levin, D-Mich.

This reminds the Chief about the girl who agreed to sleep with her boyfriend for $1,000,000. When he suggested that she might be willing to do so for $5 she took great offense replying “What kind of girl do you think I am anyway?!”

His answer: “Your answer to the first question established THAT. Now we’re just negotiating the final price.”

Unfortunately, such is the state of our Congress.


Ahmadinejad Arrives for New York Visit

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, facing protests and tabloid headlines calling him “evil” and a “madman,” stirred debate Monday about free speech ahead of his appearance at Columbia University.

Another reason to get reid of the UN: it requires putting up with stuff like this. Pack it up, and ship it off to Geneva, and good riddence to bad rubbish.

Columbia President Lee Bollinger has promised to grill Ahmadinejad on subjects such as human rights, the Holocaust and Iran’s disputed nuclear program. The Iranian leader previously has called the Holocaust “a myth” and called for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” Bollinger said Monday it was a question of free speech and academic freedom.

As far as Columbia University…their University President just couldn’t pass up the chance to tweak the administration in any possible way. As far as free speech is concerned, the RIGHT to speak has no guarantee of a provided venue to speak from, nor, does it mandate any requirement to listen.

Overall summary:
• Ahmadinejad (Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad) is an Islamofascist buffoon…a dangerous buffoon, but a buffoon nonetheless.
• Columbia University is an embarrassment to itself…especially after it’s standards of academic freedom and free speech don’t extend to the United States ROTC.

Columbia’s reasoning about the ROTC ban is in protest against the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy which they say is anti-gay. Meanwhile, Ahmadinejad’s Islamofascist regime kills gays. Go figure.

Syria Getting Nukie from NorKs

Israelis seized nuclear material in Syrian raid

Israeli commandos seized nuclear material of North Korean origin during a daring raid on a secret military site in Syria before Israel bombed it this month, according to informed sources in Washington and Jerusalem.

The attack was launched with American approval on September 6 after Washington was shown evidence the material was nuclear related, the well-placed sources say. They confirmed that samples taken from Syria for testing had been identified as North Korean. This raised fears that Syria might have joined North Korea and Iran in seeking to acquire nuclear weapons.

This is obviously good for Israel, and it’s good that the US was willing to acquiesce to the Israeli actions…but…at the same time the US administration is crowing about making deals with the NorKs that has them “giving up” their nuclear ambitions in exchange for US aid.

This sounds to the Chief like the Foggy Bottom Boys at the State Department are gettind rolled again, with the NorKs getting to have their cake and eat it too, by getting the US to assist their basket-case economy while they are REALLY just moving their nuke efforts offshore and continuing business as usual.

As for Syria…after receiving loads of WMD type stuff from Saddam before we went in to Iraq, this is just more of THEIR style of business as usual…which makes it even more reprehensible for the recent friendly fiendly excursions of various US luminaries as Donk Prez wanna-be Dennis “the Red” Kucinich and former Senator Abourezk (Donk – SD) to kiss the hem of the robe of Bashir Assad and his Hesbollah house-guests.

As usual, another mess in the Middle East.

ex-Pres Still Clueless

Carter: Iran No Threat to Israel Now

Former President Jimmy Carter said Wednesday that it was almost inconceivable that Iran would “commit suicide” by launching missiles at Israel. Speaking at Emory University, Carter, who brokered the 1979 Camp David peace accord between Israel and Egypt, said Israel’s superior military power and distance from Iran likely are enough to discourage an actual attack. “Iran is quite distant from Israel,” said Carter, 83. “I think it would be almost inconceivable that Iran would commit suicide by launching one or two missiles of any kind against the nation of Israel.”

SOUNDS reasonable, right? The bit about Iran not willing to suicide? The only trouble with this is that according to Ahmadinejad there is different agenda in play: triggering the return of the Mahdi from his well, which necessitates the generation of widespread chaos and anarchy as the necessary pre-requisite.

This plan necessitates the end of the Iranian Islamic Republic – which will become part of the new caliphate.

Carter just can’t wrap his mind around the fact that the Iranian rulers are not playing with the same deck that we are.

Former Senator SD’s Terror Connection?

The Chief was catching up with some stuff and found this at MEMRI.

Abourezk on Hizbullah TV: The Arabs Involved in 9/11 Were Cooperating with the Zionists

Kind of breath-taking to find a noted if not notorious South Dakotan with unabashed sympathy for Islamoterr organizations and their agitprop memes. I suppose the former Senator felt like he just had to keep up with Kucinich on the TV.

You don’t have to take my word for this stuff…the video is also at MEMRI…so you can see this venting of anti-semetic and pro-Hezbollah propaganda for yourself.

The following are excerpts from an interview with former U.S. senator James Abourezk (D-SD), which aired on Al-Manar TV on August 30, 2007. To view this clip, visit http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/1551.htm.

To start with:

Interviewer: “Mr. Abourezk, welcome to Al-Manar TV.”
James Abourezk: “Thank you very much.”
Interviewer: “It’s good to have you.”
James Abourezk: “Yes, I watch Al-Manar on one of the cable channels in America.”

Chief’s note: Al-Manar is the TV service of the Damascus-based, Iranian-backed Hezbollah organization. Supposedly Hezbollah is not supposed to have access to US cable access, and although this apparently is NOT enforced it doesn’t stop Abourezk from complaining about the non-enforced policy anyway. (Hmmmm. with Abourezk’s office in Rapid City, is the cable outfit there carrying this, or is Abourezk hanging our these days in D.C., or somewhere else?)

Interviewer: “Good, that’s excellent. Especially [considering] the fact that Al-Manar TV was banned in the U.S. Does that really show something which is like shooting the freedom of expression?”
James Abourezk: “Well, freedom of expression is free for those whom the government likes. If they don’t like them, freedom of expression goes out the window, apparently.”

Right, Senator…that’s why you have been arrested for seditious (if not treasonable) activity! NOTE: The constitutional definition of treason against the United States includes “…adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort…”.

Hezbollah is definitely an enemy of the United States. One can quibble about an enemy not existing without a formally stated declaration of war…but the Chief, in his simplicity, uses a simple reality check: “If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck. Again. Hezbollah is an enemy force in the world.

After calling Harvard Law School’s Alan Dershowitz “a real snake” for fefusing to support an Islamofascist agenda, he moves on to another topic: Hezbollah terrorists are “resistance fighters”.

Interviewer: “You also called Hizbullah and Hamas ‘resistance fighters.'”
James Abourezk: “They are.”
Interviewer: “While the U.S. administration brands them as ‘terrorist organizations’…”

Maybe because they are noted for committing acts of terrorism.

James Abourezk: “That was done at the request of Israel. That name was done at the request of Israel – that the United States calls them terrorist organizations.”

Now we get down to it: the whole misunderstanding of the “resistance fighters” is due to the influence of the evil Jews. (All together now: Seig Heil!) After some further discussion of how the REAL terrorists of the world are Israel, it’s time to get back to one of the the current fave raves of the (Daily)Kos gang: 9-11 Conspiracy!

Interviewer: “Here I need to ask you something, which is growing and escalating in the Western world, and particularly in the U.S., which is this immense wave of anti-Arab, anti-Muslim sentiment, lumping all Arabs together as ‘terrorists.’ This was clearly manifested in movies and TV series, like 24. Why? Why now? Is it just after 9/11?”
James Abourezk: “No, it’s after the Soviet Union collapsed. The Zionists were looking around for another enemy to have, because to them the Soviet Union was an enemy because they wouldn’t allow Jewish emigration. So they used that as an organizing tool, basically, and when the Soviet Union collapsed, there was no more organizing about the Soviet Union. So they looked around, and they said: Well, the Muslims. Let’s find the Arabs and the Muslims, and make them the boogeyman. And that’s what they did.”
Interviewer: “But why did this sentiment of hatred increase after 9/11?”
James Abourezk: “Well, because the Arabs who were involved in 9/11 cooperated with the Zionists, actually. It was a cooperation. They gave them the perfect excuse to denounce all Arabs. It’s a racist sort of thing, really racist – you know, picking out these 19 or 20 terrorists – they were terrorists – and saying all the Arabs are like them. So, you know, people in America don’t really look at it that deeply, and they accept what the government and the press are saying.”

Of course the fact that approximately 3000 Americans were murdered by Islamoterrorists in the United States couldn’t have anything to do with it, could it? (Nooooo. It’s all a Jewish-Bushitlerian plot!)

With some discussion of US policies vis-avis Syria (Bad USA, good Syria!), he ends this with slavering adoration for the Hezbollah war on Israel.

Interviewer: “Sir, in 2001, you came all the way from the U.S. to Lebanon to congratulate Lebanon, the Lebanese, and the resistance for the Israeli withdrawal from Southern Lebanon. Now what do you say during this time, which is in remembrance a year of the Israeli aggression against Lebanon and the earthshaking victory of the resistance, supported by the people of Lebanon. What do you say to them?”
James Abourezk: “That was quite an extraordinary thing, I thought. I actually marveled at the Hizbullah resistance to Israel, how they did it. It was a marvel of organization, of courage and bravery. I thought it was quite something.”
Interviewer: “Do you think it’s only the courage and organization that made them do this?”
James Abourezk: “Yes, absolutely. They were highly organized, the resistance, and they were very brave. They didn’t turn and run, like some Arabs armies have done. They were defeated because of that. But this is something new for the Arab world. I said at the time: The Lebanese army should ask Hizbullah to come and organize it, to train them, you know. And all the Arab armies should have the Hizbullah come and do that.”

OK. So Hezbollah is the model for the whole Arab world. Ponder that one! ’nuff said.

Fortunately this interview came to an end before I became TOTALLY nauseous. F.E.T.E.

The Saudi Reign of Terror


Six years after visiting its brand of terror on New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, Saudi Arabia has become a world-class exporter of Islamist violence. The toll is grisly: Well over 3,000 Saudi citizens roaming the world — and just as many schemers are actively involved at home — are managing terrorist networks and planning and executing suicide bombings and jihadist attacks that span the globe:

• More than 30% of the insurgents fighting the Lebanese army at the siege of the Nahr el-Bared refugee camp, which claimed a toll of well over 300 during the past three months, were Saudi fighters.

• Between 20 and 30 Saudis intending to be suicide bombers cross into Iraq every single day. Several thousand more are there fighting, tasked with killing Americans and the aShiite Muslims they view as apostates.

• The ranks of Al Qaeda have been fattened in the past three years, once again with Saudi recruits. More than 1,000 Saudis are currently training in a Qaeda camp in Syria, which itself is the subject of contentious negotiations between Saudi Arabia and the Syrians, who still refuse to arrest them or shut down the camp. Young Saudi men are also training in Al Qaeda camps in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran.

Unfortunately there’s even more on this.

Hezbollah Here Now

Police Prevent Terrorist Attack in Michigan

Federal authorities in Dearborn may have stopped a planned terrorist attack and mass murder before it happened. Police got a tip that a 26-year-old medical student was planning an attack, and when they stopped him in a Dearborn park, he had an AK-47 assault rifle and was dressed in black military style clothing. He also had black makeup on his face as he climbed into an SUV with the loaded weapon. The man was arrested and is facing several felony charges. Police say he has a website where he claims to be a member of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

Any more questions?

Iran’s Modest Proposals

Ahmadinejad: Iran can help secure Iraq, Israel is ‘cruel’
It’s hard to beat this for the highly corrosive concentration of distortions and outright lies from the Iranian Presidential Hitler wanna-be.

Iran wants “peace and friendship for all,” the country’s president said Wednesday while again denying Western assertions his nation is pursuing nuclear weapons and trying to destabilize Iraq.

Not working towards nuclear weapons? You can believe that if you want to, but if you do believe them, please e-mail me to buy some great tropical beachfront property here in Moody County, South Dakota. I can set you right up!

But Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took a hard line against Israel, calling it “an invader” and saying it “cannot continue its life.”

Part of the Iranian Mein Kampf plans.

Asked if Iran had launched a proxy war in Iraq — something the U.S. ambassador and top military commander there both asserted this week. “Forces have come into Iraq and destroyed the security, and many people are killed,” the Iranian president told Britain’s ITN during an interview in the garden of the Iranian presidential palace in Tehran.

Yep, IRANIAN arms and forces active in Iran HAVE “destroyed the security” and resulted in the deaths of many people.

“And there are some claims that may seem very funny and ridiculous….Iranians do not believe in war and consider it a “last resort,” he said.

Of course, if Iran had a war it might get wrecked. Much better to continue to ship IED’s, rockets, and fighters into Iraq to fight the coalition, with no unfortunate blowback.

He further claimed that Tehran is a friend of Iraq — maintaining “good relationships” with the Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish factions — and “if Iraq is not secure, we are the first country that would be damaged. He added, “Responsible people should understand this: that Iran is against any sort of insecurity and attacks,”

…and the best way to avoid any “insecurity and attacks” would be for everyone to live peacefully united in their submission to the will of the mullahs.

“We want friendship — friendship to all. We love all nations and all human beings. Anyone who is killed, we are against it.”

Subtext: If you aren’t Moslem, you aren’t truly human, and we act accordingly: you’re in a HEAP of trouble, infidel!

The Islamic republic could help improve conditions in Iraq, but first coalition forces must leave, he said. “We can help solve many problems in Iraq. We can help secure Iraq. We can help the attackers leave Iraq if the American government and British government correct themselves.” he said. Ahmadinejad has said in the past that Tehran would fill any power vacuum left by a withdrawal of coalition forces in Iraq.

Once again, peace through submission…to the mullahs.

He goes on in the interview remarking more on the non-existant nuclear weapons issue, and a reiteration of the advocacy of a forceful and inevitable death of Israel.


More Mideast Nuke Problems?

As if the fulminating situation with Iran isn’t enough, now here comes Syria, with surplused out NorK stuff.

Apparently with the NorKs moving out of the nuke business, they’re holding a going-out-of-business sale!

Report: Israel spots nuclear installations in Syria

Israel believes that North Korea has been supplying Syria and Iran with nuclear materials, a Washington defense official told the New York Times. “The Israelis think North Korea is selling to Iran and Syria what little they have left,” he said. The official added that recent Israeli reconnaissance flights over Syria revealed possible nuclear installations that Israeli officials estimate might have been supplied with material from North Korea.

Meanwhile, Israel seems less willing to take for granted threatening arms buildups by Syria:

U.S. Confirms Israeli Strikes Hit Syrian Target Last Week

After days of silence from the Israeli government, American officials confirmed Tuesday that Israeli warplanes launched airstrikes inside Syria last week, the first such attack since 2003. A Defense Department official said Israeli jets had struck at least one target in northeastern Syria last Thursday, but the official said it was still unclear exactly what the jets hit and the extent of the bombing damage.

Apparently even Olmert feels that at times, enough is indeed enough.

Iran Wrap

Iran vows to use ‘smart’ bomb on enemies

Conventional sword-rattling again.

Iran vowed Sunday to use a new 2,000-pound “smart” bomb against its enemies and unveiled mass production of the new weapon, state television reported. The government first announced development of the long-range guided bomb Thursday, saying it could be deployed by the country’s aging U.S.-made F-4 and F-5 fighter jets

Iran: Nuclear activities have not halted

Meanwhile, in addition to conventional sword-rattling, they keep up with the nuclear sort, also.

Iran said Sunday its nuclear activities have not halted or slowed down, rejecting reports that it has not significantly expanded its uranium enrichment program this summer as planned. “There has been no slowing down, no halt and no retreat. Our activities continue on the same basis we began our peaceful nuclear program,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini told reporters.

So, take them at their word. Then, the question becomes, given the ideology of the Mullahs and their political mouthpiece Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad, can the world accept a nuclear Iran?

Israeli says Hamas is training hundreds abroad

Hamas has sent hundreds of its fighters abroad for military training, most of them to Iran, the Israeli Army’s deputy chief of staff says, and Israel has the names of more than 100 of them.

In addition to Iran’s contributions, Ham-ass has a lot more going on than this…which bodes no good for Israel.

Shock and Awe 2, or something more?

Pentagon ‘three-day blitz’ plan for Iran

From The Times of London:

THE Pentagon has drawn up plans for massive airstrikes against 1,200 targets in Iran, designed to annihilate the Iranians’ military capability in three days, according to a national security expert.

Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and national security at the Nixon Center, said last week that US military planners were not preparing for “pinprick strikes” against Iran’s nuclear facilities. “They’re about taking out the entire Iranian military,” he said.

Hmmmm. Time will tell. Unfortunately, the historical record indicates that air power without boots on the ground doesn’t work really well.

Getting Loose from the Tar Baby

Endgame: American Options in Iraq

George Friedman at StratFor has given some thought to possible outcomes in Iraq, given the current state of affairs over there. He makes too much sense as he develops his favored scenario:

The new U.S. mission, therefore, must be to block Iran in the aftermath of the Iraq war. The United States cannot impose a government on Iraq; the fate of Iraq’s heavily populated regions cannot be controlled by the United States. But the United States remains an outstanding military force, particularly against conventional forces. It is not very good at counterinsurgency and never has been. The threat to the Arabian Peninsula from Iran would be primarily a conventional threat — supplemented possibly by instability among Shia on the peninsula.

The mission would be to position forces in such a way that Iran could not think of moving south into Saudi Arabia. There are a number of ways to achieve this. The United States could base a major force in Kuwait, threatening the flanks of any Iranian force moving south. Alternatively, it could create a series of bases in Iraq, in the largely uninhabited regions south and west of the Euphrates. With air power and cruise missiles, coupled with a force about the size of the U.S. force in South Korea, the United States could pose a devastating threat to any Iranian adventure to the south. Iran would be the dominant power in Baghdad, but the Arabian Peninsula would be protected.

This goal could be achieved through a phased withdrawal from Iraq, along with a rapid withdrawal from the populated areas and an immediate cessation of aggressive operations against jihadists and militia. It would concede what the NIE says is unattainable without conceding to Iran the role of regional hegemon. It would reduce forces in Iraq rapidly, while giving the remaining forces a mission they were designed to fight — conventional war. And it would rapidly reduce the number of casualties. Most important, it would allow the United States to rebuild its reserves of strategic forces in the event of threats elsewhere in the world.

This is not meant as a policy prescription. Rather, we see it as the likely evolution of U.S. strategic thinking on Iraq. Since negotiation is unlikely, and the three conventional options are each defective in their own way, we see this redeployment as a reasonable alternative that meets the basic requirements. It ends the war in Iraq in terms of casualties, it reduces the force, it contains Iran and it frees most of the force for other missions. Whether Bush or his successor is the decision-maker, we think this is where it must wind up.

If this doesn’t seem to be a very tidy outcome, check out the alternatives detailed in the piece. It could be FAR worse.

What Goes Around, Comes Around

We’ll Sue Murtha, Chessani Lawyer Vows

If Marine Col. Jeffrey Chessani is exonerated of the charges against him he may haul Pennsylvania Democratic Congressman John Murtha, into court, suing him for libel, one of his lawyers told NewsMax.com.

As case after case clears the Marines involved in this situation, one would think that trying an officer charged with covering up something that didn’t happen is a logical, and hopefully legal absurdity.

On a personal level, with a nephew in the USMC, currently stationed at Okinawa, I hope these Marines are all vindicated of these phony charges…setting the precedent for the others.

For whatever it’s worth:

US ‘poised to strike Iran’

Bob Baer, the former Middle East CIA operative whose first book about his life inspired the oil-and-espionage thriller Syriana, is working on a new book on Iran, but says he was told by senior intelligence officials that he had better get it published in the next couple of months because things could be about to change. Baer, in an interview with The Weekend Australian, says his contacts in the administration suggest a strategic airstrike on Iran is a real possibility in the months ahead.

“What I’m getting is a sense that their sentiment is they are going to hit the Iranians and not just because of Israel, but due to the fact that Iran is the predominant power in the Gulf and it is hostile and its power is creeping into the Gulf at every level,” Baer says.
He says his contacts have told him of his book: “You better hurry up because the thesis is going to change. I told them submission is in January but they said, ‘You’re probably going to be too late’.”

On the other hand:

Washington’s intelligence community is abuzz about possible military action against Iran, which is being weighed at the highest levels of the Bush administration. While the guessing game has become “will they or won’t they?”, at least some experienced and trusted intelligence sources have told The Weekend Australian that the possibility of a strike in the next 12 months remains remote.

One hopes the prez will stand up to Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad, but who knows any more? Well, whatever. SOMETHING will happen, sometime.