Tag Archives: WW-IV / 10th Crusade

Terrs Plans to Lay “Easter Eggs” Foiled

Meanwhile, back in the world of overseas contingency operations the War on Islamoterrs, the UK has been busy preventing terrs from planting explosive Easter eggs aimed at seasonal shopping:

Al-Qaeda terror plot to bomb Easter shoppers

Sources told The Daily Telegraph that the arrests of 12 men in the north west of England on Wednesday were linked to a suspected plan to launch a devastating attack this weekend.

Some of the suspects were watched by MI5 agents as they filmed themselves outside the Trafford Centre on the edge of Manchester, the Arndale Centre in the city centre, and the nearby St Ann’s Square.

Police were forced to round up the alleged plotters after they were overheard discussing dates, understood to include the Easter bank holiday, one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year.

“It could have been the next few days and they were talking about 10 days at the outside,” one source said. “We had to act.” Police are now engaged in a search for an alleged bomb factory, where explosives might have been assembled.

Sounds like a plotline from Sleeper Cell.

Score a big one for MI5!

Strategy & the G.W.O.T.*

Getting beyond the daily concern over the immediate details of the Islamoterror War, it is instructive to back up, and take a look at “the big picture” of the Great War on Terror (* GWOT) in a historical and strategic sense.

The Chief humbly offers this posting from the Gates of Vienna blog as being a worth while offering towards doing this.

Islamic Jihad vs. the Western Way of War

I [written by a noted Norwegian blogger posting as Fjordman] had a conversation recently with a good friend of mine regarding the situation in Western Europe, with rapidly rising ethnic and religious tensions caused by mass immigration. Historically, the usual situation is that Muslims keep the lands they have taken possession of. There are a few exceptions, for instance with the Reconquista in the Iberian Peninsula, but this took centuries. If this pattern still holds up, the situation does admittedly look bleak.

The problem is that the circumstances this time around are very special. We are dealing with the unprecedented situation where a militarily inferior group is allowed by the authorities in technologically stronger countries to settle in their lands and harass the local population. Muslims haven’t actually defeated us in warfare. Do the old rules then apply? Nobody knows for certain. It is difficult to predict the future, apart from the fact that there will be a lot of turbulence here in the coming years and decades.

In my book Defeating Eurabia I quoted the American scholar Daniel Pipes, who believes that the decisive events in Europe have yet to take place, perhaps within the next decade or so. As Pipes puts it, the situation is historically unprecedented: “No large territory has ever shifted from one civilization to another by virtue of a collapsed population, faith, and identity; nor has a people risen on so grand a scale to reclaim its patrimony. The novelty and magnitude of Europe’s predicament make it difficult to understand, tempting to overlook, and nearly impossible to predict. Europe marches us all into terra incognita.”

I write about European history in order to gain inspiration from our past so that we can face the future with self-confidence. While reading about our artistic and scientific contributions to world culture is inspiring, we should not leave out our military traditions. They, too, constitute a part of our heritage, and we may soon need to revive some of those traditions.

Go to the original full posting for a lot of details and further analysis…if you have a serious interest in what we REALLY have to consider in dealing with this continuing “long war”.

As an additional historical note, Gates of Vienna takes it’s name from commemorating the successful defense of Vienna against the Islamic Ottoman Empire in 1683, which should reinforce for the reader the idea that fighting against Islamic aggression is nothing new, and continues to this day.

This fact remains, in spite of “politically correct” changes in terminology from B.O., Napolitano, et al,and their ilk referring to “overseas contingency operations” and such like, refusing to admit that there IS a continuing (if asymmetric) war declared on us by an Islamic militancy rejuvenated by petrodollars.

They (and we) ignore this cardinal fact at our peril.

Why We Need GITMO

Officials: Afghanistan Taliban leader was at Gitmo

The Taliban’s new top operations officer in southern Afghanistan had been a prisoner at the Guantanamo Bay detention center, the latest example of a freed detainee who took a militant leadership role and a potential complication for the Obama administration’s efforts to close the prison. U.S. authorities handed over the detainee to the Afghan government, which in turn released him, according to Pentagon and CIA officials….

The officials, who spoke anonymously because they are not authorized to release the information, said Rasoul has joined a growing faction of former Guantanamo prisoners who have rejoined militant groups and taken action against U.S. interests. Pentagon officials have said that as many as 60 former detainees have resurfaced on foreign battlefields.

What to do with GITMO & its denizens?

B.O. should frankly admit the first response to shut it down was wrong. Don’t hold your breath.

What to do with the occupants? Simple. Declare them formal POW’s under Geneva Convention rules, and hold them as POW’s until the entire terror war is OVER and WON. No tribunals except for proven war crimes and atrocities. No civilian courts, lawyers, habeas corpus, etc. It was good enough for German, Italian, and others we captured in WW-II, so why should the Islamoterrs expect anything better?

B.O.’s Lack of Situational Awareness

Taliban say Obama’s call on moderates “illogical”

OK. The problem here is that B.O. has a mindset that it’s possible to sit down with sociopathic leaders and make a reasonable accomodation with them.  “Moderate” Taliban? That’s fully as realistic as it would have been looking for tolerant SS Einsatzgruppen in 1943.

Unlike B.O., the Chief is perfectly willing to take the Taliban at their word…to the effect that there is no such thing as “Moderate Taliban”.

Afghanistan’s Taliban on Tuesday turned down as illogical U.S. President Barack Obama’s bid to reach out to moderate elements of the insurgents, saying the exit of foreign troops was the only solution for ending the war.

Obama, in an interview with the New York Times, expressed an openness to adapting tactics in Afghanistan that had been used in Iraq to reach out to moderate elements there.

“This does not require any response or reaction for this is illogical,” Qari Mohammad Yousuf, a purported spokesman for the insurgent group, told Reuters when asked if its top leader Mullah Mohammad Omar would make any comment about Obama’s proposal.

“The Taliban are united, have one leader, one aim, one policy…I do not know why they are talking about moderate Taliban and what it means?, If it means those who are not fighting and are sitting in their homes, then talking to them is meaningless. This really is surprising the Taliban.”

Fortunately for the U.S., it looks like said sociopaths aren’t buying into negotiation. With a bit of luck we MAY be spared the spectacle of a “peace in our time” proclamation with a “paper bearing signatures” of Mullah Omar, as happened in the 30’s with Chamberlain erroneously thinking he could negotiate a meaningful agreement with “Herr Hitler”. as well as the disastrous consequences of THAT earlier manifestation of situational UNawareness.

B.O. Lifts Syria Sanctions

Obama approves aerospace system for Syria

Not only does this represent a de facto lifting of sanctions on Syria, a terrorist supporting state, but the business is going to the Saudis.

You might say, “Hey, it’s only for airliners, no big deal?

Two comments on that:
•  Remember 9-11?  Didn;;t that have something to do with airliners?
•  How many rockets per plane load can you fly from Iran to Lebanon in a 747?  Quite a few one would (correctly) guess.

Hezbollah gives its thanks!

It’s just nuts to support these guys.

Religion of Peace Doing It’s Thing…

Prominent Orchard Park man charged with beheading his wife

Orchard Park police are investigating a particularly gruesome killing, the beheading of a woman, after her husband — an influential member of the local Muslim community — reported her death to police Thursday.

Police identified the victim as Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37. Detectives have charged her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, with second-degree murder.

Apparently she had filed for divorce, and had a protective order out against her husband…for all the good it did.

Can you say B-A-R-B-A-R-I-S-M?

And then there is this item from Oz:

Australian fires: Police release suspect photo

Victorian police release composite photo of man wanted for questioning over Australian bush fires.


This comes after an earlier report:

Islam group urges forest fire jihad

AUSTRALIA has been singled out as a target for “forest jihad” by a group of Islamic extremists urging Muslims to deliberately light bushfires as a weapon of terror.

US intelligence channels earlier this year identified a website calling on Muslims in Australia, the US, Europe and Russia to “start forest fires”, claiming “scholars have justified chopping down and burning the infidels’ forests when they do the same to our lands”.

The website, posted by a group called the Al-Ikhlas Islamic Network, argues in Arabic that lighting fires is an effective form of terrorism justified in Islamic law under the “eye for an eye” doctrine.

The posting – which instructs jihadis to remember “forest jihad” in summer months – says fires cause economic damage and pollution, tie up security agencies and can take months to extinguish so that “this terror will haunt them for an extended period of time”.

Like Rod Stewart sang: “Every picture tells a story, don’t it?”

…and again, from the Great White North, a mini-kristalnacht staged against the evil Jews (Who else?):

Muslim Mob Attacks Jewish Center At Toronto University. Police Respond By Shutting Down The Center

It’s so weird how a country where multiculturalist tolerance is enforced via elaborate micro-fascism could slip into something that seems very much like a pogrom:

Another anti-Semitic incident took place in a Canadian university Thursday when over 100 anti-Israel activists surrounded a campus building belonging to the Jewish student club ‘Hillel’ at York University, Toronto. The activists pounded on office doors while yelling out racial slurs. Campus security was forced to alert police to restore order and the latter demanded that the offices be shut down. An anti-Israel march is also scheduled for Friday, and ‘Hillel’ leaders have called on Jewish students to arrive with Israeli flags in order to show support for the country. But anti-Semitism also took its toll outside of the campus. A Jewish student reported receiving a phone call during which an unidentified person threatened his life and those of his family members if he were to continue his pro-Israeli activities in the university.

Remember, Mein Kampf in Arabic is al Jihad.

Cease Fire? Really?

Hamas agrees Gaza ceasefire as Israeli troops withdraw

Hamas has announced a one-week ceasefire after Israel said it was pulling its forces back to the Gaza border and suspending the 22-day war. It issued a statement saying it would halt rocket strikes as long as troops were taken out of Gaza within a week and the borders of the devastated enclave were opened up to international aid.

In the absence of a full ceasefire agreement, the Israelis said the decision to wind-up Operation Cast Lead remained under review. Twenty rockets were fired by militants, drawing retaliatory fire but no resumption of the bombardments and fierce fighting of previous days which have left more than 1,300 dead. (Emphasis added.)

If both sides are still shooting, where’s the cease fire?

I know, I know. Why be logical about these things and expect words to mean anything in the media, and/or diplospeak.

The Chief is just old-fashioned that way, I guess.

Every picture tells a story…

By now, most have seen horrific images of Palestinian “victims” of Israel’s current Gaza offensive.
Here’s some images that don’t make the network news, or NYT, etc.

The Images they Show…

There are images that break your heart. The news is filled with them today and they can easily sway you to think that all of the situation in the Middle East comes down to a picture. How horrible, truly tragic, unacceptable and wrong it is to have a child die.

It is so horrible, sometimes you forget to look behind the picture. It’s so simple, really. A child should be able to go to school and be safe. I last spoke to my son days ago and in the background I could hear the sound of explosions. Through the phone, dozens of kilometers away from me, and quite a distance from Elie, I could hear another unit firing. Can you imagine how loud that would be up close?

Yesterday, mortars were fired FROM the school In Jebalya. This was a direct and intentional attack on Israel, on Israel’s soldiers and population. Mortars are explosions. They are loud. You can’t pretend you didn’t hear them.

This is reality:

Everyone in that building yesterday KNEW that the school was being used as a launching ground…and yet, apparently not one of those thought it would be a smart thing to leave. That seems strange to me, unnatural. I was once in Jerusalem, walking with by two daughters when something “exploded” ahead of me. Everyone around me stopped, as I did. It was a bus hitting something that went flying in the air and crashed loudly into something else. People began to move and yet I stood there, unsure what to do. It should be both human instinct and parental instinct to move away from danger.

And the people who now mourn the “innocents” who died in yesterday’s attack on the United Nations school don’t question why people remained in the building from which these weapons were fired. They don’t question that this defies human instinct and certainly what should have been every parent’s first reaction. The people in the school died for three simple reasons:

1. Palestinians decided to use the United Nations school as a launching base to attack innocent civilians….

2. The United Nations did not stop the Palestinians from using their area….

3. The families and parents. I heard a father mourning the death of his son. He blames the Israeli government, and I blame him. “Are you insane?” I want to ask him. “How could you allow your son to be near mortars being fired? What did you think Israel was going to do?” Why didn’t you take your son? Why didn’t you behave responsibly?…

And finally, a SAMPLE of the images that you’re not shown. Go the the site…there are a lot more, equally surreal.


“Jesus wept.”

Mein Kampf = al Jihad

Appropriate that the above equality is actually a literal translation of the terms in the two relevant languages.

Protester Calls for Jews to ‘Go Back to the Oven’ at Anti-Israel Demonstration

Like many other protests of Israel’s campaign in Gaza, this one ended badly — police had to cool an ugly fight between supporters of Israel and Gaza, breaking up the warring sides as their screaming and chanting threatened to turn into something worse.

But some protesters at this rally in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., took their rhetoric a step further, calling for the extermination of Israel — and of Jews.

Ah yes – “The Religion of Peace” – the Peace of the Graveyard.

Does the word SEDITION still exist? (It SHOULD!)

Do we still have a functional Department of State? Or a Department of Homeland Security? Doesn’t anybody notice stuff like this except the blogosphere?

Top American Islamic Cleric Threatens U.S. on Egyptian TV

Islamic cleric Salah Sultan appeared on Egypt’s Al-Nas TV last week and delivered a warning of death and destruction for America. Not only did he attack the U.S. for its military support of Israel in its fight against the Hamas terrorist organization, but he vowed retaliation such that more Americans would be killed than those Palestinians (and, presumably, Hamas terrorists) killed in the present conflict in Gaza, emphasizing that this would take place “soon”:

America, which gave [Israel] everything it needed in these battles, will suffer economic stagnation, ruin, destruction, and crime, which will surpass what is happening in Gaza. One of these days, the U.S. will suffer more deaths than all those killed in this third Gaza holocaust. This will happen soon.

He also invoked a notorious Islamic hadith on the inevitable annihilation of the Jews by Muslims:

The stone, which is thrown at the Jews, hates these Jews, these Zionists, because Allah foretold, via His Prophet Muhammad, that Judgment Day will not come before the Jew and the Muslim fight. The Jew will hide behind stones and trees, and the stone and the tree will speak, saying: “Oh Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.” The only exception will be the Gharqad tree.

This harangue would be nothing new on television in the Islamic world; in fact, it is commonplace. What is unique about Sultan’s threats against America is that he holds U.S. permanent residency status and, according to one federal law enforcement official, travels regularly on a U.S. passport. And as I have reported elsewhere, Sultan is pursuing U.S. citizenship (the status of his application is unknown due to federal privacy laws). Thus, Salah Sultan has lived quite comfortably for more than a decade under the protections of the very country he now threatens with death and destruction.

It should be noted that Salah Sultan is not some obscure figure in the American Islamic world. He serves as a member of the Fiqh Council of North America. Touted as the top Islamic governing body in the U.S., the Fiqh Council is an arm of the Islamic Society of North America. Sultan founded and served as president of the Islamic American University in Southfield, Michigan; he was the national director of tarbiyah (Islamic instruction) for the Muslim American Society; and he continues to operate the American Council for Islamic Research, based in my hometown of Hilliard, Ohio.

Islamofascist. Rope. Tree. Some assembly required.

Diplomats Keep Yakking, Terrs Keep Rocketing

Diplomats: Arabs and West agree on Gaza resolution

Key Arab nations and Western powers called for an immediate Security Council vote Thursday night on a Gaza cease-fire resolution, after they reached agreement on final wording of the draft, officials said.

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal and British Foreign Secretary David Miliband announced the agreement on the resolution calling for an immediate and durable cease-fire between Hamas militants and Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip.

The UN actions are again up to its usual quality…like organizing a shuffleboard league on the listing Titanic.

The resolution was supported by the United States, Israel’s closest ally, and Arab nations that have close ties to Hamas. But it will be up to Israel and Hamas to decide to stop their military activities.


The media’s most ignored fact in this whole situation is that there WAS a cease-fire in place, which was ignored by Hamas re-starting its rocket barrage of Israel…and as far as negotiating with them…why bother…recent interviews with Hamas leadership again confirms their basic promise that the only solution to the problem is to drive the Israelis into the sea. Hitler would approve.

Meanwhile B.O. is apparently willing to pursue relations with Hamas as though they were a rational organization.

Obama camp ‘prepared to talk to Hamas’

The incoming Obama administration is prepared to abandon George Bush’s ­doctrine of isolating Hamas by establishing a channel to the Islamist organisation, sources close to the transition team say.

The move to open contacts with Hamas, which could be initiated through the US intelligence services, would represent a definitive break with the Bush ­presidency’s ostracising of the group. The state department has designated Hamas a terrorist organisation, and in 2006 ­Congress passed a law banning US financial aid to the group.

If this plays out as reported…it will be indicative of an extremely poor situational awareness of the nature of the Hamas beast.

YouTube Knuckles Under to Islamo Censorship Demand

The IDF Video Censored by YouTube

See the video here.

The night video shows Hamas terrorists clearly loading Grad-type Katyusha rockets onto pickup trucks. Towards the end of the video, a great explosion and fire is seen as the IDF terminated the terrorist activity with extreme prejudice.

The above video and others were apparently taken down due to numerous complaints by pro-Arab viewers who “reported” the video as inappropriate.

Right. Inappropriate.

In other words, it catches Islamic TERRORISTS caught in the act of being terrorists, and taking the consequences.

Oh well. They’re learning the hard way that if you throw mudballs at a tiger, you probably will get eaten.

French Cooking

More than a thousand cars torched on New Year’s Eve

France’s Islamic street thugs were at it again to “celebrate” the new year.

The French press reported that the Interior Ministry released a final “verified” count of 1,147 vehicles burned in France over New Year’s Eve. The number is up 30.64% from last year’s total, 878.

Not to fear, the government is responding forcefully(?).

Sarkozy vows crackdown on car burners

President Nicolas Sarkozy vowed to crack down on France’s car burning after more than 1,100 vehicles went up in flames overnight on New Year’s Eve.

Sarkozy said he had asked authorities to be “uncompromising” with vehicle arsonists and said those caught burning other people’s cars should lose their own licences until the damage had been paid for.

Oooooooh! “This time we REALLY mean it! If we catch you, you’ll LOSE YOUR DRIVER’S LICENSE!” This must have them shaking in their shoes!

“There is no reason why honest people should have to pay the consequences of the behaviour of delinquents,” he said in an address to emergency service staff who worked over the evening of Dec. 31.

Car burnings are regular occurrences in France, where some 36,700 were recorded in the first 11 months of 2008, according to interior ministry figures.

“…regular occurrances in France…” This is as disgraceful an example of lily-lovered weak law enforcement as the U.S. urban phenomenon of the “known crack house”. What they need is a French Giuliani to straighten out their priorities…but then again, it IS the French…so it may well be beyond all hope. C’est la vie.

Mid-East Dustup, Again

While condemned as “disproportionate,” Israeli attacks on Hamas in Gaza are the only appropriate response to daily terror. As the U.N. Charter says, when they shoot at you, you can shoot back.

This is good. One supposes that having weapons as inefficient as the home-brew (but still dangerous) Hamas rockets would restore some “balance”…but the Chief always though the whole idea in war was to do a better job of killing the enemy and breaking his things than he is able to do to you.

So why are they doing this? Hmmmm. (THINK. THINK.)

Hey, Hamas is an Iranian supported operation. Doesn’t this all conveniently distract everyone from the continuing Iranian nuclear project?

Much of Hamas’ imported weaponry, and the expertise with which it now produces the rockets it uses to bombard Israeli border towns and villages, comes from Iran. Dozens of its top commanders have received training in Iran.

Oh well. Hamas is learning again the hard way – if you want to run with wolves, you had better know how to howl.

B.O.’s Peace Plan for Afghanistan: MORE TROOPS!

This has GOT to drive the Daily Kossacks, moveon.orgs, and Donk Underground types crazy!

Barack Obama plans 20,000 troop surge to boost Afghan effort

Not only is this NOT withdrawel…the irony here is rich: the best Afghan policy is the same as the one Bush, Petraeus, et al applied to Iraq!

The President-Elect’s intention to shift the focus of the fight against terrorism to Afghanistan has been bolstered by Robert Gates agreement to stay on as Defence Secretary.

Mr Gates is a strong believer in an Afghan surge, which would not only put thousands more boots on the ground but involve negotiations with malleable branches of the Taliban.

It would also aim to boost co-operation with Iran and Pakistan where some elements have supported the anti-Western insurgency.

The need for more US troops in addition to the 32,000 already serving, has been accelerated by the Afghan presidential election in September 2009, and the voter registration process that begins in the New Year, Mr Gates said.

Islamoterrs Revving it Up…again

First there’s this:

Al Qaeda’s Goal: Cripple Amtrak’s N’east Corridor
Heightened Security In Place At Penn Station; Attack Could Paralyze Transit Between Boston, Washington
Cops, Feds Armed With M16s On Patrol For Forseeable Future

The world’s economic fears were violently pushed aside on Wednesday by another global threat — terrorism.

A massive coordinated attack was launched in Mumbai, India just hours after the FBI warned that Al Qaeda may be targeting New York’s subways and railroads.

If Al Qaeda terrorists have their way there will be chaos and mayhem here this holiday season, a mass transit bomb plot that would probably affect all the subway and train lines at Penn and Grand Central stations.

“The threat is serious, the threat is significant, and it is plausible,” said Congressman Peter King, R-Long Island, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee.

How serious could it be? As noted above, India is finding out – experienceing what is being called “India’s 9-11″.

Bombay terror attacks: Gunmen target tourists in rampage across city

Up to 100 people have been killed and around 250 more wounded in a series of co-ordinated terror attacks by gunmen in India’s commercial capital Bombay.

Britons were among dozens of hostages taken by gunmen in the attacks on hotels, cafes and a train station. Police said six foreigners had been killed in the violence.

Westerners were rounded up by men armed with machine guns and grenades at seven locations popular with foreign visitors, including three luxury hotels, the Taj Mahal, the Oberoi and the Trident.

B.O.’s initial response to this is less than impressive. Sort of a detached, academic sort of view…maybe reality will make a bit more impression in the light of the new day. One can hope, but the Chief won’t be holding his breath waiting.

How Our Ally Thinks…er…Ally? Come again?

The Saudi Guide To Piety

Because they are so clearly designed for the convenience of large testing companies, I had always assumed that multiple-choice exams, the bane of any fourth-grader’s existence, were a quintessentially American phenomenon. But apparently I was wrong. According to a report last week by the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom, it seems that the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Education finds them useful, too.

Here, for example, is a multiple-choice question from a recent edition of a Saudi fourth-grade textbook, “Monotheism and Jurisprudence,” in a section that attempts to teach children to distinguish between “true” and “false” belief in God:
Q. “Is belief true in the following instances:
(a) A man prays but hates those who are virtuous.
(b) A man professes that there is no deity other than God but loves the unbelievers.
(c) A man worships God alone, loves the believers, and hates the unbelievers.”

The correct answer, of course, is (c): According to the Wahhabi imams who wrote this textbook, it isn’t enough to simply worship God or just to love other believers; it is important to hate unbelievers, too. By the same token, (b) is wrong as well: Even a man who worships God cannot be said to have “true belief” if he also loves unbelievers. “Unbelievers,” in this context, are Christians and Jews.

In fact, any child who attends Saudi schools until ninth grade will eventually be taught outright that “Jews and Christians are enemies of believers.” They will also be taught that Jews conspire to “gain sole control over the world,” that the Christian crusades never ended…

The way things are going, we should be so lucky that the Crusades never ended.

…and that on Judgment Day “the rocks or the trees” will call out to Muslims to kill Jews.

If you go to the article, there’s unfortunately more. We’re supposed to be friends with these guys?

French Cooking, Again


…Sarko Had Better Bully France’s Thugs

In my previous post I mentioned that 297 cars had burned during the night of July 13-14. Now it seems that another 295 were torched the following night, making a total of 592 cars destroyed – 150 in Ile-de-France (the Parisian region) and 145 in the provinces. In addition, 98 persons were arrested and 58 were placed in custody in all of France. The figures just for Ile-de-France are 48 arrests and 29 in custody.

However the worst crime so far took place in Asnières, in the department of Hauts-de-Seine (Parisian suburbs). TF1 reports:

He may lose an eye. On the night of July 13-14, a police commissioner was injured by a pyrotechnical device during a confrontation between young persons and the police. “The wound is extremely serious,” according to a police source.

The commissioner, about 30, was visibly wounded by the ricochet of the pyrotechnical device while violent confrontations between about 50 young persons and the police were taking place in the northern neighborhoods, considered dangerous [“sensibles”], of Asnières. The commissioner received a visit on Monday from Interior Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie.

The socialist mayor of Asnières, Sébastien Pietrasanta, called these confrontations “extremely serious”, and spoke of gangs of “well-prepared and hooded” young persons who attacked anyone and anything that represented order and institutions.” According to a source at the office of District Attorney [“parquet”] of Nanterre, these were” blatant acts of urban violence, an unprecedented violence, premeditated,” that pitted “from 30 to 60 persons” against the forces of order.

Thr Frogs are continuing to have some real problems. One wonders if/when they’ll find a bit of elan again, and start to take control of their own country.

D.I.Y. Security Response Stops Terr Dead in his Tracks

‘He cried Allah Akhbar and hit the gas’

This un-named (for obvious reasons) IDF troop definitely had his shit together & responded properly and iinstantly, preventing a horrific situation becoming even worse than it was.

He was a soldier home on leave, riding his bike down Jaffa Road on Wednesday when he spotted the overturned No. 13 bus and a massive bulldozer tearing through the streets of Jerusalem. Realizing that the Arab behind the wheel was in the midst of a terror rampage, “M” (his identity and unit are barred from publication by a court order) threw his bike to the side of the road and began to chase the bulldozer.

As he began running toward the bulldozer, M said, he shouted to onlookers, asking for a gun. Together with a civilian, M climbed aboard the bulldozer and began wrestling with the driver.

“At one point he yelled out, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ and stepped on the gas pedal,” M recalled. “I drew the weapon of the civilian who was with me and shot the driver three times in the head. I think I did what is expected from every soldier and citizen.”

The account neatly defines (as if there was any doubt in this case!) what the motivation was, once again the expression of the translation of 7th Century Islam into 21st century Islamofascism.

Good riddance to bad rubbish, and mazeltov to the IDF trooper who was doing God’s work.

P.S. – 2nd Amendment Note: This was only possible due to the ready availability of privately held firearms when needed – not to say Israel has the same laws as we do…but the availability of arms when REALLY needed is just as valid for us as it was there.

Charges Dropped in USMC Case

Military judge dismisses charges in Haditha killings

A military judge dismissed charges Tuesday against a Marine officer accused of failing to investigate the killings of 24 Iraqis. Col. Steven Folsom dismissed charges against Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani after finding that a four-star general overseeing the case was improperly influenced by an investigator probing the November 2005 shootings by a Marine squad in Haditha.

“Unlawful command influence is the mortal enemy of military justice,” Folsom said. “In order to restore the public confidence, we need to take it back. We need to turn the clock back.”

This turned out well. The fix was in against Chessani, and the others…but there was enough of a public flap created about this, that not even Donk Cong. Murtha’s statement of the guilt of the Marines, and the willingness of the USMC top brass of the time to throw some troops under the bus of political correctness was able to prevail.

The Chief isn’t holding his breath waiting for Murtha to apologize for his “rush to judgement” statements against the Marines.

Memorial Day: Remember!

Profiles in Valor

As the Chief humbly recalls his own 26 years with the Naval Service, he constantly has the thought…”I wish I could do more”.

The accounts of these Iraq war Medal of Honor recipients illustrates circumstances when there was no more possible to do.

Take a pause, and read them.  (H/T to Patriot Post)


It is not surprising that many Americans no longer observe Memorial Day with reverence. Schools no longer teach civics, the courts exclude God (officially) from the public square, and the Leftmedia and malls “celebrate” Memorial Day with commercial sales.

Indeed, Memorial Day has been sold out by many.

Founding Patriot John Adams wrote, “I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is worth more than all the means…”

But is it?

Indeed it is.

Fortunately, millions of American Patriots still reserve Memorial Day to honor the service and sacrifice of our fallen countrymen, who donned the uniforms of our Armed Forces with honor and under oath to defend of our Constitution and the cherished liberties it embodies.

On 7 August 1782, General George Washington instituted the first formal military award of recognition for “any singularly meritorious action.” It was a purple cloth heart, the predecessor of the now-familiar Purple Heart, which is awarded to any member of our Armed Services who is wounded or killed in combat or combat-related actions. For this reason, the decoration carries the profile of George Washington.

But our nation’s supreme military award was instituted in 1861. That award is the Medal of Honor. (No, it is not the “congressional” Medal of Honor, and, no, it is not “won.”)

Some 3,400 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen have been awarded the Medal of Honor “for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.” Most have received this award posthumously.

On this Memorial Day, four young men who served in Iraq and Afghanistan will not be at the malls, nor will they be at the family barbecue.

These young men are not much different from others who have served in the past or those serving today in our nation’s Armed Forces but for the fact that they responded to extraordinary circumstances with extraordinary courage.

They are Corporal Jason L. Dunham, USMC; Master-at-Arms Second Class Michael A. Monsoor, USN; Sergeant First Class Paul R. Smith, USA; and Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, USN.

Their Medal of Honor citations read:

Continue reading

Carter’s HAMASS Buddies: Jews Killed Themselves in Holocaust

Hamas Adds ‘Sinister Twist’ to Holocaust Denial

Although Holocaust denial has long been a common theme among Palestinians, Hamas has added a ‘sinister twist,’ claiming that the Jews themselves devised the Holocaust to exterminate the disabled and handicapped among them so they wouldn’t be a burden to the future State of Israel.

The documentary, which aired on Hamas Al-Aksa television on April 18 – two weeks before Israel marks Holocaust Remembrance Day on Thursday — was translated by the Palestinian Media Watch and can be found on YouTube.

The only thing more bizarre than this is the spectacle of the apparently demented ex-Presidential peanut farmer shaking hands with the butchers of HAMASS…a burned-out moonbat, indeed.

Correctly labeling Islamofascism hurts?…too bad, get over it!

Muslims press McCain on ‘Islamic’ terror label

A coalition of American Muslim groups is demanding that Sen. John McCain stop using the adjective “Islamic” to describe terrorists and extremist enemies of the United States.

Like…they AREN’T the Islamofascists? Then WHO are they?

Fortunately some sanity seems to be prevailing…at least so far:

An aide to Mr. McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee who is counting on his pro-Iraq war stance to attract conservative voters, said the senator from Arizona will not drop the word. Steve Schmidt, a former Bush White House aide who is now a McCain media strategist, told The Times that the use of the word is appropriate and that the candidate will continue to define the enemy that way.

“Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda represent a perverted strain of Islam at odds with the great many peaceful Muslims who practice their great faith peacefully,” Mr. Schmidt said. “But the reality is, the hateful ideology which underpins bin Ladenism is properly described as radical Islamic extremism. Senator McCain refers to it that way because that is what it is.”

Tell it like it is!

Bring it on!

Moqtada al-Sadr threatens ‘open war’ in Iraq

Iraq’s most powerful militia leader, Moqtada al-Sadr, has threatened the Baghdad government with “open war” after 20 of his fighters died in clashes with US troops.

Guess what? Does he think that he’ll lose LESS of his troops thugs by escalating? With Petraeus in charge? Sounds like a classic case of poor situational awareness.

In a statement read at mosques, Sadr accused Iraq’s government of using foreign forces to crush his Mahdi Army movement, the country’s biggest popular organisation.

Wow! Speaking of a lack of situational awareness…let’s see…how many years has the US been fighting in Iraq? Hello? This is something new that needs special comment?

“I am giving my last warning and my word to the Iraqi government to take the path of peace and stop violence against its own people, otherwise it will be a government of destruction,” he said.

Yep. Iraq will have the government…and Sadr will get the destruction.

One can only hope so!

New Atrocity Charges Involving Serbs – Oooops! The Serbs were the victims!

Serb prisoners ‘were stripped of their organs in Kosovo war’

This is REALLY ghoulish:

Serb prisoners had their internal organs removed and sold by ethnic Albanians during the Kosovo war, according to allegations in a new book by the world’s best known war crimes prosecutor.

Carla Del Ponte, who stepped down in January as chief prosecutor at the Hague tribunal for crimes committed in the Balkan wars of the 1990s, said investigators found a house suspected of being a laboratory for the illegal trade.

A senior adviser to Hashim Thaci, Kosovo’s prime minister and a leading member of the Kosovo Liberation Army which is accused of benefiting from the trade, yesterday denied the allegations.


According to the sources, senior figures in the Kosovo Liberation Army were aware of the scheme, in which hundreds of young Serbs were allegedly taken by truck from Kosovo to northern Albania where their organs were removed. Miss Del Ponte provides grim details of the alleged organ harvesting, and of how some prisoners were sewn up after having kidneys removed.

“The victims, deprived of a kidney, were then locked up again, inside the barracks, until the moment they were killed for other vital organs. In this way, the other prisoners were aware of the fate that awaited them, and according to the source, pleaded, terrified, to be killed immediately,” Miss Del Ponte writes.

The claims in The Hunt: Me and War Criminals have renewed tensions between Serbia and its former province of Kosovo, which declared independence two months ago. In it, the Swiss ex-prosecutor reveals how her efforts to bring alleged war criminals to justice were stymied by lack of co-operation from all sides – Serb, Albanian and even Nato.

Hmmmmm. Remember those evil (CHristian) Serbs, abusing the innocent (Moslem) Kosovar Albanians meriting the military wrath of NATO during Pres. Bubba Clinton’s “Wag the Dog” episode in response to Monicagate?

Maybe the Serbs had a point in not wanting the Kosovars around.

As for the Moslem Kosovars and what brings to mind a certain Dr. Josef Mengele of the unlamented 3rd Reich, perhaps it’s worth recalling that the literal Arabic translation of Mein Kampf is, al-Jihad.

By the way…this sort of stuff is why I HATE the use of terms like “human resources”. THIS is an ultimate form of utilization of humans as a resource…literally. Whether it’s the old Nazi fascism, the Kosovars’ modern repeat performance of it, or for that matter the modern “liberal” and their advocacy of pre-natal infanticide, it’s all just a different face of the same type of ultimate evil.

Terr Details Outed in Brit Trial

Terror suspects ‘planned nuclear station strike’

This si stuff coming out in a Brit terror trial currently underway:

Jurors were told their ambitions were “limitless” and they were shown chilling suicide videos in which one alleged plotter promised to leave body parts “decorating the streets”.

Prosecutors revealed that as well as discovering alleged plans to blow up transatlantic passenger jets, police found documents which suggested the gang had considered other targets in the UK. The jury was told that a computer memory stick found by officers concealed in the High Wycombe home of Assad Sarwar contained details of gas terminals, oil refineries, the national grid, and “power stations, including nuclear power stations”.

Peter Wright QC, prosecuting, said the targets included Canary Wharf, a gas pipeline which runs between Belgium and the UK and companies which store and process hydrogen peroxide. “There was also information on Chernobyl, and on UK airports including Heathrow’s new control tower,” he said. A diary found in Mr Sarwar’s home listed oil and gas refineries at Bacton, Fawley, Correton and Kingsbury, it was alleged.

Mr Wright said: “The horizon in respect of Mr Sarwar’s terrorist ambition was, we say, limitless.”

A document about an Islamic ruling on the permissibility of self-sacrifice, including suicide and martyrdom, was also found on the memory stick, prosecutors said.

A couple of perhaps redundant observations come to mind.

First, this is what Islamofascist terrs do. No one should be surprised.

Second – it’s not necessary to be a “card-carrying member” of al Qaida, HAMAS, or any other group for that matter in order to plan and execute serious terrorist operations. THis is contrary to a common attitude, especially in the US Government, and MSM to soft-peddle any terrorist incidents lacking such a formal affiliation…like the Salt Lake mall shooter, or the self-proclaimed Islamoterr militant who drove his SUV into a crowd in N.C. to make his point.

A New Holy League with a Gondor Strategy?

Resurrecting Christendom: A Blueprint

Historically the Holy League was an alliance of the 16th Century’s Christian powers (Spain, Venice, various other Italian states, to oppose the serious threat of the Ottoman Empire to continue to expand to the west, and dominate the entire Mediterranean.

Although the League did not achieve all of its immediate political and military objectives (which included the relief and liberation of Cyprus), it did gather a large fleet (still outnumbered by the Ottoman fleet) and decisively defeat the Islamic force at the battle of Lepanto (1571). Lest you think the threat to Europe at the time was overblown, Vienna itself was repeatedly attacked and besieged by the Ottomans…the final time as late as 1683, when the timely intervention and assistance of Jan Sobieski’s Poland was all that saved the day.

Historically, as noted by Baron Bodissy’s GATES of VIENNA blog, our current situation with regards to the 21st Century’s militant Islamofascism, is merely the latest chapter in a 1300 year struggle of Christianity to maintain its independence if not its existence in the face of Islamic aggressive and violent proselytizing. (The Baron notes it thus: “At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe. We are in a new phase of a very old war.” The Chief concurs!)

This piece by Dr. Timothy Furnish (Ph.D in Islamic and World History, is a former U.S. Army veteran and college professor, now working as an editor for Praeger Publishing) suggests the possibility of a sort of revived Holy League…and models its policies on what is described as a “Gondor Strategy”…taken from J.R.R. Tolkien’s LOTR Trilogy.

Again, as Pinkerton points out, the purpose of the majority-Christian parts of the planet uniting against the Muslim world would NOT be to impose democracy or in any way to change that civilization—much less to wage a new “Crusade” (although we’d better inure ourselves to that inevitable charge): “not conquest, not occupation, not ‘liberation’” but rather “feasible strategies of containment, even quarantine.” A cordon sanitaire would be created around the Islamic sandbox until Muslims learn to play nice and stop inflicting both their near and far neighbors with anti-democratic, anti-women, anti-tolerance, and anti-modernist ideology—not to mention IEDs, assassinations and plane-bombs. And until that violent minority of Muslims obsessed with creating a global caliphate is eliminated, or at least convinced of the fruitlessness of their quest—hopefully by their own co-religionists, backed up by the resolve and non-interventionist support of the larger Christian world.

Pinkerton calls this the “Shire Strategy”—but there’s a better analogy from Tolkien. Other than four hobbits who rode off to help in the war against the arch-expansionist Sauron, the Shire folk stayed home—fat, happy and clueless about the serious and deadly conflict being fought to protect them. Even Frodo, the hobbit who eventually destroyed the Ring of Power, would never have been able to do so had not Men—dedicated survivors of the destroyed Kingdom of Arnor (called, fortuitously by Tolkien, Rangers!) and committed soldiers from the extant kingdom of Gondor—engaged Sauron’s legions in both covert and overt ops. As Boromir put it at the Council of Elrond: “it is by the blood of our people that your lands are kept safe.” Rather than Pinkerton’s Shire Strategy, we should envision the rather more muscular Gondor Strategy, which would entail setting a “Watchful Peace” upon the bloody borders of Islam, as in Tolkien the most poweful human kingdom did against Sauron’s land of Mordor.

The Chief isn’t totally sure that the approach WOULD work…but it probably COULD. Nevertheless, it’s an interesting concept, and one that ultimately may become much more of a necessity that it seems to be at present. Well worth checking it out further and giving it some thought!

H/T on this one to the above noted GATES of VIENNA.

Fallon Falls Out

Fallon Resigns As Mideast Military Chief

The top U.S. military commander for the Middle East resigned Tuesday amid speculation about a rift over U.S. policy in Iran.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that Adm. William J. Fallon had asked for permission to retire and that Gates agreed. Gates said the decision, effective March 31, was entirely Fallon’s and that Gates believed it was “the right thing to do.”

Let’s see…the Chief IMHO is strongly inclined to urge ADM Fallon not to let the doorknob hit him in the butt on the way out.

This is the same ADM Fallon, who as CINCPAC was incessantly engaged in a game of footsie with the ChiComs, to the extent of inviting them aboard to observe, up close and personal, how we prepped and trained for war in the Pacific. Of course there’s no one in the Pacific with any possible inclination to fight the US except those same ChiComs’ PLAN (Peples’ Liberation Army Navy – Hey! That’s what they call it…maybe it loses something in translation.).

Apparently he has had a pattern of undercutting the Iraq “surge”, and General Petraeus, in a not very well concealed effort to channel the administrations policies.

Good riddance. The Fleet, and the nation will be better without Fallon’s sort of accommodationist and contrarian policy games.

Jerusalem Update: Religion of Peace Doing It’s Little Thing, Again

Gunman kills 8 religious students in Jerusalem

Eight Jewish religious students have been shot dead in the worst terrorist incident in Jerusalem for more than three years. The attacker reportedly dressed himself as an Orthodox Jew in order to gain access to the Mercaz Harav yeshiva, or rabbinical seminary, in Kiryat Moshe, a suburb to the west of Jerusalem.

Normally a place of spiritual study, it was turned into a blood bath as the gunman, a Palestinian from east Jerusalem, opened fire with an AK47 automatic rifle and a pistol. The shooting began in the central library where about 80 students were gathered.

Medical sources said eight students, all young men, died and 35 were injured, 15 of whom were described as being in a critical condition. Witnesses said the gunman fired as many as 500 rounds, pausing only to change magazines.

Sadly, there is no surprise. That’s what the Islamoterrs do.

Complements are due to the Israeli vet who took the initiative to end the Terrs consumption of oxygen with a nice shot:

The sound of the shooting attracted the attention of an Israeli neighbour, a former member of the army. He is reported to have climbed on the roof of his house and shot the terrorist through the head.

Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Religion of Peace Reps Try Out Open Pit Barbecue

UPDATE: Previously missing link below, now active!

Purported Al Qaeda Video Shows Prisoners Burned Alive


Al Qaeda’s latest display of terror has made its way onto the Internet, showing horrifying images of what appear to be prisoners in Iraq being doused with an inflammatory liquid and then burned alive.

The article links to the video itself, which brings to mind again the Warren Zevon line: “It ain’t that pretty at all!”

In fact it’s downright ugly. Know your enemy!