3 Generals Spurn the Position of War ‘Czar’
Other than the WaPo, the Chief hasn’t noted this anywhere else in the MSM, although radio talker Michael Savage has taken note.
The White House wants to appoint a high-powered czar to oversee the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with authority to issue directions to the Pentagon, the State Department and other agencies…
This is really mind-boggling when one considers what is really happening here is a (so far) attempted effort of the President to abdicate his Constitutional responsibility to serve as Commander-in-Chief, and apparently be in a position to “take the fall” in a possible “cut-and-run” outcome.
Although the President’s motivations were (contrary to the caterwauling of the Move-on Donk left) laudable, the administrations execution of the war has been more in the order of rendering lip-service to having a war.
What has been avoided is the expressionhardness of attitude necessary to prevail in a difficult war, in favor of maintaining political correctness in a useless attempt to somehow
If you want to win a war, you do NOT have your pree-action plans and post-action reports subject to legal analysis to justify shooting bullets at the enemy. If you want to win a war, you don’t declare that the enemy can freely have certain sections of cities, and certain buildings as untouchable sanctuaries, in the interest of maintaining political correctness.
Meanwhile, the Pres has decided that he doesn’t (a)want to, or (b) know how to, be the actual Commander-in-Chief any more. So much for presidential leadership.
May the spirit of Ronaldus Magnus, the Great Gipper help us in our hour of need!