Tag Archives: Iran Watch

UK Report: deFacto War With Iran

Iran bombers attack Our Boys

The Chief notes the following evidence of consciousness from Airstrip One (UK).

Iranian forces are being choppered over the Iraqi border to bomb Our Boys, intelligence chiefs say. Military experts claim this worrying move means we are at WAR with Iran in all but name.

Uh…this clearly fits into the “No shit, Sherlock!” category of knowledge.

Last night an intelligence source told The Sun: “It is an extremely alarming development and raises the stakes considerably. In effect, it means we are in a full on war with Iran — but nobody has officially declared it.

We have hard proof that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps have crossed the border to attack us. It is very hard for us to strike back. All we can do is try to defend ourselves. We are badly on the back foot.”

“…badly on the back foot” – must be an unfamiliar Britishism.

Our Boys picked up the Iranian helicopters on radar crossing into empty desert. The sightings have been confirmed to The Sun by very senior military sources.

Iran Nuke Update

Atomic Agency Concludes Iran Is Stepping Up Nuclear Work

Why anyone should be surprised by this is surprising to the Chief.

Inspectors for the International Atomic Energy Agency have concluded that Iran appears to have solved most of its technological problems and is now beginning to enrich uranium on a far larger scale than before, according to the agency’s top officials.

Isn’t this just about exactly what Iranian President Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad has been saying was their goal all along?

The findings may change the calculus of diplomacy in Europe and in Washington, which aimed to force a suspension of Iran’s enrichment activities in large part to prevent it from learning how to produce weapons-grade material.

So now that they’ve had their nose rubbed in the dung, even the Euros and the State Department’s Foggy Bottom Boysâ„¢ finally have to face reality…or at least pay it some lip-service.

In a short-notice inspection of Iran’s operations in the main nuclear facility at Natanz on Sunday, conducted in advance of a report to the United Nations Security Council due early next week, the inspectors found that Iranian engineers were already using roughly 1,300 centrifuges and were producing fuel suitable for nuclear reactors weapons , according to diplomats and nuclear experts here.

(Meaning clarified by the Chief in above citation.)

OK. So NOW what? I’m not holding my breath in anticipation of a bold response.

Iran Now in the Crosshairs (A good thing, too!)

Tehran insider tells of US black ops

Very interesting story in Asia Times online.

A former Iranian ambassador and Islamic Republic insider has provided intriguing details to Asia Times Online about US covert operations inside Iran aimed at destabilizing the country and toppling the regime – or preparing for an American attack.

Something else seems to be happening in conjunction with this:

“The Iranian government knows and is aware of such infiltration. It means that the Iranian government has identified them [the covert operatives] but for some reason does not want to show [this],” said the former diplomat on condition of anonymity.

Speaking in Tehran, the ex-Foreign Ministry official said the agents being used by the US “were originally Iranians and not Americans” possibly recruited in the United States or through US embassies in Dubai and Ankara. He also warned that such actions will engender “some reactions”.

…”some reactions”? Hmmmm. Like maybe the current Iranian government WANTS us to go after them…all the more to speed their stated intention to foment chaos to trigger the return of the Mahdi and their version of the apocalypse, of course with Islam reigning triumphant. THAT fits Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Amadinejad and the REAL big dog over there: Ayatollah Khameini.

There’s quite a bit more in this piece…with stuff from the NY Slimes Seymour Hirsch who, true to form is apparently looking to undermine the effort.


Islamoterrs Gearing Up for Big One?

Al-Qaeda ‘planning big British attack’

AL-QAEDA leaders in Iraq are planning the first “large-scale” terrorist attacks on Britain and other western targets with the help of supporters in Iran, according to a leaked intelligence report. Spy chiefs warn that one operative had said he was planning an attack on “a par with Hiroshima and Nagasaki” in an attempt to “shake the Roman throne”, a reference to the West.

A couple of other aspects of this in the article from the London Times are especially interesting. Firstly, there is a strong involvement of the Shiite Iranians with mostly Sunni al Qaeda. OK – there have been many historical cases of strange bedfellows in war – anyone remember Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin? THe other thing is, that if there si enough intel to get this report out, one hopes there is enough to be able to interrupt the plans of the terrs.

Hostage Stand-down Promised

Iran to release Brits

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran would free the 15 detained British sailors and marines Wednesday as an Easter holiday “gift” to the British people. He said the captives, who were seized while on patrol in the northern Persian Gulf on March 23, would be taken to the airport at the end of the news conference that he was addressing. An Iranian official in London said they would be handed over to British diplomats in Tehran.

Frankly the Chief thought that Ahmadinejad Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad would milk this for more than he did…especially with the nuclear issue still simmering on the stove, but apparently not.

This is a good thing, if it comes to pass…it will be interesting to hear what the Brit sailors and marines will have to say once they are out of the clutches of the Ayatollahs.


This commentary on the situation hits the spot.

OK, we are told not “to look a gift horse in the mouth”: someone gives you a present, you don’t start investigating the state of its dentition to estimate is worth. So I suppose we should be simply rejoice that Iranisn President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has decided to release the 15 Britich sailors and marines his coast guard took hostage last week. How nice of him. But a doubt lingers: was he right to describe his munificence as a “gift to the British people.”

There’s more…check it out!

Foot stomping to come next?

Blair warns Tehran of next ‘phase’ in standoff

British Prime Minister Tony Blair warned Iran yesterday of a “different phase” in the standoff over 15 detained British sailors and marines, while a former Iranian ambassador with close ties to the regime said Iran wants the release of at least seven of its officials.

OOOOOOOHHH! Those guys had better look out! Someone is getting upset!

Mr. Blair told GMTV in an interview that Britain is attempting to free its service members, including one woman, through “diplomatic channels.”

That’s worked great so far with the nuclear issues, hasn’t it? Oh. Maybe not. So what’s next?

“If not, then this will move into a different phase,” Mr. Blair said.

Foot stomping? Tony holding his breath until he starts to turn red…uh…redder? (Since he’s already a red.)

Iran signaled that it is eyeing a prisoner exchange.

The plot thickens: remember the series of Iranian “diplomatic” and military people arrested in Iraq coordinating with the terrs there? A swap deal here would not only get Iran its people back, but it would give equal legitimacy to the Royal Navy operating in Iraqi waters to Iranian operatives active INSIDE OF IRAQ.

Stay tuned…anyone willing to bet that Blair won’t end up being the rope-a-dope here? Not the Chief.

UN Sanctions (An oxymoron?)

U.N. stiffens sanctions on defiant Tehran

Ooooooh! I’ll bet they’re really scared now!

The U.N. Security Council yesterday imposed additional sanctions on Iran, targeting banks and high-ranking officials in the Revolutionary Guards in an escalating face-off with the Islamic republic that continues to develop its own nuclear industry.

The Chief is from Missouri: Show me! Otherwise, all that this is worth is like previous UN sanctions – if you put 75 cents with it you can get a can of Coke.

Iranian Act of War

Iran seizes 15 Royal Navy personnel

A major diplomatic crisis between London and Teheran erupted yesterday after 15 British sailors and Royal Marines carrying out a routine search of a cargo ship in the Gulf were seized at gunpoint by Iranian forces.

It’s past high time to slam the Iranian Islamofascists so hard that even they won’t mistake the situation.

Alas, given the fact of Tony Blair’s ENGSOC regime, no such thing is likely.

ChiComs: Iran Doesn’t like “300” movie

Iranian official lashes out at Hollywood movie “300” for insulting Persian civilization

This is a curious report for a number of reasons. Firstly, Shiite Moslem Iran is feeling defensive about the depiction of the Zoroastrian ancient Persians in the cinematic cartoon film 300, which centers on the battles of Themopylae in 480 BC.

OK. We DO have Irans President AhmadiNejad Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad we’re dealing with here, so I guess that anything goes in THAT department.

THe other curious thing is that the only place this is being reported is by the ChiCom Xinhua agency reporting through People’s Daily Online of all places.

Iran War Ramping Up?

One way or another, this looks more and more like a “go”.

American armada prepares to take on Iran

Recent tensions between America and Iran over Teheran’s attempts to develop a nuclear weapon have raised the prospect of its third regional war in a decade.

The addition of a second aircraft carrier to its strike groups has fuelled the belief that America is gearing up for a fight with Iran. Not since the Iraq war in 2003 has America amassed so much fire power around the Gulf. As flagship of the Fifth Fleet, the Eisenhower welcomed the arrival of a second Nimitz class nuclear powered aircraft carrier, the USS John C. Stennis, and its accompanying destroyers on Tuesday.

That’s a LOT of warplanes ready to rock and roll! But wait…there’s still more:

Israel seeks all clear for Iran air strike

Israel is negotiating with the United States for permission to fly over Iraq as part of a plan to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Daily Telegraph can reveal.

To conduct surgical air strikes against Iran’s nuclear programme, Israeli war planes would need to fly across Iraq. But to do so the Israeli military authorities in Tel Aviv need permission from the Pentagon.

Meanwhile, back in Tehran, the Ayatollah’s regime is trying to erase the bull’s eye they painted on themselves….a bit late.

Iran urges talks on nukes, not war

The Iranian foreign minister said yesterday the United States was in no position for another war…

He wishes! This has more of an effect by giving a convenient talking point to the LibDonk moonbats in Congress.

…and maintained that negotiations — not threats — were the only way to resolve the standoff over its nuclear activities.

Sure, they would rather talk than have their nuke program go up in smoke.

Will to Live Asserts Itself in Israel

Israel ready ‘to confront Iran alone’

The old expression about nothing serving to focus one’s mind so much as the prospect of being hanged comes to mind with this.

Israel alone will have to confront the perceived nuclear threat from arch enemy Iran, the country’s ultra-rightwing Strategic Affairs Minister Avigdor Lieberman said today.

“We will have to face the Iranians alone, because Israel cannot remain with its arms folded, waiting patiently for Iran to develop non-conventional weapons,” he told public radio when asked about a possible Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear installations.

At least everyone over there hasn’t had their brains anesthetized by political correctness.