Tag Archives: Borders – ¿What Borders?

Donks: Free Healthcare to Illegals

A new entitlement for illegals

The total, unmitigated idiocy of the Donks’ proposals like this is so far out in left field that it beggars the imagination to think that they can seriously propose this sort of stuff.

Unsatisfied with thwarting a Republican effort to authorize $3 billion for a border fence, congressional Democrats are trying to enhance the incentive for illegal aliens to enter the United States by removing the citizenship requirement from the popular State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)….

This doesn’t come as much of a surprise, of course, from the perspective of either immigration or health-care policy. Recall that SCHIP was born out of a failed attempt at government-run universal health coverage. Indeed, the Democratic expansion of SCHIP will actually allow children who currently have private health insurance to switch to the federally subsidized program, saddling taxpayers with yet another entitlement burden. In the wake of the defeat of the immigration amnesty bill last month, open-borders advocates are attempting to implement their agenda using a piecemeal approach. (Last week, for example, Democrats were looking for support for an agriculture-worker bill that included a path to citizenship for workers in the country illegally.) They should not be permitted to get away with using SCHIP to funnel more taxpayer assistance to illegals.

What’s even sadder than the proposal itself, if the fact that given the nature of the Donks, it’s not even surprising any more.

Administration Cuts Border Force

Guard numbers on border to be halved
Support mission to end entirely by Sept. 2008

Now that the brouhaha concerning the immigration reform bill Mexican Migration Support Act is done with, the administratin apparently sees no need to even continue this inadequate effort to render lip service to the concept of border security.

The number of National Guard troops along the Arizona-Mexico border will be trimmed in half by the end of next month.

As the presidentially mandated Operation Jumpstart mission begins its second year in support of the U.S. Border Patrol, the number of troops is being reduced as planned. It will be trimmed from 6,000 to 3,000 nationally and from 2,400 to 1,200 in Arizona, said National Guard Capt. Kristine Munn. The pullout began July 1 and is scheduled to be completed by Sept. 1.

What a joke!  One would HOPE that the public uproar about the immigration reform would have given them a clue about having enough intestinal fortitude to enforce American soveriegn control over its own border.

If one did so hope, one would be wrong.

Lib Donk Calls for Clemency for Imprisoned Border Agents!

Feinstein to Bush: Free Ramos, Compean

This falls into the category of a “man bites dog” type of story. When Californias Lib Donk Senator Feinstein held hearings and decides that the prosecution and penalties of two border agents imprisoned for the shooting (wounding) of a drug smuggler who was attempting escape was excessive…there HAS to be merit to their case!

This is better than most of the REPUBLICANS are willing to do for crying out loud, to say nothing of Bush’s resolute ignoring of the case, at least thus far.

After presiding over a Senate hearing today, Sen. Dianne Feinstein has decided to ask President Bush to commute the sentences of former U.S. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, an aide for the California Democrat told WND.

Feinstein will have a letter delivered to the White House tomorrow, said spokesman Scott Gerber. Following the Senate judiciary committee’s examination of the controversial prosecution, according to Gerber, the senator said “it became very clear the sentences did not match the crime.”

Ramos and Compean are serving 11- and 12-year prison sentences, respectively, after a jury convicted them of violating federal gun laws and covering up the shooting of a drug smuggler as he fled back to Mexico after driving across the border with 742 pounds of marijuana. U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton’s office gave the smuggler, Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila, immunity to serve as the government’s star witness and testify against the border agents.

It’s high time that these dedicated former agents were sprung from the joint. It would be best if the Prez would grant a full pardon, but hey, after 18 months even a commutation would be an improvement for them.

Chickens Coming Home to Roost

FBI: Iraqis Being Smuggled Across the Rio Grande

Wonder what happened here! Brian Ross at ABC must have got some real coffee instead of decaf & woke up or got hit by a cluebat…because this development is
(a) nothing new, and
(b) nothing but what a normal person might expect to be the result of our feckless enforcement of the border!

The FBI is investigating an alleged human smuggling operation based in Chaparral, N.M., that agents say is bringing “Iraqis and other Middle Eastern” individuals across the Rio Grande from Mexico.

An FBI intelligence report distributed by the Washington, D.C. Joint Terrorism Task Force, obtained by the Blotter on ABCNews.com, says the illegal ring has been bringing Iraqis across the border illegally for more than a year.

The gory details are all too predictable:

The FBI report, issued last week, says the smuggling organization “used to smuggle Mexicans, but decided to smuggle Iraqi or other Middle Eastern individuals because it was more lucrative.” Each individual would be charged a fee of $20,000 to $25,000, according to the report.

The people to be smuggled would “gather at a house on the Mexican side of the border” and then cross the Rio Grande into the U.S., the report says. “Unidentified individuals would then transport them to train stations in El Paso, Texas or Belen, New Mexico,” according to the FBI document.

Unfortunately, there is more ” right hand not telling the left hand what it’s doing” that discourages one from thinking that the situation is being dealt with in any sort of effective way:

Border Patrol officials in the area said they were unaware of the specifics of the FBI’s report, and federal prosecutors in New Mexico told ABCNews.com they had no current cases involving the illegal smuggling of Iraqis….A spokesman in Albuquerque said the FBI had “no viable information” that could lead to a case.

And many in D.C. still wonder why people get exercised about the border issues!

Brit Security Hurt by Loose Borders

New UK terror threat from foreign students

The “new” Brit government’s security policies are under severe question already…it seems like the UK and US have border problems in common, along with whatever else.

The new crackdown on terrorism following the attempted car bomb attacks is “fatally flawed” amid fears of widespread failings on immigration checks, the Government was warned last night. Brown has been warned that the terrorist threat could ‘last a generation’

As new concerns were raised that the intelligence services are struggling to monitor more than 200 extremist groups operating in Britain, it emerged that a loophole on student visas could allow terrorists in. Many students from “hot spots” of Muslim unrest around the world are thought to obtain visas for study but “go under the wire” by failing to show up for their courses when they arrive in Britain.

Sounds all too familiar.

…the Tories warned that any crackdown was in danger of being undermined by a failure to monitor immigrants. They said that without tackling immigration issues such as this, Mr Brown’s overall strategy against terrorism was “fatally flawed”.

A Tory spokesman said the student visa loophole had to be closed as soon as possible. Damian Green, a shadow Home Office minister, told The Daily Telegraph: “If someone does not show up for their course and explain immediately, their visas should be cancelled at once. It’s an appalling loophole that the Government has to deal with urgently.”

Unfortunately, the student visa situation is just part of the problem:

David Davis, the shadow home secretary, said: “We welcome the Prime Minister’s sentiments [for tighter security] but they are undermined by the revelation that Britain is not checking potential immigrants against an existing global database of terror suspects. “Yet again it is not the Government’s policy that is the problem – it is their lack of competence in delivering on that policy which is threatening our security.”

Mr Davis was referring to a claim by Ronald K Noble, the Interpol secretary general, who said it had the passport numbers, fingerprints and photos of more than 11,000 suspected terrorists on its database.But he said Britain does not check it against immigrants coming into the country or foreign nationals it has arrested. “The guys detained last week could be wanted, arrested or convicted anywhere in the world and the UK would not know,” he said.

Whether or it is the UK or the US, failure to control the border is a death-knell to any truly effective security policy.

Immigration Bill Takes the Fall: Senate Clubbed by Cluebat!


The Chief hasn’t been TOTALLY glued to the tube this AM concerning the vote on the immigration bill, but he has seen part of Kennedy becoming exercised about his concern for illegals (which is evidently greater than his concern for the US). Of course this is predictable, since the bill has his fingerprints all over it (along with others, most notably John “Manchurian Candidate” McCainiac).

As noted in my previous posting prospects for the Kennedy-McCainiac Mexican Migration Promotion Act are pretty negative (this is good!) for cloture, which would allow the bill to procede.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there are so many calls in opposition to the bill that we, the people, have crashed the Senate phone system! (Hint, hint! Come on guys, get a CLUE!)

1019 CDT – Reports that six votes have definitely switched from the vote earlier this week. By the Chief’s count, that does it – it’s all over but the Republocratic Demican weeping and wailing, knashing of teeth, etc.

1025 CDT – The vote process is still continuing, but Fox News has declared that the bill has been clearly and finally defeated.

1030 CDT – Roll call continuing, FNS now reporting 15 vote swing since Tuesday.

1031 CDT – FNS reporting end of roll call, final defeat for bill for this session of Congress.

1033 CDT – 18 vote swing, 64 supportive votes on Tuesday, 46 supportive votes today.  Not even a majority, to say nothing of reaching the 60 votes needed to move the bill along at this point.

In spite of the “grand compromise” of our so-called leaders, the people sat up, took notice, and proclaimed “¡No way, José!”

Good riddence to bad rubbish!

A taste of things to come, if…

Forgery suspect seen exploiting ‘amnesty’

Another reason to oppose the Kennedy-McCainiac Mexican Migration Support Act currently flying the false colors of “immigration reform”.

Julio Leija-Sanchez, who ran a $3 million-a-year forgery operation before he was arrested in April, was expecting Congress to pass a legalization program, which he called “amnesty,” and said he could forge documents to fool the U.S. government into thinking illegal aliens were in the country in time to qualify for amnesty, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent said in the affidavit.

In recounting a wiretapped telephone conversation, ICE agent Jason E. Medica said he heard Mr. Leija-Sanchez tell an associate the forgery ring could “fix his papers” to meet the requirements of a legalization program such as the bill the Senate is debating this week.

This would only get worse and worse if this act is enacted.

A Positive Trend…

Illegals bill loses support in Senate

If this is true, it’s a definite movement in the right direction!

The Senate immigration bill lost supporters yesterday and hangs on by a thread heading into this morning’s showdown vote, after lawmakers voted down amendments making illegal aliens show roots to get legal status and cutting off their path to citizenship. This morning’s vote is on a parliamentary question about limiting debate, but it boils down to a vote to block the bill.

Just two days ago, 64 senators voted to revive the bill, with many saying they wanted to give the Senate a chance to improve the bill through amendments. But after a messy day in the chamber yesterday, with dozens of objections, arguments on the floor and five amendments defeated, at least a half-dozen senators said publicly or privately that their patience has run out.

Let’s see now…64, minus 6, leaves 58…ooops Harry, not enough for cloture, and then hopefully this turkey dies for good! Break out the wooden stake, garlic, and crucifix to ensure this thing can’t revive again.

Thune: Immigration Reform? Not this bill!

Thune Comments on Immigration Vote

This comment by SD Sen. John Thune was issued after yesterdays vote.

Senator John Thune made the following comments today after voting no on a procedural vote on the proposed immigration reform legislation:

“The immigration reform legislation before the Senate is a flawed bill and I cannot support it. This bill would grant immediate legal status to over 12 million illegal immigrants before a single border security measure is implemented. By not taking the necessary steps to secure America’s porous border, this bill seriously undermines the security of our nation and the rule of law.

“In addition to this being a flawed bill, the process to amend the legislation has been equally flawed. This bill was written behind closed doors by a small group of Senators, rather than going through the open committee process. Dozens of amendments to strengthen the bill have been blocked and the time for debate has been cut short. This kind of closed process does not do justice to the American people or the seriousness of this issue.”

A strong, and clearly stated position.

The Chief STRONGLY concurs!

Border Speed Bumps for Mex Trucking

Full access for Mexican trucks hits rough road

Partisans from both sides of the political divide in Washington are getting fired up in opposition to the planned opening up of the US to Mexican long-haul trucking.

A Bush administration plan to proceed with a pilot program to give Mexican truckers full access of U.S. roads has caused a bipartisan uproar on Capitol Hill.

“The cross-border trucking program is bad for America,” said Rep. Duncan Hunter, California Republican and presidential candidate. “It appears, under the current program, that commercial interests are being pushed ahead of the safety and security interests of the American people.”

The Teamsters union and the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, a trade association representing the independent truck owner-operators and professional drivers, also oppose the program, saying Mexican trucking companies have poor safety figures, do not keep reliable records on accidents, and do not dependably test drivers for drugs and alcohol.

To say the LEAST, the Chief is highly skeptical of assurances that the Mexican trucking will REALLY be in compliance to US standards. When drug smugglers buy armed protection and diversionary activities on the border from Mexican army and police (as has happened previously), why would anyone rationally expect the situation with truckers being certified by Mexico to meet US standards to be any different?

Senator Doesn’t Get It!

McCain voices optimism on immigration plan
Says his support for measure has affected campaign

Senator John McCain of Arizona said yesterday that he was “guardedly optimistic” that the Senate’s controversial immigration legislation will pass Congress, and added that he has been stunned by the personal attacks on him from conservatives angry about the bill.

Sen. John (Manchurian Candidate) McCain (RINO-AZ) of course is continuing his support for the Kennedy-McCainiac Mexican Migraiton Support Act, while at the same time expressing puzzlement as to the failure of many voters to support this.

McCain, who acknowledges that his outspoken support for overhauling immigration laws is complicating his presidential campaign, relayed a story about attending a recent fund-raiser where protesters were standing outside holding signs that declared: “McCain — traitor.”

“I’m a pretty tough guy, and I’m not asking for any sympathy,” said McCain, a former Navy combat pilot who spent five years as a prisoner of war after his plane was shot down in Vietnam. But, he added, “you see something like that and you think, ‘Wow, what would make these women . . . think I’m a traitor?’ “

He just doesn’t get it!

Hey Senator, here’s a cluebat to get hit by: maybe it has something to do with acting to virtually destroy the sovereign authority of the United States to control its borders, and to enforce its laws in the face of aggressive violations and outright harrassment from Mexican citizens and officials.

No Amnesty Plan!

House Republicans introduce their own immigration bill

This is encouraging!

In a sharp rebuke to President Bush, House Republicans unveiled legislation Tuesday that would bar illegal immigrants from gaining legal status in the U.S., require tamper-proof birth certificates for Americans and make English the nation’s official language. The measure’s core principles include gaining control of the border and enforcing existing immigration laws — it does not provide a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants as the Bush plan does.

Given the Donk management in Congress these days, this probably has little chance of getting very far, but at least it draws a clear distinction between a real REPUBLICAN approach, in contrast to the Kennedy-McCainiac Mexican Migration Support Act that has been under consideration in the Senate by the Republocratic Demmicans.

A Step in the Right Direction

Border agent reinstated with back pay in retrial

A former U.S. Border Patrol agent, whose conviction in federal court for using excessive force during the arrest of an illegal alien was overturned because of prosecutorial misconduct, has been ordered reinstated with full back pay. The District-based Merit Systems Protection Board ordered that Agent David J. Sipe, 35, of Bethany, Okla., be returned to full duty following his acquittal on all charges during a court-ordered retrial in January.

What was behind all this…once again, prosecutorial misconduct:

Mr. Sipe won a new trial after disclosures that an illegal alien received a “get out of jail free card” plus U.S. legal documents and monetary compensation from federal prosecutors in exchange for his testimony against the agent, accused of using excessive force during the 2000 arrest of Mexican national Jose Guevara.

A federal appeals court in Texas ordered the new trial, saying prosecutors gave Mr. Guevara and two other illegal aliens additional inducements not disclosed at the time for their testimony, including Social Security cards, witness fees, permits allowing travel to and from Mexico, living expenses and free use of government phones.

We’ve got to stop abusing our Border Patrol agensts this way if we are ever going to reclaim our border sovereignty.

Undead Bill Revived: Wooden stake in its heart needed!

Immigration bill gets 2nd chance

When Donk senate leader Dusty Harry Reid tabled this turkey last week, the Chief wasn’t even impressed enough to comment on it…knowing in advance what the outcome would be…just what seems to be happening now.

The top Democrat and top Republican in the Senate last night said the immigration bill, which stalled last week, will be revived and back on the Senate’s agenda next week. The announcement capped a weeklong effort by a small group of senators that drafted and has defended the bill from critics on the right and the left, and sets the stage for another bruising round of tough votes on border security, family reunification and legalization of illegal aliens.

“We met this evening with several of the senators involved in the immigration bill negotiations. Based on that discussion, the immigration bill will return to the Senate floor after completion of the energy bill,” Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a joint statement released after they met and hashed out a tentative agreement.

Yep, sure enough: Republocratic Demmican politics as usual! Fortunately there is still some evidence of American nationalism in evidence.

Earlier in the day, Sen. Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican and a chief opponent of the bill, said he would use whatever procedural tools he can to block the bill from being revived — a powerful threat in a chamber where one member can delay or block action. “There are a number of senators who will utilize the powers of the Senate to avoid going back to the failed bill,” Mr. Sessions said.

Hopefully the opposition will still be vigorous enough to put a fork into this turkey once and for all.

Immigration Bill Unraveling in Senate

Fate of Senate immigration bill in doubt

U.S. Senate Republicans on Tuesday accused Democrats of trying to rush a vote on immigration reform, casting doubt on the fate of the White House-backed bill that would tighten border security and legalize millions of illegal immigrants. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he wanted to close debate on the bill by this week’s end despite Republicans’ objections, which could doom the fragile compromise legislation that backers say would help fix a broken immigration system through which millions of illegal immigrants have slipped into the United States.

So what seems to be the problem?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said his fellow Republicans had a number of amendments they wanted considered before voting on the bill. But Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said Republicans were stalling. “What we have heard today are buzzwords for ‘this bill is going nowhere,'” Reid said in a Senate floor exchange with McConnell.

PUHLEEEEESE let it be going nowhere! This turkey is worse than the deplorable status quo – it’s designed to give political cover to Congressional and Administration Republocratic Demmicans while doing little or nothing to stem the flow of illegal immigration. At least with no bill passed, no one can be under the illusion that “something” is being done with the problem.

Reid said he planned to set a Senate vote for Thursday on his motion to limit debate, and it was unclear with Republican objections that it would garner the 60 votes needed in the 100-member chamber to advance the bill toward passage.

Go for it Harry…and God willing, crash and burn on this one.

CBO: Immigration Reform Will be 75% Ineffective!

Illegals bill stems traffic only 25%

The Senate’s immigration bill will cut annual illegal immigration by just 25 percent, and the bill’s new guest-worker program could lead to at least 500,000 more illegal aliens within a decade, Congress’ accounting arm said yesterday.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said in its official cost estimate that many guest workers will overstay their time in the plan, with the number totaling a half-million in 2017 and reaching 1 million a decade later. “We anticipate that many of those would remain in the United States illegally after their visas expire,” CBO said of the guest-worker program.

How’s THAT for a plan to solve the problem? Your tax dollars at work..er…well, at least being spent.

Establishmentarians Weigh in on Immigration

Wealthy donors fund immigration movement

Wealthy philanthropic foundations are helping bankroll the pro-immigration movement, while groups advocating for tighter control of U.S. borders say they take a more grassroots approach to raising money. The Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation and Democratic activist George Soros, among other liberal funders, have donated millions of dollars to pro-immigration groups, as the Senate continues its debate on a contentious bill that would overhaul the nation’s immigration policy.

Three of the nation’s biggest and most influential pro-immigration groups — the National Immigration Forum, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, or MALDEF, and the National Council of La Raza, or NCLR — collectively received more than $3.25 million from Ford Foundation since 2005.

Yep. We get the best government money can buy!

GOP Shows Split Personality on Immigration Issue

GOP tries to make English official

This is an opening dose of antidote to the Prez et al in their efforts to destroy our national border.

Some Republican senators are calling the English-language requirements in the immigration bill toothless and want the bill to declare English the “national” language of the U.S. and the country’s official means of doing business. The fight is over whether the bill should call English the “common” language — as it reads now — or deem it the “national,” or official language, which the Republican senators say would cut the amount of government services provided in other languages and would overturn President Clinton’s 2000 executive order that encouraged federal services to be delivered in different languages.

Sen. James M. Inhofe, Oklahoma Republican, has proposed an amendment to make English the national language — a move that he said declares that “there is not an entitlement for language, other than the English language, to be given to people who want government services. Very simple.”

A good first step.

GOP Facing Immigration Meltdown

RNC faces donor falloff, fires solicitors

Looks like the efforts of the Prez and other Republocrats to push for the the Kennedy-McCainiac National Border Abolition Act masquerading as “immigration reform” is having a real, and negative impact on the Republican base.


The Republican National Committee, hit by a grass-roots donors’ rebellion over President Bush’s immigration policy, has fired all 65 of its telephone solicitors, The Washington Times has learned. Faced with an estimated 40 percent falloff in small-donor contributions and aging phone-bank equipment that the RNC said would cost too much to update, Anne Hathaway, the committee’s chief of staff, summoned the solicitations staff and told them they were out of work, effective immediately, fired staff members told The Times.

The “official” fig-leaf story to cover this is that the equipment is just too obsolete to maintain, and too expensive to replace. Hmmmm. One has to think that if there was a good return, the COI (cost of investment) would be readily recovered, but since this isn’t the case…one must look elsewhere:

Several of the solicitors fired at the May 24 meeting reported declining contributions and a donor backlash against the immigration proposals now being pushed by Mr. Bush and Senate Republicans. “Every donor in 50 states we reached has been angry, especially in the last month and a half, and for 99 percent of them immigration is the No. 1 issue,” said a fired phone bank employee who said the severance pay the RNC agreed to pay him was contingent on his not criticizing the national committee.

This must be the sort of thing they are getting these days:
Cero Pesos

A spokeswoman for the committee denied any drop-off in fundraising. “Any assertion that overall donations have gone down is patently false,” RNC spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt wrote by e-mail yesterday in response to questions sent by The Times. “We continue to out-raise our Democrat counterpart by a substantive amount (nearly double).”

That is a very interesting statement to parse. OVERALL donations haven’t gone down…but there is more to the story:

Previous Republican donors have given RNC solicitors an earful about the proposed immigration measure. “We have not heard anyone in our donor calls who supported the president on immigration,” said a fired phone solicitor, who described himself as a Republican activist.

Putting these two assessments together, can one conclude that corporate/business contributions are SUPPORTING the cheap labor situation that results from the current near anarchy on the border? Where else could the difference be?

Also there is some evidence of (to quote Barney Fife: “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”) of either an astounding lack of situational awareness, or a stupendous effort to blow smoke into places where the sun NEVER shines.

“We write these comments up from each call, and give them to a supervisor who passes them on to the finance director or the national chairman,” he said. “But when I talked with the White House, the people there told me they got nothing but positive comments on the president’s immigration stand.”

There is also some collateral damage occurring beyond the RNC.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) and the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) both report having trouble raising money from the small donors who are the backbone of all the fundraising committees for both major parties.

It’ll be interesting to see if and how the GOP turns this around, or if the Grand Old Party goes the way of the Whigs who died out when they were too anti-slavery to please the South, and not abolitionist enough to get Northern support. The keywords to any such GOP revival HAVE to include: “BORDERS, LANGUAGE, CULTURE”.

Prez Continues Support for Immigration Trick-or-Treat Act

Bush rallies behind illegals deal

President Bush today promoted the current plan for immigration reform by stumping in Georgia for the much-debated proposal, in a speech aimed at both reassuring and rebuking critics.

“The immigration system is in desperate need for comprehensive reform, and Congress has a historic window to act,” Mr. Bush said.

That last statement at least is true – it’s just too bad that the administrations’s de facto policies and proposals do more harm than good when it comes to fixing the disorder on the borders.

Mr. Bush, speaking at a training facility in Glynco, Ga., for border patrol agents and other immigration enforcement officers, emphasized that the immigration reform plan focuses on border security first…. “We’re working hard to enforce the border, and we’re stepping up enforcement inside the country,” Mr. Bush said.

On can believe as much of that as you want to…for the Chief, it’s not much. Taking Biblical advice: “By their fruits ye shall know them”. Failure to unleash the Border Patrol, and refusal to start construction on more than a few of the 700 miles of authorized barrier give the lie to administration expressions of concern.

“Amnesty is forgiveness for being here without any penalties … This bill is not an amnesty bill. If you want to scare the American people, what you say is, ‘The bill’s an amnesty bill,'” Mr. Bush said. “That’s empty political rhetoric trying to frighten our fellow citizens.”

Excuse me! Amnesty is a CONDITIONAL state by definition…not “without any penalties”. With NO due respect to the President on this, the current Kennedy-McCainiac plan IS a form of amnesty.

Mr. Bush explained the plan, which would require all of the estimated 12 to 20 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. to come forward and register with the government, pay a “meaningful fine,” pay any back taxes, and then either enroll in a guest-worker program or return to their home country and apply for citizenship.

REALITY & LOGIC CHECK: We are unable to round up the illegals and ship them back out, therefore we need THIS plan to deal with the problem, but according to the current bill WILL be able to get them to all come in and register, etc., etc. Come again? This just doesn’t compute! This is totally laughable if it weren’t so sad.


Support Weak for Amnesty Bill

Few senators support illegals bill

Fewer than 20 senators are publicly committed to supporting the immigration deal that hits the Senate floor today while nearly 40 are already opposed or have serious concerns, underscoring how difficult it will be for President Bush and his allies to craft a coalition that can pass the bill.

Dang! What’s happening? Can that be the smell of coffee waking up Capitol Hill?

A Washington Times survey of Senate offices and public comments after the deal was announced Thursday found an additional 32 senators who said they cannot even take a position yet — a result of the fact that the deal was written in secret by a dozen senators and the Bush administration, wasn’t even finalized until yesterday and still hasn’t reached many Senate offices.

In spite of the Kennedy-McCainiacs’ denials that the bill constitutes amnesty, as the saying goes, “That dog won’t hunt” and Jim Bunning once again hits that strike zone with his reaction:

“I did not agree to any immigration deal and was not part of the negotiations,” said Sen. Jim Bunning, Kentucky Republican and a likely opponent. “From what I have heard about the bill, it gives amnesty to the estimated 12.5 million illegal immigrants in this country.”

For sure.

Illegal Immigration: A Nation Killer!

A Bill Whittle’s Observation from his latest essay:

Large numbers of non-citizens want to live in the United States. Large numbers. A society can only assimilate so many people in a given year. If millions and millions of people come here illegally, they are loading the system to capacity at the expense of the honest, decent people who are doing the right thing by applying to immigrate legally. If we reward illegal immigration with amnesty, we have allowed the illegals not only to screw our own people and laws, but even more so they harm their own countrymen who are trying to get here by cooperating.

The biggest losers in our inability to control illegal immigration are the legal immigrants. What benefit do these honest people gain from playing by the rules? This is as clear a real-world example as you are likely to see of the lack of retaliation flipping a system from cooperation to betrayal.

And, by allowing this to happen, you also set a precedent, which I think is even more destructive: you are saying not only to the illegals but to the entire society that laws are for chumps. Cheaters win. How much of this do we need to be immersed in before everyone realizes the smart move is to flip from cooperation to betrayal? How much damage does it do when the very people sworn to uphold the law – uphold the rules that allow this amazing cooperation game to continue — are the ones who seem most enthusiastic to reward cheating? Finding out the cops are in on the crime is enough to drive even the most stout-hearted person to despair.

A steady diet of this message is not going to end well.

No, it isn’t. Talk about hitting the nail on the head!

¡NO! to Immigration Bill

The Chief encountered the following:

Governor Mitt Romney On The Senate Immigration Agreement

“I strongly oppose today’s bill going through the Senate. It is the wrong approach. Any legislation that allows illegal immigrants to stay in the country indefinitely, as the new ‘Z-Visa’ does, is a form of amnesty. That is unfair to the millions of people who have applied to legally immigrate to the U.S.

“Today’s Senate agreement falls short of the actions needed to both solve our country’s illegal immigration problem and also strengthen our legal immigration system. Border security and a reliable employment verification system must be our first priority.”

The Chief strongly concurs.

This act provides a fig-leaf of cover to the Republocrats in Congress and elsewhere, that “Yes, indeedy! We ARE acting to deal with the problem.” Unfortunately, the reality is different.

Just one illustration: Imagine some poor wetback schlub stalwart undocumented migrant worker making say, $12K “off the books”. The proposed Kennedy-McCain immigration con bill would have him (1) quit his job (2) go back home, and (3) pay $5K for the opportunity to get back onto a waiting list to come back in legally, and registered, and now fully taxable. Consider also that on a percentage basis, this is costing him 42% of his annual pay – to go on a list to get a “Z-visa”.

Hmmmmmm. Hmmmmm. Any guesses what his decision will be? Yeah, That’s what I thought, too!

As the saying goes: “This dog just won’t hunt!”

On the border…

Border Patrol conflict widens

The National Border Patrol Council has filed an unfair labor practices complaint against U.S. Border Patrol Chief David V. Aguilar, saying he sought to “intimidate” field agents in an effort to discredit a “no-confidence” vote by the union’s leadership. The Federal Labor Relations Authority complaint, brought by NBPC Vice President George E. McCubbin III, said Chief Aguilar “willfully and blatantly” violated federal guidelines when he sent a top aide to seek a “show of hands” among field agents for those who supported the chief in the wake of the no-confidence vote.

The upshot here:

The Border Patrol AGENTS don’t like the way they feel management is preventing them from properly doing their job due to strictures placed on them by administration driven political correctness and kowtowing to the Latino/Mexican movement.

The Border Patrol MANAGEMENT is embarrassed by that – and properly feel that if the public is aware of their fecklessness that there might even be some negative consequences to them…as there should be!

Terrorism and the Border

Senate Urged to Rethink Immigration Bill After NJ Arrests

A definite reminder that all the fol-de-rol about trying to improve our homehand security is essentially an exercise in futility unless and until we demonstrate the political will to enforce and maintain our national border.

The arrest of six foreign-born Muslims accused of plotting to attack Fort Dix, N.J., should stop the Senate from producing an immigration bill that includes a “pathway to citizenship” or any other let-them-stay-here program, said a group that strongly opposes “amnesty” for illegal aliens….

The Federation for American Immigration Reform called the arrests “strong proof that lax enforcement of our immigration laws does pose a severe threat to the security of the nation, and that the government’s screening process for granting green cards and other immigration benefits is perilously flawed.”

The Chief heartily concurs!

View from an Alternative Reality

Border chief defended on ‘no confidence’

Here is a clear case for someone looking at the noonday sun and proclaiming it to be midnight! This moves the Border Patrol management into some other universe than the one that actually exists these days on the border.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner W. Ralph Basham says a “no-confidence” vote against Border Patrol Chief David V. Aguilar by leaders of the agency’s rank and file is “derisive, detrimental and blatantly unfair” and wants to meet with union leaders to tell them the chief is the right man for the job.

Right. Like his words are going to fix everything up after years of counter-productive management filtering down from the higher managers, like maybe the Customs and Border Protection Commissioner. My guess is that his credibility will be at least zero, if not moving into the domain of negative numbers.

“From my personal experience, I do not believe the rank-and-file agents have lost confidence in this chief,” Mr. Basham said.

Some people still believe the earth is flat, that we never went to the moon, and that 9-11 was a (U.S.) government plot too…but that doesn’t mean their beliefs have a basis in reality! Besides, having worked for the Feds for a long time, the Chief has observed that higher management rarely has any SERIOUS personal interaction with the people actually doing the job…most of such “contact” is generally carefully controlled, sort of on the order of a Potemkin Village type show.

Mr. Basham said. “I would very much like for the union to come to the table, have a dialogue at this time of great challenge and great opportunity. I’m extending my personal invitation and laying my personal reputation on the line.”

Excuse me? Based on the state of the border, and Border Patrol these day, the Chief has to wonder just WHAT personal reputation is there to lose anymore? I mean, when border agents are thrown to the wolves, prosecuted, and imprisoned for doing their jobs, all on Basham’s watch, his personal (professional) reputation is pretty much D.O.A. at this point.

Not to fear, the effort to blow smoke up their rectal orifice doesn’t impress the Union:

But National Border Patrol Council President T.J. Bonner yesterday called Mr. Basham “a political hack who blindly supports the president’s ill-conceived immigration agenda without regard for the damage it does to the mission of the agency and the security of our borders.”

Well spoken! The Chief heartily concurs!

Mr. Bonner said the council leadership, which represents all 11,000 non-supervisory Border Patrol agents, is willing to talk with Mr. Basham, but has “serious doubts” about his sincerity. “He appears to be far more concerned about the public perception of the bureau’s leadership than the underlying problems that led to the vote of no confidence,” he said.

Shocking! Such a thing in OUR government!

The rest of the piece has more pot-shotting between the managers and the union.

As far as the Chief is concerned, the Biblical test tells one what they need to know about the situation: …”by their fruits ye shall know them.” The border is broken.  ’nuff said.

Oh yeah?

Mexican president promises to keep Mexicans at home

IF he follows up on this, it will be a welcome trend. One can believe as much of THIS as you want to.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon won’t be fighting for migration reform when he meets with President Bush next week. Instead, he will be be spelling out what he intends to do to keep Mexicans at home. Calderon, who was inaugurated on Dec. 1, has pledged to take 100 actions in his first 100 days in office, many of which represent the first steps toward “curing” Mexico’s long tradition of illegal migration to the U.S.

Time will tell.

Another Modest Proposal

George Carlin’s Solution to Save Gasoline

This was received via e-mail. I haven’t verified it at Snopes.com or anywhere else, and there is no specific citation listed with it…BUT…I really like the idea anyway:

Bush wants us to cut the amount of gas we use. The best way to stop using so much gas is to deport 11 million illegal immigrants! That would be 11 million less people using our gas. The price of gas would come down.

Bring our troops home from Iraq to guard the border. When they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the border, hand him a canteen, rifle and some ammo and ship him to Iraq . Tell him if he wants to come to America then he must serve a tour in the military. Give him a soldier’s pay while he’s there and tax him on it. After his tour, he will be allowed to become a citizen since he defended this country. He will also be registered to be taxed and be a legal patriot.

This option will probably deter illegal immigration and provide a solution for the troops in Iraq and the aliens trying to make a better life for themselves. If they refuse to serve, ship them to Iraq anyway, without the canteen, rifle or ammo. Problem solved.

Rotten US Prosecution, Prosecutor in Border Case

Official: Mexican Drug Runner Shot by Border Agents Smuggled More Drugs Into U.S.

This is just WRONG!

The Mexican drug runner whose testimony sent two Border Patrol agents to prison for shooting him in the buttocks brought drugs into the United States more than once, thereby diminishing his credibility as a witness in the investigation, according to a California congressman.

That is bad enough, but unfortunately it gets even worse:

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., presented new evidence in a Capitol Hill press conference Wednesday that revealed what he says was U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton’s deliberate attempt to mislead the public about Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila’s involvement in the transport of a second load of drugs in October 2005.

Sounds like Sutton is another version of (NC Drake “Rape”) Prosecutor Nifong, with a concern for racking up convictions with no regard for either truth or justice. These guys need to do hard time themselves. What a travesty!