Tag Archives: US Politics

Criminalization of Politics

Libby Found Guilty in CIA Leak Trial

Once the closest adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby was convicted Tuesday of lying and obstructing a leak investigation that shook the top levels of the Bush administration.

Four guilty verdicts ended a seven-week CIA leak trial that focused new attention on the Bush administration’s much-criticized handling of intelligence reports about weapons of mass destruction in the run-up to the Iraq war.

The Donks HAD to get someone, anyone, convicted…of anything they could come up with. Scooter Libby was the victim of a set-up artificial situation, generated by Prosecutor Fitzgerald.

This represents the criminalization of political opposition to the liberal politico-media complex. This is perfectly rational to a certain type of ideological viewpoint, and the process is detailed thoroughly in Solzhenitsyn’s GULAG Archipelago.

It’s one more example of one of Claire Wolfe’s statements:


A Modest Proposal:

Front-loading primaries really bad idea

This is in the Aberdeen American News from South Dakota Politics‘ Ken Blanchard. Occasionally the Chief has reservations about some of his comments – but he hit the bull’s eye here, and has a very interesting idea to reduce some of the idiocy of the current Presidential electoral process.

First the kick-off:

One of my grad school professors described the simple rule by which his German grandfather approached child-rearing: Find out what the children are doing and make them stop. I sometimes think that rule should be applied vigorously to Congress and to state legislatures whenever they are in a mood to reform our political institutions.

Hear, hear!

This idea is great – probably too rational to ever be adopted, but its still neat to know that it’s there:

If you really want reform, the way to do it is divide the states into five groups, each including large and small states from every region of the country. Each group would be assigned the first Tuesday of some month from February to June. In subsequent elections the order would be rotated, so everyone gets to go first sooner or later. The purpose would not be to benefit one party or another, or any state over the others, but to do what is best for the Republic.

“…what is best for the Republic.” What a concept! Far too radical for the Congresscritters I fear.

Queen Bitch of the House

Speaker’s Schemes

This first paragraph says it all!

Nancy Pelosi has decided the next best thing to leaving Iraq is for Democrats to micromanage our forces there. As her broken promises on reforming Congress proved, the speaker cannot be trusted.

So this is a shocker? Not to the Chief, considering the subject, and apparently not to the writer either:

Low chicanery has come to be expected from the new speaker. As Washington’s Politico Web site noted this week, Pelosi’s promises of congressional reform have become a joke less than eight weeks into the 110th Congress. Her much-touted “five-day workweek” has happened once so far, Republicans have only one time been allowed to vote on a measure of their own, and her “100 hours” agenda took two weeks to complete.

Moreover, what Pelosi pledged would be “the most ethical Congress in history” has Rep. William Jefferson, found last year with $90,000 in alleged bribes hidden in his freezer, sitting on the House Homeland Security Committee, courtesy of the speaker.


When Bush solemnly swore to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, little did he know that one of those domestic enemies would be armed with a gavel.

Unfortunately, she’s not just an enemy of the President…we’re all at risk here.

Queen Ann Sounds Off on Obama Sounding Off


Ann Coulter has a lot to say about not much – the “not much” being the meaningful content of the Senatorial personage B. Hussein Obama’s declaration of official Presidential candidacy. The kernal of her invective has aptly been stated in the piece:

This guy’s like the ANWR of trite political aphorisms. There’s no telling exactly how many he’s sitting on, but it could be in the billions.

The Chief is moved to paraphrase Mark Twain’s evaluation of the music of Richard Wagner: “Don’t worry. It’s not really as bad as it sounds.”