Would you believe?

H/T to Blackfive on this one.

This situation reminds me of a joke about the Minnesota Vikings that fans console themselves with…about a fan who died and went down below. He enjoyed the heat after the salubrious climate of MinnesotaMinnesnowta, so the devil made it cold instead. The next day he was happier than ever, proclaiming “The Vikings won the Superbowl!

Just as unlikely, is the following amazing report:
Insurgents in Iraq are drawing criticism for terrorism

Human Rights Watch, which often has criticized alleged abuses by U.S. forces in Iraq, turned its attention in its latest report to insurgent groups like al-Qaida in Iraq and Ansar al-Sunnah that have claimed responsibility for attacks in mosques, markets, bus stations and other civilian areas in Iraq.

Maybe it really IS a cold day in hell!