PC Strikes at English Symbol

Prison bans Cross of St George tiepins

The same sort of PC mentality that feels threatened by the American flag and the pledge of allegiance is alive and well in the UK, striking at the flag that is the symbol of England. (Remember the UK is the UNITED Kingdom which includes England, Wales, Scotland, and No. Ireland along with the various islands such as Manx, Guernsey, Jersey, etc.)

Someone has decided that wearing pins with the Cross of St. George, which has been an identifying symbol of England dating back to the time of Richard I (“The Lion-hearted) is racist and potentially offensive!

Cross of St. George.gif

Of course, said Richard I was also a noted Crusader…ooops! One must suppose some of the Queen’s Islamic (semi)subjects have their noses out of joint.

If the Chief were resident in England, he would proudly the flag of St. George and fly it proudly. Given the pressure from modern Islamofascism, perhaps some of the Crudading spirit is not inappropriate, as is noted elsewhere on this blog. Onward Christian Soldiers: Deus Vult!