Admits conspiring – to defeat Donks!

DeLay: Papers show I’m innocent

The case against Congressman Tom Delay (R-TX)is showing every sign of having as much substance as the case that Donk prosecutor Ronnie Earle tried to move agains Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX). What a waste of time, money, and newsprint!

Rep. Tom DeLay says he has provided documents to prosecutor Ronnie Earle proving he did not hatch a criminal conspiracy, but admits he is “guilty” of “conspiring to defeat Democrats.”

Mr. DeLay said that on the day he is accused of initiating a criminal conspiracy to break Texas campaign-finance law along with Jim Ellis and John Colyandro, he was neither in Austin, nor in phone contact with the two men.

Oh well, it gives the MSM and the Donks something to worry about.