Run, Rice, run: Fans seek Condi candidacy
Devoted admirers of Condoleezza Rice bought time for a television commercial during the premiere last week of “Commander in Chief,” backing the secretary of state for the White House in 2008….Richard Mason, a Miami doctor and enthusiastic Rice supporter, established Americans For Dr. Rice in 2004 after talking with colleagues about the best Republican presidential candidate in 2008.
This has even attracted attention across the pond, where once again, the Sunday Telegraph has picked up on the draft Condi movement here.
Dick Morris is so intrigued with the concept that he has a book coming out real soon now on the topic:
Even without discussing any of the other details of the situation, the Chief thinks that the potential for a Condi vs. Hilary race in ’08 would be the greatest amount of political fun that there has been in a LONG time! Also, Condi would wipe up the floor with Hil in a debate. The possibilities are breathtaking.
She sure as heck would be a stronger candidate than any of the other GOP prospects that one hears mentioned.