As the season here on the northern plains begins to turn, the ABA notes another chilling wind blowing down their neck – sheeple seem to be waking up to the dire trends towards judicial tyrrany. Ooops. The jig is up!
More than half of Americans are angry and disappointed with the nation’s judiciary, a new survey done for the ABA Journal eReport shows.
A majority of the survey respondents agreed with statements that “judicial activism” has reached the crisis stage, and that judges who ignore voters’ values should be impeached. Nearly half agreed with a congressman who said judges are “arrogant, out-of-control and unaccountable.”
Gosh, why would people begin to think like that? Hmmmmm. Oh, yeah – because judges HAVE demonstrated that they ARE “arrogant, out-of-control, and unaccountable.”
The survey results surprised some legal experts with the extent of dissatisfaction shown toward the judiciary. “These are surprisingly large numbers,” says Mark V. Tushnet, a constitutional law professor at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. “These results are simply scary,” adds Charles G. Geyh, a constitutional law professor at Indiana University School of Law in Bloomington.
“Scary”? Scary to the legalistic aristocrats who see that they are loosing their aegis of untouchable isolation from their imagined inferiors. The effects of their ex cathedra edicts, issued with contempt for the proposition the in the American republic soveriegnty ultimatey resides with the people are coming home to roost.
It seems that people actually expect judges to do their job, and judge according to the law and the constitution, and not act as a superior legalistic priesthood issueing commandments according to their own views, whether we agree or not.
Fifty-six percent of the respondents strongly or somewhat agreed with the opinions expressed in each of two survey statements:
* A U.S. congressman has said, “Judicial activism … seems to have reached a crisis. Judges routinely overrule the will of the people, invent new rights and ignore traditional morality.” (Twenty-nine percent strongly agreed and 27 percent somewhat agreed.)
* A state governor has said that court opinions should be in line with voters’ values, and judges who repeatedly ignore those values should be impeached. (Twenty-eight percent strongly agreed and 28 percent somewhat agreed.)
Forty-six percent strongly or somewhat agreed with the opinion expressed in a third statement:
* A U.S. congressman has called judges arrogant, out-of-control and unaccountable. (Twenty-one percent strongly agreed and 25 percent somewhat agreed.)
Ooops. The jig is up!