No one should ever accuse the left of being troubled by such things as being logically consistant. Such dangerous tendancies towards rationality are to be avoided at all cost, lest there be some hinderance to their giving free reign to their supreme standard for evaluating issues: How does one FEEL about it, and DON’t confuse the issue with facts.
This is exemplified by a couple of issues that are currently in the news. The first is the ruling by Federal District (mis-)Judge Hellerstein (should be Hell-stein?) ordering the release of more pics from Abu Ghraib. It is conceded, even this mis-judgement that this will lead to renewed attacks on US forces in the middle-east, with highly probable loss of life. That’s OK though says the Hell-judge, since they are attacking us anyway. This says nothing about the direct damage to US interest when this stuff is once again smeared all over the place on al-Jazeera, et al.
Does anyone else remember the MEANING of the phrase “aid and comfort to the enemy”? (mis-Judge, rope, tree – Some assembly required!)
The other case is renewed in the news cycle by the scheduled testimony of NYT reporter Judith Miller on the disclosure of Valerie Plame as a CIA person. The MSM has been fulminating about this for some time, with great expressions of concern because her life might be in danger if she were engaged in covert ops.
REALITY CHECK: Ms. Plame has been an inside the HQ desk-jockey for years, and has NOT been currently engaged in the admittedly critical 007 type of stuff overseas. Additionally, there was no secret of the fact that she was working for the agency at Langley – this information was out there from other sources, including her husband.
LOGIC CHECK: Lots of concern expressed in the MSM about the so-called danger to former-spy Plame. If she was IN REALITY an active undercover operative, this might be valid. Even if theis WERE the case, is HER life intrinsically more valuable than the lives of US troopers in harms way in the mid-east? The same MSM has little or no concern about that when commenting on the mis-judgement concerning yet more Abu Ghraib pics, which can serve no real purpose, other than to stimulate a certain political agenda at home while providing at a minimum PR aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States.