P,C, Exhibit at Ground Zero Memorial Nixed

Museum Dropped From WTC Site for Now

Bowing to pressure from Sept. 11 families, Gov. George Pataki on Wednesday removed a proposed freedom center from the space reserved for it near the planned World Trade Center memorial, saying the museum project had aroused “too much opposition, too much controversy.”

Since they couldn’t have center stage at the site and trowel their agenda over the top of the 9-11 event, their planned display was apparently not worth the trouble of putting somewhere else – not enough propaganda value any more.

Pataki initially said the state would help the International Freedom Center find another home, but center officials said they weren’t interested and considered the project dead.

R.I.P. Don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out!

Pataki said a planned cultural building meant for the freedom center would now tell only the story of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

What a concept! A 9-11 memorial that focuses on…9-11! How novel!
Chalk one up for the real folks on this!

H/T to Blackfive.