MSM Gets Another Black Eye

Media, blushing, takes a second look at Katrina

First was the priceless moment when General Honore told the assembled press “You’re stuck on stupid!”.

Later on, inaccuracy, sensationalism, and in effect rumor-mongering has been noted to be endemic in the coverage of the gulf coast hurricanes.

Several media organizations have examined, sometimes harshly, the work of newspapers and particularly cable-TV news networks.
The New Orleans Times-Picayune published a lengthy account Monday of errors, misrepresentations and wildly exaggerated claims of murder, rape and abuse of children at the New Orleans Superdome. The newspaper cited publication of “scores of myths about the dome and Convention Center treated as fact by evacuees, the media and even some of New Orleans’ top officials.”

Meanwhile, what’s that bit again about the alternative media such as the blogosphere not having responsible editorial and organizational control to insure factual reportage? Like the cases with the NYT reporters fabricating stories, and the TV networks doing the same, when not reporting forged information as fact, apparently they regard themselves as having transcended the standards they would impose on others.

A slight issue with hypocrisy here? Shocking behavior by elements of the (self)esteemed 4th estate!