GOP Administration Continues Leftward March

Bush seeks to federalize emergencies

NUTS! The emperor has no clothes! Bush is NOT a conservative! Get it yet?

The So-called Republican President is rapidly demonstrating his true identity as a genuine FDR democrat: strong on national security, consistantly in pursuit of an expanded role for the Federal government in for example education, healthcare, and now THIS proposal for the Feds to trump the primary responsibility for emergency preparedness, and first-responder type services.

So much for federalism and the 10th amendment, as the MSM and assorted sheeple bleat for more feed from the Great Father in Washington, instead of looking to their own wits to maybe do some planning and preparation for expected natural (or un-natural) calamities.

Why is it too much to expect that a Republican leader could actually promote restraint of the growth of the Federal government, without turning our back on the apparent civilizational confrontation with Islamofascism.

What we need at this point in politics is SOMETHING that still believes in the attitude of the now thoroughly defunct Reagan Revolution: domestic restraint & a robust national security. Ronaldus Magnus has to be spinning in his grave.