Interesting set of circumstances surrounding this issue. In short, the US is threatening to withdraw funding from the patently corrupt UNO if it doesn’t make some significant and transparent reforms.
The usual assortment of moonbat Donks are whining that there is no need for the US to be so “confrontational” with the UN, and that the usual sort of (previously failed) diplomatic efforts should be sufficient.
Fat chance of THAT!
Nothing focuses the attention of the parasitic UNOcrats quite like the prospect of going on a severe financial diet, which would constrict their usual free-wheeling style. Why, that would he even worse that having to implement some…shudder…reforms!
In this case, indubitably, Ambassador Bolton and the GOP is on the right track for a pleasant change. (Hmmmm. It sort of looks like the President swinging back at the libDonks over the last couple weeks is also performing a spinal implant to some of the Congressional GOPers. It’s about time!