– Sir John Harrington
The Constitutional phrase “giving them Aid and Comfort.” definitely comes to mind here. During the Civil War there were some who similarly advocated the Union giving up on its effort to preserve itself.
They were called “Copperheads” after the common toxic snake, and many of them were forced to flee to Canada to avoid being confined by the Federal government as many others were – without charges, and without recourse to appeals. This was done by Abraham Lincoln, arguably considered one of the American Republic’s truly great Presidents.
As far the Deaniac, his own words testify against him:
Saying the “idea that we’re going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong,” Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean predicted today that the Democratic Party will come together on a proposal to withdraw National Guard and Reserve troops immediately, and all US forces within two years.
If the Donks truly do what he says here, I guess Joe Lieberman will have to become a Republican.
He apparently expects that he can freely engage in a type of Orwellian newspeak, and that no one would notice what he’s really saying.
“I think we need a
strategic redeploymentretreat over a period of two years,” Dean said.
Dean didn’t couldn’t specify which country the US forces would deploy to, but he said he would like to see the entire process completed within two years. He said the Democrat proposal is not a ‘withdrawal,’ but rather a ‘strategic redeployment’ of U.S. forces.
Oh, right – strategic redeployment in the face of the enemy, leaving them in command of the field of battle does not represent a retreat. Maybe not, in Dean’s language.
And we need a force in the Middle East, not in Iraq but in a friendly neighboring country to fight (terrorist leader Musab) Zarqawi, who came to Iraq after this invasion. We’ve got to get the target off the backs of American troops.
Does this blloming idiot actually claim that ANYONE in the middle east would be friendly to the US after we cut and run from Iraq, and threw the budding Iraqi democracy to the Islamofascist sharks? Not bloody likely.
Also, the only way to get the target off the backs of American troops is to have them take off their uniforms assume the turban, and line up to get their “personal tool” clipped thus demonstrating that they have indeed submitted to dar al Islam.
The Chief follows the rule “If it looks like a duck, walks line a duck, quacks like a duck, then it IS a duck.” In Deans case, his defeatism, sedition, and yes, “aid and comfort” to our enemy, is grounds for much more severe consequenced to him and his ilk than they will probably be subjected to in this decadant age of political correctness.
Tree. Rope. Donk Chairman. Some assembly required.