Shocking: Donks Dislike GOP Issues

Dean: GOP Will Use Immigration to Divide

Republicans plan to use the vast problems caused by illegal immigration to try and divide Americans voting in next year’s midterm election, Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean said Saturday.

Chairman Dean, your point is…what?

As far as this issue is concerned, the Chief would say yes indeed, the GOP is planning to use this issue to divide! This is what political parties do – they actively seek to divide the electorate every two years, hopefully to get enough of a divide to convince a majority of the voters to vote for their candidates.

This goes right along with the report last week that the Donks were upset that the GOP is casting plans to continue to win elections! Like, hello, again, that’s what political parties do – even yours, Chairman Dean. Your only problem is trying to pull that off – once people figure out what your REAL agenda is.

Methinks the real problem Chairman Dean has is that the issues that define, and therefore divide, haven’t been working in his favor very well, therefore it MUST be a bad thing by his definition.