Immigration Issues

Several related items here:

Time needed to end alien ‘catch-and-release’ debated

Ending the “catch-and-release” policy for non-Mexican illegal aliens will take at least a year, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has estimated. But Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican, said he has heard estimates from Mr. Chertoff’s department that it will take as long as three years to end the policy, stressing why better enforcement must come before Congress acts on President Bush’s call for a guest-worker program.

Hopefully this isn’t an exercise in bureaucratic double-talk. Surely we should be able to start doing something sooner than three years, ore even one year, if the leadership and will exists to cut through red tape toi maike things happen.

Immigration office ignores fake marriages

Documents show that the Houston office of the federal agency charged with interior immigration enforcement has stopped investigating individual cases of “sham” marriages, which terrorists have used in the past to stay legally in the U.S.

In spite of the good sounding remarks the Pres. delivered earlier on immigration policy, this is a de-facto case of negative progress. It’s even worse when you read the rest of the details in the story. W.T.F.? Let’s get it together guys!

France toughens controls on aliens

Sheesh. After the above entry, the Chief is flabbergasted that he has to say that we need to follow the example of the FRENCH(!?) in something, but it sure looks that way.

Authorities will better enforce requirements that immigrants seeking 10-year residency permits or French citizenship must master the French language and integrate into society, Mr. de Villepin said. France also will implement a stricter screening process for foreign students and plans to crack down on fraudulent marriages that some immigrants use to obtain residency, he said.

Apparently the Frogs “get it”.