Video of Four Hostages Airs on Al-Jazeera
Images of four peace activists taken hostage in Iraq  one of which is an American  was shown on the Arab satellite station Al-Jazeera Tuesday.
The irony level here is rich. Peace activists, dedicated to the proposition that we’re all the same, and that all we really need to do is try to all get along with each other and sing Kumbaya have met up with hard-core Islamofascist terrorism up close and personal.
A previously unknown group, the Swords of Righteousness Brigade, claimed responsibility for the kidnappings. The group said the four victims were spies working undercover as Christian peace activists,
Meanwhile, other unidentified Islamofascists went after a German victim to kidnap to protest Deutschland’s troops in Afghanistan. They’s apparently taking the measure of recently inaugurated Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Separately, photos were released Tuesday of Susanne Osthoff, a German woman, being led away blindfolded by armed captors. The photos were taken from a video in which her captors demanded that Germany stop any dealings with Iraq’s government, according to Germany’s ARD television. Germany has ruled out sending troops to Iraq and opposed the U.S.-led war. Osthoff and her driver have been missing since Friday and “according to current information, we have to assume it is a kidnapping,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Berlin.