Live Blogging today, starting at approx. 1540 CST.

Americ needs to be welcoming society, and lawful society. Enforcing law essential to nation and especially to border communities.

There is a clear responsibility to protect the border.

Comprehensive reform strategy. Catch illegal immigrants, harden border, enforce laws,

– all illegal entrants captures are to be deported immediately. – Use of “interior repatriation” for Mexicans – deporting back to original home, not just across the border. Interior repatriation to be expanded. Non-Mexican illegals currently given court dates which they ignore. Catch and release policy to be ended. Must increase detention capacity. Processing times to be increased: expedited removal – streamlined procedure cuts processing time by 2/3.
Catch and release to become catch and return.
– Correct weak immigration laws & rules that prevent prompt action. Needs to cut down on appeal rights & repeated litigation.
– Stop illegal crossings: increae manpower, technology (UAV’s, etc.), border infrastructure. (Misc. examples.) Physical barriers to be improved.

Improvement in internal enforcement of laws/regs: employers, illegals, smugglers, etc. Border security, interior enforcement hand-in-hand.

Measures to reduce document fraud. Businesses to be give access to Fed. data base to verify status of prospective enployees.

Temporary worker program
– legal status for fixed period of time, then return.
– no automatic path to citizenship
– no amnesty to illegals
– increase number of annual green cards that can lead to citizenship, but not through amnesty.

Summary of prospective Congressional action for early next year.

All new citizens have obligation to learn values, customs, respect for laws & rights, toleration of others and learn English language.

Conclude with praise for Border Patrol, INS, etc. for current efforts.
The Chief’s initial reaction – generally not bad, but some areas of concern that will be thrashed out in Congress one way or another – the mechanics of the guest worker scheme for one.

It was very good to note that it is essential for immigrants to join into American culture, values, language, etc.

It’s a start at least. It’ll be interesting to hear the response of Cong. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) who has been very outspoken on these issues.