Rips Pres., Policies at Canuck University
Hoo boy! Another case of what’s wrong in the MSM, illustrated this time by Chris Matthews:
“The period between 9-11 and (invading) Iraq was not a good time for America. There wasn’t a robust discussion of what we were doing,” Matthews said.”If we stop trying to figure out the other side, we’ve given up. The person on the other side is not evil. They just have a different perspective.(Emphasis added)
By the same logic Chris, why not say the same thing about the old Nazis, or for that matter the Azteca worshippers of Huitzilopochtli with the tens of thousands of hearts ripped out on top of their temple pyramids. I mean, they just have a different perspective, right?
Ther’s effectively no difference with the terror war, when the head of the chief Islamofascist state calls for the elimination of Israel and the Israelis, and then condemns the US in equally strong terms. Negotiate with the people who have only the purpose ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN “HOLY” SCRIPTURE of either converting you, killing you, or placing you in “subjection” to the Religion of PeacePiss.
Radio talker Michael Savage is right: “Liberalism IS a mental disorder.”