Dems Maneuvered Away from Call for Appeasement

There are several events associated with the sense of the House resolution calling for immediate withdrawel of US forces from Iraq.

To start with, there were the disgraceful remarks of John Murtha (Donk-PA).

Key House Democrat calls for Iraq pullout now

A key House Democrat said yesterday that U.S. troops should immediately begin withdrawing from Iraq because they have achieved their military goals but have now become the single unifying factor for the insurgents.

Muthaf—-r Murtha just flat out doesn’t get it about the war on Islamofascism. It wouldn’t matter whether US troops are in Iraq or not – just the fact that we exist on the planet, and are not Islamist ourselves is a full and sufficient reason for the jihad to continue.

Not for nothing does Islam refer to “Dar al Islam” (the world of Islam) as opposed to everwhere else: “Dar al Harb” (the world of war).

The White House issued a statement from South Korea saying Mr. Murtha “has a record of supporting a strong America. So it is baffling that he is endorsing the policy positions of [filmmaker] Michael Moore and the extreme liberal wing of the Democratic Party. The eve of an historic democratic election in Iraq is not the time to surrender to the terrorists.”

It has been widely bruite about by Donks that it is an improper personal attack to criticise Mutha’s views, since he is a decorated Viet-Nam vet. It’s somehow supposed to be inappropriate, pathetic, and lowdown to compare Mutha’s remarks to those of the fat b—–d himself, Michael Moore. This begs the point, that Mutha’s expressed views line up with Moore’s quite nicely – but as usual with the Donks, the form is more important than the substance of the issue at hand.

As far as all the crocodile tears about the “wascally Wepublicans” daring to criticise a decorated veteran, a historical note is in order. No one suggests that the admirably positive record and performance of General Benedict Arnold in the Continental Army during the American Revolution was enough to excuse his colossal act of ultimate treason and betrayal.

The Chief isn’t quite saying that Mutha’s betrayal is on the same scale as Arnold’s, but it arguably is of similar nature in essence.

Republicans said Mr. Murtha played right into the hands of terrorists. “The liberal leadership have put politics ahead of sound fiscal and national security policy, and what they have done is cooperated with our enemies and are emboldening our enemies,” said Rep. Geoff Davis, Kentucky Republican and a former Army officer.

Mutha’s dose of aid and comfort to the enemy resulted in the next number in today’s political dance: the dreaded resolution in the House calling for immediate withdrawel from Iraq. Of course when the Donks were confronted with actually acting on their expressed sentiments, they couldn’t quite find the nerve to carry their kvetching and moaning to its logical conclusion in am on-the-record vote. The result:

Lawmakers Reject Immediate Iraq Withdrawal

The House on Friday overwhelmingly rejected (403-3) calls for an immediate troop withdrawal from Iraq, a vote engineered by the Republicans that was intended to fail. Democrats derided the vote as a political stunt.

The House voted 403-3 to reject a nonbinding resolution calling for an immediate troop withdrawal.

“A disgrace,” declared House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. “The rankest of politics and the absence of any sense of shame,” added Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 House Democrat.

In a wierd sort of way the Donks may have a point! It truly IS a discrace that their one time staunch party of Truman has descended to lows of appeasement and pusillanimity unseen since the days of Chamberlain at Munich. The Chief would also concur that their blind opposition to decisively pursuing the war on Islamofascism is indeed truly “The rankest of politics, and the absence of any sense of shame.”

One wonders how far down the gutter they will slither, on their continuing descent into sedition, treason, and betrayal.

“Why then, doth treason never prosper? When it does, none dare call it treason.”