No news here!

Democrats say Alito not a sure thing

THe Chief doesn’t see much real news here. Anyone that has a clue could have predicted this development. You just KNOW that there will be a lot of weeping, wailing, and knashing of teeth by the libDonks about the Alito nomination.

Among the Nevada Democrat’s concerns were that Democrats weren’t consulted on the nomination, as well as Judge Alito’s 20-year-old claim to be a conservative. Judge Alito’s job-application essay “may explain why the extreme right wing is popping champagne corks,” Mr. Reid said. “We learned of the 1985 memo in which he said, ‘I am and always have been a conservative.’?”

How SHOCKING to the Donks! Who could have ever imagined that a Republican would appoint a…CONSERVATIVE…to SCOTUS! Why, this doesn’t even have the approval of the NY Times editorial board!

Will they EVER get a clue? Naaaah! They can’t help it – they’re Donks, and they’re just doing what they do because of what they are.