Happy Passover to You, Too!

Egyptian site: Jews kill children

Anti-Semitic messages on a website aimed at children and run by the Egyptian Brotherhood have been posted on the internet:

The site begins with praises for the Jihad, and a main page is filled with the slogan: “The prophet fighting jihad.” The page says: “The prophet fought a jihad war against the infidels and hypocrites and beat them. Hell is their fate.”

Next to the sections praising jihad appear sections with anti-Semitic messages. For example, the message reads, “did you know that the criminal Jews often cursed our master? Did you know that Jews tried many times to murder our beloved messenger (meaning Muhammad) but Allah guarded him from their attempts? Did you know that the corruption and subversion in the world are the result of acts and plans by the Jews, who are interested in pushing the people from the path of Allah?”

The site also spoke about “my big homeland,” and mentions Andalusia in Spain, saying that it is part of the Muslim homeland alongside places like Egypt, Damascus, the al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount, Istanbul and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Can you say “Sieg Heil” in Arabic?