MSM: No more riot stories, no more Fwench fried cars, right? Wrong!

American Media Quit The French Riots Story

Captain Ed notes the fecklessness of the MSM in mostly dropping coverage of continuing civil disorder in Fwance:

Does the American media suffer from ADHD and find themselves incapable of following an important story for longer than ten days? Or do they find themselves increasingly unable to explain the serious and continued violence despite the bribery and politically-correct strategies employed by French security forces? It seems to me that the media cannot bring themselves to admit that the uprising has more behind it than bored youths looking to blow off some steam and acting spontaneously and unilaterally. The riots have a purpose, and they have a central control structure — and that means someone wants to make specific gains from attacking France.

Who could that be? Don’t count on the Times or the Post to find that out for you.

’nuff said!