Goldfish Housing Standards Issued in Rome

Pet Ordinance Has Tails and Tongues Wagging

This is just plain dumb. Apparently the city of Rome (Italy) has WAY too much money to spend, and too many bureaucrats in too many offices, with not enough to do with their time.

Firstly, the fact that such a thing as an official “Office of Animal Rights” even exists illustrates two of the three points noted above.

As far as the third point is concerned: these inspired public servants have drafted a new city ordinance: since it is defined as cruel and inhumane to confine goldfish in a goldfish bowl, all good Romans who are fanciers of said fish, must now only keep them in a full-fledged aquarium tank.

The 59-point statute ordering better treatment for all pets, from cats and dogs to birds and lizards, was approved by the City Council last month and will go into effect today

As a result…of course…PETA weighs in:

The fish-bowl rule may win Rome a humanitarian award from the Fish Empathy Project of PETA, the international animal rights group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. “Rome has gone above and beyond anything we’ve seen anywhere else,” spokeswoman Karin Robertson said in a telephone interview. For all animals, the Italian capital’s new ordinance is more restrictive than anything in the United States, PETA said in a statement.

Phew! Thank G-d for that blessing!

Anyway, the Chief prefers the Dakota farmers’ and hunters’ version of PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals!