Misc. News & Web Stuff Noted

No particular priority order – just results of a quick scan of stuff:

Voters Ban Handguns in San Francisco

What to say here? It’s no great secret that SanFran is one of the strongholds of the California Democratic People’s State – and this vote reflects that. The Chief counts his blessings that he doesn’t have to live under that regime!

Democrats Will Lead Virginia, New Jersey

Another no-brainer. Although Kilgore might have had an outside shot in Virginia, the Donk candidate Kaine ran far to the right of most of his national party – and was able to ride retiring Gov. Warner’s coat-tails and carry northern VA (read DC suburbs) heavily enough to run away with the win. Kilgore also didn’t run strongly at times. National significance? Not a whole lot.

Even less significance to Corzine’s win in NJ. Surprise? STRONGLY Democratic NJ electing another Donk? So what’s the news here?

Patrick Fitzgerald Ignored Witnesses who Contradicted Wilson

This was going to be the Donk’s big torpedo aimed at the White House: taking out Darth Rover and leading to a possible impeachment. Like the poet Robert Burns wrote: “The best laid plans of mice and men, gang aft agley (often go astray)”.

The whole underpinnings of Fitzgerald’s case is unraveling at a high rate of speed, and the so-called secrecy of Valerie Plame-Wilson’s status as a CIA employee.

Soros-Backed Reforms Fail in Ohio

A group of election reforms backed by liberal Daddy Warbucks George Soros has crashed and burned in Ohio, leaving Democrats unable to capitalize on a year’s worth of complaints that the state’s 2004 presidential vote was rigged. Voters soundly rejected the four Soros-backed proposals, which would have overhauled the way Ohio runs its elections.

These changes would have given the Donks a lot more power in redistricting, etc. than they currently have based on their electoral outcomes. It’s tough to play by the rules when you lose, and then can’t get the rules changed to declare you the winner. My heart bleeds for ’em. NOT!


Here’s one of relatively few reporting on the intrinsically Islamofascist nature of the current difficulties in France, in spite of, in some cases warning of the possibility of such events in advance!

When the media began covering the spreading violence in France, it appeared to go out of its way to avoid the notion that Islam had anything to do with the riots or their organizers….After a few straight days of increasing violence, however, the only people still believing that comforting line appeared to be members of the French government and the media, who insisted on doing everything they could to miss the story. Twelve days into the riots, even after they had spread across France and inspired violence in Germany and Belgium, the media for the most part still could not bring itself to mention the “M” or “I” words: Muslim and Islamist. The lack of even any suggestion that radical Islamists might have initiated the violence, or at least be taking advantage of it, boggles the imagination.


What a piece of double-think by the WaPo: warn about a possible event, and then ignore the nature of it when it happens in accordance with your own prediction!

The Washington Post’s reporter Molly Moore bravely mentioned a possible Islamist connection to the violence, but the paper’s editorial board went out of its way to disavow this nexus. Interestingly enough the Post warned its readers just three weeks ago that Islamist groups had targeted France for the next stage of their war.

For more details, read the article.