Fuel’s paradise? Power source that turns physics on its head.
For several years the Chief has been interested in a startup firm called Blacklight Power Inc. founded and led by Dr. Randell Mills, that has reported that it is engaged in engineering development of a totally new way of generating energy. This also has the collateral effect of demolishing the quantum-mechanical model of the atom that has reigned supreme for the last 60 years, not that Mills et. al are very worried about that.
These guys are NOT a bunch of crackpots, and other independent scientists (outside of the intellectually aristocratic world of quantum physics) who have been given full access to their labs and their results have verified that they are on to something.
The energy released from this process is hundreds of times in excess of the energy required to start it. The primary fuel is hydrogen gas, which can be created inexpensively via electrolysis from water. Energy is released as heat and may be converted to electricity using known methods. The process is scalable from small, hand-held units to large, fire-box replacements in large central power stations.
Rather than pollutants, the BlackLight Process releases heat, light, and valuable chemicals. The lower-energy atomic hydrogen products of the process can be used to form novel hydrino hydride compounds (“HHCs”) which are proprietary to the company, and form a vast class of new chemistry. Alternatively, the product can be a new inert form of hydrogen gas that may serve in revolutionary applications such as the medium for a new high-energy laser. Since this gas is lighter than air, it may also be safely vented and allowed to diffuse into space.
Having apparently decided that they are more interested in applying their discovery in the real-world rather than fighting an academic war over the theories involved, their website is well worth a look – they do an excellent job of presenting in a specific way what it is they are doing, and has references to 65 peer-reviewed articles in the scientific literature.
The ramifications of this could be staggering. First, we could once and for all tell the Islamofascist world to take their oil and put it where the sun doesn’t shine. Then…the technological impact is almost beyond imagining.
BlackLight’s technology has far-reaching applications in many industries such as: Power, Heating, Lighting, Lasers, Chemicals, Batteries, and Advanced Materials.
Unfortunately, even a few years ago when the Chief first found out about Blacklight Power, they were not open for further investors, so my retirement probably won’t be to a private island in the Caribbean. Oh well.