Appeals Court Declares Parenthood Unconstitutional, Group Says
“Anyone who wonders why pro-family organizations like ours have been so concerned about activist courts only has to look at this case,” said a spokesman for Focus on the Family. Carrie Gordon Earll, an issues analyst with Focus on the Family Action, called the ruling “one of the most abhorrent examples of judicial tyranny in American history.
Indeed! Another reminder on why the current debates on the SCOTUS appointments are so critically important.
The 9th District Circuit Jerk-it Court of Appeals Schlemiels has struck again in a mind-bendingly radical decision:
On Wednesday the court dismissed a lawsuit brought by California parents who were outraged over a sex survey given to public school students in the first, third and fifth grades.
The real devil is in the details.
Among other things, the survey administered by the Palmdale School District asked children if they ever thought about having sex or touching other people’s “private parts” and whether they could “stop thinking about having sex.”
Remember, this is for FIRST, THIRD, and FIFTH GRADERS!!!!
The parents argued that they — not the public schools — have the sole right “to control the upbringing of their children by introducing them to matters of and relating to sex.”
Here comes the REALLY bad part:
But on Wednesday, a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit dismissed the case, saying, “There is no fundamental right of parents to be the exclusive provider of information regarding sexual matters to their children…Parents have no due process or privacy right to override the determinations of public schools as to the information to which their children will be exposed while enrolled as students.”(Emphasis added.)
Say what? According to this ruling the American republic is now Plato’s Republic, where children are raised by the state, since the Guardians of the State are the ones who are wisest. These Judges Judicial Dictators have GOT to go! On the one hand they uphold the right to commit pre-natal infanticide on the basis of a perceived right of privacy which they find somewhere in the white spaces between the black ink of the Constitution. On the other hand, they come up with a new form of abortion – aborted law that explicitly denies the millenia-old role of parents as being the primary caregivers and teachers of their children.
Some have expressed concern with the prospect of people losing respect for the law, and for the legal system that is driven by opposition to various deconstructionist legal rulings. The Chief is willing to suggest – no, MORE than suggest – that rulings like this, if left unchecked, will result in actual revolutionary violence to correct government gone wild. Perhaps the recent SCOTUS appointments will forestall this…one can only hope!
JudgeJudicial Dictator Stephen Reinhardt, writing for the panel, said “no such specific right can be found in the deep roots of the nation’s history and tradition or implied in the concept of ordered liberty.”
Has this turkey had too much bad acid, or what? What in the hell is “ordered liberty” anyway? It reminds one of the old Prussian ideal of “alles in ordnung” leading to the situation where anything not allowed is forbidden.
Dare one say that the 3rd Reich successors to that tradition would heartily approve of Judge Herr Judicial Dictator Reinhardt’s decision? No doubt – the philosophical alignment is striking.
If this blooming idiotic moonbat impersonator of a Judge can’t find anything in the traditions and history of the United States that parents have the responsibility for their children – then some form of medication is in order, – since he has obviously totally lost touch with reality and is now operating in the realm of psychosis.
At worst, if this is NOT the case, then Sludge Reinhardt is intentionally working to actively destroy the Constitutional basis of the American republic, and deserves at the least impeachment, if not trial for malfeasance in office for violating his oath. THe 9th Dist. court is the most heavily reversed Circuit – hopefully this will once again prove to be the case.
If not, keep your powder dry, and remember, Nov. 19th is National Ammo Day: Buy 100 rounds!