Iranian Animated Film for Children Promotes Suicide Bombings
This has got to be one of the more chilling things that the Chief has seen in some time, made available by MEMRI, the Mid-East Media Research Inst.
Yes, Saturday morning in Iran, and time for the kids to watch cartoons, right? Well, their cartoons are showing a dramatized view of Islamoterr suicide homicide bombers attacking Israel. Of course the Israelis shown act as though they were graduates of the SS, so of course it’s great to kill off the Jews.
Islamoterr pulls the pins out on his grenade belt.
MEMRI has the transcript here, but to get the full flavor of the implacable hatred, check out the clip itself. It certainly illustrates how the Islamofascist view of things truly reflects a culture of death.
Talk about caretoons from hell…this is it!