Saddam Lover Brit MP Loses It on TV

From firebrand to pussycat: Galloway’s TV transformation

This is one of the wierdest things that the Chief has ever seen. George Galloway has been controversial for some time: he accepted large sums of money from Saddam, and (apparently) in return enthusiastically supported his regime, and has been an outspoken apeasement advocate in the jihadistan wars.

Given all that, this TV appearance shows every sign of some real psychological wierdity inside of that skull.

He purred and mewed, his greying whiskers giving his face the appearance of a Cheshire cat. Next, George Galloway, the Respect MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, and scourge of Capitol Hill, got on all fours and pretended to lick milk from the cupped hands of the once-famous television actor Rula Lenska. She rubbed the “cream” from his “whiskers” and stroked his head and behind his ears.

The video (linked above) is even creepier than the descriptions. The Chief’s reaction can only be summed up as “EEEEEEEUUUUUUHHHH!

The poor man obcviously needs some serious meds.