Donks Return: Seeking New Regulations to Stop Sh-t from Stinking!

Senators want limits on farm gas

Some Donk SD senators are planning to introduce legislation to impose regulations of the emissions of smelly gases that are a by-product of the operation of cattle feedlots.

Some of these guys have been involved in ag, which makes their efforts even more amazing than they already are.Five Democrats are proposing limits on hydrogen sulfide emissions from livestock operations. The gas smells of rotten eggs and could cause respiratory and other health problems.

Admittedly, this stuff IS toxic and unpleasant, but how to regulate it from an open feedlot? Add to that is the usual state of the winds here on the northern plains, and the problem becomes much less severe than one might expect.

One of the Donks cites problems that he experienced himself:

Hydrogen sulfide is a toxic gas, fatal at high concentrations. It is found at much lower levels near feedlots, but still could cause eye irritation and respiratory problems. Kloucek says he has himself experienced those symptoms, and that other South Dakotans might testify about their own health problems during hearings.

Uh, Frank, did you ever hear of a controlled experiment? Let me explain: you have to be able limit the possible factors to one single thing. This is NOT what happens on the farm. Yes, some hydrogen sulfide may be present, along with other irritants such as dust from…er…bovine fecal matter, feed dust, cattle hair and dander, machinery exhaust & emissions, to say nothing of a host of other gases of unpleasant nature that are also produced…if you get the (downwind) drift.

The bill would limit feedlots to emissions of 50 parts per billion of hydrogen sulfide, as measured at the property line.

Wow! A whole new set of state employees here to run around and do these tests, which MUST also only be done taking the wind direction into account.

Also, this legislation would do NOTHING to protect the farmer, who was cited as the original and proximate stimulus for the proposed bill, since it will only come into effect AT THE PROPERTY LINE, not within it!

In short, another case of Donks being Donks, trying for anything to expand the ability of the government to micromanage anything, whether or not there is an established problem or not.
