definition: Dhimmitude is the status that Islamic law, the Sharia, mandates for non-Muslims, primarily Jews and Christians. Dhimmis, “protected people,” are free to practice their religion in a Sharia regime, but are made subject to a number of humiliating regulations designed to enforce the Qur’an’s command that they “feel themselves subdued” (Sura 9:29).
Muslim youths rampage on French train
Jihad watch cites a couple of stories from widely diverse closely similar sources: BBC and the ChiComs’ XinHua that not a New Years incident where Islamofascists ganged up and terrorized a train:
From BBC:
New Year’s day saw between 20 and 40 teenagers, many of Arab or north African origin, go on the rampage on a train between Nice and Lyon, intimidating and robbing passengers, and allegedly sexually assaulting at least one young woman.
Remember, the Froggish (mis)government declared the “State of Emergency” to be over, so there REALLY must be nothing to be alarmed about – right?
Mr Chirac added his voice to the chorus of condemnation, calling the violence “unacceptable” and promising that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
And don’t you forget it! Would you believe we really mean it this time. Really! No kidding! Seriously! So stop it! Please? Pretty please?
and from Xin Hua:
Two dozen young people, among whom only three have been arrested, robbed and sexually assaulted passengers on the train from Nice to Lyon (both in southeast France) early on Jan. 1, as the train was carrying some 600 people home from New Year’s Eve party.
Now THERE’s a record of fine police work! 3 perps snagged, while over 20 more get away!
Train staff called the police, and the train pulled into a station to wait. The three officers who initially turned up had to wait for reinforcements before boarding, during which time the youths continued to wreak havoc.
“Now let’s not be hasty here in restoring law and order – after all we do have a tradition of pusillanimity to uphold!”
The train then resumed its journey with a heavy police presence on board but just before Marseille, the youths pulled the emergency stop and escaped by running along the tracks.
The Chief speculates that escapes were facilitated by a severe shortage of handcuffs that the Fwench police must have – possibly caused by diversion of these “handy” law enforcement tools into (onto?) private hands for kinky purposes.
Police said they believed the gang were part of a bigger group of 100 youths from the Marseille area who had gone to Nice and nearby seaside resorts for New Year’s Eve, taking advantage of a special 1.20 euro New Year’s Day train fare.
The Chief has been there – indeed, Nice IS nice!
French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, who has championed hardline security policies in France, partly blamed the state rail company SNCF for not communicating better with the police. “The problem is that law enforcement services didn’t know that there was a promotional fare going,” he said, adding that he would ask the SNCF to ensure that it will not happen again.
OK -let’s see if I’ve got this right: The “hardline” minister blames the rail line for the problem, which he says was caused by cheap fares. Dang! We had better watch out then – WalMart may be in BIG trouble with jihadistanis with THEIR discount prices! If only les flics (Froggish for cops) had known, the whole problem would no doubt have been prevented.
ALSO, note that the RAILROAD has been asked to “ensure” that this doesn’t happen again. Are the Fwench railroads now to be deputized into law enforcement? Or, are they supposed to ban Muslims from the trains? Somehow the Chief doubts that either of these will be on their agenda.
The Fwench Wepublic has shifted its location into “Never-never land”, or is if maybe jsut plain “Neverland”. Hey! That’s it! They now have Michael Jackson as a security consultant! Wasn;t he hanging around with those Nation of Islam types a while back? That COULD explain it – but probably doesn’t. Keep looking. If you figure out where the Frogs are coming from, let me know – since their (non)policies make no sense.